<?php /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ use Chamilo\CourseBundle\Entity\CLpCategory; use ChamiloSession as Session; /** * This file was originally the copy of document.php, but many modifications happened since then ; * the direct file view is not any more needed, if the user uploads a SCORM zip file, a directory * will be automatically created for it, and the files will be uncompressed there for example ;. * * @package chamilo.learnpath * * @author Yannick Warnier <ywarnier@beeznest.org> */ $this_section = SECTION_COURSES; //@todo who turns on $lp_controller_touched? if (empty($lp_controller_touched) || $lp_controller_touched != 1) { header('Location: lp_controller.php?action=list&'.api_get_cidreq()); exit; } require_once __DIR__.'/../inc/global.inc.php'; api_protect_course_script(); $courseDir = api_get_course_path().'/scorm'; $baseWordDir = $courseDir; /** * Display initialisation and security checks. */ // Extra javascript functions for in html head: $htmlHeadXtra[] = "<script> function confirmation(name) { if (confirm(\" ".trim(get_lang('AreYouSureToDeleteJS'))." \"+name+\"?\")) { return true; } else { return false; } } </script>"; $nameTools = get_lang('LearningPaths'); Event::event_access_tool(TOOL_LEARNPATH); /* Require the search widget and prepare the header with its stuff. */ if (api_get_setting('search_enabled') === 'true') { require api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'search/search_widget.php'; search_widget_prepare($htmlHeadXtra); } $courseId = api_get_course_int_id(); $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true); $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); $subscriptionSettings = learnpath::getSubscriptionSettings(); /* Introduction section (editable by course admins) */ $introduction = Display::return_introduction_section( TOOL_LEARNPATH, [ 'CreateDocumentWebDir' => api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH) .api_get_course_path().'/document/', 'CreateDocumentDir' => '../..'.api_get_path(REL_COURSE_PATH) .api_get_course_path().'/document/', 'BaseHref' => api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH) .api_get_course_path().'/', ] ); $message = ''; $actions = ''; if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { $actionLeft = ''; $actionLeft .= Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'new_learnpath.png', get_lang('LearnpathAddLearnpath'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ), api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=add_lp' ); $actionLeft .= Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'import_scorm.png', get_lang('UploadScorm'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ), '../upload/index.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath=/&tool='.TOOL_LEARNPATH ); if (api_get_setting('service_ppt2lp', 'active') === 'true') { $actionLeft .= Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'import_powerpoint.png', get_lang('PowerPointConvert'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ), '../upload/upload_ppt.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath=/&tool='.TOOL_LEARNPATH ); } if (!$sessionId) { $actionLeft .= Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'new_folder.png', get_lang('AddCategory'), [], ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ), api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=add_lp_category' ); } $actions = Display::toolbarAction('actions-lp', [$actionLeft]); } $token = Security::get_token(); $categoriesTempList = learnpath::getCategories($courseId); $categoryTest = new CLpCategory(); $categoryTest->setId(0); $categoryTest->setName(get_lang('WithOutCategory')); $categoryTest->setPosition(0); $categories = [ $categoryTest, ]; if (!empty($categoriesTempList)) { $categories = array_merge($categories, $categoriesTempList); } $userId = api_get_user_id(); $userInfo = api_get_user_info(); $lpIsShown = false; $filteredCategoryId = ($action === 'view_category' && !empty($_GET['id'])) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0; if ($filteredCategoryId) { /** @var CLpCategory $category */ foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($category->getId() != $filteredCategoryId) { continue; } $interbreadcrumb[] = ['name' => $nameTools, 