<?php exit; /** * Opens and parses/checks a VChamilo instance definition file * @param string $location * */ function vchamilo_parse_csv_nodelist($nodelistlocation = '', $plugin = null) { global $_configuration; $vnodes = array(); if (empty($nodelistlocation)) { $nodelistlocation = $_configuratioh['root_sys'].'/plugin/vchamilo/nodelist.csv'; } // decode file $csv_delimiter = "\;"; $csv_delimiter2 = ";"; // make arrays of valid fields for error checking $required = array( 'root_web' => 1, 'sitename' => 1, 'institution' => 1, 'main_database' => 1, 'statistics_database' => 1, 'user_personal_database' => 1, 'db_user' => 1, 'db_password' => 1, 'course_folder' => 1, ); $optional = array( 'db_host' => 1, 'template' => 1, 'table_prefix' => 1, 'single_database' => 1, 'tracking_enabled' => 1, 'visible' => 1, ); $optionalDefaults = array( 'db_host' => $_configuration['db_host'], 'db_prefix' => 'chm_', 'table_prefix' => '', 'tracking_enabled' => 0, 'single_database' => 1, 'template' => '', 'visible' => 1 ); $patterns = array(); // Metas are accepted patterns (optional) $metas = array( 'plugin_.*', 'config_.*' ); // Get header (field names) $textlib = new textlib(); if (!$fp = fopen($nodelistlocation, 'rb')) { cli_error($plugin->get_lang('badnodefile', 'vchamilo', $nodelistlocation)); } // Jump any empty or comment line $text = fgets($fp, 1024); $i = 0; while (vchamilo_is_empty_line_or_format($text, $i == 0)) { $text = fgets($fp, 1024); $i++; } $headers = explode($csv_delimiter2, $text); // Check for valid field names foreach ($headers as $h) { $header[] = trim($h); $patternized = implode('|', $patterns)."\\d+"; $metapattern = implode('|', $metas); if (!(isset($required[$h]) || isset($optionalDefaults[$h]) || isset($optional[$h]) || preg_match("/$patternized/", $h) || preg_match("/$metapattern/", $h))) { cli_error("Node parse : invalidfieldname $h "); return; } if (isset($required[trim($h)])) { $required[trim($h)] = 0; } } $expectedcols = count($headers); $i++; // Check for required fields. foreach ($required as $key => $value) { if ($value) { // Required field missing. cli_error("fieldrequired $key"); return; } } $linenum = 2; // Since header is line 1. // Take some from admin profile, other fixed by hardcoded defaults. while (!feof($fp)) { // Make a new base record. $vnode = new StdClass(); foreach ($optionalDefaults as $key => $value) { $vnode->$key = $value; } //Note: commas within a field should be encoded as , (for comma separated csv files) //Note: semicolon within a field should be encoded as ; (for semicolon separated csv files) $text = fgets($fp, 1024); if (vchamilo_is_empty_line_or_format($text, false)) { $i++; continue; } $valueset = explode($csv_delimiter2, $text); if (count($valueset) != $expectedcols) { cli_error('wrong line count at line '.$i); } $f = 0; foreach ($valueset as $value) { // Decode encoded commas. $key = $headers[$f]; if (preg_match('/\|/', $key)) { list($plugin, $variable) = explode('|', str_replace('plugin_', '', $key)); if (empty($variable)) die("Key error in CSV : $key "); if (!isset($vnode->$plugin)) { $vnode->$plugin = new StdClass(); } $vnode->$plugin->$variable = trim($value); } else { if (preg_match('/^config_/', $key)) { $smartkey = str_replace('config_', '', $key); $keyparts = implode('|', $smartkey); $keyvar = $keyparts[0]; $subkey = @$keyparts[1]; $vnode->config->$smartkey = new StdClass; $vnode->config->$smartkey->subkey = $subkey; $vnode->config->$smartkey->value = trim($value); } else { $vnode->$key = trim($value); } } $f++; } $vnodes[] = $vnode; } return $vnodes; } /** * Check a CSV input line format for empty or commented lines * Ensures compatbility to UTF-8 BOM or unBOM formats */ function vchamilo_is_empty_line_or_format(&$text, $resetfirst = false) { global $CFG; static $textlib; static $first = true; // We may have a risk the BOM is present on first line if ($resetfirst) $first = true; if (!isset($textlib)) $textlib = new textlib(); // Singleton $text = $textlib->trim_utf8_bom($text); $first = false; $text = preg_replace("/\n?