<?php /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ use ChamiloSession as Session; /** * This script contains the server part of the AJAX interaction process. * The client part is located * in lp_api.php or other api's. * * @package chamilo.learnpath * * @author Yannick Warnier <ywarnier@beeznest.org> */ // Flag to allow for anonymous user - needs to be set before global.inc.php. $use_anonymous = true; require_once __DIR__.'/../inc/global.inc.php'; api_protect_course_script(); /** * Writes an item's new values into the database and returns the operation result. * * @param int $lp_id Learnpath ID * @param int $user_id User ID * @param int $view_id View ID * @param int $item_id Item ID * @param float $score Current score * @param float $max Maximum score * @param float $min Minimum score * @param string $status Lesson status * @param int $time Session time * @param string $suspend Suspend data * @param string $location Lesson location * @param array $interactions Interactions array * @param string $core_exit Core exit SCORM string * @param int $sessionId Session ID * @param int $courseId Course ID * @param int $lmsFinish Whether the call was issued from SCORM's LMSFinish() * @param int $userNavigatesAway Whether the user is moving to another item * @param int $statusSignalReceived Whether the SCO called SetValue(lesson_status) * * @return bool|string|null The resulting JS string */ function save_item( $lp_id, $user_id, $view_id, $item_id, $score = -1.0, $max = -1.0, $min = -1.0, $status = '', $time = 0, $suspend = '', $location = '', $interactions = [], $core_exit = 'none', $sessionId = null, $courseId = null, $lmsFinish = 0, $userNavigatesAway = 0, $statusSignalReceived = 0 ) { $debug = 0; $return = null; if ($debug > 0) { error_log('--------------------------------------'); error_log('lp_ajax_save_item.php : save_item() params: '); error_log("item_id: $item_id"); error_log("lp_id: $lp_id - user_id: - $user_id - view_id: $view_id - item_id: $item_id"); error_log("score: $score - max:$max - min: $min - status:$status"); error_log("time:$time - suspend: $suspend - location: $location - core_exit: $core_exit"); error_log("finish: $lmsFinish - navigatesAway: $userNavigatesAway"); } $courseCode = api_get_course_id(); if (!empty($courseId)) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId); if ($courseInfo) { $courseCode = $courseInfo['code']; } } $myLP = learnpath::getLpFromSession($courseCode, $lp_id, $user_id); if (!is_a($myLP, 'learnpath')) { if ($debug) { error_log('mylp variable is not an learnpath object'); } return null; } $prerequisitesCheck = $myLP->prerequisites_match($item_id); /** @var learnpathItem $myLPI */ $myLPI = $myLP->items[$item_id]; if (empty($myLPI)) { if ($debug > 0) { error_log("item #$item_id not found in the items array: ".print_r($myLP->items, 1)); } return false; } // This functions sets the $this->db_item_view_id variable needed in get_status() see BT#5069 $myLPI->set_lp_view($view_id); // Launch the prerequisites check and set error if needed if ($prerequisitesCheck !== true) { // If prerequisites were not matched, don't update any item info if ($debug) { error_log("prereq_check: ".intval($prerequisitesCheck)); } return $return; } else { if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Prerequisites are OK'); } if (isset($max) && $max != -1) { $myLPI->max_score = $max; $myLPI->set_max_score($max); if ($debug > 1) { error_log("Setting max_score: $max"); } } if (isset($min) && $min != -1 && $min != 'undefined') { $myLPI->min_score = $min; if ($debug > 1) { error_log("Setting min_score: $min"); } } // set_score function used to save the status, but this is not the case anymore if (isset($score) && $score != -1) { if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Calling set_score('.$score.')'); error_log('set_score changes the status to failed/passed if mastery score is provided'); } $myLPI->set_score($score); if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Done calling set_score '.$myLPI->get_score()); } } else { if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Score not updated'); } } $statusIsSet = false; // Default behaviour. if (isset($status) && $status != '' && $status != 'undefined') { if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Calling set_status('.