* @author Richard Heyes * @copyright 2003-2007 Lorenzo Alberton, Richard Heyes * @license http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license BSD License (3 Clause) * @version CVS: $Id: Common.php,v 1.82 2008/05/31 12:44:55 quipo Exp $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Pager */ /** * Two constants used to guess the path- and file-name of the page * when the user doesn't set any other value */ // Modified by Chamilo team, 16-MAR-2010. //if (substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -1) == '/') { // $http = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ('on' == strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']))) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; // define('PAGER_CURRENT_FILENAME', ''); // define('PAGER_CURRENT_PATHNAME', $http.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace('\\', '/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); //} else { // define('PAGER_CURRENT_FILENAME', preg_replace('/(.*)\?.*/', '\\1', basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))); // define('PAGER_CURRENT_PATHNAME', str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))); //} if (substr(api_get_self(), -1) == '/') { $http = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ('on' == strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']))) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; define('PAGER_CURRENT_FILENAME', ''); define('PAGER_CURRENT_PATHNAME', $http.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace('\\', '/', api_get_self())); } else { define('PAGER_CURRENT_FILENAME', preg_replace('/(.*)\?.*/', '\\1', basename(api_get_self()))); define('PAGER_CURRENT_PATHNAME', str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(api_get_self()))); } // /** * Error codes */ define('PAGER_OK', 0); define('ERROR_PAGER', -1); define('ERROR_PAGER_INVALID', -2); define('ERROR_PAGER_INVALID_PLACEHOLDER', -3); define('ERROR_PAGER_INVALID_USAGE', -4); define('ERROR_PAGER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED', -5); /** * Pager_Common - Common base class for [Sliding|Jumping] Window Pager * Extend this class to write a custom paging class * * @category HTML * @package Pager * @author Lorenzo Alberton * @author Richard Heyes * @copyright 2003-2007 Lorenzo Alberton, Richard Heyes * @license http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license BSD License (3 Clause) * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Pager */ class Pager_Common { // {{{ class vars /** * @var integer number of items * @access private */ var $_totalItems; /** * @var integer number of items per page * @access private */ var $_perPage = 10; /** * @var integer number of page links for each window * @access private */ var $_delta = 10; /** * @var integer current page number * @access private */ var $_currentPage = 1; /** * @var integer total pages number * @access private */ var $_totalPages = 1; /** * @var string CSS class for links * @access private */ var $_linkClass = ''; /** * @var string wrapper for CSS class name * @access private */ var $_classString = ''; /** * @var string path name * @access private */ var $_path = PAGER_CURRENT_PATHNAME; /** * @var string file name * @access private */ var $_fileName = PAGER_CURRENT_FILENAME; /** * @var boolean If false, don't override the fileName option. Use at your own risk. * @access private */ var $_fixFileName = true; /** * @var boolean you have to use FALSE with mod_rewrite * @access private */ var $_append = true; /** * @var string specifies which HTTP method to use * @access private */ var $_httpMethod = 'GET'; /** * @var string specifies which HTML form to use * @access private */ var $_formID = ''; /** * @var boolean whether or not to import submitted data * @access private */ var $_importQuery = true; /** * @var string name of the querystring var for pageID * @access private */ var $_urlVar = 'pageID'; /** * @var array data to pass through the link * @access private */ var $_linkData = array(); /** * @var array additional URL vars * @access private */ var $_extraVars = array(); /** * @var array URL vars to ignore * @access private */ var $_excludeVars = array(); /** * @var boolean TRUE => expanded mode (for Pager_Sliding) * @access private */ var $_expanded = true; /** * @var boolean TRUE => show accesskey attribute on tags * @access private */ var $_accesskey = false; /** * @var string extra attributes for the tag * @access private */ var $_attributes = ''; /** * @var string onclick * @access private */ var $_onclick = ''; /** * @var string alt text for "first page" (use "%d" placeholder for page number) * @access private */ var $_altFirst = 