<?php /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ /** * Cron script to list used, but undefined, language variables. * * @package chamilo.cron */ /** * Includes and declarations. */ die(); require_once __DIR__.'/../../inc/global.inc.php'; $path = api_get_path(SYS_LANG_PATH).'english'; ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); /** * Main code. */ $terms = []; $list = SubLanguageManager::get_lang_folder_files_list($path); foreach ($list as $entry) { $file = $path.'/'.$entry; if (is_file($file)) { $terms = array_merge($terms, SubLanguageManager::get_all_language_variable_in_file($file, true)); } } // get only the array keys (the language variables defined in language files) $defined_terms = array_flip(array_keys($terms)); $terms = null; $hidePlugins = !empty($_GET['hidePlugins']); // now get all terms found in all PHP files of Chamilo (this takes some time and memory) $undefined_terms = []; $l = strlen(api_get_path(SYS_PATH)); $files = getAllPhpFiles(api_get_path(SYS_PATH)); foreach ($files as $file) { $isPlugin = preg_match('#/plugin/#', $file); if ($isPlugin && $hidePlugins) { continue; } //echo 'Analyzing '.$file."<br />"; $shortfile = substr($file, $l); $lines = file($file); foreach ($lines as $line) { $myterms = []; $res = preg_match_all('/get_lang\(\'(\\w*)\'\)/', $line, $myterms); if ($res > 0) { foreach ($myterms[1] as $term) { if (!isset($defined_terms[$term]) && !isset($defined_terms['lang'.$term])) { $undefined_terms[$term] = $shortfile; //echo "Undefined: $term<br />"; } } } $res = 0; $res = preg_match_all('/\{[\'"](\\w*)[\'"]\|get_lang\}/', $line, $myterms); if ($res > 0) { foreach ($myterms[1] as $term) { if (!isset($defined_terms[$term]) && !isset($defined_terms['lang'.$term])) { $undefined_terms[$term] = $shortfile; //echo "Undefined: $term<br />"; } } } } flush(); } //$undefined_terms = array_flip($undefined_terms); if (count($undefined_terms) < 1) { die("No missing terms<br />\n"); } else { echo "The following terms were nowhere to be found: <br />\n<table>"; } $i = 1; foreach ($undefined_terms as $term => $file) { $isPlugin = substr($file, 0, 7) == 'plugin/'; echo "<tr><td>$i</td><td>$term</td><td>in $file"; if ($isPlugin) { echo " <span style=\"color: #00ff00;\">(this one should be taken care of by the plugin's language files)</span>"; } echo "</td></tr>\n"; $i++; } echo "</table>\n";