* @author Imanol Losada * @author Alex Aragón * @author Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos * @author José Loguercio Silva * @author Julio Montoya */ class BuyCoursesPlugin extends Plugin { const TABLE_PAYPAL = 'plugin_buycourses_paypal_account'; const TABLE_CURRENCY = 'plugin_buycourses_currency'; const TABLE_ITEM = 'plugin_buycourses_item'; const TABLE_ITEM_BENEFICIARY = 'plugin_buycourses_item_rel_beneficiary'; const TABLE_SALE = 'plugin_buycourses_sale'; const TABLE_TRANSFER = 'plugin_buycourses_transfer'; const TABLE_COMMISSION = 'plugin_buycourses_commission'; const TABLE_PAYPAL_PAYOUTS = 'plugin_buycourses_paypal_payouts'; const TABLE_SERVICES = 'plugin_buycourses_services'; const TABLE_SERVICES_SALE = 'plugin_buycourses_service_sale'; const TABLE_CULQI = 'plugin_buycourses_culqi'; const TABLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG = 'plugin_buycourses_global_config'; const TABLE_INVOICE = 'plugin_buycourses_invoices'; const PRODUCT_TYPE_COURSE = 1; const PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION = 2; const PAYMENT_TYPE_PAYPAL = 1; const PAYMENT_TYPE_TRANSFER = 2; const PAYMENT_TYPE_CULQI = 3; const PAYOUT_STATUS_CANCELED = 2; const PAYOUT_STATUS_PENDING = 0; const PAYOUT_STATUS_COMPLETED = 1; const SALE_STATUS_CANCELED = -1; const SALE_STATUS_PENDING = 0; const SALE_STATUS_COMPLETED = 1; const SERVICE_STATUS_PENDING = 0; const SERVICE_STATUS_COMPLETED = 1; const SERVICE_STATUS_CANCELLED = -1; const SERVICE_TYPE_USER = 1; const SERVICE_TYPE_COURSE = 2; const SERVICE_TYPE_SESSION = 3; const SERVICE_TYPE_LP_FINAL_ITEM = 4; const CULQI_INTEGRATION_TYPE = 'INTEG'; const CULQI_PRODUCTION_TYPE = 'PRODUC'; const TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL = 1; const TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_COURSE = 2; const TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_SESSION = 3; const TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_SERVICES = 4; public $isAdminPlugin = true; /** * BuyCoursesPlugin constructor. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct( '5.0', " Jose Angel Ruiz - NoSoloRed (original author)
Francis Gonzales and Yannick Warnier - BeezNest (integration)
Alex Aragón - BeezNest (Design icons and css styles)
Imanol Losada - BeezNest (introduction of sessions purchase)
Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos - BeezNest (cleanup and new reports)
José Loguercio Silva - BeezNest (Payouts and buy Services)
Julio Montoya ", [ 'show_main_menu_tab' => 'boolean', 'public_main_menu_tab' => 'boolean', 'include_sessions' => 'boolean', 'include_services' => 'boolean', 'paypal_enable' => 'boolean', 'transfer_enable' => 'boolean', 'culqi_enable' => 'boolean', 'commissions_enable' => 'boolean', 'unregistered_users_enable' => 'boolean', 'hide_free_text' => 'boolean', 'invoicing_enable' => 'boolean', 'tax_enable' => 'boolean', ] ); } /** * @return BuyCoursesPlugin */ public static function create() { static $result = null; return $result ? $result : $result = new self(); } /** * Check if plugin is enabled. * * @return bool */ public function isEnabled() { return $this->get('paypal_enable') || $this->get('transfer_enable') || $this->get('culqi_enable'); } /** * This method creates the tables required to this plugin. */ public function install() { $tablesToBeCompared = [ self::TABLE_PAYPAL, self::TABLE_TRANSFER, self::TABLE_CULQI, self::TABLE_ITEM_BENEFICIARY, self::TABLE_ITEM, self::TABLE_SALE, self::TABLE_CURRENCY, self::TABLE_COMMISSION, self::TABLE_PAYPAL_PAYOUTS, self::TABLE_SERVICES, self::TABLE_SERVICES_SALE, self::TABLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG, self::TABLE_INVOICE, ]; $em = Database::getManager(); $cn = $em->getConnection(); $sm = $cn->getSchemaManager(); $tables = $sm->tablesExist($tablesToBeCompared); if ($tables) { return false; } require_once api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).'buycourses/database.php'; } /** * This method drops the plugin tables. */ public function uninstall() { $tablesToBeDeleted = [ self::TABLE_PAYPAL, self::TABLE_TRANSFER, self::TABLE_CULQI, self::TABLE_ITEM_BENEFICIARY, self::TABLE_ITEM, self::TABLE_SALE, self::TABLE_CURRENCY, self::TABLE_COMMISSION, self::TABLE_PAYPAL_PAYOUTS, self::TABLE_SERVICES_SALE, self::TABLE_SERVICES, self::TABLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG, self::TABLE_INVOICE, ]; foreach ($tablesToBeDeleted as $tableToBeDeleted) { $table = Database::get_main_table($tableToBeDeleted); $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table"; Database::query($sql); } $this->manageTab(false); } public function update() { $table = self::TABLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG; $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table WHERE Field = 'global_tax_perc'"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) === 0) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD ( sale_email varchar(255) NOT NULL, global_tax_perc int unsigned NOT NULL, tax_applies_to int unsigned NOT NULL, tax_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, seller_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, seller_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, seller_address varchar(255) NOT NULL, seller_email varchar(255) NOT NULL, next_number_invoice int unsigned NOT NULL, invoice_series varchar(255) NOT NULL )"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (!$res) { echo Display::return_message($this->get_lang('ErrorUpdateFieldDB'), 'warning'); } } $table = self::TABLE_ITEM; $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table WHERE Field = 'tax_perc'"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) === 0) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD tax_perc int unsigned NULL"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (!$res) { echo Display::return_message($this->get_lang('ErrorUpdateFieldDB'), 'warning'); } } $table = self::TABLE_SERVICES; $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table WHERE Field = 'tax_perc'"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) === 0) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD tax_perc int unsigned NULL"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (!$res) { echo Display::return_message($this->get_lang('ErrorUpdateFieldDB'), 'warning'); } } $table = self::TABLE_SALE; $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table WHERE Field = 'tax_perc'"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) === 0) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD ( price_without_tax decimal(10,2) NULL, tax_perc int unsigned NULL, tax_amount decimal(10,2) NULL, invoice int unsigned NULL )"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (!$res) { echo Display::return_message($this->get_lang('ErrorUpdateFieldDB'), 'warning'); } } $table = self::TABLE_SERVICES_SALE; $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table WHERE Field = 'tax_perc'"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) === 0) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD ( price_without_tax decimal(10,2) NULL, tax_perc int unsigned NULL, tax_amount decimal(10,2) NULL, invoice int unsigned NULL )"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (!$res) { echo Display::return_message($this->get_lang('ErrorUpdateFieldDB'), 'warning'); } } $table = self::TABLE_INVOICE; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, sale_id int unsigned NOT NULL, is_service int unsigned NOT NULL, num_invoice int unsigned NOT NULL, year int(4) unsigned NOT NULL, serie varchar(255) NOT NULL, date_invoice datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) )"; $res = Database::query($sql); Display::addFlash( Display::return_message( $this->get_lang('Updated'), 'info', false ) ); $fieldlabel = 'buycourses_company'; $fieldtype = '1'; $fieldtitle = $this->get_lang('Company'); $fielddefault = ''; $field_id = UserManager::create_extra_field($fieldlabel, $fieldtype, $fieldtitle, $fielddefault); $fieldlabel = 'buycourses_vat'; $fieldtype = '1'; $fieldtitle = $this->get_lang('VAT'); $fielddefault = ''; $field_id = UserManager::create_extra_field($fieldlabel, $fieldtype, $fieldtitle, $fielddefault); $fieldlabel = 'buycourses_address'; $fieldtype = '1'; $fieldtitle = $this->get_lang('Address'); $fielddefault = ''; $field_id = UserManager::create_extra_field($fieldlabel, $fieldtype, $fieldtitle, $fielddefault); header('Location: '.api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH).'buycourses'); } /** * This function verify if the plugin is enable and return the price info for a course or session in the new grid * catalog for 1.11.x , the main purpose is to show if a course or session is in sale it shows in the main platform * course catalog so the old buycourses plugin catalog can be deprecated. * * @param int $productId course or session id * @param int $productType course or session type * * @return mixed bool|string html */ public function buyCoursesForGridCatalogValidator($productId, $productType) { $return = []; $paypal = $this->get('paypal_enable') === 'true'; $transfer = $this->get('transfer_enable') === 'true'; $hideFree = $this->get('hide_free_text') === 'true'; if ($paypal || $transfer) { $item = $this->getItemByProduct($productId, $productType); $html = '
'; if ($item) { $html .= ''.$item['iso_code'].' '.$item['price'].''; $return['verificator'] = true; } else { if ($hideFree == false) { $html .= ''.$this->get_lang('Free').''; } $return['verificator'] = false; } $html .= '