'url' => api_get_self()]; $nameTools = strip_tags($category->getName()); } } $test_mode = api_get_setting('server_type'); $showBlockedPrerequisite = api_get_configuration_value('show_prerequisite_as_blocked'); $allowLpChamiloExport = api_get_configuration_value('allow_lp_chamilo_export'); $allowMinTime = Tracking::minimumTimeAvailable($sessionId, $courseId); $accumulateWorkTimeTotal = 0; if ($allowMinTime) { $accumulateWorkTimeTotal = learnpath::getAccumulateWorkTimeTotal($courseId); } $user = api_get_user_entity($userId); $ending = true; $isInvitee = api_is_invitee(); $hideScormExportLink = api_get_setting('hide_scorm_export_link'); $hideScormCopyLink = api_get_setting('hide_scorm_copy_link'); $hideScormPdfLink = api_get_setting('hide_scorm_pdf_link'); $options = learnpath::getIconSelect(); $cidReq = api_get_cidreq(); $defaultLpIcon = Display::return_icon( 'learnpath.png', get_lang('LPName') ); $defaultDisableLpIcon = Display::return_icon( 'learnpath_na.png', get_lang('LPName') ); $courseSettingsIcon = Display::return_icon( 'settings.png', get_lang('CourseSettings') ); $courseSettingsDisableIcon = Display::return_icon( 'settings_na.png', get_lang('CourseSettings') ); $enableAutoLaunch = api_get_course_setting('enable_lp_auto_launch'); $gameMode = api_get_setting('gamification_mode'); $data = []; /** @var CLpCategory $item */ foreach ($categories as $item) { $categoryId = $item->getId(); if ($categoryId !== 0 && $subscriptionSettings['allow_add_users_to_lp_category'] == true) { // "Without category" has id = 0 $categoryVisibility = api_get_item_visibility( $courseInfo, TOOL_LEARNPATH_CATEGORY, $categoryId, $sessionId ); if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { if ($categoryVisibility !== 1 && $categoryVisibility != -1) { continue; } } if ($user && !learnpath::categoryIsVisibleForStudent($item, $user)) { continue; } } $list = new LearnpathList( $userId, $courseInfo, $sessionId, null, false, $categoryId ); $flat_list = $list->get_flat_list(); // Hiding categories with out LPs (only for student) if (empty($flat_list) && !$is_allowed_to_edit) { continue; } $listData = []; $lpTimeList = []; if ($allowMinTime) { $lpTimeList = Tracking::getCalculateTime($userId, $courseId, $sessionId); } if (!empty($flat_list)) { $max = count($flat_list); $counter = 0; $current = 0; $autolaunch_exists = false; $progressList = learnpath::getProgressFromLpList( array_column($flat_list, 'lp_old_id'), $userId, $courseId, $sessionId ); $now = time(); foreach ($flat_list as $id => $details) { $id = $details['lp_old_id']; if (!$is_allowed_to_edit && $details['lp_visibility'] == 0) { // This is a student and this path is invisible, skip. continue; } $lpVisibility = learnpath::is_lp_visible_for_student($id, $userId, $courseInfo); // Check if the learnpath is visible for student. if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { $isBlocked = learnpath::isBlockedByPrerequisite( $userId, $details['prerequisite'], $courseInfo, $sessionId ); if ($lpVisibility === false && $isBlocked && $showBlockedPrerequisite === false) { continue; } } $start_time = $end_time = ''; if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { if (!empty($details['publicated_on'])) { $start_time = api_convert_and_format_date($details['publicated_on'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H); } if (!empty($details['expired_on'])) { $end_time = api_convert_and_format_date($details['expired_on'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H); } } else { $time_limits = false; // This is an old LP (from a migration 1.8.7) so we do nothing if (empty($details['created_on']) && empty($details['modified_on'])) { $time_limits = false; } // Checking if expired_on is ON if ($details['expired_on'] != '') { $time_limits = true; } if ($time_limits) { // Check if start time if (!empty($details['publicated_on']) && !empty($details['expired_on'])) { $start_time = api_strtotime($details['publicated_on'], 'UTC'); $end_time = api_strtotime($details['expired_on'], 'UTC'); $is_actived_time = false; if ($now > $start_time && $end_time > $now) { $is_actived_time = true; } if (!$is_actived_time) { continue; } } } } $counter++; $oddclass = 'row_even'; if (($counter % 2) == 0) { $oddclass = 'row_odd'; } $url_start_lp = 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq.'