<?php /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Entity\ExtraField as EntityExtraField; use Chamilo\UserBundle\Entity\User; /** * @package chamilo.webservices */ require_once '../inc/global.inc.php'; error_reporting(E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR); $libpath = api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH); $debug = true; define('WS_ERROR_SECRET_KEY', 1); define('WS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND_RESULT', 2); define('WS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT', 3); define('WS_ERROR_SETTING', 4); /** * @param string $code * @return null|soap_fault */ function returnError($code) { $fault = null; switch ($code) { case WS_ERROR_SECRET_KEY: $fault = new soap_fault('Server', '', 'Secret key is not correct or params are not correctly set'); break; case WS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND_RESULT: $fault = new soap_fault('Server', '', 'No result was found for this query'); break; case WS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT: $fault = new soap_fault('Server', '', 'The input variables are invalid o are not correctly set'); break; case WS_ERROR_SETTING: $fault = new soap_fault('Server', '', 'Please check the configuration for this webservice'); break; } return $fault; } /** * @param array $params * @return bool */ function WSHelperVerifyKey($params) { global $_configuration, $debug; if (is_array($params)) { $secret_key = $params['secret_key']; } else { $secret_key = $params; } //error_log(print_r($params,1)); $check_ip = false; $ip_matches = false; $ip = trim($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); // if we are behind a reverse proxy, assume it will send the // HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header and use this IP instead if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { list($ip1) = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $ip = trim($ip1); } if ($debug) error_log("ip: $ip"); // Check if a file that limits access from webservices exists and contains // the restraining check if (is_file('webservice-auth-ip.conf.php')) { include 'webservice-auth-ip.conf.php'; if ($debug) error_log("webservice-auth-ip.conf.php file included"); if (!empty($ws_auth_ip)) { $check_ip = true; $ip_matches = api_check_ip_in_range($ip, $ws_auth_ip); if ($debug) { error_log("ip_matches: $ip_matches"); } } } if ($debug) { error_log("checkip " . intval($check_ip)); } if ($check_ip) { $security_key = $_configuration['security_key']; } else { $security_key = $ip.$_configuration['security_key']; //error_log($secret_key.'-'.$security_key); } $result = api_is_valid_secret_key($secret_key, $security_key); if ($debug) { error_log('WSHelperVerifyKey result: '.intval($result)); } return $result; } // Create the server instance $server = new soap_server(); $server->soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8'; // Initialize WSDL support $server->configureWSDL('WSTCC', 'urn:WSTCC'); /* Register WSCreateUserPasswordCrypted function */ // Register the data structures used by the service // Input params for editing users $server->wsdl->addComplexType( 'paramsUpdateTCCUserIdAndGetUser', 'complexType', 'struct', 'all', '', array( 'email' => array('name' => 'email', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'tcc_user_id' => array('name' => 'tcc_user_id', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), ) ); $fields = array( 'Genre' => array('name' => 'Genre', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'Nom' => array('name' => 'Nom', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'Prenom' => array('name' => 'Prenom', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'DateNaissance' => array('name' => 'DateNaissance', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'Langue' => array('name' => 'Langue', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'Nationalite' => array('name' => 'Nationalite', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'Pays' => array('name' => 'Pays', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'Adresse' => array('name' => 'Adresse', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'CodePostal' => array('name' => 'CodePostal', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'Ville' => array('name' => 'Ville', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'Email'=> array('name' => 'Email', 'type' => 'xsd:string') ); $server->wsdl->addComplexType( 'resultUpdateTCCUserIdAndGetUserArray', 'complexType', 'struct', 'all', '', $fields ); // Register the method to expose $server->register('WSUpdateTCCUserIdAndGetUser', // method name array('paramsUpdateTCCUserIdAndGetUser' => 'tns:paramsUpdateTCCUserIdAndGetUser'), // input parameters array('return' => 'tns:resultUpdateTCCUserIdAndGetUserArray'), // output parameters 'urn:WSTCC', // namespace 'urn:WSTCC#WSCreateUserPasswordCrypted', // soapaction 'rpc', // style 'encoded', // use 'This service adds users' // documentation ); // Define the method WSUpdateTCCUserIdAndGetUser function WSUpdateTCCUserIdAndGetUser($params) { global $_configuration, $debug; $debug = 1; if ($debug) error_log('WSUpdateTCCUserIdAndGetUser'); if ($debug) error_log(print_r($params, 1)); if (!WSHelperVerifyKey($params)) { return returnError(WS_ERROR_SECRET_KEY); } $users = UserManager::getRepository()->getUsersByEmail($params['email']); if (!empty($users)) { if (isset($users[0]) && $users[0] instanceof User) { /** @var User $user */ $user = $users[0]; $userInfo = api_get_user_info( $user->getId(), false, false, true, false ); if ($params['tcc_user_id'] !