### Version History *4.2.9 (2018/03/27)* * Fixed typo in documentation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2512) @moagggi * Added remainingTime getter (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2505) @Lewiscowles1986 * Fixed iframe parameters formatting for Vimeo/Facebook (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2498) @skreutzer * Added Malay translation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2490) @MuhdNurHidayat * Fixed `getComputedStyle` in Firefox (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2487) @pgrzeszczak-neducatio * Fixed documentation for React usage @rafa8626 * Added LICENSE file @rafa8626 * Added conditionals to avoid executing `fullscreen` methods in audio tags @rafa8626 * Added conditionals to avoid triggering keyboard events if `enableKeyboard` is false @rafa8626 * Added missing conditionals when destroying media @rafa8626 * Modified Malay language in the demo @rafa8626 * Set empty source when destroying player to prevent #2499 @rafa8626 * Added conditional to avoid setting duration when `media` has been destroyed @rafa8626 * Replaced callback when seeking in paused media to achieve correct behavior @rafa8626 * Updated documentation about using `startLanguage` and `toggleCaptionsButtonWhenOnlyOne` (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2520) @dmdewey *4.2.8 (2018/01/16)* * Clarify effect of setting `toggleCaptionsButtonWhenOnlyOne` (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2471) @cjcolvar * Remember `startVolume` value even if video is muted (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2470) @D3nnisH * Fix @see links for hls.js renderer (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2478) @cjcolvar * UID filter for Flash files @johndyer *4.2.7 (2017/11/17)* * Fixed issue with `setFillMode` when using cross-domain URLs in iframe @rafa8626 * Added new `proxyType` and `streamDelimiter` variables to Flash video to support RTMPS compatibility @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with renderers when trying to use `muted` property while using `MediaElement` shim @rafa8626 * Fixed typo with `Twitch` renderer related to trigger mouse events @rafa8626 * Fixed typo when assigning options to `Dailymotion` renderer @rafa8626 * Added missing workflow to set controls on YouTube, Facebook and Dailymotion renderers via `controls` property @rafa8626 * Added missing `playing` event on `Vimeo` and `Dailymotion` renderer @rafa8626 * Expanded regexp to accept 3-letter country codes and underscore for 4-letter country codes @rafa8626 * Added `init`, `getElement` and `buildfeatures` methods for WP compatibility @rafa8626 * Make `setPoster` method to work on mobile devices with native controls (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2419) @lucash * Added missing conditional in native HLS and HTML5 renderer to test media files correctly to trigger error after testing all of them @rafa8626 * Added jsDelivr badge (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2421) @LukasDrgon * Fixed issue with `visible` method when `getClientRects` is not a function @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with `parseInt` method not setting radix in some calls @rafa8626 * Added missing argument in `secondsToTimeCode` method to check the time format given and display accordingly @rafa8626 * Fixed issues related to duplicated calls when triggering error and fixed style for poster when error is displayed @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with captions not being rendered inside video frame on any state @rafa8626 * Integrated `destroy` method in `MediaElement` class @rafa8626 * Added validation to modify `SoundCloud` iframe attributes when using `video` tag @rafa8626 * Fixed issue when checking for native dimensions of `video` element to set responsive dimensions correctly @rafa8626 * Added missing workflow to make `loop` work correctly in YouTube according to documentation @rafa8626 * Changed paths for `hls.js` and `flv.js` renderers to always be up-to-date @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with timecode displaying 60 seconds @rafa8626 * Fixed JSDocs for some features @rafa8626 *4.2.6 (2017/09/19)* * Fixed positioning of progress bar tooltip @rafa8626 * Added style to avoid flickering when using volume on Chrome @rafa8626 * Fixed broken UUT @rafa8626 * Added `configs` parameter for native FLV according to documentation for flv.js (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2344) @xiaosongxiaosong * Added missing call to avoid further calls to attempt set the player's dimensions once removed @rafa8626 * Fixed typo when checking error event and fixed workflow to loop multiple sources until valid one is found for `html5` and `native_hls` renderers @rafa8626 * Fixed workflow to enable/disable controls once error occurs and once user recovers from error @rafa8626 * Fixed issue when no `height` attribute but style is set to create proper player dimensions @rafa8626 * Use local variable for `getComputedStyle` polyfill to avoid recursion on Firefox (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2351) @synthecypher * Fixed accessibility issues when using keyboard on focused progress bar and moved `keyActions` to their individual components @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with progress bar tooltip when media duration is too long @rafa8626 * Added new `mejs` variables needed for WordPress @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with events fired in incorrect time for `flash_video` renderer @milax * Set specific settings for embedding flash object in Edge browser (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2364) @milax * Added new constant to detect `passive events` and added conditional for `touchstart` events @rafa8626 * Removed width and height from `embed` object to ensure Flash audio will play on Chrome (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2367) @milax * Fixed issue with Caption/Chapters menus not selecting options properly when using mouse @rafa8626 and @Instagit * Removed black area when Flash player is used in audio player (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2370) @milax * Fixed issue with `poster` option not being set if `poster` attribute is absent @rafa8626 * Moved code inside `player.js` to corresponding features to restore original order or operations when creating layers @rafa8626 * Added `unmute` command for Facebook renderer @rafa8626 * Fixed events emitting and run handlers of active renderer only for Flash and HTML5 renderer (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2368) @milax * Fixed issues when setting sources for Flash HLS renderer and added missing events @rafa8626 * Upgraded `hls.js` to 0.8.2 version and `flv.js` to 1.3.3 version @rafa8626 * Refactor `Facebook` renderer to solve issues when instantiating multiple videos and added new `lang` parameter to load language on SDK @rafa8626 * Fixed typos in `Twitch` renderer that caused channels not to play properly @rafa8626 * Fixed typos in `Flash` renderer to avoid issues with `embed` dimensions @rafa8626 * Reintegrated old workflow to deal only with `dash.js` play errors @rafa8626 * Updated documentation @rafa8626 * Added documentation about MEJS installation through Bower (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2399) @thompsonemerson *4.2.5 (2017/08/09)* * Removed workflow that ignored MIME type to get a better media match @rafa8626 * Fixed typos related to HLS MIME type and library version @rafa8626 *4.2.4 (2017/08/08)* * Added missing conditional to set current time properly for live streams (especially YouTube ones) @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with Flash fallback for FLV and RTMP in regards of setting current time and other events @rafa8626 * Fixed typos when setting poster for iOS and when destroying player @rafa8626 * Fixed typo when setting default player caused issues on Firefox when extending `MediaElementPlayer` object @rafa8626 * Fixed issue related to iframe renderers not resizing properly after using fullscreen @rafa8626 * Updated RTMP and Dailymotion sources @rafa8626 * Added `useDefaultControls` configuration to simplify list of `features` (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement-plugins/issues/74) @rafa8626 * Removed `build/mediaelement.js` in `package.js` to avoid duplication issues in Meteor and added missing languages @rafa8626 * Removed unnecessary event un-bindings that caused errors on Edge @rafa8626 * Added missing layer to display errors correctly on native renderers and added missing styles for errors; `customError` accepts a callback as well @rafa8626 * Added missing translations; removed Brazilian Portuguese and added Catalan in demo file @rafa8626 * Added `forceLive` configuration to hide progress bar and display `Live Broadcast` even when `duration` is a valid number @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with Flash HLS renderer related to restarting video once ended @rafa8626 * Added missing translations @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with native M(PEG)-DASH assigned to MediaElement shim related to `The play() request was interrupted` error @rafa8626 * Created workflow to remove/restore `poster` when using FB and iPhone and updated SDK version @rafa8626 *4.2.3 (2017/07/22)* * Fixed issue with setting default player causing some sources to autoplay @rafa8626 * Added new `useFakeFullscreen` configuration element to bypass conditional when entering fullscreen and added CSS to hide native controls @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with sequence of files when creating bundle @rafa8626 * Updated FLV and HLS libraries @rafa8626 * Cleaned stylesheet and fixed minor issues on demo file @rafa8626 * Fixed issues when using `setPoster` method after player was initialized @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with `setSrc` method duplicating events on the native renderers @rafa8626 * Removed code to load media when playing considered unnecessary @rafa8626 * Added mechanism in `YouTube` renderer to add YouTube's thumbnail as a poster using `youtube`'s `imageQuality` parameter @rafa8626 * Fixed typo on `setFill` mode and fixed issue with poster when using iOS @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with `M(PEG)-DASH` renderer related to `dash.js` not picking settings from the renderer @rafa8626 * Added missing dependency to `player/library.js` file (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2318) @JulianKniephoff * Added missing code to explain how to use `MediaElement` with `RequireJS` @rafa8626 * Integrated Flashls events to be processed by the player @rafa8626 * Fixed test file when using JSDom and Mocha Chai @rafa8626 * Changed arguments in `M(PEG)-DASH` native renderer to trigger correctly events @rafa8626 *4.2.1/4.2.2 (2017/06/28)* * Added conditional to avoid AJAX request on non-SSL media on iOS @rafa8626 * Fixed error with .versions file @rafa8626 *4.2.0 (2017/06/26)* * Fixed issues related to Promises with native renderers @rafa8626 * Fixed typos in player to execute properly `destroy()` and `stop()` methods @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with error message not being displayed properly in different scenarios @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with controls not being hidden using keyboard @rafa8626 * Fixed issue using fullscreen button and iframes @rafa8626 * Updated documentation on ReactJS about how to destroy a player and fixed typo on WordPress section @rafa8626 * Added missing documentation about how to install `MediaElement` in Drupal @rafa8626 * Fixed typo in `Vimeo` renderer @rafa8626 * Updated version of `Facebook` API @rafa8626 * Replacing `buffer` querySelector with getter function in player (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2284) @ychen022 * Fixed issues with keyboard not picking