'first page'; /** * @var string alt text for "previous page" * @access private */ var $_altPrev = 'previous page'; /** * @var string alt text for "next page" * @access private */ var $_altNext = 'next page'; /** * @var string alt text for "last page" (use "%d" placeholder for page number) * @access private */ var $_altLast = 'last page'; /** * @var string alt text for "page" (use optional "%d" placeholder for page number) * @access private */ var $_altPage = 'page'; /** * @var string image/text to use as "prev" link * @access private */ var $_prevImg = '<< Back'; /** * image/text to use as "prev" link when no prev link is needed (e.g. on the first page) * NULL deactivates it * * @var string * @access private */ var $_prevImgEmpty = null; /** * @var string image/text to use as "next" link * @access private */ var $_nextImg = 'Next >>'; /** * image/text to use as "next" link when * no next link is needed (e.g. on the last page) * NULL deactivates it * * @var string * @access private */ var $_nextImgEmpty = null; /** * @var string link separator * @access private */ var $_separator = ''; /** * @var integer number of spaces before separator * @access private */ var $_spacesBeforeSeparator = 0; /** * @var integer number of spaces after separator * @access private */ var $_spacesAfterSeparator = 1; /** * @var string CSS class name for current page link * @access private */ var $_curPageLinkClassName = ''; /** * @var string Text before current page link * @access private */ var $_curPageSpanPre = ''; /** * @var string Text after current page link * @access private */ var $_curPageSpanPost = ''; /** * @var string Text before first page link * @access private */ var $_firstPagePre = '['; /** * @var string Text to be used for first page link * @access private */ var $_firstPageText = ''; /** * @var string Text after first page link * @access private */ var $_firstPagePost = ']'; /** * @var string Text before last page link * @access private */ var $_lastPagePre = '['; /** * @var string Text to be used for last page link * @access private */ var $_lastPageText = ''; /** * @var string Text after last page link * @access private */ var $_lastPagePost = ']'; /** * @var string Will contain the HTML code for the spaces * @access private */ var $_spacesBefore = ''; /** * @var string Will contain the HTML code for the spaces * @access private */ var $_spacesAfter = ''; /** * @var string String used as title in tag * @access private */ var $_firstLinkTitle = 'first page'; /** * @var string String used as title in tag * @access private */ var $_nextLinkTitle = 'next page'; /** * @var string String used as title in tag * @access private */ var $_prevLinkTitle = 'previous page'; /** * @var string String used as title in tag * @access private */ var $_lastLinkTitle = 'last page'; /** * @var string Text to be used for the 'show all' option in the select box * @access private */ var $_showAllText = ''; /** * @var array data to be paged * @access private */ var $_itemData = null; /** * @var boolean If TRUE and there's only one page, links aren't shown * @access private */ var $_clearIfVoid = true; /** * @var boolean Use session for storing the number of items per page * @access private */ var $_useSessions = false; /** * @var boolean Close the session when finished reading/writing data * @access private */ var $_closeSession = false; /** * @var string name of the session var for number of items per page * @access private */ var $_sessionVar = 'setPerPage'; /** * Pear error mode (when raiseError is called) * (see PEAR doc) * * @var integer $_pearErrorMode * @access private */ var $_pearErrorMode = null; // }}} // {{{ public vars /** * @var string Complete set of links * @access public */ var $links = ''; /** * @var string Complete set of link tags * @access public */ var $linkTags = ''; /** * @var array Complete set of raw link tags * @access public */ var $linkTagsRaw = array(); /** * @var array Array with a key => value pair representing * page# => bool value (true if key==currentPageNumber). * can be used for extreme customization. * @access public */ var $range = array(); /** * @var array list of available options (safety check) * @access private */ var $_allowed_options = array( 'totalItems', 'perPage', 'delta', 'linkClass', 'path', 'fileName', 'fixFileName', 'append', 'httpMethod', 'formID', 'importQuery', 'urlVar', 'altFirst', 'altPrev', 'altNext', 'altLast', 'altPage', 'prevImg', 'prevImgEmpty', 'nextImg', 'nextImgEmpty', 'expanded', 'accesskey', 'attributes', 'onclick', 'separator', 'spacesBeforeSeparator', 'spacesAfterSeparator', 'curPageLinkClassName', 'curPageSpanPre', 'curPageSpanPost', 'firstPagePre', 'firstPageText', 'firstPagePost', 'lastPagePre', 'lastPageText', 'lastPagePost', 'firstLinkTitle', 'nextLinkTitle', 'prevLinkTitle', 'lastLinkTitle', 'showAllText', 'itemData', 'clearIfVoid', 'useSessions', 'closeSession', 'sessionVar', 'pearErrorMode', 'extraVars', 'excludeVars', 'currentPage', ); // }}} // {{{ build() /** * Generate or refresh the links and paged data after a call to setOptions() * * @return void * @access public */ function build() { //reset $this->_pageData = array(); $this->links = ''; $this->linkTags = ''; $this->linkTagsRaw = array(); $this->_generatePageData(); $this->_setFirstLastText(); if ($this->_totalPages > (2 * $this->_delta + 1)) { $this->links .