Security::remove_XSS($url), 'name' => $originaltoolname]; $originaltoolname = get_lang('Slideshow'); $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); $groupIid = 0; $groupMemberWithEditRights = false; // Setting group variables. if (!empty($groupId)) { $group_properties = GroupManager::get_group_properties($groupId); $groupIid = isset($group_properties['iid']) ? $group_properties['iid'] : 0; } Display::display_header($originaltoolname, 'Doc'); $slideshowKey = 'slideshow_'.api_get_course_id().api_get_session_id().$curdirpath; $documentAndFolders = Session::read($slideshowKey); if (empty($documentAndFolders)) { $documentAndFolders = DocumentManager::getAllDocumentData( $courseInfo, $curdirpath, $groupIid, null, $isAllowedToEdit, false ); Session::write($slideshowKey, $documentAndFolders); } require ''; // Calculating the current slide, next slide, previous slide and the number of slides $slide = null; if ($slide_id != 'all') { $slide = $slide_id ? $slide_id : 0; $previous_slide = $slide - 1; $next_slide = $slide + 1; } $total_slides = count($image_files_only); echo '
'; if ($slide_id != 'all') { $image = null; if (isset($image_files_only[$slide])) { $image = $sys_course_path.$_course['path'].'/document'.$folder.$image_files_only[$slide]; } if (file_exists($image)) { echo '
'; // Back forward buttons if ($slide == 0) { $imgp = 'action_prev_na.png'; $first = Display::return_icon('action_first_na.png'); } else { $imgp = 'action_prev.png'; $first = ' '.Display::return_icon('action_first.png', get_lang('First slide')).' '; } // First slide echo $first; // Previous slide if ($slide > 0) { echo ''; } echo Display::return_icon($imgp, get_lang('Previous')); if ($slide > 0) { echo ''; } // Divider echo ' [ '.$next_slide.'/'.$total_slides.' ] '; // Next slide if ($slide < $total_slides - 1) { echo ''; } if ($slide == $total_slides - 1) { $imgn = 'action_next_na.png'; $last = Display::return_icon('action_last_na.png', get_lang('Last slide')); } else { $imgn = 'action_next.png'; $last = ' '.Display::return_icon('action_last.png', get_lang('Last slide')).' '; } echo Display::return_icon($imgn, get_lang('Next')); if ($slide > 0) { echo ''; } // Last slide echo $last; echo '
'; } } echo Display::url( Display::return_icon('folder_up.png', get_lang('Up'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'document/document.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&id='.$document_id ); // Show thumbnails if ($slide_id != 'all') { echo ''. Display::return_icon('thumbnails.png', get_lang('Show Thumbnails'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM).''; } else { echo Display::return_icon('thumbnails_na.png', get_lang('Show Thumbnails'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM); } // Slideshow options echo ''. Display::return_icon('settings.png', get_lang('Gallery settings'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM).''; echo '
'; echo '
'; /* TREATING THE POST DATA FROM SLIDESHOW OPTIONS */ // If we come from slideshowoptions.php we sessionize (new word !!! ;-) the options if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { // We come from slideshowoptions.php Session::write('image_resizing', Security::remove_XSS($_POST['radio_resizing'])); if ($_POST['radio_resizing'] == 'resizing' && $_POST['width'] != '' && $_POST['height'] != '') { Session::write('image_resizing_width', Security::remove_XSS($_POST['width'])); Session::write('image_resizing_height', Security::remove_XSS($_POST['height'])); } else { Session::write('image_resizing_width', null); Session::write('image_resizing_height', null); } } $target_width = $target_height = null; $imageResize = Session::read('image_resizing'); // The target height and width depends if we choose resizing or no resizing if ($imageResize == 'resizing') { $target_width = Session::read('image_resizing_width'); $target_height = Session::read('image_resizing_height'); } /* THUMBNAIL VIEW */ // This is for viewing all the images in the slideshow as thumbnails. $image_tag = []; $html = ''; if ($slide_id == 'all') { // Config for make thumbnails $allowed_thumbnail_types = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png']; $max_thumbnail_width = 250; $max_thumbnail_height = 250; $png_compression = 0; //0(none)-9 $jpg_quality = 75; //from 0 to 100 (default is 75). More quality less compression $directory_thumbnails = $sys_course_path.$_course['path'].'/document'.$folder.'.thumbs/'; //Other parameters only for show tumbnails $row_items = 4; //only in slideshow.php $number_image = 7; //num icons cols to show $thumbnail_width_frame = $max_thumbnail_width; //optional $max_thumbnail_width+x $thumbnail_height_frame = $max_thumbnail_height; // Create the template_thumbnails folder (if no exist) if (!file_exists($directory_thumbnails)) { @mkdir($directory_thumbnails, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); } // check files and thumbnails if (is_array($image_files_only)) { foreach ($image_files_only as $one_image_file) { $image = $sys_course_path.$_course['path'].'/document'.$folder.$one_image_file; $image_thumbnail = $directory_thumbnails.'.'.