&action=view&lp_id='.$id; $name = strip_tags(Security::remove_XSS($details['lp_name'])); $extra = null; if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { // @todo This line is what makes the teacher switch to // student view automatically. Many teachers are confused // by that, so maybe a solution can be found to avoid it $url_start_lp .= '&isStudentView=true'; $dsp_desc = '<em>'.$details['lp_maker'].'</em> ' .($lpVisibility ? '' : ' - ('.get_lang('LPNotVisibleToStudent').')'); $extra = '<div class ="lp_content_type_label">'.$dsp_desc.'</div>'; } $my_title = $name; $icon_learnpath = $defaultLpIcon; if ($details['lp_visibility'] == 0) { $my_title = Display::tag( 'font', $name, ['class' => 'text-muted'] ); $icon_learnpath = $defaultDisableLpIcon; } if (!empty($options)) { $icon = learnpath::getSelectedIconHtml($id); if (!empty($icon)) { $icon_learnpath = $icon; } } // Students can see the lp but is inactive if (!$is_allowed_to_edit && $lpVisibility == false && $showBlockedPrerequisite == true ) { $my_title = Display::tag( 'font', $name, ['class' => 'text-muted'] ); $icon_learnpath = $defaultDisableLpIcon; $url_start_lp = '#'; } $dsp_desc = ''; $dsp_export = ''; $dsp_build = ''; $dsp_delete = ''; $dsp_visible = ''; $trackingAction = ''; $dsp_default_view = ''; $dsp_debug = ''; $dsp_order = ''; $progress = 0; if (!$isInvitee) { $progress = isset($progressList[$id]) && !empty($progressList[$id]) ? $progressList[$id] : 0; } if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { $dsp_progress = '<center>'.$progress.'%</center>'; } else { $dsp_progress = ''; if (!$isInvitee) { $dsp_progress = learnpath::get_progress_bar($progress, '%'); } } if ($progress < 100) { $ending = false; } $dsp_time = ''; $linkMinTime = ''; if ($allowMinTime) { // Minimum time (in minutes) to pass the learning path $accumulateWorkTime = learnpath::getAccumulateWorkTimePrerequisite($id, $courseId); if ($accumulateWorkTime > 0) { $lpTime = isset($lpTimeList[TOOL_LEARNPATH][$id]) ? $lpTimeList[TOOL_LEARNPATH][$id] : 0; // Connect with the plugin_licences_course_session table // which indicates what percentage of the time applies $perc = 100; // Percentage of the learning paths $pl = 0; if (!empty($accumulateWorkTimeTotal)) { $pl = $accumulateWorkTime / $accumulateWorkTimeTotal; } // Minimum time for each learning path $accumulateWorkTime = ($pl * $accumulateWorkTimeTotal * $perc / 100); // If the time spent is less than necessary, then we show an icon in the actions column indicating the warning if ($lpTime < ($accumulateWorkTime * 60)) { $linkMinTime = Display::return_icon( 'warning.png', get_lang('LpMinTimeWarning').' - '.api_time_to_hms($lpTime).' / '.api_time_to_hms( $accumulateWorkTime * 60 ) ); } else { $linkMinTime = Display::return_icon( 'check.png', get_lang('LpMinTimeWarning').' - '.api_time_to_hms($lpTime).' / '.api_time_to_hms( $accumulateWorkTime * 60 ) ); } $linkMinTime .= ' <b>'.api_time_to_hms($lpTime).' / '.api_time_to_hms($accumulateWorkTime * 60).'</b>'; // Calculate the percentage exceeded of the time for the "exceeding the minimum time" bar if ($lpTime >= ($accumulateWorkTime * 60)) { $time_progress_perc = '100%'; $time_progress_value = 100; } else { $time_progress_value = (int) (($lpTime * 100) / ($accumulateWorkTime * 60)); } if ($time_progress_value < 100) { $ending = false; } $dsp_time = learnpath::get_progress_bar($time_progress_value, '%'); } } $token_parameter = "&sec_token=$token"; $dsp_edit_lp = null; $dsp_publish = null; $dsp_reinit = null; $subscribeUsers = null; $dsp_disk = null; $copy = null; $lp_auto_launch_icon = null; $actionSeriousGame = null; $actionUpdateScormFile = ''; $actionExportToCourseBuild = ''; // Only for "Chamilo" packages $allowExportCourseFormat = $allowLpChamiloExport && $details['lp_maker'] === 'Chamilo'; if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { // EDIT LP if ($sessionId == $details['lp_session']) { $dsp_edit_lp = Display::url( $courseSettingsIcon, 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq."&action=edit&lp_id=$id" ); } else { $dsp_edit_lp = $courseSettingsDisableIcon; } // BUILD if ($sessionId == $details['lp_session']) { if ($details['lp_type'] == 1 || $details['lp_type'] == 2) { $dsp_build = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'edit.png', get_lang('LearnpathEditLearnpath') ), 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq.'