In order to run behat tests locally with the right support for browser and JS environments under Linux, you will need to: - Download Selenium Standalone Server v3.* And run it with the following command: ``` java -jar /my-dir/selenium-server-standalone-3.1.0.jar ``` - Download the Chrome driver, unzip and copy into /usr/bin Check the latest version at, then adapt the following command to the latest version: ``` cd /tmp && wget && unzip && sudo mv chromedriver /usr/local/bin ``` ### Chamilo configuration - An administrator user should be created with these parameters: - Username "admin" - Password "admin" - First name "John" - Last name "Doe" - user_id = 1 (this one is set when you install Chamilo, but just in case...) - Edit the tests/behat/behat.yml file and update the base_url param with your own Chamilo local URL. - The main platform language and the admin user's language must be English (platformLanguage = english and admin user profile) - Social network tool must be available (allow_social_tool = true) - Student can register to the system (allow_registration = yes) - Teacher can register to the system (allow_registration_as_teacher = yes) ### Run tests To run all features: ``` # /var/www/html/chamilo cd tests/behat ../../vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat -v ``` To run an specific feature: ``` ../../vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat features/course.feature ```