<?php /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ set_time_limit(0); use CpChart\Chart\Cache as pCache; use CpChart\Chart\Data as pData; use CpChart\Chart\Image as pImage; /** * Class FlatViewTable * Table to display flat view (all evaluations and links for all students) * @author Stijn Konings * @author Bert Steppé - (refactored, optimised) * @author Julio Montoya Armas - Gradebook Graphics * * @package chamilo.gradebook */ class FlatViewTable extends SortableTable { public $datagen; private $selectcat; private $limit_enabled; private $offset; private $mainCourseCategory; /** * @param Category $selectcat * @param array $users * @param array $evals * @param array $links * @param bool $limit_enabled * @param int $offset * @param null $addparams * @param Category $mainCourseCategory */ public function __construct( $selectcat, $users = array(), $evals = array(), $links = array(), $limit_enabled = false, $offset = 0, $addparams = null, $mainCourseCategory = null ) { parent:: __construct( 'flatviewlist', null, null, api_is_western_name_order() ? 1 : 0 ); $this->selectcat = $selectcat; $this->datagen = new FlatViewDataGenerator( $users, $evals, $links, array('only_subcat' => $this->selectcat->get_id()), $mainCourseCategory ); $this->limit_enabled = $limit_enabled; $this->offset = $offset; if (isset($addparams)) { $this->set_additional_parameters($addparams); } // step 2: generate rows: students $this->datagen->category = $this->selectcat; $this->mainCourseCategory = $mainCourseCategory; } /** * @param bool $value */ public function setLimitEnabled($value) { $this->limit_enabled = (bool) $value; } /** * @return Category */ public function getMainCourseCategory() { return $this->mainCourseCategory; } /** * Display gradebook graphs */ public function display_graph_by_resource() { $headerName = $this->datagen->get_header_names(); $total_users = $this->datagen->get_total_users_count(); $displayscore = ScoreDisplay::instance(); $customdisplays = $displayscore->get_custom_score_display_settings(); if (empty($customdisplays)) { echo get_lang('ToViewGraphScoreRuleMustBeEnabled'); return ''; } $user_results = $this->datagen->get_data_to_graph2(false); //if (empty($this->datagen->get_total_items_count()) || empty($total_users)) { if (empty($user_results) || empty($total_users)) { echo get_lang('NoResults'); return ''; } // Removing first name array_shift($headerName); // Removing last name array_shift($headerName); $pre_result = $new_result = array(); foreach ($user_results as $result) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($headerName); $i++) { if (isset($result[$i + 1])) { $pre_result[$i + 3][] = $result[$i + 1]; } } } $i = 0; $resource_list = array(); $pre_result2 = array(); foreach ($pre_result as $key => $res_array) { rsort($res_array); $pre_result2[] = $res_array; } //@todo when a display custom does not exist the order of the color does not match //filling all the answer that are not responded with 0 rsort($customdisplays); if ($total_users > 0) { foreach ($pre_result2 as $key => $res_array) { $key_list = array(); foreach ($res_array as $user_result) { $userResult = isset($user_result[1]) ? $user_result[1] : null; if (!isset($resource_list[$key][$userResult])) { $resource_list[$key][$userResult] = 0; } $resource_list[$key][$userResult] += 1; $key_list[] = $userResult; } foreach ($customdisplays as $display) { if (!in_array($display['display'], $key_list)) { $resource_list[$key][$display['display']] = 0; } } $i++; } } //fixing $resource_list $max = 0; $new_list = array(); foreach ($resource_list as $key => $value) { $new_value = array(); foreach ($customdisplays as $item) { if ($value[$item['display']] > $max) { $max = $value[$item['display']]; } $new_value[$item['display']] = strip_tags($value[$item['display']]); } $new_list[] = $new_value; } $resource_list = $new_list; $i = 1; foreach ($resource_list as $key => $resource) { // Reverse array, otherwise we get highest values first $resource = array_reverse($resource, true); $dataSet = new