&' .http_build_query( [ 'action' => 'add_item', 'type' => 'step', 'lp_id' => $id, 'isStudentView' => 'false', ] ) ); } else { $dsp_build = Display::return_icon( 'edit_na.png', get_lang('LearnpathEditLearnpath') ); } } else { $dsp_build = Display::return_icon( 'edit_na.png', get_lang('LearnpathEditLearnpath') ); } /* VISIBILITY COMMAND */ /* Session test not necessary if we want to show base course learning paths inside the session. See http://support.chamilo.org/projects/chamilo-18/wiki/Tools_and_sessions). */ if (!isset($details['subscribe_users']) || $details['subscribe_users'] != 1 ) { if ($details['lp_visibility'] == 0) { $dsp_visible = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'invisible.png', get_lang('Show') ), api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq."&lp_id=$id&action=toggle_visible&new_status=1" ); } else { $dsp_visible = Display::url( Display::return_icon('visible.png', get_lang('Hide')), api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq."&lp_id=$id&action=toggle_visible&new_status=0" ); } } // Tracking command $trackingActionUrl = 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq.'&'.http_build_query( ['action' => 'report', 'lp_id' => $id] ); $trackingAction = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'test_results.png', get_lang('Results') ), $trackingActionUrl ); /* PUBLISH COMMAND */ if ($sessionId == $details['lp_session']) { if ($details['lp_published'] == 'i') { $dsp_publish = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'lp_publish_na.png', get_lang('LearnpathPublish') ), api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq."&lp_id=$id&action=toggle_publish&new_status=v" ); } else { $dsp_publish = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'lp_publish.png', get_lang('LearnpathDoNotPublish') ), api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq."&lp_id=$id&action=toggle_publish&new_status=i" ); } } else { $dsp_publish = Display::return_icon( 'lp_publish_na.png', get_lang('LearnpathDoNotPublish') ); } /* MULTIPLE ATTEMPTS OR SERIOUS GAME MODE SERIOUSGAME MODE is a special mode where : * If a user exits the learning path before finishing it, he comes back where he left next time he tries * When lp status is completed, user can still modify the attempt (adds/time change score, and browse it) * It is thus a mix betwenn multiple attempt and mono attempt */ if ($sessionId == $details['lp_session']) { if ($details['seriousgame_mode'] == 1 && $details['lp_prevent_reinit'] == 1) { // seriousgame mode | next = single $dsp_reinit = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'reload.png', get_lang('PreventMultipleAttempts') ), 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq."&action=switch_attempt_mode&lp_id=$id" ); } if ($details['seriousgame_mode'] == 0 && $details['lp_prevent_reinit'] == 1 ) { // single mode | next = multiple $dsp_reinit = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'reload_na.png', get_lang('AllowMultipleAttempts') ), 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq."&action=switch_attempt_mode&lp_id=$id" ); } if ($details['seriousgame_mode'] == 0 && $details['lp_prevent_reinit'] == 0 ) { // multiple mode | next = seriousgame $dsp_reinit = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'reload.png', get_lang('AllowMultipleAttempts') ), 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq."&action=switch_attempt_mode&lp_id=$id" ); } } else { $dsp_reinit = Display::return_icon( 'reload_na.png', get_lang('AllowMultipleAttempts') ); } /* SCREEN LP VIEW */ if ($sessionId == $details['lp_session']) { switch ($details['lp_view_mode']) { case 'fullscreen': $dsp_default_view = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'view_fullscreen.png', get_lang('ViewModeFullScreen') ), 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq.'&action=switch_view_mode&lp_id='.$id.$token_parameter ); break; case 'embedded': $dsp_default_view = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'view_left_right.png', get_lang('ViewModeEmbedded') ), 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq.'