'; $return['html'] = $html; } else { return false; } return $return; } /** * Return the buyCourses plugin button to buy the course. * * @param int $productId * @param int $productType * * @return string $html */ public function returnBuyCourseButton($productId, $productType) { $productId = (int) $productId; $url = api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH).'buycourses/src/process.php?i='.$productId.'&t='.Security::remove_XSS($productType); $html = ''. Display::returnFontAwesomeIcon('shopping-cart').''; return $html; } /** * Get the currency for sales. * * @return array The selected currency. Otherwise return false */ public function getSelectedCurrency() { return Database::select( '*', Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CURRENCY), [ 'where' => ['status = ?' => true], ], 'first' ); } /** * Get a list of currencies. * * @return array The currencies. Otherwise return false */ public function getCurrencies() { return Database::select( '*', Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CURRENCY) ); } /** * Save the selected currency. * * @param int $selectedId The currency Id */ public function selectCurrency($selectedId) { $currencyTable = Database::get_main_table( self::TABLE_CURRENCY ); Database::update( $currencyTable, ['status' => 0] ); Database::update( $currencyTable, ['status' => 1], ['id = ?' => (int) $selectedId] ); } /** * Save the PayPal configuration params. * * @param array $params * * @return int Rows affected. Otherwise return false */ public function savePaypalParams($params) { return Database::update( Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_PAYPAL), [ 'username' => $params['username'], 'password' => $params['password'], 'signature' => $params['signature'], 'sandbox' => isset($params['sandbox']), ], ['id = ?' => 1] ); } /** * Gets the stored PayPal params. * * @return array */ public function getPaypalParams() { return Database::select( '*', Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_PAYPAL), ['id = ?' => 1], 'first' ); } /** * Save a transfer account information. * * @param array $params The transfer account * * @return int Rows affected. Otherwise return false */ public function saveTransferAccount($params) { return Database::insert( Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_TRANSFER), [ 'name' => $params['tname'], 'account' => $params['taccount'], 'swift' => $params['tswift'], ] ); } /** * Get a list of transfer accounts. * * @return array */ public function getTransferAccounts() { return Database::select( '*', Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_TRANSFER) ); } /** * Remove a transfer account. * * @param int $id The transfer account ID * * @return int Rows affected. Otherwise return false */ public function deleteTransferAccount($id) { return Database::delete( Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_TRANSFER), ['id = ?' => (int) $id] ); } /** * Get the item data. * * @param int $productId The item ID * @param int $itemType The item type * * @return array */ public function getItemByProduct($productId, $itemType) { $buyItemTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_ITEM); $buyCurrencyTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CURRENCY); $fakeItemFrom = " $buyItemTable i INNER JOIN $buyCurrencyTable c ON i.currency_id = c.id "; return Database::select( ['i.*', 'c.iso_code'], $fakeItemFrom, [ 'where' => [ 'i.product_id = ? AND i.product_type = ?' => [ (int) $productId, (int) $itemType, ], ], ], 'first' ); } /** * List courses details from the configuration page. * * @return array */ public function getCoursesForConfiguration() { $courses = $this->getCourses(); if (empty($courses)) { return []; } $configurationCourses = []; $currency = $this->getSelectedCurrency(); foreach ($courses as $course) { $configurationCourses[] = $this->getCourseForConfiguration( $course, $currency ); } return $configurationCourses; } /** * List sessions details from the buy-session table and the session table. * * @return array The sessions. Otherwise return false */ public function getSessionsForConfiguration() { $sessions = CoursesAndSessionsCatalog::browseSessions(); $currency = $this->getSelectedCurrency(); $items = []; foreach ($sessions as $session) { $items[] = $this->getSessionForConfiguration($session, $currency); } return $items; } /** * Lists current user session details, including each session course details. * * @param string $name Optional. The name filter * @param int $min Optional. The minimum price filter * @param int $max Optional. The maximum price filter * * @return array */ public function getCatalogSessionList($name = null, $min = 0, $max = 0) { $sessions = $this->filterSessionList($name, $min, $max); $sessionCatalog = []; // loop through all sessions foreach ($sessions as $session) { $sessionCourses = $session->getCourses(); if (empty($sessionCourses)) { continue; } $item = $this->getItemByProduct( $session->getId(), self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION ); if (empty($item)) { continue; } $sessionData = $this->getSessionInfo($session->getId()); $sessionData['coach'] = $session->getGeneralCoach()->getCompleteName(); $sessionData['enrolled'] = $this->getUserStatusForSession( api_get_user_id(), $session ); $sessionData['courses'] = []; foreach ($sessionCourses as $sessionCourse) { $course = $sessionCourse->getCourse(); $sessionCourseData = [ 'title' => $course->getTitle(), 'coaches' => [], ]; $userCourseSubscriptions = $session->getUserCourseSubscriptionsByStatus( $course, Chamilo\CoreBundle\Entity\Session::COACH ); foreach ($userCourseSubscriptions as $userCourseSubscription) { $user = $userCourseSubscription->getUser(); $sessionCourseData['coaches'][] = $user->getCompleteName(); } $sessionData['courses'][] = $sessionCourseData; } $sessionCatalog[] = $sessionData; } return $sessionCatalog; } /** * Lists current user course details. * * @param string $name Optional. The name filter * @param int $min Optional. The minimum price filter * @param int $max Optional. The maximum price filter * * @return array */ public function getCatalogCourseList($name = null, $min = 0, $max = 0) { $courses = $this->filterCourseList($name, $min, $max); if (empty($courses)) { return []; } $courseCatalog = []; foreach ($courses as $course) { $item = $this->getItemByProduct( $course->getId(), self::PRODUCT_TYPE_COURSE ); if (empty($item)) { continue; } $price = $item['price']; $taxPerc = null; $priceWithoutTax = $item['price']; $taxEnable = $this->get('tax_enable') === 'true'; $globalParameters = $this->getGlobalParameters(); $taxAppliesTo = $globalParameters['tax_applies_to']; if ($taxEnable && ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL || $taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_COURSE) ) { $globalTaxPerc = $globalParameters['global_tax_perc']; $precision = 2; $taxPerc = is_null($item['tax_perc']) ? $globalTaxPerc : $item['tax_perc']; $taxAmount = round($priceWithoutTax * $taxPerc / 100, $precision); $price = $priceWithoutTax + $taxAmount; } $courseItem = [ 'id' => $course->getId(), 'title' => $course->getTitle(), 'code' => $course->getCode(), 'course_img' => null, 'price' => $price, 'currency' => $item['iso_code'], 'teachers' => [], 'enrolled' => $this->getUserStatusForCourse(api_get_user_id(), $course), ]; foreach ($course->getTeachers() as $courseUser) { $teacher = $courseUser->getUser(); $courseItem['teachers'][] = $teacher->getCompleteName(); } //check images $possiblePath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH); $possiblePath .= $course->getDirectory(); $possiblePath .= '/course-pic.png'; if (file_exists($possiblePath)) { $courseItem['course_img'] = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$course->getDirectory().'/course-pic.png'; } $courseCatalog[] = $courseItem; } return $courseCatalog; } /** * Get course info. * * @param int $courseId The course ID * * @return array */ public function getCourseInfo($courseId) { $entityManager = Database::getManager(); $course = $entityManager->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', $courseId); if (empty($course)) { return []; } $item = $this->getItemByProduct( $course->getId(), self::PRODUCT_TYPE_COURSE ); if (empty($item)) { return []; } $courseDescription = $entityManager->getRepository('ChamiloCourseBundle:CCourseDescription') ->findOneBy( [ 'cId' => $course->getId(), 'sessionId' => 0, ], [ 'descriptionType' => 'ASC', ] ); $price = $item['price']; $taxAmount = 0; $taxPerc = null; $priceWithoutTax = $item['price']; $precision = 2; $taxEnable = $this->get('tax_enable') === 'true'; $globalParameters = $this->getGlobalParameters(); $taxAppliesTo = $globalParameters['tax_applies_to']; if ($taxEnable && ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL || $taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_COURSE) ) { $globalTaxPerc = $globalParameters['global_tax_perc']; $precision = 2; $taxPerc = is_null($item['tax_perc']) ? $globalTaxPerc : $item['tax_perc']; $taxAmount = round($priceWithoutTax * $taxPerc / 100, $precision); $price = $priceWithoutTax + $taxAmount; } $courseInfo = [ 'id' => $course->getId(), 'title' => $course->getTitle(), 'description' => $courseDescription ? $courseDescription->getContent() : null, 'code' => $course->getCode(), 'visual_code' => $course->getVisualCode(), 'teachers' => [], 'price' => number_format($price, $precision), 'price_without_tax' => number_format($priceWithoutTax, $precision), 'tax_amount' => number_format($taxAmount, $precision), 'tax_perc' => $taxPerc, 'tax_name' => $globalParameters['tax_name'], 'tax_enable' => $taxEnable && ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL || $taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_COURSE), 'currency' => $item['iso_code'], 'course_img' => null, ]; $courseTeachers = $course->getTeachers(); foreach ($courseTeachers as $teachers) { $user = $teachers->getUser(); $teacher['id'] = $user->getId(); $teacher['name'] = $user->getCompleteName(); $courseInfo['teachers'][] = $teacher; } $possiblePath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH); $possiblePath .