{{ agenda_actions }} <table class="data_table"> <tr> <th> {{ 'StartDate'| get_lang }} </th> <th> {{ 'EndDate'| get_lang }} </th> <th> {{ 'Title' | get_lang }} </th> {% if is_allowed_to_edit and show_action %} <th> {{ 'Actions' | get_lang }} </th> {% endif %} </tr> {% for event in agenda_events %} <tr> <td style="width:20%"> {{ event.start_date_localtime }} </td> <td style="width:20%"> {% if event.allDay %} {{ 'AllDay' | get_lang }} {% else %} {{ event.end_date_localtime }} {% endif %} </td> <td style="width:50%"> {{ event.title }} {% if event.description %} <p>{{ event.description}}</p> {% endif %} {% if event.comment %} <p>{{ event.comment}}</p> {% endif %} {{ event.attachment }} </td> {% if is_allowed_to_edit and show_action %} <td> {% if event.visibility == 1 %} <a class="btn btn-default" href="{% if url %}{{ url }}{% else %}{{ event.url }}{% endif %}&action=change_visibility&visibility=0&id={{ event.real_id }}&type={{ event.type }}"> <img title="{{ 'Invisible' }}" src="{{'visible.png'|icon(32)}} " width="32" height="32"> </a> {% else %} {% if event.type == 'course' or event.type == 'session' %} <a class="btn btn-default" href="{% if url %}{{ url }}{% else %}{{ event.url }}{% endif %}&action=change_visibility&visibility=1&id={{ event.real_id }}&type={{ event.type }}"> <img title="{{ 'Visible' }}" src="{{'invisible.png'|icon(32)}} " width="32" height="32"> </a> {% endif %} {% endif %} </td> {% endif %} </tr> {% endfor %} </table>