\r?/", '', $text); // last chance if ('ASCII' == mb_detect_encoding($text)) { $text = utf8_encode($text); } // Check the text is empty or comment line and answer true if it is. return preg_match('/^$/', $text) || preg_match('/^(\(|\[|-|#|\/| )/', $text); } /** * Get input from user * @param string $prompt text prompt, should include possible options * @param string $default default value when enter pressed * @param array $options list of allowed options, empty means any text * @param bool $casesensitive true if options are case sensitive * @return string entered text */ function cli_input($prompt, $default = '', array $options = null, $casesensitiveoptions = false) { echo $prompt; echo "\n: "; $input = fread(STDIN, 2048); $input = trim($input); if ($input === '') { $input = $default; } if ($options) { if (!$casesensitiveoptions) { $input = strtolower($input); } if (!in_array($input, $options)) { echo "Incorrect value, please retry.\n"; // TODO: localize, mark as needed in install return cli_input($prompt, $default, $options, $casesensitiveoptions); } } return $input; } /** * Returns cli script parameters. * @param array $longoptions array of --style options ex:('verbose'=>false) * @param array $shortmapping array describing mapping of short to long style options ex:('h'=>'help', 'v'=>'verbose') * @return array array of arrays, options, unrecognised as optionlongname=>value */ function cli_get_params(array $longoptions, array $shortmapping = null) { $shortmapping = (array) $shortmapping; $options = array(); $unrecognized = array(); if (empty($_SERVER['argv'])) { // Bad luck, we can continue in interactive mode ;-) return array($options, $unrecognized); } $rawoptions = $_SERVER['argv']; // Remove anything after '--', options can not be there. if (($key = array_search('--', $rawoptions)) !== false) { $rawoptions = array_slice($rawoptions, 0, $key); } // Remove script. unset($rawoptions[0]); foreach ($rawoptions as $raw) { if (substr($raw, 0, 2) === '--') { $value = substr($raw, 2); $parts = explode('=', $value); if (count($parts) == 1) { $key = reset($parts); $value = true; } else { $key = array_shift($parts); $value = implode('=', $parts); } if (array_key_exists($key, $longoptions)) { $options[$key] = $value; } else { $unrecognized[] = $raw; } } else if (substr($raw, 0, 1) === '-') { $value = substr($raw, 1); $parts = explode('=', $value); if (count($parts) == 1) { $key = reset($parts); $value = true; } else { $key = array_shift($parts); $value = implode('=', $parts); } if (array_key_exists($key, $shortmapping)) { $options[$shortmapping[$key]] = $value; } else { $unrecognized[] = $raw; } } else { $unrecognized[] = $raw; continue; } } // Apply defaults. foreach ($longoptions as $key=>$default) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $options)) { $options[$key] = $default; } } // Finished. return array($options, $unrecognized); } /** * Print or return section separator string * @param bool $return false means print, true return as string * @return mixed void or string */ function cli_separator($return = false) { $separator = str_repeat('-', 79)."\n"; if ($return) { return $separator; } else { echo $separator; } } /** * Print or return section heading string * @param string $string text * @param bool $return false means print, true return as string * @return mixed void or string */ function cli_heading($string, $return = false) { $string = "== $string ==\n"; if ($return) { return $string; } else { echo $string; } } /** * Write error notification * @param $text * @return void */ function cli_problem($text) { fwrite(STDERR, $text."\n"); } /** * Write to standard out and error with exit in error. * * @param string $text * @param int $errorcode * @return void (does not return) */ function cli_error($text, $errorcode = 1) { fwrite(STDERR, $text); fwrite(STDERR, "\n"); die($errorcode); }