= $course->getDirectory(); $possiblePath .= '/course-pic.png'; if (file_exists($possiblePath)) { $courseInfo['course_img'] = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$course->getDirectory().'/course-pic.png'; } return $courseInfo; } /** * Get session info. * * @param array $sessionId The session ID * * @return array */ public function getSessionInfo($sessionId) { $entityManager = Database::getManager(); $session = $entityManager->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Session', $sessionId); if (empty($session)) { return []; } $item = $this->getItemByProduct( $session->getId(), self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION ); if (empty($item)) { return []; } $sessionDates = SessionManager::parseSessionDates([ 'display_start_date' => $session->getDisplayStartDate(), 'display_end_date' => $session->getDisplayEndDate(), 'access_start_date' => $session->getAccessStartDate(), 'access_end_date' => $session->getAccessEndDate(), 'coach_access_start_date' => $session->getCoachAccessStartDate(), 'coach_access_end_date' => $session->getCoachAccessEndDate(), ]); $price = $item['price']; $taxAmount = 0; $taxPerc = null; $priceWithoutTax = $item['price']; $precision = 2; $taxEnable = $this->get('tax_enable') === 'true'; $globalParameters = $this->getGlobalParameters(); $taxAppliesTo = $globalParameters['tax_applies_to']; if ($taxEnable && ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL || $taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_SESSION) ) { $globalTaxPerc = $globalParameters['global_tax_perc']; $taxPerc = is_null($item['tax_perc']) ? $globalTaxPerc : $item['tax_perc']; $taxAmount = round($priceWithoutTax * $taxPerc / 100, $precision); $price = $priceWithoutTax + $taxAmount; } $sessionInfo = [ 'id' => $session->getId(), 'name' => $session->getName(), 'description' => $session->getDescription(), 'dates' => $sessionDates, 'courses' => [], 'price' => number_format($price, $precision), 'price_without_tax' => number_format($priceWithoutTax, $precision), 'tax_amount' => number_format($taxAmount, $precision), 'tax_perc' => $taxPerc, 'tax_name' => $globalParameters['tax_name'], 'tax_enable' => $taxEnable && ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL || $taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_SESSION), 'currency' => $item['iso_code'], 'image' => null, 'nbrCourses' => $session->getNbrCourses(), 'nbrUsers' => $session->getNbrUsers(), ]; $fieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('session'); $sessionImage = $fieldValue->get_values_by_handler_and_field_variable( $session->getId(), 'image' ); if (!empty($sessionImage)) { $sessionInfo['image'] = api_get_path(WEB_UPLOAD_PATH).$sessionImage['value']; } $sessionCourses = $session->getCourses(); foreach ($sessionCourses as $sessionCourse) { $course = $sessionCourse->getCourse(); $sessionCourseData = [ 'title' => $course->getTitle(), 'coaches' => [], ]; $userCourseSubscriptions = $session->getUserCourseSubscriptionsByStatus( $course, Chamilo\CoreBundle\Entity\Session::COACH ); foreach ($userCourseSubscriptions as $userCourseSubscription) { $user = $userCourseSubscription->getUser(); $coaches['id'] = $user->getUserId(); $coaches['name'] = $user->getCompleteName(); $sessionCourseData['coaches'][] = $coaches; } $sessionInfo['courses'][] = $sessionCourseData; } return $sessionInfo; } /** * Get registered item data. * * @param int $itemId The item ID * * @return array */ public function getItem($itemId) { return Database::select( '*', Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_ITEM), [ 'where' => ['id = ?' => (int) $itemId], ], 'first' ); } /** * Register a sale. * * @param int $itemId The product ID * @param int $paymentType The payment type * * @return bool */ public function registerSale($itemId, $paymentType) { if (!in_array( $paymentType, [self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PAYPAL, self::PAYMENT_TYPE_TRANSFER, self::PAYMENT_TYPE_CULQI] ) ) { return false; } $entityManager = Database::getManager(); $item = $this->getItem($itemId); if (empty($item)) { return false; } if ($item['product_type'] == self::PRODUCT_TYPE_COURSE) { $course = $entityManager->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', $item['product_id']); if (empty($course)) { return false; } $productName = $course->getTitle(); } elseif ($item['product_type'] == self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION) { $session = $entityManager->find('ChamiloCoreBundle:Session', $item['product_id']); if (empty($session)) { return false; } $productName = $session->getName(); } $price = $item['price']; $priceWithoutTax = null; $taxPerc = null; $taxAmount = 0; $taxEnable = $this->get('tax_enable') === 'true'; $globalParameters = $this->getGlobalParameters(); $taxAppliesTo = $globalParameters['tax_applies_to']; if ($taxEnable && ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL || ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_COURSE && $item['product_type'] == self::PRODUCT_TYPE_COURSE) || ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_SESSION && $item['product_type'] == self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION)) ) { $priceWithoutTax = $item['price']; $globalTaxPerc = $globalParameters['global_tax_perc']; $precision = 2; $taxPerc = is_null($item['tax_perc']) ? $globalTaxPerc : $item['tax_perc']; $taxAmount = round($priceWithoutTax * $taxPerc / 100, $precision); $price = $priceWithoutTax + $taxAmount; } $values = [ 'reference' => $this->generateReference( api_get_user_id(), $item['product_type'], $item['product_id'] ), 'currency_id' => $item['currency_id'], 'date' => api_get_utc_datetime(), 'user_id' => api_get_user_id(), 'product_type' => $item['product_type'], 'product_name' => $productName, 'product_id' => $item['product_id'], 'price' => $price, 'price_without_tax' => $priceWithoutTax, 'tax_perc' => $taxPerc, 'tax_amount' => $taxAmount, 'status' => self::SALE_STATUS_PENDING, 'payment_type' => (int) $paymentType, ]; return Database::insert(self::TABLE_SALE, $values); } /** * Get sale data by ID. * * @param int $saleId The sale ID * * @return array */ public function getSale($saleId) { return Database::select( '*', Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SALE), [ 'where' => ['id = ?' => (int) $saleId], ], 'first' ); } /** * Get a list of sales by the payment type. * * @param int $paymentType The payment type to filter (default : Paypal) * * @return array The sale list. Otherwise return false */ public function getSaleListByPaymentType($paymentType = self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PAYPAL) { $saleTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SALE); $currencyTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CURRENCY); $userTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $innerJoins = " INNER JOIN $currencyTable c ON s.currency_id = c.id INNER JOIN $userTable u ON s.user_id = u.id "; return Database::select( ['c.iso_code', 'u.firstname', 'u.lastname', 's.*'], "$saleTable s $innerJoins", [ 'where' => [ 's.payment_type = ? AND s.status = ?' => [ (int) $paymentType, self::SALE_STATUS_COMPLETED, ], ], 'order' => 'id DESC', ] ); } /** * Get data of sales. * * @param int $saleId The sale id * @param int $isService Check if a service * * @return array The sale data */ public function getDataSaleInvoice($saleId, $isService) { $data = []; if ($isService) { $sale = $this->getServiceSale($saleId); $data['reference'] = $sale['reference']; $data['product_name'] = $sale['service']['name']; $data['payment_type'] = $sale['payment_type']; $data['user_id'] = $sale['buyer']['id']; $data['price'] = $sale['price']; $data['price_without_tax'] = $sale['price_without_tax']; $data['tax_perc'] = $sale['tax_perc']; $data['tax_amount'] = $sale['tax_amount']; $data['currency_id'] = $sale['currency_id']; $data['date'] = $sale['buy_date']; } else { $sale = $this->getSale($saleId); $data['reference'] = $sale['reference']; $data['product_name'] = $sale['product_name']; $data['payment_type'] = $sale['payment_type']; $data['user_id'] = $sale['user_id']; $data['price'] = $sale['price']; $data['price_without_tax'] = $sale['price_without_tax']; $data['tax_perc'] = $sale['tax_perc']; $data['tax_amount'] = $sale['tax_amount']; $data['currency_id'] = $sale['currency_id']; $data['date'] = $sale['date']; } return $data; } /** * Get data of invoice. * * @param int $saleId The sale id * @param int $isService Check if a service * * @return array The invoice data */ public function getDataInvoice($saleId, $isService) { return Database::select( '*', Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_INVOICE), [ 'where' => [ 'sale_id = ? AND ' => (int) $saleId, 'is_service = ?' => (int) $isService, ], ], 'first' ); } /** * Get invoice numbering. * * @param int $saleId The sale id * @param int $isService Check if a service * * @return array The invoice numbers */ public function getNumInvoice($saleId, $isService) { $dataInvoice = $this->getDataInvoice($saleId, $isService); if (empty($dataInvoice)) { return '-'; } return $dataInvoice['serie'].