$status.')'); } $myLPI->set_status($status); $statusIsSet = true; if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Done calling set_status: checking from memory: '.$myLPI->get_status(false)); } } else { if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Status not updated'); } } $my_type = $myLPI->get_type(); // Set status to completed for hotpotatoes if score > 80%. if ($my_type == 'hotpotatoes') { if ((empty($status) || $status == 'undefined' || $status == 'not attempted') && $max > 0) { if (($score / $max) > 0.8) { $myStatus = 'completed'; if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Calling set_status('.$myStatus.') for hotpotatoes'); } $myLPI->set_status($myStatus); $statusIsSet = true; if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Done calling set_status for hotpotatoes - now '.$myLPI->get_status(false)); } } } elseif ($status == 'completed' && $max > 0 && ($score / $max) < 0.8) { $myStatus = 'failed'; if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Calling set_status('.$myStatus.') for hotpotatoes'); } $myLPI->set_status($myStatus); $statusIsSet = true; if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Done calling set_status for hotpotatoes - now '.$myLPI->get_status(false)); } } } elseif ($my_type == 'sco') { /* * This is a specific implementation for SCORM 1.2, matching page 26 of SCORM 1.2's RTE * "Normally the SCO determines its own status and passes it to the LMS. * 1) If cmi.core.credit is set to "credit" and there is a mastery * score in the manifest (adlcp:masteryscore), the LMS can change * the status to either passed or failed depending on the * student's score compared to the mastery score. * 2) If there is no mastery score in the manifest * (adlcp:masteryscore), the LMS cannot override SCO * determined status. * 3) If the student is taking the SCO for no-credit, there is no * change to the lesson_status, with one exception. If the * lesson_mode is "browse", the lesson_status may change to * "browsed" even if the cmi.core.credit is set to no-credit. * " * Additionally, the LMS behaviour should be: * If a SCO sets the cmi.core.lesson_status then there is no problem. * However, the SCORM does not force the SCO to set the cmi.core.lesson_status. * There is some additional requirements that must be adhered to * successfully handle these cases: * Upon initial launch * the LMS should set the cmi.core.lesson_status to "not attempted". * Upon receiving the LMSFinish() call or the user navigates away, * the LMS should set the cmi.core.lesson_status for the SCO to "completed". * After setting the cmi.core.lesson_status to "completed", * the LMS should now check to see if a Mastery Score has been * specified in the cmi.student_data.mastery_score, if supported, * or the manifest that the SCO is a member of. * If a Mastery Score is provided and the SCO did set the * cmi.core.score.raw, the LMS shall compare the cmi.core.score.raw * to the Mastery Score and set the cmi.core.lesson_status to * either "passed" or "failed". If no Mastery Score is provided, * the LMS will leave the cmi.core.lesson_status as "completed" */ $masteryScore = $myLPI->get_mastery_score(); if ($masteryScore == -1 || empty($masteryScore)) { $masteryScore = false; } $credit = $myLPI->get_credit(); /** * 1) If cmi.core.credit is set to "credit" and there is a mastery * score in the manifest (adlcp:masteryscore), the LMS can change * the status to either passed or failed depending on the * student's score compared to the mastery score. */ if ($credit == 'credit' && $masteryScore && (isset($score) && $score != -1) && !$statusIsSet && !$statusSignalReceived ) { if ($score >= $masteryScore) { $myLPI->set_status('passed'); if ($debug) { error_log('Set status: passed'); } } else { $myLPI->set_status('failed'); if ($debug) { error_log('Set status: failed'); } } $statusIsSet = true; } /** * 2) If there is no mastery score in the manifest * (adlcp:masteryscore), the LMS cannot override SCO * determined status. */ if (!$statusIsSet && !$masteryScore && !