events correctly on Chrome @rafa8626 * Improved error system to catch more errors and present them to user @rafa8626 * Removed `mediaelementplayer` bundles, as well as `jQuery` file, considered unnecessary @rafa8626 * Added new middleware layer to allow interaction with other players @rafa8626 * Used flex-box to reduce calculation via Javascript on control bar (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2261) @marcobiedermann and @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with events not being unbound when player is destroyed and removed unnecessary callbacks from it @rafa8626 * Added missing style for buffering element @rafa8626 * Removed conditional to disable control bar when an error happens @rafa8626 * Updated references to (Adobe / Apache) Flex SDK in documentation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2287) @isantolin * Updated CDN references for both native FLV and HLS renderers @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with tooltip position when rail is 100% and gets cut off @rafa8626 * Fixed `The play() request was interrupted` errors by changing way to check for Promises and methods @rafa8626 * Added missing workflow to hide controls when playing media and mouse is out of player container @rafa8626 * Added conditionals to check if `src` track is not empty to avoid render empty track sources @rafa8626 *4.1.3 (2017/06/06)* * Updated Chinese translations (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2239) @PeterDaveHello * Changed `destroy()` to `remove()` in React documentation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2243) @evykassirer * Added full support for `autoplay`, `loop` and `muted` attributes to interact in all renderers @rafa8626 * Improved core functionality by adding Promises to ensure proper behavior of plugin's operation, such as `play()`, `setSrc()`, etc. @rafa8626 * Fixed typo for DailyMotion renderer @rafa8626 * Integrated new `robustnessLevel` parameter for DRM on M(PEG)-DASH renderer @rafa8626 * Replaced `childNodes` with `children` to avoid issues with non Node elements inside video/audio tag @rafa8626 * Cleaned `Gruntfile` to remove unnecessary task and align CSS to current browser compatibility @rafa8626 * Fixed `disableControls()` method (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2254) @jhutchins * Updated documentation to state support for SoundCloud with native HTML5 renderer @rafa8626 * Updated documentation to expose `instance` argument when using `MediaElementPlayer` or jQuery's `mediaelementplayer` success callback @rafa8626 * Added missing events for `FLV` native renderer @rafa8626 * Fixed to documentation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2259) @marcobiedermann * Optimized SVG sprite (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2260) @marcobiedermann * Upgraded regex to match YouTube videos properly @rafa8626 * Fixed regex to check if source is valid YouTube source @rafa8626 * Upgraded `flv.js` to 1.3.0 (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2262) @isantolin * Updated `hls.js` to a CDN with SSL support (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2263) @isantolin * Sorted CSS properties to reduce filesize when using gzip (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2264) @marcobiedermann * Integrated [Stylelint](https://stylelint.io/) for CSS quality @rafa8626 * Improvements to CSS stylesheets via `Stylelint` (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2266) and (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2269) @marcobiedermann * Fixed workflow to generate proper vendor prefixes (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2265) @marcobiedermann * CSS cleanup (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2267) @marcobiedermann * Fixed issue related to tooltip changing size when hovering on progress bar and `alwaysShowHours` set to `true` @rafa8626 *4.1.2 (2017/05/25)* * Fixed issues with Accessibility in Chapters/Captions and Volume slider @rafa8626 * Added new resources to documentation @rafa8626 * Fixed MD broken link (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2223) @Mackiovello * Changed calculation to avoid higher dimensions than expected using `parseFloat` on `responsive` mode @rafa8626 * Updated `installation.md` file for WordPress upgrades, and fixed README file @rafa8626 * Fixed `hasFluidMode()` method to return proper result (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2224) @lucash * Fixed issue with logical operators and `~` symbol @rafa8626 * Integrated `loadScript()` method to optimize way to load external libraries (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2226) @jimmywarting * Removed unnecessary whitespaces, upgraded packages and removed comments on bundles @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with `startVolume` not being picked by non-native renderers @rafa8626 * Added `getDuration()` and used methods vs property access to allow `MediaElementPlayer` to be extended (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2228) @jhutchins * Added player min-width based on elements visible on control bar @rafa8626 * Added missing events to set `startVolume` properly when loading new data @rafa8626 * Fixed issue related to controlbar not reflecting loading progress @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with native FLV renderer related to load new sources and having multiple players rendering FLV media @rafa8626 * Enabled DRM support for M(PEG)-DASH via `setSrc()` and `dash.drm` configuration @rafa8626 * Added support to pass a single object in `setSrc()` @rafa8626 * Added Persian translation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2238) @wmateam *4.1.1 (2017/05/16)* * Added missing conditional to reuse `exitFullscreen` method @rafa8626 * Added new code snippet to use player with `AudioContext.decodeAudioData()` @rafa8626 * Added missing conditional for bug with hidden iframes in Firefox @rafa8626 * Fixed typo in `Vimeo` renderer @rafa8626 * Added workflow to solve issue with iOS and HTTPS playing media @rafa8626 * Changed `match` to `test` and `includes` to `indexOf` to improve performance @rafa8626 * Fixed `responsive` mode within iframe (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2207) @lucash * Updated German translation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2210) @SoftCreatR * Enforced https protocol on external libraries (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2212) @jimmywarting * Fixed issue when using YouTube in audio tag triggering double buffering/play events when starting media @rafa8626 * Fixed `fill` mode within iframe @rafa8626 * Fixed player accessibility using Tab key and avoid hidding controls on audio element @rafa8626 * Fix usage for iOS with native controls (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2215) @lucash *4.1.0 (2017/05/04)* * Added `grunt watch` and tasks depending on files modified @rafa8626 * Fixed typo for documentation about `features` configuration element (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2189) @abumalick * Fixed issue related to time tooltip appearing on all player instances when hovering over one player's progress bar @rafa8626 * Improved workflow to store all `source` attributes for `mediaFiles` list @rafa8626 * Added improvements and hover behavior to player slider (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2191) @ricking06 and @rafa8626 * Added `babel-preset-env` to optimize bundles based on supported browsers @rafa8626 * Fixed typos in `Vimeo` and `Twitch` renderers @rafa8626 *4.0.7 (2017/04/25)* * Fixed issues when using `MediaElement` inside an iframe (cross and non cross-domain) @rafa8626 * Fixed way to detect fullscreen mode properly for all renderers and fixed fullscreen for iOS @rafa8626 * Fixed workflow when using `data-mejsoptions` attribute @rafa8626 * Updated flv.js library (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2180) @isantolin * Added new section on Documentation to link Code Snippets related to `MediaElement` @rafa8626 *4.0.6 (2017/04/20)* * Remove loading overlay only if it exists instead of failing (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2167) @kozze89 * Fixed issue with `replay` icon's CSS position @rafa8626 * Added workaround to avoid Firefox's `getComputedStyle` iframe bug @rafa8626 *4.0.5 (2017/04/14)* * Fixed typo to allow `None` caption to be unchecked @rafa8626 *4.0.4 (2017/04/11)* * Added missing conditional to display error message only if `message` is set on event @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with old versions of IE not unsetting CSS values properly for `fill` mode @rafa8626 * Added workflow from Flash audio shim into video shim and removed several duplicated events @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with play/pause toggle and `fadeIn` and `fadeOut` effects @rafa8626 * Updated HLS shim library to latest version @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with keyboard trap in Safari desktop due to media's children element(s) being moved from original position @rafa8626 * Added missing style to hide native cues when using Safari desktop due to new workflow implemented @rafa8626 * Added documentation about setting new captions, media tag attributes and using `stretching` modes @rafa8626 * Added missing French translations (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2161) @kloh-fr * Cleaned SVG sprite and separate plugin icons in new sprite (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2157) @johndyer * Updated Swedish translations (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2163) @xpetter *4.0.3 (2017/04/04)* * Fixed typo when detecting dimensions for stretching: `auto` @rafa8626 * Perform improvements to AJAX method to prevent "pre-flight" requests @rafa8626 * Removed Captions menu height adjustment considered unnecessary @rafa8626 * Fixed typo with event specific to Android and iOS @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with Android not being able to play video when touching video area @rafa8626 * Added `captionschange` event and fixed minor issue for `None` caption @rafa8626 * Fixed show/hide of play, loading and buffer elements in various events @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with setting source for `hls` renderer due to latest changes on library @rafa8626 * Added documentation about how to use `MediaElement` with [React](https://facebook.github.io/react/) @rafa8626 * Standardized way to create events for all native renderers @rafa8626 * Fixed documentation in `utils.md` to indicate methods in `Features` section @rafa8626 *4.0.2 (2017/03/23)* * Added new unit tests to increase code coverage @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with `setFill()` method and reintroduced old workflow in focusout event @rafa8626 * Added default media dimensions to avoid breaking control bar when player is in small container @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with volume slider and rail width calculation @rafa8626 *4.0.1 (2017/03/22)* * Fixed major issues with iOS that prevent the player to be built @rafa8626 *4.0.0 (2017/03/22)* * Removed all dependencies to jQuery in code and created `utils/dom.js` to mimic jQuery's most used methods @rafa8626 * Added missing unit tests @rafa8626 * Fixed minor issues on Twitch, Facebook HLS and M(PEG)-DASH renderers @rafa8626 * Fixed minor issue with play/pause button not being updated properly when switching to new source and media has ended @rafa8626 * Fixed issues in documentation @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with `readyState` value in Flash video shim @rafa8626 * Added pause event when changing media sources @rafa8626 * Integrated `remove()` polyfill to simplify more code (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2140) @jimmywarting * Reintegrated and improved `Download File` workflow