pData(); $dataSet->addPoints($resource, 'Serie'); $dataSet->addPoints(array_keys($resource), 'Labels'); $dataSet->setSerieDescription('Labels', strip_tags($headerName[$i - 1])); $dataSet->setAbscissa('Labels'); $dataSet->setAbscissaName(get_lang('GradebookSkillsRanking')); $dataSet->setAxisName(0, get_lang('Students')); $palette = array( '0' => array('R' => 186, 'G' => 206, 'B' => 151, 'Alpha' => 100), '1' => array('R' => 210, 'G' => 148, 'B' => 147, 'Alpha' => 100), '2' => array('R' => 148, 'G' => 170, 'B' => 208, 'Alpha' => 100), '3' => array('R' => 221, 'G' => 133, 'B' => 61, 'Alpha' => 100), '4' => array('R' => 65, 'G' => 153, 'B' => 176, 'Alpha' => 100), '5' => array('R' => 114, 'G' => 88, 'B' => 144, 'Alpha' => 100), '6' => array('R' => 138, 'G' => 166, 'B' => 78, 'Alpha' => 100), '7' => array('R' => 171, 'G' => 70, 'B' => 67, 'Alpha' => 100), '8' => array('R' => 69, 'G' => 115, 'B' => 168, 'Alpha' => 100), ); // Cache definition $cachePath = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH); $myCache = new pCache(array('CacheFolder' => substr($cachePath, 0, strlen($cachePath) - 1))); $chartHash = $myCache->getHash($dataSet); if ($myCache->isInCache($chartHash)) { $imgPath = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).$chartHash; $myCache->saveFromCache($chartHash, $imgPath); $imgPath = api_get_path(WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH).$chartHash; } else { /* Create the pChart object */ $widthSize = 480; $heightSize = 250; $myPicture = new pImage($widthSize, $heightSize, $dataSet); /* Turn of Antialiasing */ $myPicture->Antialias = false; /* Add a border to the picture */ $myPicture->drawRectangle( 0, 0, $widthSize - 1, $heightSize - 1, array( 'R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0 ) ); /* Set the default font */ $myPicture->setFontProperties( array( 'FontName' => api_get_path(SYS_FONTS_PATH).'opensans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf', 'FontSize' => 10 ) ); /* Write the chart title */ $myPicture->drawText( 250, 30, strip_tags($headerName[$i - 1]), array( 'FontSize' => 12, 'Align' => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE ) ); /* Define the chart area */ $myPicture->setGraphArea(50, 40, $widthSize - 20, $heightSize - 50); /* Draw the scale */ $scaleSettings = array( 'GridR' => 200, 'GridG' => 200, 'GridB' => 200, 'DrawSubTicks' => true, 'CycleBackground' => true, 'Mode' => SCALE_MODE_START0 ); $myPicture->drawScale($scaleSettings); /* Turn on shadow computing */ $myPicture->setShadow( true, array( 'X' => 1, 'Y' => 1, 'R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'Alpha' => 10 ) ); /* Draw the chart */ $myPicture->setShadow( true, array( 'X' => 1, 'Y' => 1, 'R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'Alpha' => 10 ) ); $settings = array( 'OverrideColors' => $palette, 'Gradient' => false, 'GradientMode' => GRADIENT_SIMPLE, 'DisplayPos' => LABEL_POS_TOP, 'DisplayValues' => true, 'DisplayR' => 0, 'DisplayG' => 0, 'DisplayB' => 0, 'DisplayShadow' => true, 'Surrounding' => 10, ); $myPicture->drawBarChart($settings); /* Render the picture (choose the best way) */ $myCache->writeToCache($chartHash, $myPicture); $imgPath = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH).$chartHash; $myCache->saveFromCache($chartHash, $imgPath); $imgPath = api_get_path(WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH).$chartHash; } echo '<img src="'.$imgPath.'" >'; if ($i % 2 == 0 && $i != 0) { echo '<br /><br />'; } else { echo ' '; } $i++; } } /** * Function used by SortableTable to get total number of items in the table */ public function get_total_number_of_items() { return $this->datagen->get_total_users_count(); } /** * Function used by SortableTable to generate the data to display */ public function get_table_data($from = 1, $per_page = null, $column = null, $direction = null, $sort = null) { $is_western_name_order = api_is_western_name_order(); // create page navigation if needed $totalitems = $this->datagen->get_total_items_count(); if ($this->limit_enabled && $totalitems > GRADEBOOK_ITEM_LIMIT) { $selectlimit = GRADEBOOK_ITEM_LIMIT; } else { $selectlimit = $totalitems; } $header = null; if ($this->limit_enabled && $totalitems > GRADEBOOK_ITEM_LIMIT) { $header .