$statusSignalReceived) { if (!empty($status)) { if ($debug) { error_log("Set status: $status because: statusSignalReceived "); } $myLPI->set_status($status); $statusIsSet = true; } //if no status was set directly, we keep the previous one } /** * 3) If the student is taking the SCO for no-credit, there is no * change to the lesson_status, with one exception. If the * lesson_mode is "browse", the lesson_status may change to * "browsed" even if the cmi.core.credit is set to no-credit. */ if (!$statusIsSet && $credit == 'no-credit' && !$statusSignalReceived) { $mode = $myLPI->get_lesson_mode(); if ($mode == 'browse' && $status == 'browsed') { if ($debug) { error_log("Set status: $status because mode browse"); } $myLPI->set_status($status); $statusIsSet = true; } //if no status was set directly, we keep the previous one } /** * If a SCO sets the cmi.core.lesson_status then there is no problem. * However, the SCORM does not force the SCO to set the * cmi.core.lesson_status. There is some additional requirements * that must be adhered to successfully handle these cases:. */ if (!$statusIsSet && empty($status) && !$statusSignalReceived) { /** * Upon initial launch the LMS should set the * cmi.core.lesson_status to "not attempted". */ // this case should be handled by LMSInitialize() and xajax_switch_item() /** * Upon receiving the LMSFinish() call or the user navigates * away, the LMS should set the cmi.core.lesson_status for the * SCO to "completed". */ if ($lmsFinish || $userNavigatesAway) { $myStatus = 'completed'; /** * After setting the cmi.core.lesson_status to "completed", * the LMS should now check to see if a Mastery Score has been * specified in the cmi.student_data.mastery_score, if supported, * or the manifest that the SCO is a member of. * If a Mastery Score is provided and the SCO did set the * cmi.core.score.raw, the LMS shall compare the cmi.core.score.raw * to the Mastery Score and set the cmi.core.lesson_status to * either "passed" or "failed". If no Mastery Score is provided, * the LMS will leave the cmi.core.lesson_status as "completed”. */ if ($masteryScore && (isset($score) && $score != -1)) { if ($score >= $masteryScore) { $myStatus = 'passed'; } else { $myStatus = 'failed'; } } if ($debug) { error_log("Set status: $myStatus because lmsFinish || userNavigatesAway"); } $myLPI->set_status($myStatus); $statusIsSet = true; } } // End of type=='sco' } // If no previous condition changed the SCO status, proceed with a // generic behaviour if (!$statusIsSet && !$statusSignalReceived) { // Default behaviour if (isset($status) && $status != '' && $status != 'undefined') { if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Calling set_status('.$status.')'); } $myLPI->set_status($status); if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Done calling set_status: checking from memory: '.$myLPI->get_status(false)); } } else { if ($debug > 1) { error_log("Status not updated"); } } } if (isset($time) && $time != '' && $time != 'undefined') { // If big integer, then it's a timestamp, otherwise it's normal scorm time. if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Calling set_time('.$time.') '); } if ($time == intval(strval($time)) && $time > 1000000) { if ($debug > 1) { error_log("Time is INT"); } $real_time = time() - $time; if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Calling $real_time '.$real_time.' '); } $myLPI->set_time($real_time, 'int'); } else { if ($debug > 1) { error_log("Time is in SCORM format"); } if ($debug > 1) { error_log('Calling $time '.$time.' '); } $myLPI->set_time($time, 'scorm'); } } else { $myLPI->current_stop_time = time(); } if (isset($suspend) && $suspend != '' && $suspend != 'undefined') { $myLPI->current_data = $suspend; } if (isset($location) && $location != '' && $location != 'undefined') { $myLPI->set_lesson_location($location); } // Deal with interactions provided in arrays in the following format: // id(0), type(1), time(2), weighting(3), correct_responses(4), student_response(5), result(6), latency(7) if (is_array($interactions) && count($interactions) > 0) { foreach ($interactions as $index => $interaction) { //$mylpi->add_interaction($index,$interactions[$index]); //fix DT#4444 $clean_interaction = str_replace('@.