$dataInvoice['year'].'/'.$dataInvoice['num_invoice']; } /** * Get currency data by ID. * * @param int $currencyId The currency ID * * @return array */ public function getCurrency($currencyId) { return Database::select( '*', Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CURRENCY), [ 'where' => ['id = ?' => (int) $currencyId], ], 'first' ); } /** * Complete sale process. Update sale status to completed. * * @param int $saleId The sale ID * * @return bool */ public function completeSale($saleId) { $sale = $this->getSale($saleId); if ($sale['status'] == self::SALE_STATUS_COMPLETED) { return true; } $saleIsCompleted = false; switch ($sale['product_type']) { case self::PRODUCT_TYPE_COURSE: $course = api_get_course_info_by_id($sale['product_id']); $saleIsCompleted = CourseManager::subscribeUser($sale['user_id'], $course['code']); break; case self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION: SessionManager::subscribeUsersToSession( $sale['product_id'], [$sale['user_id']], api_get_session_visibility($sale['product_id']), false ); $saleIsCompleted = true; break; } if ($saleIsCompleted) { $this->updateSaleStatus($sale['id'], self::SALE_STATUS_COMPLETED); if ($this->get('invoicing_enable') === 'true') { $this->setInvoice($sale['id']); } } return $saleIsCompleted; } /** * Update sale status to canceled. * * @param int $saleId The sale ID */ public function cancelSale($saleId) { $this->updateSaleStatus($saleId, self::SALE_STATUS_CANCELED); } /** * Get payment types. * * @return array */ public function getPaymentTypes() { return [ self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PAYPAL => 'PayPal', self::PAYMENT_TYPE_TRANSFER => $this->get_lang('BankTransfer'), self::PAYMENT_TYPE_CULQI => 'Culqi', ]; } /** * Register a invoice. * * @param int $saleId The sale ID * @param int $isService The service type to filter (default : 0) */ public function setInvoice($saleId, $isService = 0) { $invoiceTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_INVOICE); $year = date('Y'); $globalParameters = $this->getGlobalParameters(); $numInvoice = $globalParameters['next_number_invoice']; $serie = $globalParameters['invoice_series']; if (empty($numInvoice)) { $item = Database::select( ['MAX(num_invoice) AS num_invoice'], $invoiceTable, [ 'where' => ['year = ?' => $year], ], 'first' ); $numInvoice = 1; if ($item !== false) { $numInvoice = (int) ($item['num_invoice'] + 1); } } else { Database::update( Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG), ['next_number_invoice' => 0], ['id = ?' => 1] ); } Database::insert( $invoiceTable, [ 'sale_id' => $saleId, 'is_service' => $isService, 'num_invoice' => $numInvoice, 'year' => $year, 'serie' => $serie, 'date_invoice' => api_get_utc_datetime(), ] ); // Record invoice in the sales table $table = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SALE); if (!empty($isService)) { $table = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SERVICES_SALE); } Database::update( $table, ['invoice' => 1], ['id = ?' => $saleId] ); } /** * Get Tax's types. * * @return array */ public function getTaxAppliesTo() { return [ self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL => $this->get_lang('AllCoursesSessionsAndServices'), self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_COURSE => $this->get_lang('OnlyCourses'), self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_SESSION => $this->get_lang('OnlySessions'), self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_SERVICES => $this->get_lang('OnlyServices'), ]; } /** * Get a list of sales by the status. * * @param int $status The status to filter * * @return array The sale list. Otherwise return false */ public function getSaleListByStatus($status = self::SALE_STATUS_PENDING) { $saleTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SALE); $currencyTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CURRENCY); $userTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $innerJoins = " INNER JOIN $currencyTable c ON s.currency_id = c.id INNER JOIN $userTable u ON s.user_id = u.id "; return Database::select( ['c.iso_code', 'u.firstname', 'u.lastname', 's.*'], "$saleTable s $innerJoins", [ 'where' => ['s.status = ?' => (int) $status], 'order' => 'id DESC', ] ); } /** * Get the statuses for sales. * * @return array */ public function getSaleStatuses() { return [ self::SALE_STATUS_CANCELED => $this->get_lang('SaleStatusCanceled'), self::SALE_STATUS_PENDING => $this->get_lang('SaleStatusPending'), self::SALE_STATUS_COMPLETED => $this->get_lang('SaleStatusCompleted'), ]; } /** * Get the statuses for Payouts. * * @return array */ public function getPayoutStatuses() { return [ self::PAYOUT_STATUS_CANCELED => $this->get_lang('PayoutStatusCanceled'), self::PAYOUT_STATUS_PENDING => $this->get_lang('PayoutStatusPending'), self::PAYOUT_STATUS_COMPLETED => $this->get_lang('PayoutStatusCompleted'), ]; } /** * Get the list of product types. * * @return array */ public function getProductTypes() { return [ self::PRODUCT_TYPE_COURSE => get_lang('Course'), self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION => get_lang('Session'), ]; } /** * Get the list of service types. * * @return array */ public function getServiceTypes() { return [ self::SERVICE_TYPE_USER => get_lang('User'), self::SERVICE_TYPE_COURSE => get_lang('Course'), self::SERVICE_TYPE_SESSION => get_lang('Session'), self::SERVICE_TYPE_LP_FINAL_ITEM => get_lang('TemplateTitleCertificate'), ]; } /** * Generates a random text (used for order references). * * @param int $length Optional. Length of characters * @param bool $lowercase Optional. Include lowercase characters * @param bool $uppercase Optional. Include uppercase characters * @param bool $numbers Optional. Include numbers * * @return string */ public static function randomText( $length = 6, $lowercase = true, $uppercase = true, $numbers = true ) { $salt = $lowercase ? 'abchefghknpqrstuvwxyz' : ''; $salt .= $uppercase ? 'ACDEFHKNPRSTUVWXYZ' : ''; $salt .= $numbers ? (strlen($salt) ? '2345679' : '0123456789') : ''; if (strlen($salt) == 0) { return ''; } $str = ''; srand((float) microtime() * 1000000); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $numbers = rand(0, strlen($salt) - 1); $str .= substr($salt, $numbers, 1); } return $str; } /** * Generates an order reference. * * @param int $userId The user ID * @param int $productType The course/session type * @param int $productId The course/session ID * * @return string */ public function generateReference($userId, $productType, $productId) { return vsprintf( "%d-%d-%d-%s", [$userId, $productType, $productId, self::randomText()] ); } /** * Get a list of sales by the user. * * @param string $term The search term * * @return array The sale list. Otherwise return false */ public function getSaleListByUser($term) { $term = trim($term); if (empty($term)) { return []; } $saleTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SALE); $currencyTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CURRENCY); $userTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $innerJoins = " INNER JOIN $currencyTable c ON s.currency_id = c.id INNER JOIN $userTable u ON s.user_id = u.id "; return Database::select( ['c.iso_code', 'u.firstname', 'u.lastname', 's.*'], "$saleTable s $innerJoins", [ 'where' => [ 'u.username LIKE %?% OR ' => $term, 'u.lastname LIKE %?% OR ' => $term, 'u.firstname LIKE %?%' => $term, ], 'order' => 'id DESC', ] ); } /** * Get a list of sales by the user id. * * @param int $id The user id * * @return array The sale list. Otherwise return false */ public function getSaleListByUserId($id) { if (empty($id)) { return []; } $saleTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SALE); $currencyTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CURRENCY); $userTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $innerJoins = " INNER JOIN $currencyTable c ON s.currency_id = c.id INNER JOIN $userTable u ON s.user_id = u.id "; return Database::select( ['c.iso_code', 'u.firstname', 'u.lastname', 's.*'], "$saleTable s $innerJoins", [ 'where' => [ 'u.id = ? AND s.status = ?' => [(int) $id, self::SALE_STATUS_COMPLETED], ], 'order' => 'id DESC', ] ); } /** * Convert the course info to array with necessary course data for save item. * * @param Course $course * @param array $defaultCurrency Optional. Currency data * * @return array */ public function getCourseForConfiguration(Course $course, $defaultCurrency = null) { $courseItem = [ 'item_id' => null, 'course_id' => $course->getId(), 'course_visual_code' => $course->getVisualCode(), 'course_code' => $course->getCode(), 'course_title' => $course->getTitle(), 'course_directory' => $course->getDirectory(), 'course_visibility' => $course->getVisibility(), 'visible' => false, 'currency' => empty($defaultCurrency) ? null : $defaultCurrency['iso_code'], 'price' => 0.00, 'tax_perc' => null, ]; $item = $this->getItemByProduct($course->getId(), self::PRODUCT_TYPE_COURSE); if ($item !