= $this->_printFirstPage(); } $this->links .= $this->_getBackLink(); $this->links .= $this->_getPageLinks(); $this->links .= $this->_getNextLink(); $this->linkTags .= $this->_getFirstLinkTag(); $this->linkTags .= $this->_getPrevLinkTag(); $this->linkTags .= $this->_getNextLinkTag(); $this->linkTags .= $this->_getLastLinkTag(); $this->linkTagsRaw['first'] = $this->_getFirstLinkTag(true); $this->linkTagsRaw['prev'] = $this->_getPrevLinkTag(true); $this->linkTagsRaw['next'] = $this->_getNextLinkTag(true); $this->linkTagsRaw['last'] = $this->_getLastLinkTag(true); if ($this->_totalPages > (2 * $this->_delta + 1)) { $this->links .= $this->_printLastPage(); } } // }}} // {{{ getPageData() /** * Returns an array of current pages data * * @param integer $pageID Desired page ID (optional) * * @return array Page data * @access public */ function getPageData($pageID = null) { $pageID = empty($pageID) ? $this->_currentPage : $pageID; if (!isset($this->_pageData)) { $this->_generatePageData(); } if (!empty($this->_pageData[$pageID])) { return $this->_pageData[$pageID]; } return array(); } // }}} // {{{ getPageIdByOffset() /** * Returns pageID for given offset * * @param integer $index Offset to get pageID for * * @return integer PageID for given offset * @access public */ function getPageIdByOffset($index) { $msg = 'function "getPageIdByOffset()" not implemented.'; return $this->raiseError($msg, ERROR_PAGER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } // }}} // {{{ getOffsetByPageId() /** * Returns offsets for given pageID. Eg, if you * pass it pageID one and your perPage limit is 10 * it will return (1, 10). PageID of 2 would * give you (11, 20). * * @param integer $pageID PageID to get offsets for * * @return array First and last offsets * @access public */ function getOffsetByPageId($pageID = null) { $pageID = isset($pageID) ? $pageID : $this->_currentPage; if (!isset($this->_pageData)) { $this->_generatePageData(); } if (isset($this->_pageData[$pageID]) || is_null($this->_itemData)) { return array( max(($this->_perPage * ($pageID - 1)) + 1, 1), min($this->_totalItems, $this->_perPage * $pageID) ); } return array(0, 0); } // }}} // {{{ getPageRangeByPageId() /** * Given a PageId, it returns the limits of the range of pages displayed. * * @param integer $pageID PageID to get offsets for * * @return array First and last offsets * @access public */ function getPageRangeByPageId($pageID = null) { $msg = 'function "getPageRangeByPageId()" not implemented.'; return $this->raiseError($msg, ERROR_PAGER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } // }}} // {{{ getLinks() /** * Returns back/next/first/last and page links, * both as ordered and associative array. * * NB: in original PEAR::Pager this method accepted two parameters, * $back_html and $next_html. Now the only parameter accepted is * an integer ($pageID), since the html text for prev/next links can * be set in the factory. If a second parameter is provided, then * the method act as it previously did. This hack was done to mantain * backward compatibility only. * * @param integer $pageID Optional pageID. If specified, links for that * page are provided instead of current one. * [ADDED IN NEW PAGER VERSION] * @param string $next_html HTML to put inside the next link * [deprecated: use the factory instead] * * @return array back/next/first/last and page links * @access public */ function getLinks($pageID=null, $next_html='') { $msg = 'function "getLinks()" not implemented.'; return $this->raiseError($msg, ERROR_PAGER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } // }}} // {{{ getCurrentPageID() /** * Returns ID of current page * * @return integer ID of current page * @access public */ function getCurrentPageID() { return $this->_currentPage; } // }}} // {{{ getNextPageID() /** * Returns next page ID. If current page is last page * this function returns FALSE * * @return mixed Next page ID or false * @access public */ function getNextPageID() { return ($this->getCurrentPageID() == $this->numPages() ? false : $this->getCurrentPageID() + 1); } // }}} // {{{ getPreviousPageID() /** * Returns previous page ID. If current page is first page * this function returns FALSE * * @return mixed Previous page ID or false * @access public */ function getPreviousPageID() { return $this->isFirstPage() ? false : $this->getCurrentPageID() - 1; } // }}} // {{{ numItems() /** * Returns number of items * * @return integer Number of items * @access public */ function numItems() { return $this->_totalItems; } // }}} // {{{ numPages() /** * Returns number of pages * * @return integer Number of pages * @access public */ function numPages() { return (int)$this->_totalPages; } // }}} // {{{ isFirstPage() /** * Returns whether current page is first page * * @return bool First page or not * @access public */ function isFirstPage() { return ($this->_currentPage < 2); } // }}} // {{{ isLastPage() /** * Returns whether current page is last page * * @return bool Last page or not * @access public */ function isLastPage() { return ($this->_currentPage == $this->_totalPages); } // }}} // {{{ isLastPageComplete() /** * Returns whether last page is complete * * @return bool Last age complete or not * @access public */ function isLastPageComplete() { return !($this->_totalItems % $this->_perPage); } // }}} // {{{ _generatePageData() /** * Calculates all page data * * @return void * @access private */ function _generatePageData() { // Been supplied an array of data? if (!is_null($this->_itemData)) { $this->_totalItems = count($this->_itemData); } $this->_totalPages = ceil((float)$this->_totalItems / (float)$this->_perPage); $i = 1; if (!empty($this->_itemData)) { foreach ($this->_itemData as $key => $value) { $this->_pageData[$i][$key] = $value; if (count($this->_pageData[$i]) >= $this->_perPage) { $i++; } } } else { $this->_pageData = array(); } //prevent URL modification $this->_currentPage = min($this->_currentPage, $this->_totalPages); } // }}} // {{{ _renderLink() /** * Renders a link using the appropriate method * * @param string $altText Alternative text for this link (title property) * @param string $linkText Text contained by this link * * @return string The link in string form * @access private */ function _renderLink($altText, $linkText) { if ($this->_httpMethod == 'GET') { if ($this->_append) { $href = '?' . $this->_http_build_query_wrapper($this->_linkData); } else { $href = str_replace('%d', $this->_linkData[$this->_urlVar], $this->_fileName); } $onclick = ''; if (array_key_exists($this->_urlVar, $this->_linkData)) { $onclick = str_replace('%d', $this->_linkData[$this->_urlVar], $this->_onclick); } return sprintf('%s', // Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 17-OCT-2008. //htmlentities($this->_url . $href, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), api_htmlentities($this->_url . $href), // empty($this->_classString) ? '' : ' '.$this->_classString, empty($this->_attributes) ? '' : ' '.$this->_attributes, empty($this->_accesskey) ? '' : ' accesskey="'.$this->_linkData[$this->_urlVar].'"', empty($onclick) ? '' : ' onclick="'.$onclick.'"', $altText, $linkText ); } elseif ($this->_httpMethod == 'POST') { $href = $this->_url; if (!empty($_GET)) { $href .= '?' . $this->_http_build_query_wrapper($_GET); } return sprintf("%s", $this->_generateFormOnClick($href, $this->_linkData), empty($this->_classString) ? '' : ' '.$this->_classString, empty($this->_attributes) ? '' : ' '.$this->_attributes, empty($this->_accesskey) ? '' : ' accesskey=\''.$this->_linkData[$this->_urlVar].'\'', $altText, $linkText ); } return ''; } // }}} // {{{ _generateFormOnClick() /** * Mimics http_build_query() behavior in the way the data * in $data will appear when it makes it back to the server. * For example: * $arr = array('array' => array(array('hello', 'world'), * 'things' => array('stuff', 'junk')); * http_build_query($arr) * and _generateFormOnClick('foo.php', $arr) * will yield * $_REQUEST['array'][0][0] === 'hello' * $_REQUEST['array'][0][1] === 'world' * $_REQUEST['array']['things'][0] === 'stuff' * $_REQUEST['array']['things'][1] === 'junk' * * However, instead of generating a query string, it generates * Javascript to create and submit a form. * * @param string $formAction where the form should be submitted * @param array $data the associative array of names and values * * @return string A string of javascript that generates a form and submits it * @access private */ function _generateFormOnClick($formAction, $data) { // Check we have an array to work with if (!is_array($data)) { trigger_error( '_generateForm() Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given.', E_USER_WARNING ); return false; } if (!empty($this->_formID)) { $str = 'var form = document.getElementById("'.