/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
 * Strings to english L10n
 * @author Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos <angel.quiroz@beeznest.com>
 * @package chamilo.plugin.createDrupalUser
$strings['plugin_title'] = 'Create Drupal users';
$strings['plugin_comment'] = 'This plugin creates users in an associated Drupal website when a user is created in Chamilo LMS. This requires the "chamilo" module to be installed and configured on the Drupal side.';

$strings['drupal_domain'] = 'Drupal website URL';
$strings['drupal_domain_help'] = 'The server domain name should be written with a trailing slash and with the protocol, e.g. http://www.example.com/';

$strings['DruaplUserId'] = 'Drupal user ID';