== false) { $courseItem['item_id'] = $item['id']; $courseItem['visible'] = true; $courseItem['currency'] = $item['iso_code']; $courseItem['price'] = $item['price']; $courseItem['tax_perc'] = $item['tax_perc']; } return $courseItem; } /** * Convert the session info to array with necessary session data for save item. * * @param Session $session The session data * @param array $defaultCurrency Optional. Currency data * * @return array */ public function getSessionForConfiguration(Session $session, $defaultCurrency = null) { $buyItemTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_ITEM); $buyCurrencyTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CURRENCY); $fakeItemFrom = " $buyItemTable i INNER JOIN $buyCurrencyTable c ON i.currency_id = c.id "; $sessionItem = [ 'item_id' => null, 'session_id' => $session->getId(), 'session_name' => $session->getName(), 'session_visibility' => $session->getVisibility(), 'session_display_start_date' => null, 'session_display_end_date' => null, 'visible' => false, 'currency' => empty($defaultCurrency) ? null : $defaultCurrency['iso_code'], 'price' => 0.00, 'tax_perc' => null, ]; $displayStartDate = $session->getDisplayStartDate(); if (!empty($displayStartDate)) { $sessionItem['session_display_start_date'] = api_format_date( $session->getDisplayStartDate()->format('Y-m-d h:i:s') ); } $displayEndDate = $session->getDisplayEndDate(); if (!empty($displayEndDate)) { $sessionItem['session_display_end_date'] = api_format_date( $session->getDisplayEndDate()->format('Y-m-d h:i:s'), DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG_24H ); } $item = Database::select( ['i.*', 'c.iso_code'], $fakeItemFrom, [ 'where' => [ 'i.product_id = ? AND ' => $session->getId(), 'i.product_type = ?' => self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION, ], ], 'first' ); if ($item !== false) { $sessionItem['item_id'] = $item['id']; $sessionItem['visible'] = true; $sessionItem['currency'] = $item['iso_code']; $sessionItem['price'] = $item['price']; $sessionItem['tax_perc'] = $item['tax_perc']; } return $sessionItem; } /** * Get all beneficiaries for a item. * * @param int $itemId The item ID * * @return array The beneficiaries. Otherwise return false */ public function getItemBeneficiaries($itemId) { $beneficiaryTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_ITEM_BENEFICIARY); return Database::select( '*', $beneficiaryTable, [ 'where' => [ 'item_id = ?' => (int) $itemId, ], ] ); } /** * Delete a item with its beneficiaries. * * @param int $itemId The item ID * * @return int The number of affected rows. Otherwise return false */ public function deleteItem($itemId) { $itemTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_ITEM); $affectedRows = Database::delete( $itemTable, ['id = ?' => (int) $itemId] ); if (!$affectedRows) { return false; } return $this->deleteItemBeneficiaries($itemId); } /** * Register a item. * * @param array $itemData The item data * * @return int The item ID. Otherwise return false */ public function registerItem(array $itemData) { $itemTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_ITEM); return Database::insert($itemTable, $itemData); } /** * Update the item data by product. * * @param array $itemData The item data to be updated * @param int $productId The product ID * @param int $productType The type of product * * @return int The number of affected rows. Otherwise return false */ public function updateItem(array $itemData, $productId, $productType) { $itemTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_ITEM); return Database::update( $itemTable, $itemData, [ 'product_id = ? AND ' => (int) $productId, 'product_type' => $productType, ] ); } /** * Remove all beneficiaries for a item. * * @param int $itemId The user ID * * @return int The number of affected rows. Otherwise return false */ public function deleteItemBeneficiaries($itemId) { $beneficiaryTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_ITEM_BENEFICIARY); return Database::delete( $beneficiaryTable, ['item_id = ?' => (int) $itemId] ); } /** * Register the beneficiaries users with the sale of item. * * @param int $itemId The item ID * @param array $userIds The beneficiary user ID and Teachers commissions if enabled */ public function registerItemBeneficiaries($itemId, array $userIds) { $beneficiaryTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_ITEM_BENEFICIARY); $this->deleteItemBeneficiaries($itemId); foreach ($userIds as $userId => $commissions) { Database::insert( $beneficiaryTable, [ 'item_id' => (int) $itemId, 'user_id' => (int) $userId, 'commissions' => (int) $commissions, ] ); } } /** * Check if a course is valid for sale. * * @param Course $course The course * * @return bool */ public function isValidCourse(Course $course) { $courses = $this->getCourses(); foreach ($courses as $_c) { if ($_c->getCode() === $course->getCode()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the beneficiaries with commissions and current paypal accounts by sale. * * @param int $saleId The sale ID * * @return array */ public function getBeneficiariesBySale($saleId) { $sale = $this->getSale($saleId); $item = $this->getItemByProduct($sale['product_id'], $sale['product_type']); $itemBeneficiaries = $this->getItemBeneficiaries($item['id']); return $itemBeneficiaries; } /** * gets all payouts. * * @param int $status - default 0 - pending * @param int $payoutId - for get an individual payout if want all then false * @param int $userId * * @return array */ public function getPayouts( $status = self::PAYOUT_STATUS_PENDING, $payoutId = false, $userId = false ) { $condition = ($payoutId) ? 'AND p.id = '.((int) $payoutId) : ''; $condition2 = ($userId) ? ' AND p.user_id = '.((int) $userId) : ''; $typeResult = ($condition) ? 'first' : 'all'; $payoutsTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_PAYPAL_PAYOUTS); $saleTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SALE); $currencyTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CURRENCY); $userTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $extraFieldTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_EXTRA_FIELD); $extraFieldValues = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_EXTRA_FIELD_VALUES); $paypalExtraField = Database::select( "*", $extraFieldTable, [ 'where' => ['variable = ?' => 'paypal'], ], 'first' ); if (!$paypalExtraField) { return false; } $innerJoins = " INNER JOIN $userTable u ON p.user_id = u.id INNER JOIN $saleTable s ON s.id = p.sale_id INNER JOIN $currencyTable c ON s.currency_id = c.id LEFT JOIN $extraFieldValues efv ON p.user_id = efv.item_id AND field_id = ".((int) $paypalExtraField['id'])." "; $payouts = Database::select( "p.* , u.firstname, u.lastname, efv.value as paypal_account, s.reference as sale_reference, s.price as item_price, c.iso_code", "$payoutsTable p $innerJoins", [ 'where' => ['p.status = ? '.$condition.' '.$condition2 => $status], ], $typeResult ); return $payouts; } /** * Verify if the beneficiary have a paypal account. * * @param int $userId * * @return true if the user have a paypal account, false if not */ public function verifyPaypalAccountByBeneficiary($userId) { $extraFieldTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_EXTRA_FIELD); $extraFieldValues = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_EXTRA_FIELD_VALUES); $paypalExtraField = Database::select( "*", $extraFieldTable, [ 'where' => ['variable = ?' => 'paypal'], ], 'first' ); if (!$paypalExtraField) { return false; } $paypalFieldId = $paypalExtraField['id']; $paypalAccount = Database::select( "value", $extraFieldValues, [ 'where' => ['field_id = ? AND item_id = ?' => [(int) $paypalFieldId, (int) $userId]], ], 'first' ); if (!$paypalAccount) { return false; } if ($paypalAccount['value'] === '') { return false; } return true; } /** * Register the users payouts. * * @param int $saleId The sale ID * * @return array */ public function storePayouts($saleId) { $payoutsTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_PAYPAL_PAYOUTS); $platformCommission = $this->getPlatformCommission(); $sale = $this->getSale($saleId); $commission = (int) $platformCommission['commission']; $teachersCommission = number_format( (floatval($sale['price']) * $commission) / 100, 2 ); $beneficiaries = $this->getBeneficiariesBySale($saleId); foreach ($beneficiaries as $beneficiary) { $beneficiaryCommission = (int) $beneficiary['commissions']; Database::insert( $payoutsTable, [ 'date' => $sale['date'], 'payout_date' => getdate(), 'sale_id' => (int) $saleId, 'user_id' => $beneficiary['user_id'], 'commission' => number_format( (floatval($teachersCommission) * $beneficiaryCommission) / 100, 2 ), 'status' => self::PAYOUT_STATUS_PENDING, ] ); } } /** * Register the users payouts. * * @param int $payoutId The payout ID * @param int $status The status to set (-1 to cancel, 0 to pending, 1 to completed) * * @return array */ public function setStatusPayouts($payoutId, $status) { $payoutsTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_PAYPAL_PAYOUTS); Database::update( $payoutsTable, ['status' => (int) $status], ['id = ?' => (int) $payoutId] ); } /** * Gets the stored platform commission params. * * @return array */ public function getPlatformCommission() { return Database::select( '*', Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_COMMISSION), ['id = ?' => 1], 'first' ); } /** * Update the platform commission. * * @param int $params platform commission * * @return int The number of affected rows. Otherwise return false */ public function updateCommission($params) { $commissionTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_COMMISSION); return Database::update( $commissionTable, ['commission' => (int) $params['commission']] ); } /** * Register additional service. * * @param array $service params * * @return mixed response */ public function storeService($service) { $servicesTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SERVICES); $return = Database::insert( $servicesTable, [ 'name' => Security::remove_XSS($service['name']), 'description' => Security::remove_XSS($service['description']), 'price' => $service['price'], 'tax_perc' => $service['tax_perc'] != '' ? (int) $service['tax_perc'] : null, 'duration_days' => (int) $service['duration_days'], 'applies_to' => (int) $service['applies_to'], 'owner_id' => (int) $service['owner_id'], 'visibility' => (int) $service['visibility'], 'image' => '', 'video_url' => $service['video_url'], 'service_information' => $service['service_information'], ] ); if ($return && !empty($service['picture_crop_image_base_64']) && !empty($service['picture_crop_result']) ) { $img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $service['picture_crop_image_base_64']); $img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img); $data = base64_decode($img); $file = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).'buycourses/uploads/services/images/simg-'.