/** * Pop-up testing connection with database. */ function opencnxpopup(webroot) { // Inputted data. var dbhost = document.getElementById('id_vdbhost').value; var dblogin = document.getElementById('id_vdbuser').value; var dbpass = document.getElementById('id_vdbpassword').value; // PHP file linked the pop-up, and name. var url = webroot+"/plugin/vchamilo/views/manage.testcnx.php" + "?" + "vdbhost=" + dbhost + "&" + "vdblogin=" + dblogin + "&" + "vdbpass=" + dbpass; // Pop-up's options. var options = "width=500,height=300,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no,status=no"; // Opening the pop-up (title not working in Firefox). var windowobj = window.open(url, '', options); } /** * Pop-up testing connection with database. */ function opendatapathpopup(webroot) { // Input data. var datapath = document.getElementById('id_vdatapath').value; // PHP file linked the pop-up, and name. var url = webroot + "/plugin/vchamilo/views/manage.testdatapath.php?dataroot=" + escape(datapath); // Pop-up's options. var options = "width=500,height=300,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no,status=no"; // Opening the pop-up (title not working in Firefox). var windowobj = window.open(url, '', options); // Needed to be valid in IE. // windowobj.document.title = vchamilo_testdatapath; } /** * Activates/desactivates services selection. */ function switcherServices(mnetnewsubnetwork) { // Retrieve 'select' elements from form. var mnetenabled = document.getElementById('id_mnetenabled'); var multimnet = document.getElementById('id_multimnet'); var services = document.getElementById('id_services'); // Default values for services. var mnetfreedefault = '0'; var defaultservices = 'default'; var subnetworkservices = 'subnetwork'; // Do the actions. if (multimnet.value == mnetfreedefault || multimnet.value == mnetnewsubnetwork) { services.value = defaultservices; services.disabled = true; } else { services.disabled = false; services.value = subnetworkservices; } } function syncSchema(){ var originelement = document.getElementById("id_shortname"); var syncedelement2 = document.getElementById("id_vdbname"); var syncedelement3 = document.getElementById("id_vdatapath"); var syncedelement4 = document.getElementById("id_vhostname"); syncedelement2.value = syncedelement2.value.replace(/<%%INSTANCE%%>/g, originelement.value); syncedelement3.value = syncedelement3.value.replace(/<%%INSTANCE%%>/g, originelement.value); syncedelement4.value = syncedelement4.value.replace(/<%%INSTANCE%%>/g, originelement.value); } function onLoadInit(){ var originelement = document.getElementById("id_shortname"); originelement.onchange = syncSchema; }