&action=switch_view_mode&lp_id='.$id.$token_parameter ); break; case 'embedframe': $dsp_default_view = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'view_nofullscreen.png', get_lang('ViewModeEmbedFrame') ), 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq.'&action=switch_view_mode&lp_id='.$id.$token_parameter ); break; case 'impress': $dsp_default_view = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'window_list_slide.png', get_lang('ViewModeImpress') ), 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq.'&action=switch_view_mode&lp_id='.$id.$token_parameter ); break; } } else { if ($details['lp_view_mode'] === 'fullscreen') { $dsp_default_view = Display::return_icon( 'view_fullscreen_na.png', get_lang('ViewModeEmbedded') ); } else { $dsp_default_view = Display::return_icon( 'view_left_right_na.png', get_lang('ViewModeEmbedded') ); } } /* DEBUG */ if ($test_mode === 'test' || api_is_platform_admin()) { if ($details['lp_scorm_debug'] == 1) { $dsp_debug = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'bug.png', get_lang('HideDebug') ), "lp_controller.php?$cidReq&action=switch_scorm_debug&lp_id=$id" ); } else { $dsp_debug = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'bug_na.png', get_lang('ShowDebug') ), 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq."&action=switch_scorm_debug&lp_id=$id" ); } } /* Export */ if ($details['lp_type'] == 1) { $dsp_disk = Display::url( Display::return_icon('cd.png', get_lang('ExportShort')), api_get_self()."?$cidReq&action=export&lp_id=$id" ); } elseif ($details['lp_type'] == 2) { $dsp_disk = Display::url( Display::return_icon('cd.png', get_lang('ExportShort')), api_get_self()."?$cidReq&action=export&lp_id=$id&export_name=" .api_replace_dangerous_char($name).'.zip' ); } else { $dsp_disk = Display::return_icon( 'cd_na.png', get_lang('ExportShort') ); } // Copy $copy = Display::url( Display::return_icon('cd_copy.png', get_lang('Copy')), api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq."&action=copy&lp_id=$id" ); // Subscribe users $subscribeUsers = ''; if ($details['subscribe_users'] == 1 && $subscriptionSettings['allow_add_users_to_lp'] ) { $subscribeUsers = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'user.png', get_lang('SubscribeUsersToLp') ), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH)."lp/lp_subscribe_users.php?lp_id=$id&".$cidReq ); } /* Auto launch LP code */ if ($enableAutoLaunch == 1) { if ($details['autolaunch'] == 1 && $autolaunch_exists == false ) { $autolaunch_exists = true; $lp_auto_launch_icon = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'launch.png', get_lang('DisableLPAutoLaunch') ), api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq."&action=auto_launch&status=0&lp_id=$id" ); } else { $lp_auto_launch_icon = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'launch_na.png', get_lang('EnableLPAutoLaunch') ), api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq."&action=auto_launch&status=1&lp_id=$id" ); } } // Export to PDF $export_icon = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'pdf.png', get_lang('ExportToPDFOnlyHTMLAndImages') ), api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq."&action=export_to_pdf&lp_id=$id" ); /* Delete */ if ($sessionId == $details['lp_session']) { $dsp_delete = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'delete.png', get_lang('LearnpathDeleteLearnpath') ), 'lp_controller.php?'.$cidReq."&action=delete&lp_id=$id", [ 'onclick' => "javascript: return confirmation('".addslashes($name)."');", ] ); } else { $dsp_delete = Display::return_icon( 'delete_na.png', get_lang('LearnpathDeleteLearnpath') ); } /* COLUMN ORDER */ // Only active while session mode is not active if ($sessionId == 0) { if ($details['lp_display_order'] == 1 && $max != 1) { $dsp_order .= Display::url( Display::return_icon('down.png', get_lang('MoveDown')), "lp_controller.php?$cidReq&action=move_lp_down&lp_id=$id&category_id=$categoryId" ); } elseif ($current == $max - 1 && $max != 1) { $dsp_order .= Display::url( Display::return_icon('up.png', get_lang('MoveUp')), "lp_controller.php?$cidReq&action=move_lp_up&lp_id=$id&category_id=$categoryId" ); } elseif ($max == 1) { $dsp_order = ''; } else { $dsp_order .