set_modified_on(); $title = $_REQUEST['title']; if ($_REQUEST['type'] == TOOL_QUIZ) { $title = Exercise::format_title_variable($title); } $parentId = isset($_REQUEST['parent_id']) ? $_REQUEST['parent_id'] : ''; $previousId = isset($_REQUEST['previous_id']) ? $_REQUEST['previous_id'] : ''; $itemId = $learningPath->add_item( $parentId, $previousId, $_REQUEST['type'], $_REQUEST['id'], $title, null ); /** @var learnpath $learningPath */ $learningPath = Session::read('oLP'); if ($learningPath) { echo $learningPath->returnLpItemList(null); } } } break; case 'update_lp_item_order': if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true)) { $new_order = $_POST['new_order']; $sections = explode('^', $new_order); // We have to update parent_item_id, previous_item_id, next_item_id, display_order in the database $itemList = new LpItemOrderList(); foreach ($sections as $items) { if (!empty($items)) { list($id, $parent_id) = explode('|', $items); $item = new LpOrderItem($id, $parent_id); $itemList->add($item); } } $parents = $itemList->getListOfParents(); foreach ($parents as $parentId) { $sameParentLpItemList = $itemList->getItemWithSameParent($parentId); $previous_item_id = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($sameParentLpItemList->list); $i++) { $item_id = $sameParentLpItemList->list[$i]->id; // display_order $display_order = $i + 1; $itemList->setParametersForId($item_id, $display_order, 'display_order'); // previous_item_id $itemList->setParametersForId($item_id, $previous_item_id, 'previous_item_id'); $previous_item_id = $item_id; // next_item_id $next_item_id = 0; if ($i < count($sameParentLpItemList->list) - 1) { $next_item_id = $sameParentLpItemList->list[$i + 1]->id; } $itemList->setParametersForId($item_id, $next_item_id, 'next_item_id'); } } $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM); foreach ($itemList->list as $item) { $params = []; $params['display_order'] = $item->display_order; $params['previous_item_id'] = $item->previous_item_id; $params['next_item_id'] = $item->next_item_id; $params['parent_item_id'] = $item->parent_item_id; Database::update( $table, $params, [ 'iid = ? AND c_id = ? ' => [ intval($item->id), $courseId, ], ] ); } echo Display::return_message(get_lang('Saved.'), 'confirm'); } break; case 'record_audio': if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) == false) { exit; } /** @var Learnpath $lp */ $lp = Session::read('oLP'); $course_info = api_get_course_info(); $lpPathInfo = $lp->generate_lp_folder($course_info); if (empty($lpPathInfo)) { exit; } foreach (['video', 'audio'] as $type) { if (isset($_FILES["${type}-blob"])) { $fileName = $_POST["${type}-filename"]; //$file = $_FILES["${type}-blob"]["tmp_name"]; $file = $_FILES["${type}-blob"]; $fileInfo = pathinfo($fileName); $file['name'] = 'rec_'.date('Y-m-d_His').'_'.uniqid().'.'.$fileInfo['extension']; $file['file'] = $file; $result = DocumentManager::upload_document( $file, '/audio', $file['name'], null, 0, 'overwrite', false, false ); if (!empty($result) && is_array($result)) { $newDocId = $result['id']; $courseId = $result['c_id']; $lp->set_modified_on(); $lpItem = new learnpathItem($_REQUEST['lp_item_id']); $lpItem->add_audio_from_documents($newDocId); $data = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($newDocId, $course_info['code']); echo $data['document_url']; exit; } } } break; case 'get_forum_thread': $lpId = isset($_GET['lp']) ? intval($_GET['lp']) : 0; $lpItemId = isset($_GET['lp_item']) ? intval($_GET['lp_item']) : 0; $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); if (empty($lpId) || empty($lpItemId)) { echo json_encode([ 'error' => true, ]); break; } $learningPath = learnpath::getLpFromSession( api_get_course_id(), $lpId, api_get_user_id() ); $lpItem = $learningPath->getItem($lpItemId); if (empty($lpItem)) { echo json_encode([ 'error' => true, ]); break; } $lpHasForum = $learningPath->lpHasForum(); if (!