$return.'.png'; file_put_contents($file, $data); Database::update( $servicesTable, ['image' => 'simg-'.$return.'.png'], ['id = ?' => (int) $return] ); } return $return; } /** * update a service. * * @param array $service * @param int $id * * @return mixed response */ public function updateService($service, $id) { $servicesTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SERVICES); if (!empty($service['picture_crop_image_base_64'])) { $img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $service['picture_crop_image_base_64']); $img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img); $data = base64_decode($img); $file = api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH).'buycourses/uploads/services/images/simg-'.$id.'.png'; file_put_contents($file, $data); } return Database::update( $servicesTable, [ 'name' => Security::remove_XSS($service['name']), 'description' => Security::remove_XSS($service['description']), 'price' => $service['price'], 'tax_perc' => $service['tax_perc'] != '' ? (int) $service['tax_perc'] : null, 'duration_days' => (int) $service['duration_days'], 'applies_to' => (int) $service['applies_to'], 'owner_id' => (int) $service['owner_id'], 'visibility' => (int) $service['visibility'], 'image' => 'simg-'.$id.'.png', 'video_url' => $service['video_url'], 'service_information' => $service['service_information'], ], ['id = ?' => (int) $id] ); } /** * Remove a service. * * @param int $id The transfer account ID * * @return int Rows affected. Otherwise return false */ public function deleteService($id) { Database::delete( Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SERVICES_SALE), ['service_id = ?' => (int) $id] ); return Database::delete( Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SERVICES), ['id = ?' => (int) $id] ); } /** * List additional services. * * @param int $id service id * * @return array */ public function getServices($id = null) { $servicesTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SERVICES); $userTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $conditions = null; $showData = "all"; if ($id) { $conditions = ['WHERE' => ['s.id = ?' => $id]]; $showData = "first"; } $innerJoins = "INNER JOIN $userTable u ON s.owner_id = u.id"; $currency = $this->getSelectedCurrency(); $isoCode = $currency['iso_code']; $return = Database::select( "s.*, '$isoCode' as currency, u.firstname, u.lastname", "$servicesTable s $innerJoins", $conditions, $showData ); $services = []; if ($id) { $price = $return['price']; $taxPerc = null; $priceWithoutTax = $priceWithTax = $return['price']; $precision = 2; $taxEnable = $this->get('tax_enable') === 'true'; $globalParameters = $this->getGlobalParameters(); $taxAppliesTo = $globalParameters['tax_applies_to']; if ($taxEnable && ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL || $taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_SERVICES) ) { $globalTaxPerc = $globalParameters['global_tax_perc']; $precision = 2; $taxPerc = is_null($return['tax_perc']) ? $globalTaxPerc : $return['tax_perc']; $taxAmount = round($priceWithoutTax * $taxPerc / 100, $precision); $priceWithTax = $priceWithoutTax + $taxAmount; } $services['id'] = $return['id']; $services['name'] = $return['name']; $services['description'] = $return['description']; $services['price'] = $price; $services['tax_perc'] = $return['tax_perc']; $services['price_with_tax'] = number_format($priceWithTax, $precision); $services['price_without_tax'] = number_format($priceWithoutTax, $precision); $services['tax_amount'] = number_format($taxAmount, $precision); $services['tax_perc_show'] = $taxPerc; $services['tax_name'] = $globalParameters['tax_name']; $services['tax_enable'] = $taxEnable && ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL || $taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_SERVICES); $services['currency'] = $return['currency']; $services['duration_days'] = $return['duration_days']; $services['applies_to'] = $return['applies_to']; $services['owner_id'] = $return['owner_id']; $services['owner_name'] = api_get_person_name($return['firstname'], $return['lastname']); $services['visibility'] = $return['visibility']; $services['image'] = !empty($return['image']) ? api_get_path( WEB_PLUGIN_PATH ).'buycourses/uploads/services/images/'.$return['image'] : null; $services['video_url'] = $return['video_url']; $services['service_information'] = $return['service_information']; return $services; } foreach ($return as $index => $service) { $services[$index]['id'] = $service['id']; $services[$index]['name'] = $service['name']; $services[$index]['description'] = $service['description']; $services[$index]['price'] = $service['price']; $services[$index]['tax_perc'] = $service['tax_perc']; $services[$index]['currency'] = $service['currency']; $services[$index]['duration_days'] = $service['duration_days']; $services[$index]['applies_to'] = $service['applies_to']; $services[$index]['owner_id'] = $service['owner_id']; $services[$index]['owner_name'] = api_get_person_name($service['firstname'], $service['lastname']); $services[$index]['visibility'] = $service['visibility']; $services[$index]['image'] = !empty($service['image']) ? api_get_path( WEB_PLUGIN_PATH ).'buycourses/uploads/services/images/'.$service['image'] : null; $services[$index]['video_url'] = $service['video_url']; $services[$index]['service_information'] = $service['service_information']; } return $services; } /** * Get the statuses for sales. * * @return array */ public function getServiceSaleStatuses() { return [ self::SERVICE_STATUS_CANCELLED => $this->get_lang('SaleStatusCancelled'), self::SERVICE_STATUS_PENDING => $this->get_lang('SaleStatusPending'), self::SERVICE_STATUS_COMPLETED => $this->get_lang('SaleStatusCompleted'), ]; } /** * List services sales. * * @param int $id service id * @param int $buyerId buyer id * @param int $status status * @param int $nodeType The node Type ( User = 1 , Course = 2 , Session = 3 ) * @param int $nodeId the nodeId * @param bool $hot enable hot services * * @return array */ public function getServiceSale( $id = 0, $buyerId = 0, $status = 0, $nodeType = 0, $nodeId = 0, $hot = false ) { $servicesTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SERVICES); $servicesSaleTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SERVICES_SALE); $conditions = null; $showData = 'all'; $groupBy = ''; $id = (int) $id; $buyerId = (int) $buyerId; $status = (int) $status; $nodeType = (int) $nodeType; $nodeId = (int) $nodeId; if (!empty($id)) { $conditions = ['WHERE' => ['ss.id = ?' => $id]]; $showData = "first"; } if (!empty($buyerId)) { $conditions = ['WHERE' => ['ss.buyer_id = ?' => $buyerId], 'ORDER' => 'id ASC']; } if (is_numeric($status) && empty($id)) { $conditions = ['WHERE' => ['ss.status = ?' => $status], 'ORDER' => 'id ASC']; } if ($id && $buyerId) { $conditions = ['WHERE' => ['ss.id = ? AND ss.buyer_id = ?' => [$id, $buyerId]], 'ORDER' => 'id ASC']; } if ($nodeType && $nodeId) { $conditions = [ 'WHERE' => ['ss.node_type = ? AND ss.node_id = ?' => [$nodeType, $nodeId]], 'ORDER' => 'id ASC', ]; } if ($nodeType && $nodeId && $buyerId && is_numeric($status)) { $conditions = [ 'WHERE' => [ 'ss.node_type = ? AND ss.node_id = ? AND ss.buyer_id = ? AND ss.status = ?' => [ $nodeType, $nodeId, $buyerId, $status, ], ], 'ORDER' => 'id ASC', ]; } if ($hot) { $hot = "count(ss.service_id) as hot, "; $conditions = ['ORDER' => 'hot DESC', 'LIMIT' => '6']; $groupBy = "GROUP BY ss.service_id"; "clean_teacher_files.php"; } $innerJoins = "INNER JOIN $servicesTable s ON ss.service_id = s.id $groupBy"; $currency = $this->getSelectedCurrency(); $isoCode = $currency['iso_code']; $return = Database::select( "ss.