= Display::url( Display::return_icon('down.png', get_lang('MoveDown')), "lp_controller.php?$cidReq&action=move_lp_down&lp_id=$id&category_id=$categoryId" ); $dsp_order .= Display::url( Display::return_icon('up.png', get_lang('MoveUp')), "lp_controller.php?$cidReq&action=move_lp_up&lp_id=$id&category_id=$categoryId" ); } } if ($details['lp_type'] == 2) { $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'lp/lp_update_scorm.php?'.$cidReq."&lp_id=$id"; $actionUpdateScormFile = Display::url( Display::return_icon('upload_file.png', get_lang('Update')), $url ); } if ($allowExportCourseFormat) { $actionExportToCourseBuild = Display::url( Display::return_icon( 'backup.png', get_lang('ExportToChamiloFormat') ), api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq."&action=export_to_course_build&lp_id=$id" ); } if ($gameMode == 1) { if ($details['seriousgame_mode'] == 0) { $actionSeriousGame = Display::toolbarButton( null, api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq ."&lp_id=$id&action=toggle_seriousgame", 'trophy', 'default', [ 'class' => 'btn-xs', 'title' => get_lang('EnableGamificationMode'), ] ); } else { $actionSeriousGame = Display::toolbarButton( null, api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq ."&lp_id=$id&action=toggle_seriousgame", 'trophy', 'warning', [ 'class' => 'btn-xs active', 'title' => get_lang('DisableGamificationMode'), ] ); } } } else { // Student $export_icon = Display::url( Display::return_icon('pdf.png', get_lang('ExportToPDF')), api_get_self().'?'.$cidReq."&action=export_to_pdf&lp_id=$id" ); } if ($hideScormExportLink === 'true') { $dsp_disk = null; } if ($hideScormCopyLink === 'true') { $copy = null; } if ($hideScormPdfLink === 'true') { $export_icon = null; } $sessionImage = api_get_session_image( $details['lp_session'], $userInfo['status'] ); $listData[] = [ 'learnpath_icon' => $icon_learnpath, 'url_start' => $url_start_lp, 'title' => $my_title, 'session_image' => $sessionImage, 'extra' => $extra, 'start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'dsp_progress' => $dsp_progress, 'action_build' => $dsp_build, 'action_edit' => $dsp_edit_lp, 'action_tracking' => $trackingAction, 'action_visible' => $dsp_visible, 'action_publish' => $dsp_publish, 'action_reinit' => $dsp_reinit, 'action_default_view' => $dsp_default_view, 'action_debug' => $dsp_debug, 'action_export' => $dsp_disk, 'action_copy' => $copy, 'action_auto_launch' => $lp_auto_launch_icon, 'action_pdf' => $export_icon, 'action_delete' => $dsp_delete, 'action_order' => $dsp_order, 'action_serious_game' => $actionSeriousGame, 'action_subscribe_users' => $subscribeUsers, 'action_update_scorm' => $actionUpdateScormFile, 'action_export_to_course_build' => $actionExportToCourseBuild, 'info_time_prerequisite' => $linkMinTime, ]; $lpIsShown = true; // Counter for number of elements treated $current++; } // end foreach ($flat_list) } $data[] = [ 'category' => $item, 'category_visibility' => api_get_item_visibility( $courseInfo, TOOL_LEARNPATH_CATEGORY, $item->getId(), $sessionId ), 'category_is_published' => learnpath::categoryIsPublished( $item, $courseInfo['real_id'] ), 'lp_list' => $listData, ]; } // Deleting the objects Session::erase('oLP'); Session::erase('lpobject'); Session::erase('scorm_view_id'); Session::erase('scorm_item_id'); Session::erase('exerciseResult'); Session::erase('objExercise'); Session::erase('questionList'); learnpath::generate_learning_path_folder($courseInfo); DocumentManager::removeGeneratedAudioTempFile(); $template = new Template($nameTools); $template->assign('subscription_settings', $subscriptionSettings); $template->assign('is_allowed_to_edit', $is_allowed_to_edit); $template->assign('is_invitee', $isInvitee); $template->assign('is_ending', $ending); $template->assign('actions', $actions); $template->assign('categories', $categories); $template->assign('message', $message); $template->assign('introduction', $introduction); $template->assign('data', $data); $template->assign('lp_is_shown', $lpIsShown); $template->assign('filtered_category', $filteredCategoryId); $template->assign('allow_min_time', $allowMinTime); $templateName = $template->get_template('learnpath/list.tpl'); $content = $template->fetch($templateName); $template->assign('content', $content); $template->display_one_col_template();