// Type definitions for jQuery.timepicker 1.11.14 // https://github.com/jonthornton/jquery-timepicker /** * Declaring a namespace because there are several jquery timepickers already out there on DefinitelyTyped. Jt stands for Jon Thornton */ declare namespace Jt.Timepicker { /** * Options object for the jquery.timepicker */ export interface Options { /** * Default: 'body' * Override where the dropdown is appended. * Takes either a string to use as a selector, a function that gets passed the clicked input element as argument or a jquery object to use directly. */ appendTo?: string | ((clickedElement) => string); /** * Default: null * A class name to apply to the HTML element that contains the timepicker dropdown. */ className?: string; /** * Default: false * Close the timepicker when the window is scrolled. (Replicates control. This is ideal for small screen devices, or if you want to prevent the user from entering * arbitrary values. This option is not compatible with the following options: appendTo, closeOnWindowScroll, disableTouchKeyboard, * scrollDefault, selectOnBlur, typeAheadHighlight. */ useSelect?: boolean; } export interface NoneObject { label: string; value: string; className: string; } }