= '<table style="width: 100%; text-align: right; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="0" cellpadding="2">' . '<tbody>' . '<tr>'; // previous X $header .= '<td style="width:100%;">'; if ($this->offset >= GRADEBOOK_ITEM_LIMIT) { $header .= '<a href="'.api_get_self() . '?selectcat='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['selectcat']) . '&offset='.(($this->offset) - GRADEBOOK_ITEM_LIMIT) . (isset($_GET['search']) ? '&search='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['search']) : '').'">' . Display::return_icon('action_prev.png', get_lang('PreviousPage'), array(), 32) . '</a>'; } else { $header .= Display::return_icon('action_prev_na.png', get_lang('PreviousPage'), array(), 32); } $header .= ' '; // next X $calcnext = (($this->offset + (2 * GRADEBOOK_ITEM_LIMIT)) > $totalitems) ? ($totalitems - (GRADEBOOK_ITEM_LIMIT + $this->offset)) : GRADEBOOK_ITEM_LIMIT; if ($calcnext > 0) { $header .= '<a href="'.api_get_self() . '?selectcat='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['selectcat']) . '&offset='.($this->offset + GRADEBOOK_ITEM_LIMIT) . (isset($_GET['search']) ? '&search='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['search']) : '').'">' . Display::return_icon('action_next.png', get_lang('NextPage'), array(), 32) . '</a>'; } else { $header .= Display::return_icon('action_next_na.png', get_lang('NextPage'), array(), 32); } $header .= '</td>'; $header .= '</tbody></table>'; echo $header; } // retrieve sorting type if ($is_western_name_order) { $users_sorting = ($this->column == 0 ? FlatViewDataGenerator::FVDG_SORT_FIRSTNAME : FlatViewDataGenerator::FVDG_SORT_LASTNAME); } else { $users_sorting = ($this->column == 0 ? FlatViewDataGenerator::FVDG_SORT_LASTNAME : FlatViewDataGenerator::FVDG_SORT_FIRSTNAME); } if ($this->direction == 'DESC') { $users_sorting |= FlatViewDataGenerator::FVDG_SORT_DESC; } else { $users_sorting |= FlatViewDataGenerator::FVDG_SORT_ASC; } // step 1: generate columns: evaluations and links $header_names = $this->datagen->get_header_names($this->offset, $selectlimit); $userRowSpan = false; foreach ($header_names as $item) { if (is_array($item)) { $userRowSpan = true; break; } } $thAttributes = ''; if ($userRowSpan) { $thAttributes = 'rowspan=2'; } $this->set_header(0, $header_names[0], true, $thAttributes); $this->set_header(1, $header_names[1], true, $thAttributes); $column = 2; $firstHeader = []; while ($column < count($header_names)) { $headerData = $header_names[$column]; if (is_array($headerData)) { $countItems = count($headerData['items']); $this->set_header( $column, $headerData['header'], false, 'colspan="'.$countItems.'"' ); foreach ($headerData['items'] as $item) { $firstHeader[] = '<center>'.$item.'</center>'; } } else { $this->set_header($column, $headerData, false, $thAttributes); } $column++; } $data_array = $this->datagen->get_data( $users_sorting, $from, $this->per_page, $this->offset, $selectlimit ); $table_data = array(); if (!empty($firstHeader)) { $table_data[] = $firstHeader; } foreach ($data_array as $user_row) { $user_id = $user_row[0]; unset($user_row[0]); $userInfo = api_get_user_info($user_id); if ($is_western_name_order) { $user_row[1] = $this->build_name_link($user_id, $userInfo['firstname']); $user_row[2] = $this->build_name_link($user_id, $userInfo['lastname']); } else { $user_row[1] = $this->build_name_link($user_id, $userInfo['lastname']); $user_row[2] = $this->build_name_link($user_id, $userInfo['firstname']); } $user_row = array_values($user_row); $table_data[] = $user_row; } return $table_data; } /** * @param $userId * @param $name * * @return string */ private function build_name_link($userId, $name) { return '<a href="user_stats.php?userid='.$userId.'&selectcat='.$this->selectcat->get_id().'&'.api_get_cidreq().'">'.$name.'</a>'; } }