*, s.name, s.description, s.price as service_price, s.duration_days, s.applies_to, s.owner_id, s.visibility, s.image, $hot '$isoCode' as currency", "$servicesSaleTable ss $innerJoins", $conditions, $showData ); $servicesSale = []; if ($id) { $owner = api_get_user_info($return['owner_id']); $buyer = api_get_user_info($return['buyer_id']); $servicesSale['id'] = $return['id']; $servicesSale['service']['id'] = $return['service_id']; $servicesSale['service']['name'] = $return['name']; $servicesSale['service']['description'] = $return['description']; $servicesSale['service']['price'] = $return['service_price']; $servicesSale['service']['currency'] = $return['currency']; $servicesSale['service']['duration_days'] = $return['duration_days']; $servicesSale['service']['applies_to'] = $return['applies_to']; $servicesSale['service']['owner']['id'] = $return['owner_id']; $servicesSale['service']['owner']['name'] = api_get_person_name($owner['firstname'], $owner['lastname']); $servicesSale['service']['visibility'] = $return['visibility']; $servicesSale['service']['image'] = $return['image']; $servicesSale['reference'] = $return['reference']; $servicesSale['currency_id'] = $return['currency_id']; $servicesSale['currency'] = $return['currency']; $servicesSale['price'] = $return['price']; $servicesSale['price_without_tax'] = $return['price_without_tax']; $servicesSale['tax_perc'] = $return['tax_perc']; $servicesSale['tax_amount'] = $return['tax_amount']; $servicesSale['node_type'] = $return['node_type']; $servicesSale['node_id'] = $return['node_id']; $servicesSale['buyer']['id'] = $buyer['user_id']; $servicesSale['buyer']['name'] = api_get_person_name($buyer['firstname'], $buyer['lastname']); $servicesSale['buyer']['username'] = $buyer['username']; $servicesSale['buy_date'] = $return['buy_date']; $servicesSale['date_start'] = $return['date_start']; $servicesSale['date_end'] = $return['date_end']; $servicesSale['status'] = $return['status']; $servicesSale['payment_type'] = $return['payment_type']; $servicesSale['invoice'] = $return['invoice']; return $servicesSale; } foreach ($return as $index => $service) { $owner = api_get_user_info($service['owner_id']); $buyer = api_get_user_info($service['buyer_id']); $servicesSale[$index]['id'] = $service['id']; $servicesSale[$index]['service']['id'] = $service['service_id']; $servicesSale[$index]['service']['name'] = $service['name']; $servicesSale[$index]['service']['description'] = $service['description']; $servicesSale[$index]['service']['price'] = $service['service_price']; $servicesSale[$index]['service']['duration_days'] = $service['duration_days']; $servicesSale[$index]['service']['applies_to'] = $service['applies_to']; $servicesSale[$index]['service']['owner']['id'] = $service['owner_id']; $servicesSale[$index]['service']['owner']['name'] = api_get_person_name( $owner['firstname'], $owner['lastname'] ); $servicesSale[$index]['service']['visibility'] = $service['visibility']; $servicesSale[$index]['service']['image'] = $service['image']; $servicesSale[$index]['reference'] = $service['reference']; $servicesSale[$index]['currency_id'] = $service['currency_id']; $servicesSale[$index]['currency'] = $service['currency']; $servicesSale[$index]['price'] = $service['price']; $servicesSale[$index]['node_type'] = $service['node_type']; $servicesSale[$index]['node_id'] = $service['node_id']; $servicesSale[$index]['buyer']['id'] = $service['buyer_id']; $servicesSale[$index]['buyer']['name'] = api_get_person_name($buyer['firstname'], $buyer['lastname']); $servicesSale[$index]['buyer']['username'] = $buyer['username']; $servicesSale[$index]['buy_date'] = $service['buy_date']; $servicesSale[$index]['date_start'] = $service['date_start']; $servicesSale[$index]['date_end'] = $service['date_end']; $servicesSale[$index]['status'] = $service['status']; $servicesSale[$index]['payment_type'] = $service['payment_type']; $servicesSale[$index]['invoice'] = $service['invoice']; } return $servicesSale; } /** * Update service sale status to cancelled. * * @param int $serviceSaleId The sale ID * * @return bool */ public function cancelServiceSale($serviceSaleId) { $this->updateServiceSaleStatus( $serviceSaleId, self::SERVICE_STATUS_CANCELLED ); return true; } /** * Complete service sale process. Update service sale status to completed. * * @param int $serviceSaleId The service sale ID * * @return bool */ public function completeServiceSale($serviceSaleId) { $serviceSale = $this->getServiceSale($serviceSaleId); if ($serviceSale['status'] == self::SERVICE_STATUS_COMPLETED) { return true; } $this->updateServiceSaleStatus( $serviceSaleId, self::SERVICE_STATUS_COMPLETED ); if ($this->get('invoicing_enable') === 'true') { $this->setInvoice($serviceSaleId, 1); } return true; } /** * Lists current service details. * * @param string $name Optional. The name filter * @param int $min Optional. The minimum price filter * @param int $max Optional. The maximum price filter * @param mixed $appliesTo optional * * @return array */ public function getCatalogServiceList($name = null, $min = 0, $max = 0, $appliesTo = '') { $servicesTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SERVICES); $userTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $whereConditions = [ 's.visibility <> ? ' => 0, ]; if (!empty($name)) { $whereConditions['AND s.name LIKE %?%'] = $name; } if (!empty($min)) { $whereConditions['AND s.price >= ?'] = $min; } if (!empty($max)) { $whereConditions['AND s.price <= ?'] = $max; } if (!$appliesTo == '') { $whereConditions['AND s.applies_to = ?'] = $appliesTo; } $innerJoins = "INNER JOIN $userTable u ON s.owner_id = u.id"; $currency = $this->getSelectedCurrency(); $isoCode = $currency['iso_code']; $return = Database::select( "s.*, '$isoCode' as currency, u.firstname, u.lastname", "$servicesTable s $innerJoins", ['WHERE' => $whereConditions] ); $services = []; foreach ($return as $index => $service) { $price = $service['price']; $taxPerc = null; $priceWithoutTax = $service['price']; $taxEnable = $this->get('tax_enable') === 'true'; $globalParameters = $this->getGlobalParameters(); $taxAppliesTo = $globalParameters['tax_applies_to']; if ($taxEnable && ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL || $taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_SERVICES) ) { $globalTaxPerc = $globalParameters['global_tax_perc']; $precision = 2; $taxPerc = is_null($service['tax_perc']) ? $globalTaxPerc : $service['tax_perc']; $taxAmount = round($priceWithoutTax * $taxPerc / 100, $precision); $price = $priceWithoutTax + $taxAmount; } $services[$index]['id'] = $service['id']; $services[$index]['name'] = $service['name']; $services[$index]['description'] = $service['description']; $services[$index]['price'] = number_format($price, $precision); $services[$index]['currency'] = $service['currency']; $services[$index]['duration_days'] = $service['duration_days']; $services[$index]['applies_to'] = $service['applies_to']; $services[$index]['owner_id'] = $service['owner_id']; $services[$index]['owner_name'] = api_get_person_name($service['firstname'], $service['lastname']); $services[$index]['visibility'] = $service['visibility']; $services[$index]['image'] = !empty($service['image']) ? api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH).'buycourses/uploads/services/images/'.$service['image'] : null; $services[$index]['video_url'] = $service['video_url']; $services[$index]['service_information'] = $service['service_information']; } return $services; } /** * Register a Service sale. * * @param int $serviceId The service ID * @param int $paymentType The payment type * @param int $infoSelect The ID for Service Type * @param int $trial trial mode * * @return bool */ public function registerServiceSale($serviceId, $paymentType, $infoSelect, $trial = null) { if (!in_array( $paymentType, [self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PAYPAL, self::PAYMENT_TYPE_TRANSFER, self::PAYMENT_TYPE_CULQI] ) ) { return false; } $userId = api_get_user_id(); $service = $this->getServices($serviceId); if (empty($service)) { return false; } $currency = $this->getSelectedCurrency(); $price = $service['price']; $priceWithoutTax = null; $taxPerc = null; $taxEnable = $this->get('tax_enable') === 'true'; $globalParameters = $this->getGlobalParameters(); $taxAppliesTo = $globalParameters['tax_applies_to']; if ($taxEnable && ($taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ALL || $taxAppliesTo == self::TAX_APPLIES_TO_ONLY_SERVICES) ) { $priceWithoutTax = $service['price']; $globalTaxPerc = $globalParameters['global_tax_perc']; $precision = 2; $taxPerc = is_null($service['tax_perc']) ? $globalTaxPerc : $service['tax_perc']; $taxAmount = round($priceWithoutTax * $taxPerc / 100, $precision); $price = $priceWithoutTax + $taxAmount; } $values = [ 'service_id' => $serviceId, 'reference' => $this->generateReference( $userId, $service['applies_to'], $infoSelect ), 'currency_id' => $currency['id'], 'price' => $price, 'price_without_tax' => $priceWithoutTax, 'tax_perc' => $taxPerc, 'tax_amount' => $taxAmount, 'node_type' => $service['applies_to'], 'node_id' => (int) $infoSelect, 'buyer_id' => $userId, 'buy_date' => api_get_utc_datetime(), 'date_start' => api_get_utc_datetime(), 'date_end' => date_format( date_add( date_create(api_get_utc_datetime()), date_interval_create_from_date_string($service['duration_days'].' days') ), 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'status' => self::SERVICE_STATUS_PENDING, 'payment_type' => (int) $paymentType, ]; $returnedServiceSaleId = Database::insert(self::TABLE_SERVICES_SALE, $values); return $returnedServiceSaleId; } /** * Save Culqi configuration params. * * @param array $params * * @return int Rows affected. Otherwise return false */ public function saveCulqiParameters($params) { return Database::update( Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CULQI), [ 'commerce_code' => $params['commerce_code'], 'api_key' => $params['api_key'], 'integration' => $params['integration'], ], ['id = ?' => 1] ); } /** * Gets the stored Culqi params. * * @return array */ public function getCulqiParams() { return Database::select( '*', Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_CULQI), ['id = ?' => 1], 'first' ); } /** * Save Global Parameters. * * @param array $params * * @return int Rows affected. Otherwise return false */ public function saveGlobalParameters($params) { $sqlParams = [ 