$this->_formID.'"); var input = ""; '; } else { $str = 'var form = document.createElement("form"); var input = ""; '; } // We /shouldn't/ need to escape the URL ... // Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 17-OCT-2008. //$str .= sprintf('form.action = "%s"; ', htmlentities($formAction, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); $str .= sprintf('form.action = "%s"; ', api_htmlentities($formAction)); // $str .= sprintf('form.method = "%s"; ', $this->_httpMethod); foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $str .= $this->_generateFormOnClickHelper($val, $key); } if (empty($this->_formID)) { $str .= 'document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(form);'; } $str .= 'form.submit(); return false;'; return $str; } // }}} // {{{ _generateFormOnClickHelper /** * This is used by _generateFormOnClick(). * Recursively processes the arrays, objects, and literal values. * * @param mixed $data Data that should be rendered * @param string $prev The name so far * * @return string A string of Javascript that creates form inputs * representing the data * @access private */ function _generateFormOnClickHelper($data, $prev = '') { $str = ''; if (is_array($data) || is_object($data)) { // foreach key/visible member foreach ((array)$data as $key => $val) { // append [$key] to prev $tempKey = sprintf('%s[%s]', $prev, $key); $str .= $this->_generateFormOnClickHelper($val, $tempKey); } } else { // must be a literal value // escape newlines and carriage returns $search = array("\n", "\r"); $replace = array('\n', '\n'); $escapedData = str_replace($search, $replace, $data); // am I forgetting any dangerous whitespace? // would a regex be faster? // if it's already encoded, don't encode it again if (!$this->_isEncoded($escapedData)) { $escapedData = urlencode($escapedData); } // Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 16-MAR-2010. //$escapedData = htmlentities($escapedData, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $escapedData = api_htmlentities($escapedData, ENT_QUOTES); // $str .= 'input = document.createElement("input"); '; $str .= 'input.type = "hidden"; '; $str .= sprintf('input.name = "%s"; ', $prev); $str .= sprintf('input.value = "%s"; ', $escapedData); $str .= 'form.appendChild(input); '; } return $str; } // }}} // {{{ _isRegexp() /** * Returns true if the string is a regexp pattern * * @param string $string the pattern to check * * @return boolean * @access private */ function _isRegexp($string) { return preg_match('/^\/.*\/([Uims]+)?$/', $string); } // }}} // {{{ _getLinksData() /** * Returns the correct link for the back/pages/next links * * @return array Data * @access private */ function _getLinksData() { $qs = array(); if ($this->_importQuery) { if ($this->_httpMethod == 'POST') { $qs = $_POST; } elseif ($this->_httpMethod == 'GET') { $qs = $_GET; } } foreach ($this->_excludeVars as $exclude) { $use_preg = $this->_isRegexp($exclude); foreach (array_keys($qs) as $qs_item) { if ($use_preg) { if (preg_match($exclude, $qs_item, $matches)) { foreach ($matches as $m) { unset($qs[$m]); } } } elseif ($qs_item == $exclude) { unset($qs[$qs_item]); break; } } } if (count($this->_extraVars)) { $this->_recursive_urldecode($this->_extraVars); $qs = array_merge($qs, $this->_extraVars); } if (count($qs) && function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && -1 == version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.99') && get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { $this->_recursive_stripslashes($qs); } return $qs; } // }}} // {{{ _recursive_stripslashes() /** * Helper method * * @param string|array &$var variable to clean * * @return void * @access private */ function _recursive_stripslashes(&$var) { if (is_array($var)) { foreach (array_keys($var) as $k) { $this->_recursive_stripslashes($var[$k]); } } else { $var = stripslashes($var); } } // }}} // {{{ _recursive_urldecode() /** * Helper method * * @param string|array &$var variable to decode * * @return void * @access private */ function _recursive_urldecode(&$var) { if (is_array($var)) { foreach (array_keys($var) as $k) { $this->_recursive_urldecode($var[$k]); } } else { $trans_tbl = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)); $var = strtr($var, $trans_tbl); } } // }}} // {{{ _getBackLink() /** * Returns back link * * @param string $url URL to use in the link [deprecated: use the factory instead] * @param string $link HTML to use as the link [deprecated: use the factory instead] * * @return string The link * @access private */ function _getBackLink($url='', $link='') { //legacy settings... the preferred way to set an option //now is passing it to the factory if (!empty($url)) { $this->_path = $url; } if (!empty($link)) { $this->_prevImg = $link; } $back = ''; if ($this->_currentPage > 1) { $this->_linkData[$this->_urlVar] = $this->getPreviousPageID(); $back = $this->_renderLink($this->_altPrev, $this->_prevImg) . $this->_spacesBefore . $this->_spacesAfter; } else if ($this->_prevImgEmpty !