$one_image_file; if (file_exists($image)) { //check thumbnail $imagetype = explode(".", $image); //or check $imagetype = image_type_to_extension(exif_imagetype($image), false); $imagetype = strtolower($imagetype[count($imagetype) - 1]); if (in_array($imagetype, $allowed_thumbnail_types)) { if (!file_exists($image_thumbnail)) { //run each once we view thumbnails is too heavy, // then need move into !file_exists($image_thumbnail, // and only run when haven't the thumbnail $original_image_size = api_getimagesize($image); switch ($imagetype) { case 'gif': $source_img = imagecreatefromgif($image); break; case 'jpg': $source_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($image); break; case 'jpeg': $source_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($image); break; case 'png': $source_img = imagecreatefrompng($image); break; } $new_thumbnail_size = api_calculate_image_size( $original_image_size['width'], $original_image_size['height'], $max_thumbnail_width, $max_thumbnail_height ); if ($max_thumbnail_width > $original_image_size['width'] && $max_thumbnail_height > $original_image_size['height'] ) { $new_thumbnail_size['width'] = $original_image_size['width']; $new_thumbnail_size['height'] = $original_image_size['height']; } $crop = imagecreatetruecolor($new_thumbnail_size['width'], $new_thumbnail_size['height']); // preserve transparency if ($imagetype == 'png') { imagesavealpha($crop, true); $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($crop, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 127); imagefill($crop, 0, 0, $color); } if ($imagetype == 'gif') { $transindex = imagecolortransparent($source_img); $palletsize = imagecolorstotal($source_img); //GIF89a for transparent and anim (first clip), either GIF87a if ($transindex >= 0 && $transindex < $palletsize) { $transcol = imagecolorsforindex($source_img, $transindex); $transindex = imagecolorallocatealpha( $crop, $transcol['red'], $transcol['green'], $transcol['blue'], 127 ); imagefill($crop, 0, 0, $transindex); imagecolortransparent($crop, $transindex); } } // Resampled image imagecopyresampled( $crop, $source_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_thumbnail_size['width'], $new_thumbnail_size['height'], $original_image_size['width'], $original_image_size['height'] ); switch ($imagetype) { case 'gif': imagegif($crop, $image_thumbnail); break; case 'jpg': imagejpeg($crop, $image_thumbnail, $jpg_quality); break; case 'jpeg': imagejpeg($crop, $image_thumbnail, $jpg_quality); break; case 'png': imagepng($crop, $image_thumbnail, $png_compression); break; } //clean memory imagedestroy($crop); }//end !exist thumbnail //show thumbnail and link $one_image_thumbnail_file = '.thumbs/.'.$one_image_file; //get path thumbnail $doc_url = ($path && $path !== '/') ? $path.'/'.$one_image_thumbnail_file : $path.$one_image_thumbnail_file; $image_tag[] = ''; } else { // If images aren't support by gd (not gif, jpg, jpeg, png) if ($imagetype == 'bmp') { // use getimagesize instead api_getimagesize($image); // because api_getimagesize doesn't support bmp files. // Put here for each show, only for a few bmp files isn't heavy $original_image_size = getimagesize($image); if ($max_thumbnail_width < $original_image_size[0] || $max_thumbnail_height < $original_image_size[1] ) { //don't use resize_image because doesn't run with bmp files $thumbnail_size = api_calculate_image_size( $original_image_size[0], $original_image_size[1], $max_thumbnail_width, $max_thumbnail_height ); $image_height = $thumbnail_size['height']; $image_width = $thumbnail_size['width']; } else { $image_height = $original_image_size[0]; $image_width = $original_image_size[1]; } } else { // Example for svg files,... $image_width = $max_thumbnail_width; $image_height = $max_thumbnail_height; } $doc_url = ($path && $path !== '/') ? $path.'/'.$one_image_file : $path.$one_image_file; $image_tag[] = ''; } } } } // Creating the table $html_table = ''; $i = 0; $count_image = count($image_tag); $number_iteration = ceil($count_image / $number_image); $p = 0; $html = ''; $html .= ''; } echo $html; /* ONE AT A TIME VIEW */ $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); // This is for viewing all the images in the slideshow one at a time. if ($slide_id != 'all' && !empty($image_files_only)) { if (file_exists($image) && is_file($image)) { $image_height_width = DocumentManager::resizeImageSlideShow($image, $target_width, $target_height); $image_height = $image_height_width[0]; $image_width = $image_height_width[1]; $height_width_tags = null; if ($imageResize == 'resizing') { $height_width_tags = 'width="'.$image_width.'" height="'.$image_height.'"'; } // This is done really quickly and should be cleaned up a little bit using the API functions $tbl_documents = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT); if ($path == '/') { $pathpart = '/'; } else { $pathpart = $path.'/'; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_documents WHERE c_id = $course_id AND path = '".Database::escape_string($pathpart.$image_files_only[$slide])."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); echo '
'; if ($slide < $total_slides - 1 && $slide_id != 'all') { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } if ($path == '/') { $path = ''; } list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image); // Auto resize if ($imageResize == 'resizing') { ?> '; } echo ''; echo '
'; echo Display::tag('h3', $row['title']); echo '


'; echo '
'; echo '
'; if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true)) { echo ''; } } else { echo Display::return_message(get_lang('The file was not found'), 'warning'); } } else { if ($slide_id != 'all') { echo Display::return_message(get_lang('No data available'), 'warning'); } } Display::display_footer();