if error happens while attempting to play media @rafa8626 * Fixed workflow for `autoplay` property in all renderers @rafa8626 * Integrated [Mocha JSDOM](https://github.com/rstacruz/mocha-jsdom) package to add more unit tests @rafa8626 * Created `utils.md` file to describe the utilities/features available @rafa8626 *3.2.4 (2017/03/14)* * Removed conditional on MS Edge to bypass Flash detection due to error on Browserstack @rafa8626 * Added error event support in Flash shims (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2115) @astr0junk * Added default `preload` element if not set on `video` or `audio` due to issue described on #2114 @rafa8626 * Fixed typo in Facebook renderer @rafa8626 * Added missing conditional to avoid issues in Android using Flash @rafa8626 * Refactor loop related to dispatch/remove events (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2127) @bricev * Removed unnecessary code from Tracks feature and fixed typo in HLS renderer @rafa8626 * Escaped HTML tags in installation.md file (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2130) @GeorgySerga * Integrated Drop Frame Support for Timecode (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2126) @dmongrel * Added missing workflow to reintegrate slider when switching from live broadcast to regular file @rafa8626 * Added documentation to install plugin in WordPress @rafa8626 *3.2.3 (2017/03/02)* * Brought missing fix for HLS @rafa8626 *3.2.2 (2017/03/02)* * Fixed issue with renderers order by sorting them when user does not specify any order for them @rafa8626 * Added `addControlElement()` to preserve order of control elements when certain features are reset @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with native HLS when processing errors @rafa8626 * Fixed issue when no dimensions are being set in `<video>` tag for `<iframe>` renderers @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with HLS and M(PEG)-DASH renderers to avoid downloading fragments before playing media @rafa8626 * Cleaned code on native renderers @rafa8626 *3.2.1 (2017/02/28)* * Added missing documentation for NPM given latest changes @rafa8626 *3.2.0 (2017/02/28)* * Fixed typo in header file @rafa8626 * Added Ukrainian translation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2100) @DmitryKrekota * Added Swedish translation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2101) @xpetter * Fixed issue with poster image not being shown up on YouTube on mobile devices @rafa8626 * Removed hacks for old browsers (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2102) @jimmywarting * Fixed issue with Win8 Safari not detecting `src` attribute properly @rafa8626 * Fixed `secondsToTimeCode` method not being called with all parameters (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2103) @dmongrel * Added workflow to set WARIA text elements, added `isString` method (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2105) @DmitryKrekota * Added new `resources` section in documentation @rafa8626 * Cleaned up translation files and move others to `mediaelement-plugins` repo @rafa8626 * Fixed wrong link in documentation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2106) @7huo * Added fix to avoid `jQuery.noConflict()` issues @rafa8626 * Reorganized renderers and created `build/renderers` folder to keep bundles' size low @rafa8626 * Integrated Twitch renderer @rafa8626 *3.1.3 (2017/02/23)* * Fixed typo in `usage.md` in regards of Automatic start (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2071) @SvenJuergens * Added translation for Polish language (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2074) @greg-dev * Added translation for Russian language (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2073) @Globulopolis * Added overlay on `iframe` renderers to allow triggering mouse/click events properly @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with inconsistency between `MediaElementPlayer` and `MediaElement` instantiations @rafa8626 * Fixed minor issues with FLV native renderer @rafa8626 * Fixed typo in `pause` event not being triggered on Facebook and YouTube renderers @rafa8626 * Fixed issue on `progress` feature that caused multiple events being fired incorrectly when clicking on rail @rafa8626 * Corrected typo in `full.js` file (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2081) @helmetroo * Several fixes for YouTube renderer (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2082) @anomaly-stalker * Integrated ESLint to verify/fix code with more strict standards @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with mute/unmute ARIA text (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2091) @DmitryKrekota * Fixed issue with obfuscated URLs or URLs without extension detected in #2087 @rafa8626 * Fixed accessibility issue related to use keyboard in Safari @rafa8626 * Fixed typo in `demo` file related to switching to Chinese language and added conditional to disable media URLs on iOS @rafa8626 * Removed IE8 hacks (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2095) @jimmywarting * Cleaned unnecessary code and fixed issue with Vimeo renderer @rafa8626 * Fixed security issue with Flash by introducing `shimScriptAccess` configuration element and reading `allowScriptAccess` flag @rafa8626 * Added documentation about use of MediaElement with a responsive grid plugin effectively, thanks to @DeysonOrtiz, and other updates on it @rafa8626 *3.1.2 (2017/02/10)* * Expanded workflow to stop media loading completely when removing player @rafa8626 * Added more fixes to Flash audio shim (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2054) @an1rk4 * Added security statements on almost all shims to allow to be played cross-domain @rafa8626 * Removed HAS_TOUCH flag considered unnecessary @rafa8626 * Fixed workflow to detect if libraries on HLS, DASH and FLV renderers were already loaded @rafa8626 * Reintegrated workflow to load source using flashvar `src` in audio (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2059) @astr0junk * Improved documentation for Installation and API @rafa8626 * Added workflow to sanitize HTML for captions due to potential XSS vulnerability @rafa8626 * Added muted workflow for audio Flash shim (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2063) @an1rk4 * Added CDNjs badge for README @rafa8626 * Added validation to avoid Flash check on MS Edge due to issues with `plugins` element @rafa8626 * Added reference to "mediaelement/mediaelement-plugins" (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2067) @isantolin * Standardized way to display chapters tracks using button and menu @rafa8626 *3.1.1 (2017/02/02)* * Added patch in Flash audio shim to load new source correctly @an1rk4 * Fixed issues when removing player, specially when using any Flash shim @rafa8626 *3.1.0 (2017/02/02)* * Updated documentation about how to use custom player (HLS, DASH, FLV, etc.) correctly @rafa8626 * Expanded Renderers List table and other documentation tweaks @rafa8626 * Updated German translations (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2031) @SoftCreatR * Added `hideVideoControlsOnPause` configuration element to hide controls when media is paused @rafa8626 * Added `showPosterWhenPaused` option and updated documentation @rafa8626 * Added new media to demo file to match main website and reformatted `demo/demo.js` @rafa8626 * Added missing method call when removing media through `remove()` method and documented workflow to remove player @rafa8626 * Added new array element to map all read-only properties to avoid `TypeError` on certain properties @rafa8626 * Added workflow to use YouTube as an audio player @rafa8626 * Updated usage.md file (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2043) @theomathieubhvr * Added workflow to pause media when sliding rail to improve memory performance (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2041) @ricking06 and @rafa8626 * Changed name of NPM file `all.js` to `full.js` for clarity purposes @rafa8626 * Added missing elements on `mediaelementplayer.js` bundle @rafa8626 * Fixed issues when using audio shim @rafa8626 *3.0.2 (2017/01/27)* * Fixed issues related to volume in YouTube renderer @rafa8626 * Removed must of features and moved them to new repository (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement-plugins) @rafa8626 * Updated/cleaned documentation in terms on Guidelines and Usage @rafa8626 * Cleaned up CSS stylesheets @rafa8626 * Removed `—features` option from Grunt file @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with Vimeo renderer when playing/pausing video causing unexpected behavior @rafa8626 * Fixed npm installation command reference in main site (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2018) @pra85 * Fixed minor typo in documentation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2019) @denismosolov * Fixed class reference in the jQuery usage documentation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2020) @vrozkovec * Updated Russian translation file (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2023) @Globulopolis * Added workflow in Vimeo renderer to allow query arguments passed through the media URL @rafa8626 * Added missing global variables when jQuery, Zepto or Ender libraries are detected in `src/js/library.js` file @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with `iframe` renderers (YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, SoundCloud and Dailymotion) not hiding controls properly @rafa8626 * Added new logo in README file @rafa8626 *3.0.1 (2017/01/20)* * Fixed several issues in terms of using Meteor/NPM package and added new files to link `build/mediaelement.js` and `build/mediaelement-and-player.js` for NPM @rafa8626 * Added image to README file, as well as `favicon` for demo and test files @rafa8626 * Enabled external builds using Browserify (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2000) @neonaut * Added missing conditionals to avoid issues with non-existing renderers bundle @rafa8626 * Fixed conditional to target browsers/devices that support HLS natively and caused issues with other media types @rafa8626 * New logo and layout for http://mediaelementjs.com website @mediaelement * Added missing documentation about importing MEJS and using RequireJS @rafa8626 * Updated RTMP sources since prior one expired @rafa8626 * Fixed issue with controls not hiding on `mouseleave` when video is not playing (#1995) @rafa8626 * Added missing reference to FLV in main website (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/2006) @isantolin * Removed Browserify option to reduce size of unminified bundles @rafa8626 *3.0.0 (2017/01/16)* * Introduction of `Renderers`, pluggable code that allows the introduction of new media formats in an easier way @mediaelement * Code refactor in `ECMAScript® 2015` language specification (`ES6`) @rafa8626 * Integration of unit tests and browser test with [mocha](https://mochajs.org/) and [chai](http://chaijs.com/), and enhancements to [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/) and [Coveralls](https://coveralls.io/) platforms @rafa8626 * Ability to play Facebook, SoundCloud and YouTube @mediaelement * Ability to play M(PEG)-DASH formats using [dash.js](https://github.com/Dash-Industry-Forum/dash.js) for native support and [dash.as](https://github.com/castlabs/dashas) for Flash fallback @rafa8626 * Increased test suite by adding a file per renderer @mediaelement and @rafa8626 * Code completely documented using [JSDoc](http://usejsdoc.org/) notation @rafa8626 * Renamed `src` files to increase readability @mediaelement and @rafa8626 * Addition of native HLS using [hls.js](https://github.com/dailymotion/hls.js) library @rafa8626 * Updated player for Vimeo by removing the use of `Froogaloop` and integrating the new [Player API](https://github.com/vimeo/player.js) @rafa8626 * Addition of Catalan