== null && $this->_totalPages > 1) { $back = $this->_prevImgEmpty . $this->_spacesBefore . $this->_spacesAfter; } return $back; } // }}} // {{{ _getPageLinks() /** * Returns pages link * * @param string $url URL to use in the link [deprecated: use the factory instead] * * @return string Links * @access private */ function _getPageLinks($url='') { $msg = 'function "_getPageLinks()" not implemented.'; return $this->raiseError($msg, ERROR_PAGER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } // }}} // {{{ _getNextLink() /** * Returns next link * * @param string $url URL to use in the link [deprecated: use the factory instead] * @param string $link HTML to use as the link [deprecated: use the factory instead] * * @return string The link * @access private */ function _getNextLink($url='', $link='') { //legacy settings... the preferred way to set an option //now is passing it to the factory if (!empty($url)) { $this->_path = $url; } if (!empty($link)) { $this->_nextImg = $link; } $next = ''; if ($this->_currentPage < $this->_totalPages) { $this->_linkData[$this->_urlVar] = $this->getNextPageID(); $next = $this->_spacesAfter . $this->_renderLink($this->_altNext, $this->_nextImg) . $this->_spacesBefore . $this->_spacesAfter; } else if ($this->_nextImgEmpty !== null && $this->_totalPages > 1) { $next = $this->_spacesAfter . $this->_nextImgEmpty . $this->_spacesBefore . $this->_spacesAfter; } return $next; } // }}} // {{{ _getFirstLinkTag() /** * Returns first link tag * * @param bool $raw should tag returned as array * * @return mixed string with html link tag or separated as array * @access private */ function _getFirstLinkTag($raw = false) { if ($this->isFirstPage() || ($this->_httpMethod != 'GET')) { return $raw ? array() : ''; } if ($raw) { return array( 'url' => $this->_getLinkTagUrl(1), 'title' => $this->_firstLinkTitle ); } return sprintf(''."\n", $this->_getLinkTagUrl(1), $this->_firstLinkTitle ); } // }}} // {{{ _getPrevLinkTag() /** * Returns previous link tag * * @param bool $raw should tag returned as array * * @return mixed string with html link tag or separated as array * @access private */ function _getPrevLinkTag($raw = false) { if ($this->isFirstPage() || ($this->_httpMethod != 'GET')) { return $raw ? array() : ''; } if ($raw) { return array( 'url' => $this->_getLinkTagUrl($this->getPreviousPageID()), 'title' => $this->_prevLinkTitle ); } return sprintf(''."\n", $this->_getLinkTagUrl($this->getPreviousPageID()), $this->_prevLinkTitle ); } // }}} // {{{ _getNextLinkTag() /** * Returns next link tag * * @param bool $raw should tag returned as array * * @return mixed string with html link tag or separated as array * @access private */ function _getNextLinkTag($raw = false) { if ($this->isLastPage() || ($this->_httpMethod != 'GET')) { return $raw ? array() : ''; } if ($raw) { return array( 'url' => $this->_getLinkTagUrl($this->getNextPageID()), 'title' => $this->_nextLinkTitle ); } return sprintf(''."\n", $this->_getLinkTagUrl($this->getNextPageID()), $this->_nextLinkTitle ); } // }}} // {{{ _getLastLinkTag() /** * Returns last link tag * * @param bool $raw should tag returned as array * * @return mixed string with html link tag or separated as array * @access private */ function _getLastLinkTag($raw = false) { if ($this->isLastPage() || ($this->_httpMethod != 'GET')) { return $raw ? array() : ''; } if ($raw) { return array( 'url' => $this->_getLinkTagUrl($this->_totalPages), 'title' => $this->_lastLinkTitle ); } return sprintf(''."\n", $this->_getLinkTagUrl($this->_totalPages), $this->_lastLinkTitle ); } // }}} // {{{ _getLinkTagUrl() /** * Helper method * * @param integer $pageID page ID * * @return string the link tag url * @access private */ function _getLinkTagUrl($pageID) { $this->_linkData[$this->_urlVar] = $pageID; if ($this->_append) { $href = '?' . $this->_http_build_query_wrapper($this->_linkData); } else { $href = str_replace('%d', $this->_linkData[$this->_urlVar], $this->_fileName); } // Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 17-OCT-2008. //return htmlentities($this->_url . $href, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); return api_htmlentities($this->_url . $href); // } // }}} // {{{ getPerPageSelectBox() /** * Returns a string with a XHTML