'terms_and_conditions' => $params['terms_and_conditions'], 'sale_email' => $params['sale_email'], ]; if ($this->get('tax_enable') === 'true') { $sqlParams['global_tax_perc'] = $params['global_tax_perc']; $sqlParams['tax_applies_to'] = $params['tax_applies_to']; $sqlParams['tax_name'] = $params['tax_name']; } if ($this->get('invoicing_enable') === 'true') { $sqlParams['seller_name'] = $params['seller_name']; $sqlParams['seller_id'] = $params['seller_id']; $sqlParams['seller_address'] = $params['seller_address']; $sqlParams['seller_email'] = $params['seller_email']; $sqlParams['next_number_invoice'] = $params['next_number_invoice']; $sqlParams['invoice_series'] = $params['invoice_series']; } return Database::update( Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG), $sqlParams, ['id = ?' => 1] ); } /** * get Global Parameters. * * @return array */ public function getGlobalParameters() { return Database::select( '*', Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG), ['id = ?' => 1], 'first' ); } /** * Get the path. * * @param string $var path variable * * @return string path */ public function getPath($var) { $pluginPath = api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH).'buycourses/'; $paths = [ 'SERVICE_IMAGES' => $pluginPath.'uploads/services/images/', 'SRC' => $pluginPath.'src/', 'VIEW' => $pluginPath.'view/', 'UPLOADS' => $pluginPath.'uploads/', 'LANGUAGES' => $pluginPath.'lang/', 'RESOURCES' => $pluginPath.'resources/', 'RESOURCES_IMG' => $pluginPath.'resources/img/', 'RESOURCES_CSS' => $pluginPath.'resources/css/', 'RESOURCES_JS' => $pluginPath.'resources/js/', ]; return $paths[$var]; } /** * @param Session $session * * @return array */ public function getBuyCoursePluginPrice(Session $session) { // start buycourse validation // display the course price and buy button if the buycourses plugin is enabled and this course is configured $isThisCourseInSale = $this->buyCoursesForGridCatalogValidator($session->getId(), self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION); $return = []; if ($isThisCourseInSale) { // set the Price label $return['html'] = $isThisCourseInSale['html']; // set the Buy button instead register. if ($isThisCourseInSale['verificator']) { $return['buy_button'] = $this->returnBuyCourseButton($session->getId(), self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION); } } // end buycourse validation return $return; } /** * @param array $saleInfo * * @return string */ public function getSubscriptionSuccessMessage(array $saleInfo) { switch ($saleInfo['product_type']) { case self::PRODUCT_TYPE_COURSE: $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($saleInfo['product_id']); $url = api_get_course_url($courseInfo['code']); break; case self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION: $sessionId = (int) $saleInfo['product_id']; $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'session/index.php?session_id='.$sessionId; break; default: $url = '#'; } return Display::return_message( sprintf( $this->get_lang('SubscriptionToCourseXSuccessful'), $url, $saleInfo['product_name'] ), 'success', false ); } /** * Filter the registered courses for show in plugin catalog. * * @return array */ private function getCourses() { $em = Database::getManager(); $urlId = api_get_current_access_url_id(); $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb2 = $em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb3 = $em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb = $qb ->select('c') ->from('ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', 'c') ->where( $qb->expr()->notIn( 'c', $qb2 ->select('course2') ->from('ChamiloCoreBundle:SessionRelCourse', 'sc') ->join('sc.course', 'course2') ->innerJoin( 'ChamiloCoreBundle:AccessUrlRelSession', 'us', Join::WITH, 'us.sessionId = sc.session' )->where( $qb->expr()->eq('us.accessUrlId ', $urlId) ) ->getDQL() ) )->andWhere( $qb->expr()->in( 'c', $qb3 ->select('course3') ->from('ChamiloCoreBundle:AccessUrlRelCourse', 'uc') ->join('uc.course', 'course3') ->where( $qb3->expr()->eq('uc.url ', $urlId) ) ->getDQL() ) ) ->getQuery(); $courses = $qb->getResult(); return $courses; } /** * Get the user status for the session. * * @param int $userId The user ID * @param Session $session The session * * @return string */ private function getUserStatusForSession($userId, Session $session) { if (empty($userId)) { return 'NO'; } $entityManager = Database::getManager(); $scuRepo = $entityManager->getRepository('ChamiloCoreBundle:SessionRelCourseRelUser'); $buySaleTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SALE); // Check if user bought the course $sale = Database::select( 'COUNT(1) as qty', $buySaleTable, [ 'where' => [ 'user_id = ? AND product_type = ? AND product_id = ? AND status = ?' => [ $userId, self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION, $session->getId(), self::SALE_STATUS_PENDING, ], ], ], 'first' ); if ($sale['qty'] > 0) { return "TMP"; } // Check if user is already subscribe to session $userSubscription = $scuRepo->findBy([ 'session' => $session, 'user' => $userId, ]); if (!empty($userSubscription)) { return 'YES'; } return 'NO'; } /** * Get the user status for the course. * * @param int $userId The user Id * @param Course $course The course * * @return string */ private function getUserStatusForCourse($userId, Course $course) { if (empty($userId)) { return 'NO'; } $entityManager = Database::getManager(); $cuRepo = $entityManager->getRepository('ChamiloCoreBundle:CourseRelUser'); $buySaleTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SALE); // Check if user bought the course $sale = Database::select( 'COUNT(1) as qty', $buySaleTable, [ 'where' => [ 'user_id = ? AND product_type = ? AND product_id = ? AND status = ?' => [ $userId, self::PRODUCT_TYPE_COURSE, $course->getId(), self::SALE_STATUS_PENDING, ], ], ], 'first' ); if ($sale['qty'] > 0) { return "TMP"; } // Check if user is already subscribe to course $userSubscription = $cuRepo->findBy([ 'course' => $course, 'user' => $userId, ]); if (!empty($userSubscription)) { return 'YES'; } return 'NO'; } /** * Update the sale status. * * @param int $saleId The sale ID * @param int $newStatus The new status * * @return bool */ private function updateSaleStatus($saleId, $newStatus = self::SALE_STATUS_PENDING) { $saleTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SALE); return Database::update( $saleTable, ['status' => (int) $newStatus], ['id = ?' => (int) $saleId] ); } /** * Search filtered sessions by name, and range of price. * * @param string $name Optional. The name filter * @param int $min Optional. The minimun price filter * @param int $max Optional. The maximum price filter * * @return array */ private function filterSessionList($name = null, $min = 0, $max = 0) { if (empty($name) && empty($min) && empty($max)) { return CoursesAndSessionsCatalog::browseSessions(); } $itemTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_ITEM); $sessionTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $min = floatval($min); $max = floatval($max); $innerJoin = "$itemTable i ON s.id = i.product_id"; $whereConditions = [ 'i.product_type = ? ' => self::PRODUCT_TYPE_SESSION, ]; if (!empty($name)) { $whereConditions['AND s.name LIKE %?%'] = $name; } if (!empty($min)) { $whereConditions['AND i.price >= ?'] = $min; } if (!empty($max)) { $whereConditions['AND i.price <= ?'] = $max; } $sessionIds = Database::select( 's.id', "$sessionTable s INNER JOIN $innerJoin", ['where' => $whereConditions] ); if (!$sessionIds) { return []; } $sessions = []; foreach ($sessionIds as $sessionId) { $sessions[] = Database::getManager()->find( 'ChamiloCoreBundle:Session', $sessionId ); } return $sessions; } /** * Search filtered courses by name, and range of price. * * @param string $name Optional. The name filter * @param int $min Optional. The minimun price filter * @param int $max Optional. The maximum price filter * * @return array */ private function filterCourseList($name = null, $min = 0, $max = 0) { if (empty($name) && empty($min) && empty($max)) { return $this->getCourses(); } $itemTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_ITEM); $courseTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $urlTable = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_COURSE); $urlId = api_get_current_access_url_id(); $min = floatval($min); $max = floatval($max); $whereConditions = [ 'i.product_type = ? ' => self::PRODUCT_TYPE_COURSE, ]; if (!empty($name)) { $whereConditions['AND c.title LIKE %?%'] = $name; } if (!empty($min)) { $whereConditions['AND i.price >= ?'] = $min; } if (!empty($max)) { $whereConditions['AND i.price <= ?'] = $max; } $whereConditions['AND url.access_url_id = ?'] = $urlId; $courseIds = Database::select( 'c.id', "$courseTable c INNER JOIN $itemTable i ON c.id = i.product_id INNER JOIN $urlTable url ON c.id = url.c_id ", ['where' => $whereConditions] ); if (!$courseIds) { return []; } $courses = []; foreach ($courseIds as $courseId) { $courses[] = Database::getManager()->find( 'ChamiloCoreBundle:Course', $courseId ); } return $courses; } /** * Update the service sale status. * * @param int $serviceSaleId The service sale ID * @param int $newStatus The new status * * @return bool */ private function updateServiceSaleStatus( $serviceSaleId, $newStatus = self::SERVICE_STATUS_PENDING ) { $serviceSaleTable = Database::get_main_table(self::TABLE_SERVICES_SALE); return Database::update( $serviceSaleTable, ['status' => (int) $newStatus], ['id = ?' => (int) $serviceSaleId] ); } }