translation @rafa8626 * Added support for Meteor @rafa8626 * Integration of [JSLint](https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSLint) to ensure code quality and better error checking for development @rafa8626 * Reduced size of repository as a whole @rafa8626 * Removal of themes and introduction of simple player for testing @mediaelement * Modifications in `Gruntfile` @rafa8626 * Introduction of new demo and cleaned `demo` folder @rafa8626 * Removed support for Silverlight @mediaelement * Updates in documentation to reflect new features in 3.0 version @rafa8626 * Introduced missing translation elements and translated them in Spanish @rafa8626 * Removed big Play button for iPhone and YouTube and Facebook renderers @rafa8626 * CSS specificity reduction (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1890) (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1909) @albell * Fix for fullscreen behavior when `setDimensions` attribute is `false` (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1899) @ale-grosselle * Added `blur` handler to hide the volumeSlider (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1901) @peterh-capella * CSS SVG cleanup (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1906) @albell * Fixed issues with progress bar causing glitches during resizing/fullscreen events (#1905 and #1939) @rafa8626 * Fixed workflow to stop streaming on HTML5 (#613 and #1914) @rafa8626 * Fixed issue when setting current time and then playing media (#1924) @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with dimensions and resizing on Flash shims (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1934) @ale-grosselle and @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with accessibility related to Closed Captioning (#438) (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1921) @marmite22 * Fixed removal of MediaElement when native controls are used (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1937) @lucash * Refactored Speed feature to make it accessible and fixed minor issue with Closed Captioning using mouse @rafa8626 * Added better handle of focus outline per @albell suggestions in #1911 @rafa8626 * Added missing workflow to pause/play media when clicking on progress bar indicated in #1947 @rafa8626 * Integrated native FLV support using [flv.js](https://github.com/Bilibili/flv.js) library @rafa8626 * Simplified volume control position calculation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1952) @marjune163 * Integrated BEM naming convention and backward compatibility (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1961) @albell and @rafa8626 * Integrated support for multiple tracks with same language code and fixed issues with translations for `<track>` labels (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1957) @laupow and @rafa8626 * Updated control bar styles (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1965) @mediaelement * Added replay button once video finishes and does not loop to solve #1067 @rafa8626 * Added Croatian translation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1986) @hrvoj3e * Added workflow to indicate 'Live Broadcast' if duration of media is infinite @rafa8626 * Updated Polish translation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1989) @greg-dev *2.23.5 (2017/01/06)* * Fixed typo that caused Wordpress support for translations to be broken (#1984) @rafa8626 *2.23.4 (2016/10/21)* * Adjusted captions in fullscreen mode (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1885) @chdh * Validation to prevent AJAX call if `<track>` source does not exist (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1886) @Mister-King *2.23.3 (2016/10/13)* * Added Dutch translation for MediaElement (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1863) @leonardder * Added new translation to demo file @rafa8626 * Integrated fix for Drupal 7 running with `jQuery.noConflict()` (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1857) @CaineThanatos * Fixed minor issue with Skip Back button @rafa8626 * Fixed declaration of Brazilian Portuguese translation file (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1872) @OlivierJaquemet * Refactored `mejs.i18n` and expanded to allow pluralization (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1867) @rafa8626 * Updated `me-i18n-locale-de.js` to accept plurals (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1879) @SoftCreatR * Send focus to correct control based on location to improve Accessibility (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1818) @astephenb * Standardized language files and cleaned with JSLint (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1883) @SoftCreatR *2.23.2 (2016/10/01)* * Added fix for time rail width described on #1356 @rafa8626 * Integrated markers feature (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1814) @hkasera * Added French translation for Source Chooser feature (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1850) @OlivierJaquemet * Fixed German translation file (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1852) @SoftCreatR * Add complete list of supported language in translation demo file (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1853) @OlivierJaquemet * Fix for controls when no features are set in the configuration (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1797) @rafa8626 * Fixed issues with translatable elements in several features files that were not being translated properly and fixed typo in Spanish translation @rafa8626 * Fixed YouTube loop issue according to @michaelbucklin recommendation @rafa8626 * Fixed compilation error when using YUICompressor on i18n file (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1861) @OlivierJaquemet *2.23.1 (2016/09/26)* * Fix documentation in regards of control icons with CSS in different path (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1837) @jangrewe * Added a new element to customize YouTube iframe, to solve #1840 (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1842) @rafa8626 * Fix issues with Chromium not playing audio files properly (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1843) @rafa8626 * Fix for issue related to space bar and Firefox triggering click event, causing issues in Accessibility (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1848) @rafa8626 * Update I18N to use unique id instead of strings (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1845) @OlivierJaquemet * Make the sourcechooser feature keyboard-friendly for Accessibility purposes (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1841) @tennety * Integration of `grunt` task to set translation files inside `/build/` folder (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1834) @rafa8626 *2.23.0 (2016/09/06)* * Changed way to detect fullscreen method by using _onloadstart_ event (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1815) @ale-grosselle * Preserve volume muted when resizing player (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1813) @rafa8626 * Allow double lines of captions, added missing _captions_ type in tracks workflow and minor typo fix (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1800) @rafa8626 * Touch devices controls fix for #1820 (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/issues/603) @rafa8626 * Show controls when video is paused or ended (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1786) @rafa8626 * Progress bar variables set properly to fix #1600 (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1824) @rafa8626 * Configurable controls visibility time (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1787) @rafa8626 * Added delay when hovering out of control button (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1615) @schrolli * Added new Grunt task to compile all html5 elements including console messages (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1614) @schrolli * Added call to format time properly when metadata has been loaded (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1826) @rafa8626 * Added time tracker tooltip configuration to enable/disable it (#1692) (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1830) @rafa8626 * Set source properly on YouTube videos properly per @dazweeja's comments (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1829) @rafa8626 * Documentation improvements and addition of TODO list (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1805) @rafa8626 * Added missing error message configuration in documentation and in player settings *2.22.1 (2016/08/18)* * Fix wrong parameter sent to defaultSeekForwardInterval and defaultSeekBackwardInterval options (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1784) @marjune163 * Fullscreen in Safari Mac must show player skin (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1794) @ale-grosselle * Add missing string to the English locale template https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1782 @ocean90 * Fix for aspect ratio when playing Hls Flash video if m3u8 does not have a resolution indicated (#1790) (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1791) @ale-grosselle * Only focus the play button when the control bar is not hidden (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1798) @schrolli * Avoid hiding audio controls when tabbing (#1668) (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1804) @rafa8626 * Stylesheet minor fixes (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1808) @rafa8626 * Time update on rail only when controls are visible (#1683) (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1801) @rafa8626 * ARIA attributes for big play button to continue improving player accessibility (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1803) @rafa8626 *2.22.0 (2016/07/17)* * Introduce new stretching models (stretching: 'fill','responsive') (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1760) @rafa8626 * Fix for IE9-10 fullscreen control hover issues (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1760) @rafa8626 * Update Flash HLS to v0.4.4.21 (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1762) @ale-grosselle * Update Flash HLS to accept audio (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1763) @ale-grosselle * Updated Korean translation (#1743) @Jinkwon * Improve video ID parsing for YouTube URLs (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1774) @ocean90 * Removed extraneous call to removePlugin @mediaelement *2.21.2 (2016/05/08)* * Fixed IE8 compatibility with new security update *2.21.1 (2016/05/06)* * Fix YouTube embed functionality from 2.21.0 plugin handling updates @mediaelement * Added more Vimeo API functionality @mediaelement * Move source-chooser offscreen on load (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1713) @tennety *2.21.0 (2016/05/05)* * Simplified plugin callback functions and querystring checking (security update) @mediaelement * Removed Chrome iframe fullscreen fix (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1736) @13twelve * Detect YouTube scheme (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1730) @silkentrance * Handle keydown events only for focused mediaelement (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1732) @lucash * Fix bad i18n string; create template for translating (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1722) @cjbarth * Fix lastControlPosition.top in browser zoom mode (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1718) @DmitryKrekota * Constrain volume to 0-1 range with arrow keys (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1717) @tennety * Pass the entire event object to the key action (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1701) @tennety * Support for VAST3 adpods (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1702) @cherylquirion * Allow progress to follow configuration (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1703) @tennety * YouTube: poster hiding and multi-pause issues (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1719) @msant7 * Fix for timerail when duration is over 1 hour #1727 @mediaelement *2.19.1 (2016/02/26)* * Fix for closed caption button caused by previous 508 change *2.19.0 (2016/02/24)* * YouTube now uses HTML5 iframe API as a priority to Flash * Simplified Fullscreen code for older browsers without native API support * 508 Accessibility Fixes #1690 @rtackett * Fix a minor typo in Readme #1693 @pra85 * Fix wrong "currentSrc" call in ga plugins #1687 @ivanteoh *2.19.0 (2015/12/18)* * No longer clone media DOM element on iOS (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1661) * Expose fragment playing event in HLSMediaElement (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1655) * Flash: Only log to console if debug is true (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1651/files) * Detect svgAsImg support to fix old FF (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1649) @axnd * Correcting swf compilation instruction location (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1618/files) @che-effe * Brazilian Portuguese translation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1648/files) @odnamrataizem * Hide controls only when available (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1644/files) @nseibert * removed duplicate calls to hide- and showControls() (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1616/files) @schrolli *2.18.2 (2015/10/09)* * event fix for players inside of iframes (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1597) @meirish * Fixed blinking controls issue on Firefox (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1570) @krrg * Better handling of default options (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1553/files) @ManojKumarDhankhar * Fixes a11y issue with keyboard only users (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1572) @krrg @neilgupta * Flash code cleanup and bug fixes (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1575) @sdiemer (also @pawelsamselarkena) * Keep track of playback speed when the source changes (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1580) @neilgupta * Maintain backward compatibility in secondsToTime() code method signature. (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1591/files) @bradyvercher * Add Danish locale (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1607) @greew *2.18.1 (2015/08/11)* * More accurate progress bar (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1557) @khalilravanna * Fix Flash event bug @mediaelement via @herby *2.18.0 (2015/08/05)* * add Zepto support to MediaElement (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1546) @zry656565 * Move all code/libraries out of FLA to allow grunt build (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1480) @stevemayhew * Jump forward feature (see previous) * OWASP - alowscriptaccess now defaults to sameDomain (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1390) @gregoryo * OWASP - Flash build no longer has debug parameters by default. @mediaelement * Support time format and speed vocabulary (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1518) @LeResKP * Adding a few more extensions to type guessing logic (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1519) @herby * Fix for spacebar bug (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1549) @Miyou * Improved max-width test for MediaElementPlayer.setPlayerSize (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1531) @joemcgill * Remove moot `version` property from bower.json (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1516) @kkirsche * Fixes for SWF Playback (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1515) @lsvt-casey * Remove track buttons on load error (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1533) @kabel * Add missing ALT tags to poster images (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1534) @kabel * Use more appropriate MediaElement events from spec (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1535) @kabel * Use an event to notify features of controls size change (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1536) @kabel * Remove various lint issues (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1537) @kabel * Added missing license field for npm (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1541) @pluma * Added missing main field for browserify (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1542) @pluma * Added player.js to simplify `require()` usage (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1543) @pluma * string comparison (types) is now case insensitive (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1544) @domwar * Update variable usage (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1545) @domwar * Progress bar loaded percent uses last array value (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1469) @line-0 * Fix #1499 Play button and loading animation not aligned. (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1500) @hhonisch * Fullscreen updates on some "retina" machines (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1472) @13twelve * Update dispatchEvent on pluginMediaElement match the native API @mediaelement * Fix iOS access to `.player` property @mediaelement * Remove `.mejs-offscreen` when `remove()` is called @mediaelement *2.17.0 (2015/05/30)* * Reset size method (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1434) @LukaszGrela * Fix HLS video full screen size problem (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1439) @wolfg1969 * canPlayAfterSourceSwitchHandler is fired twice (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1441) @karroupa * Fixed error display when source not available (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1442) @karroupa * Avoid an error when there are no controls in the control bar (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1451) @Fab1en * Fix errors when not found elements (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1445) @dukex * Support ShadowRoot parent (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1465) @dukex * Can't initialize MediaElement on a virtual DOM in IE8 and lower. (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1423) @dd32 * Fix missing `</span>` tag (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1498) @kevnk (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1501) @hhonisch * Add DailyMotion support in Flash (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pulls) @Fab1en * change (un)mute button title when status changes (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1482) @jrglasgow * Bug #1397, Fix for screen reader accessibility of captions (#1340) (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1398) @nfreear * Fix Speed control when multiple players are present (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1506) @LeResKP *2.16.4 (2015/03/01)* * Removed reference to jQuery/$ in froogaloop code (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1394) @staylor * Ensure screen reader text is hidden on long pages (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1388) @bradyvercher * Can't initialize MediaElement on a virtual DOM in IE8 and lower (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1423) @dd32 * CC list refresh feature (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1417) * Revered time rail from `<a>` tag to fix dragging @mediaelement *2.16.3 (2014/12/10)* * Fix for calculating rail width with horizontal volume bar (all audio controls) * Insert the accessible player title span and container div separately (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1385) @bradyvercher * Fixes for YouTube on iOS and Android (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1383) @ OwenEdwards * Fix startvolume parsing in Silverlight fallback (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1378) @fixedmachine * Add configurable initVars for JavaScript init and event callback functions (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1362) * Flash no longer sends timeupdate events before it starts playing *2.16.2 (2014/11/15)* * Fixed broken swf files because of new problem with binary @OwenEdwards *2.16.1 (2014/11/07)* * Fixed strict `undefined` check for posterUrl issue (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1348) *2.16.0 (2014/11/06)* * Migration from Builder.py to Grunt (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1309) @dmfrancisco * remove event listeners from flash AudioElement (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1294) @phinze * mep-feature-ads: Link overlay only when url is given (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1296) @schrolli * Add repository field to package.json to avoid warning (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1300) @dmfrancisco * Fix IE8 error on window resizing (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1301) @chemerisuk * send `this` to dispatchEvent callbacks (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1295) @phinze * Added link to MIT license to README.md (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1303) @SuriyaaKudoIsc * Fix for dynamically created players in responsive design (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1337) @staylor * Added skipback feature (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1320) @matthillman * Allow click/touch event bubbling on time rail (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1318) @dennyferra * Additional translations for i18n (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1310) @OlivierJaquemet * update HLS support with flashls v0.3.3 (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1339) @mangui * Make progres bar accessible (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1292) @rylan @nfreear * Make volume control accessible (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1290) @rylan * Fix: Loading animation doesn't disappear Android (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1288) @MoritzGiessmann * Accept IETF language tags, plus accessible play/pause button -- "iet-ou/cr1262/a11y" (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1270#issuecomment-61791241) @nfreear * Improved screen reader accessibility of captions (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1340) *2.15.1 (2014/08/11)* * Fixes for various sizing issues with 2.15.0 * Fix nativeWidth() to return defaultAudioWidth (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1271) * Don't set .me-plugin width/height to 0 (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1273) @staylor * Remove video-only restriction on playback speed feature (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1268) @phinze * a work around for zero height containers (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1274) @maimairel *2.15.0 (2014/08/03)* * support m3u8 (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1074) @clkao * add Flash/HTTP Live Streaming Support (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1066) @mangui * Fix jQuery reference in plugin (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1231) @blackbyte-pl * Added plugin for Universal Google Analytics (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1229) @louiedp3 * Implement keyboard accessibility (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1221) @joedolson * Removed "touchstart" to prevent Android issues (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1212) @MoritzGiessmann * Vimeo API Cleanup and Fix (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1199) @maimairel * Fix for silverlight issue with fullscreen button (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1196) @PaulVrugt * Fix IE10/11 error with `clone()` and `show()` (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1194) @benjroy * Add bower.json (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1188) @herby * i18n : add French translation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1177) @kloh-fr * IE8 layout (Adding width and height to .me-plugin) @peterh-capella * Fixes #1113 - Youtube Playbutton on load hidden (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1140) @LOK-Soft * setVideoSize : verify this.pluginElement before this.pluginElement.style (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1175) @bdecarne * VideoElement.as: fix duration on setSrc (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1127) @rounce * don't hide controls when they're being hovered over (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1121) @rounce * flash: send keydown events up to javascript (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1120) @rounce * Restore IE6 compatibility for 100% (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1021) @ryokenau * Added playback speed (HTML5 only), fixed caption's auto-size when fullscreen (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1027) @cheng-shiwen * Cleaned up playback speed (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1249) @matthillman * Chromium Web Browser Support (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1020) @ryokenau * Always listen for the fullscreenchange event on the document (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1240) @foolip * The hours are not required on the webvtt format (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1252) @LeResKP * Fix wrong initial player size when responsive (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1247) @Wizard13 * Make mejs.MediaFeatures.isFullScreen() more consistent (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1239) @foolip * Fix flash source chooser (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1191) @dajulia3 * Option `setDimensions` to allow deactivation of inline widths and heights at player elements (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1236) @feeela * Fix Captions start language is not ticked in Firefox (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1260) * Updated SVG to fix Chrome 38's rendering problems *2.14.2 (2014/04/04)* * Additional progress bar checks for hidden/missing bars * Add Gruntfile.js build support (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1147) @jeremyfelt * Add #! line to Builder.py for legacy builds (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1036) @amenonsen *2.14.1 (2014/03/31)* * Fix infinite loop on progress bar *2.14.0 (2014/03/29)* * Vimeo support (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1079) @clkao * fix for aac-audio (itunes-samples etc.) (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1133) @faebser * added 'm4a' file type, to be detected as 'audio/mp4' (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/988) @heshiming * Function remove() should remove mejs container only if it exists (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1144) @lucash * Handle the case when parentNode is null (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1136) @lbeder, also hypomodern * fix leaky variables (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1123) @kernel * Fixed display of volume control on non-mobile touch devices (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1093) @OwenEdwards * Calculate correctly the video player height for 100% (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1083) @LeResKP * restore focus after click on the controls (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1094) @rounce * Support youtu.be URL for youtube source (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1135) @clkao * Make slider work on touch devices (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1033) @Singularetantum * add Simplified Chinese translation (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1065) @michaeljayt * Fixed the reference to `media` in the bigPlay control creation. (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1111) @nuzzio * Fix layout bug when zooming page (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1097) @ChiChou * Fix fullscreen iframe zoom bug. (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1070) @lisbakke *2.13.2 (2014/01/24)* * Removed breaking `hasTouch` detection * Fixed IE detection https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1018 * fix play() on ipad does not start playing and double click issue (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/918) @fbuecklers * added scale=default to Flash for better 100% https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/963 * Add code fences for GHFM https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/975 * i18n improvements https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/1025 *2.13.1 (2013/09/?06)* * Support for fullscreen in IE11 beta *2.13.0 (2013/09/01)* * BREAKING FLASH SECURITY CHANGE: Removed `allowDomain("*")` by default. If you use MediaElement.js on a different domain use the `flashmediaelement-cdn.swf` file (nacin) https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/956 * Use only FlashVars and ignore parameters passed via query string. * Force LTR in controls (for RTL users) https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/958 @nacin *2.12.1 (2013/08/26)* * Remove all `console.log` statements in `Builder.py` @mediaelement * More i18n fixes for Wordpress https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/940 @SergeyBiryukov * Fix touch detection in QtWebKit https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/939 @peterbrook * Added configuration option httpsBasicAuthSite fix sites using HTTPS basic authentication (benroy73) https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/937 * Fixed backlight plugin error https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/932 @eviweb * Fix some wrong dates on the change log https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/930 @heartcode * Add a mejs-fullscreen css class on the root element https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/925 @fbuecklers * fix for ff switch between fullscreen and normal mode https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/924 @fbuecklers * Multiple fixes: old issue #548, current issues #754 and #902 https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/923 @peterh-capella * fix firefox detect 100% mode issue https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/919 @KaptinLin * Option to show the poster when the video is ended https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/891 @LeResKP * Fix for Chrome autoplaying when forcing Flash https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/889 @tjsnyder * Allow SWF to work over insecure domain https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/897 @sebablanco * Corrected buffering height on CSS https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/875 SourceR85 * CSS cleanup https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/883 @awittdesigns *2.12.0 (2013/06/02)* * Removed old media files from repo (reduced filesize from 150MB to 25MB) * Added `test.html` to `/tests/` folder to use JS files in `/src/` folder * Fullscreen plugin player toggles play/pause when controls are clicked https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/742 @JeffreyATW * Making use of pluginWidth & pluginHeight https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/837 @eyefood * Proportional poster images (IE9+ Chrome, Safari, Firefox) https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/838 @eyefood * Fixed video resolution on seek in flash https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/839 @efEris * Option for custom error message when no plugins are found. https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/842 @svoynow-lz * Fix for Safari to play video on HTTPS site https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/845 @benroy73 * Fixes Mute/UnMute when playing from a YouTube source https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/848 @mbaker3 * i18n fixes for better compatibility with WordPress https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/850 @SergeyBiryukov * Fixing invalid characters restrictions for URLs https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/859 @sebablanco * Checking for pluginType on media instead of mediaelementplayer in Fullscreen https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/865 @JeffreyATW * Problem with IE9 on Windows 7 N / Windows 7 KN without WMP installed https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/868 @sarvaje * Cleanup stylesheet https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/867 @jawittdesigns * Properly treat namespace-only events for `globalUnbind()` https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/878 @odnamrataizem * Fixed issue with slash character separating time https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/879 @S2 *2.11.3 (2013/04/13)* * Change to `getScriptPath` to allow querystring variables to be added (for Wordpress Core) *2.11.2 (2013/04/12)* * Fixed overly aggressive XSS testing (excluding forward slashes) * Fixed line endings on Flash (*.as) files (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/834) @markjaquith * Included protocol relative URL for YouTube (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/832) Dan Tsosie *2.11.1 (2013/04/11)* Major changes * Removed Ogg, WebM, and MP3 files to keep download under 10MB. Files are now at https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement-files * Simple Flash Pseudo-streaming @set enablePseudoStreaming:true, pseudoStreamingStartQueryParam:'start' (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/814) @BryanMorgan * Fixed possible XSS attack through `file=` parameter in `flashmediaelement.swf` Fixes and updates * Protocol relative YouTube URLs for `iframe` API (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/825) @dtsosie * Added aria-label to all button elements (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/824) @Luzifer * Fixed preroll adclick URL (mediaelement) * Traditional chinese locale strings for i18n module (latzt) (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/820) * Allow captions on audio player (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/819) @LeResKP * Fix incorrect path returned by `getScriptPath()` @Ciki * Overhauling hover div creation and placement (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/813) @JeffreyATW * Clear timeout for second fullscreen stretch attempt (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/812) @JeffreyATW * fix type resolution when extension is uppercased (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/801) @jbdemonte * "splice is not a function" fix on `MediaElementPlayer.remove()` (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/799) @odnamrataizem * Make Flash stage handle CLICK rather than MOUSE_DOWN (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/804) @odnamrataizem *2.11.0 (2013/03/13)* * Preroll ads manager * VAST ads plugin (sponsored by Minito Video) * Slides `<track>` type (non-standard HTML5 use) * Calculate rails size only with visible elements (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/773) @romanbsd * Round calculations of progress bar to prevent fractions (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/768) @romanbsd * Fix AndroidUseNativeControls (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/749) @LeResKP * Muting the volume icon