SELECT menu, * useful for letting the user choose how many items per page should be * displayed. If parameter useSessions is TRUE, this value is stored in * a session var. The string isn't echoed right now so you can use it * with template engines. * * @param integer $start starting value for the select menu * @param integer $end ending value for the select menu * @param integer $step step between values in the select menu * @param boolean $showAllData If true, perPage is set equal to totalItems. * @param array $extraParams (or string $optionText for BC reasons) * - 'optionText': text to show in each option. * Use '%d' where you want to see the number of pages selected. * - 'attributes': (html attributes) Tag attributes or * HTML attributes (id="foo" pairs), will be inserted in the * tag * * @return string xhtml select box * @access public */ function getPageSelectBox($params = array(), $extraAttributes = '') { include_once 'Pager/HtmlWidgets.php'; $widget = new Pager_HtmlWidgets($this); return $widget->getPageSelectBox($params, $extraAttributes); } // }}} // {{{ _printFirstPage() /** * Print [1] * * @return string String with link to 1st page, * or empty string if this is the 1st page. * @access private */ function _printFirstPage() { if ($this->isFirstPage()) { return ''; } $this->_linkData[$this->_urlVar] = 1; return $this->_renderLink( str_replace('%d', 1, $this->_altFirst), $this->_firstPagePre . $this->_firstPageText . $this->_firstPagePost ) . $this->_spacesBefore . $this->_spacesAfter; } // }}} // {{{ _printLastPage() /** * Print [numPages()] * * @return string String with link to last page, * or empty string if this is the 1st page. * @access private */ function _printLastPage() { if ($this->isLastPage()) { return ''; } $this->_linkData[$this->_urlVar] = $this->_totalPages; return $this->_renderLink( str_replace('%d', $this->_totalPages, $this->_altLast), $this->_lastPagePre . $this->_lastPageText . $this->_lastPagePost ); } // }}} // {{{ _setFirstLastText() /** * sets the private _firstPageText, _lastPageText variables * based on whether they were set in the options * * @return void * @access private */ function _setFirstLastText() { if ($this->_firstPageText == '') { $this->_firstPageText = '1'; } if ($this->_lastPageText == '') { $this->_lastPageText = $this->_totalPages; } } // }}} // {{{ _http_build_query_wrapper() /** * This is a slightly modified version of the http_build_query() function; * it heavily borrows code from PHP_Compat's http_build_query(). * The main change is the usage of htmlentities instead of urlencode, * since it's too aggressive * * @param array $data array of querystring values * * @return string * @access private */ function _http_build_query_wrapper($data) { $data = (array)$data; if (empty($data)) { return ''; } $separator = ini_get('arg_separator.output'); if ($separator == '&') { $separator = '&'; //the string is escaped by htmlentities anyway... } $tmp = array (); foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (is_scalar($val)) { //array_push($tmp, $key.'='.$val); $val = urlencode($val); array_push($tmp, $key .'='. str_replace('%2F', '/', $val)); continue; } // If the value is an array, recursively parse it if (is_array($val)) { array_push($tmp, $this->__http_build_query($val, urlencode($key))); continue; } } return implode($separator, $tmp); } // }}} // {{{ __http_build_query() /** * Helper function * * @param array $array array of querystring values * @param string $name key * * @return string * @access private */ function __http_build_query($array, $name) { $tmp = array (); $separator = ini_get('arg_separator.output'); if ($separator == '&') { $separator = '&'; //the string is escaped by htmlentities anyway... } foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { //array_push($tmp, $this->__http_build_query($value, sprintf('%s[%s]', $name, $key))); array_push($tmp, $this->__http_build_query($value, $name.'%5B'.$key.'%5D')); } elseif (is_scalar($value)) { //array_push($tmp, sprintf('%s[%s]=%s', $name, htmlentities($key), htmlentities($value))); array_push($tmp, $name.'%5B'.urlencode($key).'%5D='.urlencode($value)); } elseif (is_object($value)) { //array_push($tmp, $this->__http_build_query(get_object_vars($value), sprintf('%s[%s]', $name, $key))); array_push($tmp, $this->__http_build_query(get_object_vars($value), $name.'%5B'.$key.'