== '') { $extraFieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('user'); $extraField = new ExtraField('user'); $extraFieldData = $extraField->get_handler_field_info_by_field_variable('tcc_user_id'); $params = [ 'field_id' => $extraFieldData['id'], 'value' => $params['tcc_user_id'], 'item_id' => $user->getId(), ]; $extraFieldValue->save($params); } $extraFields = [ 'terms_genre', 'terms_datedenaissance', 'terms_ville', 'terms_paysresidence', 'terms_nationalite', 'terms_codepostal', 'terms_adresse' ]; $extraFieldResults = []; foreach ($userInfo['extra'] as $field) { /** @var \Chamilo\CoreBundle\Entity\ExtraFieldValues $extraFieldValue */ $extraFieldValue = $field['value']; $variable = $extraFieldValue->getField()->getVariable(); $extraFieldResults[$variable] = ''; if (in_array($variable, $extraFields)) { $extraFieldResults[$variable] = $extraFieldValue->getValue(); } } $parts = explode('-', $extraFieldResults['terms_datedenaissance']); $extraFieldResults['terms_datedenaissance'] = $parts[0].'/'.$parts[1].'/'.$parts[2]; $extraFieldResults['terms_genre'] = $extraFieldResults['terms_genre'] === 'homme' ? 'Masculin' : 'FĂ©minin'; $language = 'fr-FR'; switch ($user->getLanguage()) { case 'french2': case 'french': $language = 'fr-FR'; break; case 'german': case 'german2': $language = 'de-DE'; break; } $result = [ 'Genre' => $extraFieldResults['terms_genre'], 'Nom' => $user->getLastname(), 'Prenom' => $user->getFirstname(), 'DateNaissance' => $extraFieldResults['terms_datedenaissance'], 'Langue' => $language, 'Nationalite' => $extraFieldResults['terms_nationalite'], 'Pays' => $extraFieldResults['terms_paysresidence'], 'Adresse' => $extraFieldResults['terms_adresse'], 'CodePostal' => $extraFieldResults['terms_codepostal'], 'Ville' => $extraFieldResults['terms_ville'], 'Email' => $user->getEmail(), ]; if ($debug) error_log(print_r($result, 1)); return $result; } } return []; } $fields = $fields + [ 'tcc_user_id' => array('name' => 'tcc_user_id', 'type' => 'xsd:string'), 'secret_key' => array('name' => 'secret_key', 'type' => 'xsd:string') ]; /* Register WSEditUser function */ // Register the data structures used by the service $server->wsdl->addComplexType( 'editUser', 'complexType', 'struct', 'all', '', $fields ); // Register the method to expose $server->register('WSEditUserTCC', // method name array('editUser' => 'tns:editUser'), // input parameters array('return' => 'xsd:string'), // output parameters 'urn:WSTCC', // namespace 'urn:WSTCC#WSEditUserTCC', // soapaction 'rpc', // style 'encoded', // use 'This service edits a user from wiener' // documentation ); // Define the method WSEditUser function WSEditUserTCC($params) { if (!WSHelperVerifyKey($params)) { return returnError(WS_ERROR_SECRET_KEY); } $extraFieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('user'); $data = $extraFieldValue->get_item_id_from_field_variable_and_field_value('tcc_user_id', $params['tcc_user_id']); if ($data && isset($data['item_id'])) { $userId = $data['item_id']; $user = api_get_user_entity($userId); if (!empty($user)) { switch ($params['Langue']) { case 'fr-FR': $params['Langue'] = 'french2'; break; case 'de-DE': $params['Langue'] = 'german2'; break; } $user ->setFirstname($params['Prenom']) ->setLastname($params['Nom']) ->setLanguage($params['Langue']) ->setEmail($params['Email']) ; $em = Database::getManager(); $em->merge($user); $em->flush(); $extraField = new ExtraField('user'); $extraFieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('user'); $fields = [ 'terms_genre' => 'Genre', 'terms_datedenaissance' => 'DateNaissance', 'terms_ville' => 'Ville', 'terms_paysresidence' => 'Pays', 'terms_nationalite' => 'Nationalite', 'terms_codepostal' => 'CodePostal', 'terms_adresse' => 'Adresse' ]; foreach ($fields as $extraFieldName => $externalName) { $fieldInfo = $extraField->get_handler_field_info_by_field_variable($extraFieldName); switch ($extraFieldName) { case 'terms_genre': $params[$externalName] = $params[$externalName] === 'Masculin' ? 'homme' : 'femme'; break; case 'terms_datedenaissance': if (!empty($params[$externalName])) { $parts = explode('/', $params[$externalName]);// dd/mm/yyyy $params[$externalName] = $parts[2].'-'.$parts[1].'-'.$parts[0]; } break; } if ($fieldInfo) { $paramsToSave = [ 'field_id' => $fieldInfo['id'], 'item_id' => $userId, 'value' => $params[$externalName] ]; error_log($extraFieldName); error_log(print_r($paramsToSave, 1)); $extraFieldValue->save($paramsToSave); } } return 1; } return 0; } } // If you send your data in utf8 then this value must be false. $decodeUTF8 = api_get_setting('registration.soap.php.decode_utf8'); if ($decodeUTF8 === 'true') { $server->decode_utf8 = true; } else { $server->decode_utf8 = false; } $server->service(file_get_contents('php://input'));