$lpHasForum) { echo json_encode([ 'error' => true, ]); break; } $forum = $learningPath->getForum($sessionId); if (empty($forum)) { require_once '../../forum/'; $forumCategory = getForumCategoryByTitle( get_lang('Learning paths'), $courseId, $sessionId ); if (empty($forumCategory)) { $forumCategoryId = store_forumcategory( [ 'lp_id' => 0, 'forum_category_title' => get_lang('Learning paths'), 'forum_category_comment' => null, ], [], false ); } else { $forumCategoryId = $forumCategory['cat_id']; } $forumId = $learningPath->createForum($forumCategoryId); } else { $forumId = $forum['forum_id']; } $lpItemHasThread = $lpItem->lpItemHasThread($courseId); if (!$lpItemHasThread) { echo json_encode([ 'error' => true, ]); break; } $forumThread = $lpItem->getForumThread($courseId, $sessionId); if (empty($forumThread)) { $lpItem->createForumThread($forumId); $forumThread = $lpItem->getForumThread($courseId, $sessionId); } $forumThreadId = $forumThread['thread_id']; echo json_encode([ 'error' => false, 'forumId' => intval($forum['forum_id']), 'threadId' => intval($forumThreadId), ]); break; case 'update_gamification': $lp = Session::read('oLP'); $jsonGamification = [ 'stars' => 0, 'score' => 0, ]; if ($lp) { $score = $lp->getCalculateScore($sessionId); $jsonGamification['stars'] = $lp->getCalculateStars($sessionId); $jsonGamification['score'] = sprintf(get_lang('%s points'), $score); } echo json_encode($jsonGamification); break; case 'check_item_position': $lp = Session::read('oLP'); $lpItemId = isset($_GET['lp_item']) ? intval($_GET['lp_item']) : 0; if ($lp) { $position = $lp->isFirstOrLastItem($lpItemId); echo json_encode($position); } break; case 'get_parent_names': $newItemId = isset($_GET['new_item']) ? intval($_GET['new_item']) : 0; if (!$newItemId) { break; } /** @var \learnpath $lp */ $lp = Session::read('oLP'); $parentNames = $lp->getCurrentItemParentNames($newItemId); $response = ''; foreach ($parentNames as $parentName) { $response .= ''; } echo $response; break; case 'get_item_prerequisites': /** @var learnpath $lp */ $lp = Session::read('oLP'); $itemId = isset($_GET['item_id']) ? (int) $_GET['item_id'] : 0; if (empty($lp) || empty($itemId)) { exit; } $result = $lp->prerequisites_match($itemId); if ($result) { echo '1'; } else { if (!empty($lp->error)) { echo $lp->error; } else { echo get_lang('This learning object cannot display because the course prerequisites are not completed. This happens when a course imposes that you follow it step by step or get a minimum score in tests before you reach the next steps.'); } } $lp->error = ''; exit; break; default: echo ''; } exit; /** * Class LpItemOrderList * Classes to create a special data structure to manipulate LP Items * used only in this file. * * @todo move in a file * @todo use PSR */ class LpItemOrderList { public $list = []; public function __construct() { $this->list = []; } /** * @param array $list */ public function add($list) { $this->list[] = $list; } /** * @param int $parentId * * @return LpItemOrderList */ public function getItemWithSameParent($parentId) { $list = new LpItemOrderList(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->list); $i++) { if ($this->list[$i]->parent_item_id == $parentId) { $list->add($this->list[$i]); } } return $list; } /** * @return array */ public function getListOfParents() { $result = []; foreach ($this->list as $item) { if (!in_array($item->parent_item_id, $result)) { $result[] = $item->parent_item_id; } } return $result; } /** * @param int $id * @param int $value * @param string $parameter */ public function setParametersForId($id, $value, $parameter) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->list); $i++) { if ($this->list[$i]->id == $id) { $this->list[$i]->$parameter = $value; break; } } } } /** * Class LpOrderItem. */ class LpOrderItem { public $id = 0; public $parent_item_id = 0; public $previous_item_id = 0; public $next_item_id = 0; public $display_order = 0; /** * LpOrderItem constructor. * * @param int $id * @param int $parentId */ public function __construct($id = 0, $parentId = 0) { $this->id = $id; $this->parent_item_id = $parentId; } }