, Ghent University * @copyright Ghent University * * @package chamilo.forum */ require_once __DIR__.'/../inc/global.inc.php'; // A notice for unauthorized people. api_protect_course_script(true); $nameTools = get_lang('Forums'); require_once 'forumfunction.inc.php'; /* Retrieving forum and forum categorie information */ // We are getting all the information about the current forum and forum category. // Note pcool: I tried to use only one sql statement (and function) for this, // but the problem is that the visibility of the forum AND forum cateogory are stored in the item_property table. $current_thread = get_thread_information( $_GET['forum'], $_GET['thread'] ); // Note: this has to be validated that it is an existing thread. $current_forum = get_forum_information($current_thread['forum_id']); // Note: this has to be validated that it is an existing forum. $current_forum_category = get_forumcategory_information( $current_forum['forum_category'] ); /* Is the user allowed here? */ // if the user is not a course administrator and the forum is hidden // then the user is not allowed here. if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit(false, true) && ($current_forum['visibility'] == 0 || $current_thread['visibility'] == 0) ) { api_not_allowed(false); } $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $table_posts = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_POST); $table_users = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); /* Display Forum Category and the Forum information */ // We are getting all the information about the current forum and forum category. // Note pcool: I tried to use only one sql statement (and function) for this, // but the problem is that the visibility of the forum AND forum cateogory are stored in the item_property table. $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_posts posts INNER JOIN $table_users users ON (posts.poster_id = users.user_id) WHERE posts.c_id = $course_id AND posts.thread_id='".$current_thread['thread_id']."' ORDER BY posts.post_id ASC"; $result = Database::query($sql); $template = new Template('', false, false); $content = ""; while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $content .= ""; $content .= ""; $content .= ""; $content .= ""; $content .= ""; $content .= ""; $content .= ""; } $content .= "
"; $username = api_htmlentities(sprintf(get_lang('Login: %s'), $row['username']), ENT_QUOTES); if ($row['user_id'] == '0') { $name = $row['poster_name']; } else { $name = api_get_person_name($row['firstname'], $row['lastname']); } $content .= Display::tag('span', $name, ['title' => $username]).'
'; $content .= api_convert_and_format_date($row['post_date']).'

'; $content .= "
".Security::remove_XSS($row['post_text'], STUDENT)."
"; $template->assign('content', $content); $template->display_no_layout_template();