|@', ',', $interactions[$index]); $myLPI->add_interaction($index, $clean_interaction); } } if ($core_exit != 'undefined') { $myLPI->set_core_exit($core_exit); } $myLP->save_item($item_id, false); } $myStatusInDB = $myLPI->get_status(true); if ($debug) { error_log("Status in DB: $myStatusInDB"); } if ($myStatusInDB != 'completed' && $myStatusInDB != 'passed' && $myStatusInDB != 'browsed' && $myStatusInDB != 'failed' ) { $myStatusInMemory = $myLPI->get_status(false); if ($debug) { error_log("myStatusInMemory: $myStatusInMemory"); } if ($myStatusInMemory != $myStatusInDB) { $myStatus = $myStatusInMemory; } else { $myStatus = $myStatusInDB; } } else { $myStatus = $myStatusInDB; } $myTotal = $myLP->getTotalItemsCountWithoutDirs(); $myComplete = $myLP->get_complete_items_count(); $myProgressMode = $myLP->get_progress_bar_mode(); $myProgressMode = $myProgressMode == '' ? '%' : $myProgressMode; if ($debug > 1) { error_log("mystatus: $myStatus"); error_log("myprogress_mode: $myProgressMode"); error_log("progress: $myComplete / $myTotal"); } if ($myLPI->get_type() != 'sco') { // If this object's JS status has not been updated by the SCORM API, update now. $return .= "olms.lesson_status='".$myStatus."';"; } $return .= "update_toc('".$myStatus."','".$item_id."');"; $update_list = $myLP->get_update_queue(); foreach ($update_list as $my_upd_id => $my_upd_status) { if ($my_upd_id != $item_id) { /* Only update the status from other items (i.e. parents and brothers), do not update current as we just did it already. */ $return .= "update_toc('".$my_upd_status."','".$my_upd_id."');"; } } $return .= "update_progress_bar('$myComplete', '$myTotal', '$myProgressMode');"; if (!Session::read('login_as')) { // If $_SESSION['login_as'] is set, then the user is an admin logged as the user. $tbl_track_login = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LOGIN); $sql = "SELECT login_id, login_date FROM $tbl_track_login WHERE login_user_id= ".api_get_user_id()." ORDER BY login_date DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $q_last_connection = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($q_last_connection) > 0) { $current_time = api_get_utc_datetime(); $row = Database::fetch_array($q_last_connection); $i_id_last_connection = $row['login_id']; $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_track_login SET logout_date='".$current_time."' WHERE login_id = $i_id_last_connection"; Database::query($sql); } } if ($myLP->get_type() == 2) { $return .= "update_stats();"; } $logInfo = [ 'tool' => TOOL_LEARNPATH, 'tool_id' => $myLP->get_id(), 'tool_id_detail' => $myLP->get_current_item_id(), 'action' => 'save_item', 'info' => '', ]; Event::registerLog($logInfo); // To be sure progress is updated. $myLP->save_last(); Session::write('lpobject', serialize($myLP)); Session::write('oLP', $myLP); if ($debug > 0) { error_log("lp_view_session_id :".$myLP->lp_view_session_id); error_log('---------------- lp_ajax_save_item.php : save_item end ----- '); } return $return; } $interactions = []; if (isset($_REQUEST['interact'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['interact'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['interact'] as $idx => $interac) { $interactions[$idx] = preg_split('/,/', substr($interac, 1, -1)); if (!isset($interactions[$idx][7])) { // Make sure there are 7 elements. $interactions[$idx][7] = ''; } } } } echo save_item( (!empty($_REQUEST['lid']) ? $_REQUEST['lid'] : null), (!empty($_REQUEST['uid']) ? $_REQUEST['uid'] : null), (!empty($_REQUEST['vid']) ? $_REQUEST['vid'] : null), (!empty($_REQUEST['iid']) ? $_REQUEST['iid'] : null), (!empty($_REQUEST['s']) ? $_REQUEST['s'] : null), (!empty($_REQUEST['max']) ? $_REQUEST['max'] : null), (!empty($_REQUEST['min']) ? $_REQUEST['min'] : null), (!empty($_REQUEST['status']) ? $_REQUEST['status'] : null), (!empty($_REQUEST['t']) ? $_REQUEST['t'] : null), (!empty($_REQUEST['suspend']) ? $_REQUEST['suspend'] : null), (!empty($_REQUEST['loc']) ? $_REQUEST['loc'] : null), $interactions, (!empty($_REQUEST['core_exit']) ? $_REQUEST['core_exit'] : ''), (!empty($_REQUEST['session_id']) ? $_REQUEST['session_id'] : ''), (!empty($_REQUEST['course_id']) ? $_REQUEST['course_id'] : ''), (empty($_REQUEST['finish']) ? 0 : 1), (empty($_REQUEST['userNavigatesAway']) ? 0 : 1), (empty($_REQUEST['statusSignalReceived']) ? 0 : 1) );