if startVolume is set to 0 (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/747) @heartcode * Make YouTube URL protocol relative (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/761) @strworkstation * Prevent Flash audio player from sending too many 'progress' events (@mediaelement) * Properly clean up player when calling MediaElementPlayer.remove() (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/779) @odnamrataizem * Add "mejs-shim" class to all shims to prevent improper resizing (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/789) @JeffreyATW * Bug fix for the error "this.pluginApi.pauseMedia is not a function" when using the flash player and removing the dom element. https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/788 @Jmaharman * Make possible to open youtube links as audio only https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/784 @Seb33300 * Add a few basic Jasmine tests https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/781 @msgilligan * Add option to hide the video controls on load https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/780#issuecomment-14781622 @eResKP * @cc button can now be a toggle when there's just one track https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/793 @LeResKP * fixed error when srclang was missing *2.10.3 (2013/01/27)* * Fix broken scrollbar from API reference error (peterbrook) (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/739) *2.10.2 (2013/01/26)* * The project is now MIT-only, instead of dual licensed MIT and GPL (just as jQuery has done: http://jquery.org/license/) * Fix audio height in 100% mode (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/667) * Make rewinding at the end optional (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/725) * Bugfix: attributes for PluginMediaElement (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/722) * Add mejs-long-video class when capture is 1hr or longer, custom styles (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/715) * Fix for dragging playhead horizontally off the video (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/711) * Align timing of captions with show/hide controls (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/708) * Missing semicolon (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/737) * Don't send timeupdate event after ended event (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/727) * Added option to disable pause/play on main div click (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/735) *2.10.1 (2012/12/31)* * New postroll feature (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/660) * PluginMediaElement click-to-pause behavior doesn't work (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/691) * Use the normal CSS property name after the vendor prefix (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/686) * Select first source that is supported by the browser (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/679) * fixed outerWidth for jQuery 1.8 compatiability (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/680) * Fix for Issue #676 when Stop button does not behaves as expected in selected browsers (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/678) * Fix source switching on Webkit in SourceChooser (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/675) * Better 100% mode handling within non-visible container (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/668) * Display chapter tracks for late-loading video sources, including YouTube (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/665) * Added SVG Stop icon (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/696) * Added SVG source chooser icon (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/669) * Adding rounding to volume slider left, top, and and width setters (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/684) * Display chapter tracks for late-loading video sources, including YouTube (https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/665) *2.10.0 (2012/11/23)* * Support of matchMedia where possible @zachleat * Fix for 100% audio using correct sizing @dougwilson * SVG icons for better Retina support @mediaelement * Localized buttons @latzt https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/627 * Volume handle doesn't set initial position properly @JeffreyATW https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/625 * Cleaned up some CSS whitespace https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/656 * Vimeo - updated to iframe code (from old megaloop) *2.9.5 (2012/09/26)* * Fixed faulty FlashMediaElement.swf (due to Git program mashing it) * Fixed track element issues introduced by DFXP captions *2.9.4 (2012/09/24)* * Improved RTMP parsing @pansapien https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/574 * Added `flashStreamer` option to separate streamer from file * Raise an error for unknown video size in Flash @denmarkin https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/571 * Fix for alwaysShowControls with keyboard interaction @peterh-capella https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/569 * Support for DFXP captions @justinl-capella https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/420 *2.9.3 (2012/08/23) * * Allows use of `style="max-width: 100%;"` for responsive video * Added type to source buttons in mep-feature-sourcechooser.js:48 @flamadiddle * Fix use of inArray and $ in src/js/me-shim.js @lftl, @Seb33300, @eusonic and others (this was a regression bug from another fix) * Fixing syntax error in events demo @JeffreyATW *2.9.2 (2012/07/06) * * Added a few height checks (from Joe Anderson) * Removed console.log statements * Better file MIME type detection when the "type" attribute is not set @Seb33300) * Pass the event keyCode to the keyActions handler, and make seek interval configurable @bborn * Responsive flash fix, YouTube edits @heikki * New `auto_plugin` mode that starts with plugins then tries HTML5 @savil *2.9.1 (2012/06/01)* * Fixed Firefox 10+ Fullscreen error *2.9.0 (2012/05/31)* * Fixed pointer-events detection in IE9 (when using Flash mode or YouTube) * YouTube now shows annotations (using YouTube player rather than chromeless) * Fix play/pause when clicking on video when overlays are displayed @markomarkovic * Dont listen to mouse events when there's not a reason to @neverarriving * Adding CSS animated buffer to the time rail @neverarriving * Fix for box-sizing: border-box from cutting off time text. @MatthewCallis *2.8.2 (2012/05/15)* * Fixed volume slider bug when initially hidden * Fixed YouTube size problems in Flash mode *2.8.1 (2012/04/19)* * Flash fullscreen: video not fullsized * Flash fullscreen: youtube controls not working *2.8.0 (2012/04/17)* * Revamped YouTube to work using the Flash shim so that it supports fullscreen * Fix for `remove()` method (lennym) * Fix possible issue with ContextMenu ( quangvhg) * Fix for stop button ( slavva97) * Type on `var` and `;` (lennym) * Fix for keyboard support forward and backward (myffical) *2.7.0 (2012/03/12)* * Added horizontal volume control, the new default for audio (based on work by @gavinlynch(http://github.com/gavinlynch)) * Possible issues with < IE8 centering resolved * Full set of controls under Silverlight (@Birol2010(https://github.com/Birol2010/)) * YouTube fix @raknam * shim now has a .tagName property, and other DOM-like methods @tantalic * Poster display fix when HTML5, Flash, and Silverlight are all missing @bruha * Source Chooser plugin @markomarkovic * Fix for flash audio mute @lbernau *2.6.5 (2012/02/01)* * Removed iOS 3.x poster code @xtat @James Cross * Fixed bug when player is initially hidden in `display:none;` * Workaround for when inside an `<iframe>` and Chrome doesn't correctly report exiting from fullscreen *2.6.4 (2012/01/10)* * Fixed a Flash bug when one video ended and another was loaded through `setSrc()` and `load()` * Option for markup between current time and duration @tantalic *2.6.3 (2012/01/08)* * Sending all options to Flash including colors *2.6.2 (2012/01/06)* * Fixed Flash fullscreen button inside an `<iframe>` * Fixed flash auto starting in 100% mode *2.6.1 (2012/01/03)* * Updated Opera's Flash Fullscreen support (apparently, it doesn't like pointer-events:none with Flash) * Added a `fullscreenchange` event to Flash to better track events *2.6.0 (2011/12/27)* * added major updates to Flash fullscreen mode controls @rmhall * added sneaky `pointer-events: none` to allow Flash to enter fullscreen in one clean click * added missing CSS3 gradients syntaxes (kristerkari) @https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/339 * added check for left offset to detect when mousedrag exceeds top boundary @jmcneese(https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/pull/335) *2.5.0 (2011/12/15) - 56kb* * Flash fullscreen now works on hover, so it's much easier to use. For Firefox it's always on, but for others `usePluginFullScreen:true` option * For the audio player, Flash objects are positioned outside the main `<div>` which allows the player to be hidden without breaking flash * Volume controls was adjusted slightly * Removed Google translate features (Google killed the API) *2.4.3 (2011/12/10)* * keyboard controls are now an array, allowing multiple keys to do the same thing * support for Google TV keybuttons (based on above) * arrow keys now move when paused * floating time is now handled via JavaScript instead of CSS :hover (and removed from touch devices) *2.4.2 (2011/12/06) - 57.3kb* * keyboard controls (up/down controls volume, left/right seeks, space play/pause, f goes fullscreen) * `<audio>` now works with 100% for responsive layouts @283(https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/issues/283) * Support for auto start with class `mejs-player` and `data-mejsoptions` e.g. `<video src="media.mp4" class="mejs-player" data-mejsoptions='{"features":@"playpause","progress","volume"}, "success": "myCallback"}'><video>` * With multiple players on a page, when one starts the others pause (toggle `pauseOtherPlayers: true`) @285(https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/issues/285) *2.4.1 (2011/12/05) - 55.7kb* * Fixed fullscreen bug with Firefox (with Video for Everybody syntax) @270(https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/issues/270) * Added `remove()` method to `MediaElement` and `MediaElementPlayer` to safely remove Flash (from IE) @111(https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/issues/111) * Added a demo of MEJS skins to the /demo/ folder * Closed issue with `ended` event in Flash (my example works) @246(https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/issues/246) * Flash has better support for `preload="auto"` @290(https://github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement/issues/290) *2.4.0 (2011/11/28) - 54.9kb* * Integration with YouTube API (and intial support for Vimeo API) : http://mediaelementjs.com/examples/?name=youtube * Catch when Google Translate fails due to API limits *2.3.3 (2011/11/21) - 49.4kb* * removed volume controls for touch devices (Android and iOS require hardware volume) * set a timeout to hide controls on touch devices * fixed timecode bug with :09 (used radix) * fixed bug when long videos end: (try/catch) * fixed issue with `alwaysShowControls` * removed a `console.log` in fullscreen that broke IE *2.3.2 (2011/11/12) 49.6kb* * removed `http` from Flash and Silverlight embeds to support SSL * fixed a possible bug when neither `src` nor `type` was specified * turned off useCapture for a few events *2.3.1 (2011/11/07)* * Another set of changes to handle various browser native fullscreen issues * New control behavior for touch enabled devices (iPad, Android tablets) * Bug fix for Flash (bradleyboy) *2.3.0 (2011/11/01) - 48.5kb* * Fixed bug when fullscreen was called before play pressed * Additional classes mejs-audio, mejs-video, mejs-ios, mejs-iphone, mejs-ipad, mejs-android added to contianing `<div>` for styles * IE9 can't use `<video width="100%">` so you must use either options ({videoHeight:'100%'}) or inline style `<video style="width:100%;height:100%;">` * updated fullscreen code for Safari (erktime) * loading indicators shows during 'waiting' event * iOS and Android now show "big play" button again (sometimes overlaps on iPhone) *2.2.5 (2011/10/14)* * fix for Flash fallback in certain scenarios (IE RegExp problem, Firefox fullscreen Flash issue) * adjustments for floating time indicator *2.2.4 (2011/10/10)* * True FullScreen support in Firefox (nightly) and Chrome (Canary) * more updates for 100% mode * enableContextMenu(), disableContextMenu() methods * change to poster code to let it be set later *2.2.3 (2011/10/07b) - 45.8kb* * updated accessibility again for JAWS and NVDA (thanks to twitter.com/mohammed0204) * added CSS class `<html class="mejs-embed">` for `<iframe>` embeds *2.2.2 (2011/10/07) - 45.8kb* * added support for <del>`<video width="100%" height="100%"></video>`</del> `<video style="width:100%;height:100%"></video>` (i.e. responsive/adaptive players) * added :focus state for buttons to improve accessibility * added title and aria-controls attributes to buttons to improve accessibility * changed when loading circle appears (WebKit fires the 'loadstart' event differently than FF or IE) *2.2.1 (2011/10/06) - 44.1kb* * fixed a bug with fullscreen that caused IE to completely mess up it layout * fixed another bug with fullscreen and z-index *2.2.0 (2011/10/04)* * controls now display on iPad, iPhone, and Android. Can be turned off using (iPadForceNativeControls:true) * fullscreen support for iPad (different from true fullscreen on Safari 5.1) * added frameaccurate timecode (via gselva) * added contextmenu as a feature. if turned on the default includes: fullscreen toggle, mute toggle, and media download * updated WebVTT support (still had some SRT formatting restrictions) * dynamic player creation: from `<a href="media.mp4">video</a>` and `<div class="mejs"></div>` specifying type (string or array) * Fixed bug where Flash couldn't go fullscreen with track chapters * fixed a bug with Flash fullscreen ratios * controls now disappear on timeout when mouse is idle (useful for fullscreen) * enableControls() and disableControls() (for pre/post roll scenarios) * added an autoplay override (especially for WebKit browsers) * fixed functionality of mute toggling * reorganized plugins to use $.extend * updating functionality of loading graphic to account for various browser inconsistencies (loadstart event) *2.1.9 (2011/08/04) - 36.9kb* * fixed Android 2.1 and 2.2 playing problems (still need a good 2.3 and 3.0 device. hint. hint.) *2.1.8 (2011/08/03) - 36.9kb* * True fullscreen for Safari 5.1 * Flash/Silverlight fullscreen is now "full window" (except for Firefox which cannot handle adjusting Flash without reloading it) *2.1.7 (2011/07/19) - 35.9kb* * fixed mute button (kaichen) * added alwaysShowControls option (kaichen) * forceful padding override on buttons * started "ender" branch to experiment with removing jQuery dependency and baking in ender.js * updated the use of `type` javascript option with src is present * remove preload="none" hack for Chrome now that it supports it (note: Chrome still strangely fires a 'loadstart' event) * added hooks for other jQuery compatible libraries like @ender.js(http://enderjs.com) * Wordpress: if you don't specify a file extension, mejs will look for attached files and use them @video src="/wp-content/uploads/myfile" * Wordpress: option to select a 'skin' * Wordpress: option to select audio width/height *2.1.6 (2011/06/14) - 35.5kb* * fix errors when the progress bar isn't present * buttons are now actual `<button>` tags which allows tabbed controls (for better accessibility and possible ARIA support) * fix problems with low volume in Flash on startup (startVolume was sometimes 0!) * updated a few places to use jQuery 1.6's new prop/attr methods * updated skins to account for new `<button>` (still need highlighted style) *2.1.5 (2011/05/28) - 35.2kb* * minor fix for controls not showing time or duration * when switching files, the Flash plugin now forcibly stops downliading *2.1.4 (2011/05/20) - 35.2kb* * fixed display of hours * fixed Flash audio bug where pausing when the file wasn't fully loaded would cause the progress bar to go offscreen * fixed Flash video bug where percent loaded was always 100% * fixed Flash audio bug where pressing pause, then play would always restart playback from the beginning * startVolume works more clearly in plugins (esp. Opera and Linux) * tracks support no longer refers to WebSRT, but is more generic for WebVTT (not all features of WebVTT are supported yet) * fixed fullscreen in Safari OS X 10.5 (which doens't really support true fullscreen) * Flash and Silverlight can now start downloading if preload="auto" or preload="metadata" (warning: preload="metadata" will load the entire thing) *2.1.3 (2011/04/12) - 35.8kb* * added support for hours in time format (00:00:00) and an alwaysShowHours option to force hours to always show * removed some duplicate flash events * added 'seeking' event to Flash/SL (already had 'seeked') *2.1.2 (2011/03/23) - 34.4kb* * fixed IE6 and IE7 caption position * fixed IE7 failure in certain places * changed browser UA detection to use only lowercase (iPhone iphone) * fixed Flash audio loaded bug (reporting 0 after loaded) * added removeEventListener to shims * new rail-resizing code *2.1.1 (2011/03/07) - 33.5kb* * added 'loadeddata' event to Flash and Silverlight * switched to flashvars parameter to support Apache's mod_security * better flash fullscreen support * added flv-x to flash's accepted types * Fixed a bug in poster sizing (only affected IE) * added "isFullScreen" property to media objects (like Safari's webkitDisplayingFullscreen) * controls start hidden with autoplay * fixed iOS loading issues (success wasn't firing, other errors) * fixed IE6 when using new MediaElementPlayer(), rather than jQuery *2.1.0 (2011/02/23) - 32.9kb* * Updated control styles for a cleaner look * Added loadeddata and canplay events to Flash and Silverlight * Added loading indicator to MediaElementPlayer * Added stop button (pause, then return to currentTime:0) * IE6/7 CSS updates * Poster is now forced to the size of the player (could be updated to be proportional if someone wants to add that) * Updated Flash ended event to account for buffering weirdness * Fixed a track text hovering problem *2.0.7 (2011/02/13) - 31.9kb* * Added 'mode' option to force native (HTML5) or shim (Flash,Silverlight) modes * Fixed audio seeking bug in Flash (thanks Andy!) * Fixed startVolume not working in Flash * Overrided Chrome's autoplay since it doesn't always work *2.0.6 (2011/02/04) - 31.7kb* * Whitespace cleanup on files * Preventing flash/sl plugins from reinitializing when they are removed by another script * Fixed IE JavaScript errors in Flash fallback (seen in Wordpress) * Added 'play' event to Silverlight to prevent errors *2.0.5 (2011/01/25) - 31.7kb* * Added error object to player * Adjusted popup timer and progress bar * Fixed media URL escaping * Stopped sending poster to plugin * Silverlight culture update * Added back reference check (also makes jQuery usage easier) * Added stop() function to mediaelement * timerupdate still fires when paused (plugins) * Added Security.allowDomain("*") to Flash so it can be used on different domains * Fixed progress bar for Firefox 3 with Ogg files * Prevented Flash from re-creating the player when show/hide restarts it * Fixed initial volume level in non-HTML5 players * Made PNG8 versions of controls images (for IE6) *2.0.4 (2011/01/14) - 31.2kb* * Fixed a major bug in plugin detection. *2.0.3 (2011/01/13) - 31.2kb* * changed IE Flash insertion to include me-plugin CSS class * changed player error handling * fixed a bug in the Silverlight player related to URLs *2.0.2 (2010/12/31) - 31.1kb* * Changed HTML escape method to encodeURICompnent * Flash-based RMTP support (contributor: sylvinus) * Fixed Wordpress loop bug * Changed time popup to move with mouse instead of currentTime * added enablePluginSmoothing (Flash) * Added some "play" "playing" event duplication to Flash *2.0.1 (2010/12/20) - XX.Xkb* * Changed Flash to allow cross domain video * Added 'click' event to Flash and Silverlight * Updated autoplay attribute detection *2.0.0 (2010/12/13) - 30.8kb* * Reorganized MediaElementPlayer code to allow each button to become a pluggable feature that can be removed or overrided * Enabled a no JavaScript version to support Video for Everybody nested syntax (optional) * Enabled drag on progress bar * Preload="none" is default for Flash and Silverlight * Preload="none" enabled on Google Chrome * Added skins to download * Support for skin swapping * Updated volume handle controls * Update progress controls display * Exposed MediaElement API methods on player * Adjusted layout for IE6 *1.1.7 (2010/11/29) - 29.8kb* * Fixed bug with `<track>` loading on `<audio>` player *1.1.6 (2010/11/23) - 29.8kb* * Chapters support `<track kind="chapters" />` *1.1.5 (2010/11/21) - 29.8kb* * Workaround for IE issues when accidentally placed inside `<p>` tag * Fixed silverlight pause state reporting * Switched back to Flash as default * Removed requirement for Google translate API `<script>` (direct JSONP call) * Added googleApiKey option *1.1.4 (2010/11/21) - 29.5kb* * Added Default volume level to options (0.8) * Fix for IE volume slider positioning * Fix for IE tracks parsing (replacement String.split) * Changed namespace from html5 to mejs * Remove all showMessage references * Controls show again after playback ends *1.1.3 (2010/11/20) - 29.0kb* * Change to fallback mechanism and styling (Windows Phone 7) *1.1.2 (2010/11/19) - 28.9kb* * Removed messages, added big play button * Google translate now supports more than 1000 characters * Added a dropdownlist of languages from which the user can select * Added timerUpdate option to set the millisecond speed of timeupdate events * Updated the media file and examples *1.1.1 (2010/11/18) - 27.1kb* * added captioning support via the `<track>` tag (thanks to @Playr(http://www.delphiki.com/html5/playr) for the example) * added auto-translation support via Google translate API *1.1.0 (2010/11/17) - 22.6kb* * Total re-oganization of MediaElement, MediaElementPlayer, and supporting objects * Updated CSS to a cleaner look, with better IE support & big play button * Simplified all plugin and version detection * Added loop option (useful for audio files) * Added the ability to turn each control button on/off * Added canPlayType to PluginMediaElement * Updated setSrc to take multiple sources *1.0.7 (2010/11/16) - 18.15kb* * Total re-oganization of MediaElement code * JSLint compliant, YUI compliant *1.0.6 (2010/11/15) - 17.96kb* * Rebuilt PluginDetection (removed SWFObject and Microsoft code) * More JSLint compatible (still a few iterations to get there) * Added jQuery 1.4.4 *1.0.5 (2010/11/10 later on)* * Fixed a problem with the *.min.js files * Added jQuery 1.4.3 *1.0.4 (2010/11/10) - 18.32kb* * Fixed Flash display when `<video>` did not match actual dimensions * autosizing in Flash and Silverlight * added options for defaultVideoWidth, defaultVideoHeight when `<video>` `height` and `width` are not set * included minified versions using YUI compressor *1.0.3 (2010/09/24)* * changes in poster handling * fix IE9 startup bug (its 'play' event fires wrongly it seems) * fixed Flock, Opera sizing bugs * fixed audio ended bug in special cases under Flash * added default height/width when they are not specified in attributes *1.0.2 (2010/09/17)* * minor updates to support IE9 beta1 *1.0.1 (2010/09/13)* * added native fullscreen support for Safari 5 (via webkitEnterFullScreen) *1.0.0 (2010/08/09)* * initial release