%5D')); } } return implode($separator, $tmp); } // }}} // {{{ _isEncoded() /** * Helper function * Check if a string is an encoded multibyte string * * @param string $string string to check * * @return boolean * @access private */ function _isEncoded($string) { $hexchar = '&#[\dA-Fx]{2,};'; return preg_match("/^(\s|($hexchar))*$/Uims", $string) ? true : false; } // }}} // {{{ raiseError() /** * conditionally includes PEAR base class and raise an error * * @param string $msg Error message * @param integer $code Error code * * @return PEAR_Error * @access private */ function raiseError($msg, $code) { include_once 'PEAR.php'; if (empty($this->_pearErrorMode)) { $this->_pearErrorMode = PEAR_ERROR_RETURN; } return PEAR::raiseError($msg, $code, $this->_pearErrorMode); } // }}} // {{{ setOptions() /** * Set and sanitize options * * @param mixed $options An associative array of option names and their values * * @return integer error code (PAGER_OK on success) * @access public */ function setOptions($options) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $this->_allowed_options) && (!is_null($value))) { $this->{'_' . $key} = $value; } } //autodetect http method if (!isset($options['httpMethod']) && !isset($_GET[$this->_urlVar]) && isset($_POST[$this->_urlVar]) ) { $this->_httpMethod = 'POST'; } else { $this->_httpMethod = strtoupper($this->_httpMethod); } if (substr($this->_path, -1, 1) == '/') { $this->_fileName = ltrim($this->_fileName, '/'); //strip leading slash } if ($this->_append) { if ($this->_fixFileName) { $this->_fileName = PAGER_CURRENT_FILENAME; //avoid possible user error; } $this->_url = $this->_path.(empty($this->_path) ? '' : '/').$this->_fileName; } else { $this->_url = $this->_path; if (0 != strncasecmp($this->_fileName, 'javascript', 10)) { $this->_url .= (empty($this->_path) ? '' : '/'); } if (false === strpos($this->_fileName, '%d')) { trigger_error($this->errorMessage(ERROR_PAGER_INVALID_USAGE), E_USER_WARNING); } } if (substr($this->_url, 0, 2) == '//') { $this->_url = substr($this->_url, 1); } if (false === strpos($this->_altPage, '%d')) { //by default, append page number at the end $this->_altPage .= ' %d'; } $this->_classString = ''; if (strlen($this->_linkClass)) { $this->_classString = 'class="'.$this->_linkClass.'"'; } if (strlen($this->_curPageLinkClassName)) { $this->_curPageSpanPre .= ''; $this->_curPageSpanPost = '' . $this->_curPageSpanPost; } $this->_perPage = max($this->_perPage, 1); //avoid possible user errors if ($this->_useSessions && !isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if (!empty($_REQUEST[$this->_sessionVar])) { $this->_perPage = max(1, (int)$_REQUEST[$this->_sessionVar]); if ($this->_useSessions) { $_SESSION[$this->_sessionVar] = $this->_perPage; } } if (!empty($_SESSION[$this->_sessionVar]) && $this->_useSessions) { $this->_perPage = $_SESSION[$this->_sessionVar]; } if ($this->_closeSession) { session_write_close(); } // Modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 16-MAR-2010. Suppressing warnings on PHP 5.3 //$this->_spacesBefore = str_repeat(' ', $this->_spacesBeforeSeparator); //$this->_spacesAfter = str_repeat(' ', $this->_spacesAfterSeparator); $this->_spacesBefore = str_repeat(' ', intval($this->_spacesBeforeSeparator)); $this->_spacesAfter = str_repeat(' ', intval($this->_spacesAfterSeparator)); // if (isset($_REQUEST[$this->_urlVar]) && empty($options['currentPage'])) { $this->_currentPage = (int)$_REQUEST[$this->_urlVar]; } $this->_currentPage = max($this->_currentPage, 1); $this->_linkData = $this->_getLinksData(); return PAGER_OK; } // }}} // {{{ getOption() /** * Return the current value of a given option * * @param string $name option name * * @return mixed option value * @access public */ function getOption($name) { if (!in_array($name, $this->_allowed_options)) { $msg = 'invalid option: '.$name; return $this->raiseError($msg, ERROR_PAGER_INVALID); } return $this->{'_' . $name}; } // }}} // {{{ getOptions() /** * Return an array with all the current pager options * * @return array list of all the pager options * @access public */ function getOptions() { $options = array(); foreach ($this->_allowed_options as $option) { $options[$option] = $this->{'_' . $option}; } return $options; } // }}} // {{{ errorMessage() /** * Return a textual error message for a PAGER error code * * @param integer $code error code * * @return string error message * @access public */ function errorMessage($code) { static $errorMessages; if (!isset($errorMessages)) { $errorMessages = array( ERROR_PAGER => 'unknown error', ERROR_PAGER_INVALID => 'invalid', ERROR_PAGER_INVALID_PLACEHOLDER => 'invalid format - use "%d" as placeholder.', ERROR_PAGER_INVALID_USAGE => 'if $options[\'append\'] is set to false, ' .' $options[\'fileName\'] MUST contain the "%d" placeholder.', ERROR_PAGER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED => 'not implemented' ); } return (isset($errorMessages[$code]) ? $errorMessages[$code] : $errorMessages[ERROR_PAGER]); } // }}} } ?>