, Ghent University: cleanup, refactoring and rewriting large parts of the code * @author Julio Montoya Armas , Chamilo: Personality Test modification and rewriting large parts of the code as well * @todo use FormValidator for the forms * @todo check if the user already filled the survey and if this is the case then the answers have to be updated and not stored again. * @todo performance could be improved if not the survey_id was stored with the invitation but the survey_code */ // Language file that needs to be included $language_file = 'survey'; // Unsetting the course id (because it is in the URL) if (!isset($_GET['cidReq'])) { $cidReset = true; } else { $_cid = $_GET['cidReq']; } // Including the global initialization file require_once '../inc/global.inc.php'; // Including additional libraries //require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'survey.lib.php'; require_once 'survey.lib.php'; // Breadcrumbs if (!empty($_user)) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array( 'url' => api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'survey/survey_list.php?cidReq='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']), 'name' => get_lang('SurveyList') ); } // Database table definitions $table_survey = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_SURVEY); $table_survey_answer = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_SURVEY_ANSWER); $table_survey_question = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_SURVEY_QUESTION); $table_survey_question_option = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_SURVEY_QUESTION_OPTION); $table_survey_invitation = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_SURVEY_INVITATION); $table_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); // Check if user is anonymous or not if (api_is_anonymous($_user['user_id'], true)) { $isAnonymous = true; } else { $isAnonymous = false; } // getting all the course information if (isset($_GET['course'])) { $course_info = api_get_course_info($_GET['course']); } else { $course_info = api_get_course_info(); } if (empty($course_info)) { api_not_allowed(); } $course_id = $course_info['real_id']; $surveyCode = isset($_GET['scode']) ? Database::escape_string($_GET['scode']) : ''; if ($surveyCode != "") { // Firstly we check if this survey is ready for anonymous use: $sql = "SELECT anonymous FROM $table_survey WHERE c_id = $course_id AND code ='".$surveyCode."'"; $resultAnonymous = Database::query($sql); $rowAnonymous = Database::fetch_array($resultAnonymous, 'ASSOC'); // If is anonymous and is not allowed to take the survey to anonymous users, forbid access: if (!isset($rowAnonymous['anonymous']) || ($rowAnonymous['anonymous'] == 0 && api_is_anonymous()) || count($rowAnonymous) == 0) { api_not_allowed(true); } // If is anonymous and it is allowed to take the survey as anonymous, mark survey as anonymous. } // Header Display :: display_header(get_lang('ToolSurvey')); // First we check if the needed parameters are present if ((!isset($_GET['course']) || !isset($_GET['invitationcode'])) && !isset($_GET['user_id'])) { Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste'), false); Display :: display_footer(); exit; } $invitationcode = $_GET['invitationcode']; // Start auto-invitation feature FS#3403 (all-users-can-do-the-survey-URL handling) if ($invitationcode == 'auto' && isset($_GET['scode'])) { $userid = $_user['user_id']; // Survey_code of the survey $surveyCode = Database::escape_string($_GET['scode']); if ($isAnonymous) { $autoInvitationcode = "auto-ANONY_".md5(time())."-$surveyCode"; } else { // New invitation code from userid $autoInvitationcode = "auto-$userid-$surveyCode"; } // The survey code must exist in this course, or the URL is invalid $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_survey WHERE c_id = $course_id AND code = '".$surveyCode."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database :: num_rows($result) > 0) { // Ok // Check availability $row = Database :: fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); $tempdata = survey_manager :: get_survey($row['survey_id']); //exit if survey not available anymore check_time_availability($tempdata); // Check for double invitation records (insert should be done once) $sql = "SELECT user from $table_survey_invitation WHERE c_id = $course_id AND invitation_code = '".Database::escape_string($autoInvitationcode)."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database :: num_rows($result) == 0) { // Ok $sql = "INSERT INTO $table_survey_invitation (c_id, survey_code,user, invitation_code, invitation_date) "; $sql .= " VALUES ($course_id, \"$surveyCode\", \"$userid\", \"$autoInvitationcode\", now())"; Database::query($sql); } // From here we use the new invitationcode auto-userid-surveycode string $_GET['invitationcode'] = $autoInvitationcode; $invitationcode = $autoInvitationcode; } } // Now we check if the invitation code is valid $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_survey_invitation WHERE c_id = $course_id AND invitation_code = '".Database :: escape_string($invitationcode)."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) < 1) { Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('WrongInvitationCode'), false); Display :: display_footer(); exit; } $survey_invitation = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); // Now we check if the user already filled the survey if ( !isset($_POST['finish_survey']) && ( $isAnonymous && isset($_SESSION['surveyuser']) && SurveyUtil::isSurveyAnsweredFlagged($survey_invitation['survey_code'], $survey_invitation['c_id']) ) || ($survey_invitation['answered'] == 1 && !isset($_GET['user_id'])) ) { Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('YouAlreadyFilledThisSurvey'), false); Display :: display_footer(); exit; } // Checking if there is another survey with this code. // If this is the case there will be a language choice $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_survey WHERE c_id = $course_id AND code='".Database::escape_string($survey_invitation['survey_code'])."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 1) { if ($_POST['language']) { $survey_invitation['survey_id'] = $_POST['language']; } else { echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; Display::display_footer(); exit(); } } else { $row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); $survey_invitation['survey_id'] = $row['survey_id']; } // Getting the survey information $survey_data = survey_manager::get_survey($survey_invitation['survey_id']); $survey_data['survey_id'] = $survey_invitation['survey_id']; // Storing the answers if (count($_POST) > 0) { if ($survey_data['survey_type'] === '0') { // Getting all the types of the question // (because of the special treatment of the score question type $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_survey_question WHERE c_id = $course_id AND survey_id = '".intval($survey_invitation['survey_id'])."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $types[$row['question_id']] = $row['type']; } // Looping through all the post values foreach ($_POST as $key => & $value) { // If the post value key contains the string 'question' then it is an answer on a question if (strpos($key, 'question') !== false) { // Finding the question id by removing 'question' $survey_question_id = str_replace('question', '', $key); /* If the post value is an array then we have a multiple response question or a scoring question type remark: when it is a multiple response then the value of the array is the option_id when it is a scoring question then the key of the array is the option_id and the value is the value */ if (is_array($value)) { SurveyUtil::remove_answer( $survey_invitation['user'], $survey_invitation['survey_id'], $survey_question_id, $course_id ); foreach ($value as $answer_key => & $answer_value) { if ($types[$survey_question_id] == 'score') { $option_id = $answer_key; $option_value = $answer_value; } else { $option_id = $answer_value; $option_value = ''; } SurveyUtil::store_answer( $survey_invitation['user'], $survey_invitation['survey_id'], $survey_question_id, $option_id, $option_value, $survey_data ); } } else { // All the other question types (open question, multiple choice, percentage, ...) if ($types[$survey_question_id] == 'percentage') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_survey_question_option WHERE c_id = $course_id AND question_option_id='".intval($value)."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); $option_value = $row['option_text']; } else { $option_value = 0; if ($types[$survey_question_id] == 'open') { $option_value = $value; //$value = 0; } } $survey_question_answer = $value; SurveyUtil::remove_answer($survey_invitation['user'], $survey_invitation['survey_id'], $survey_question_id, $course_id); SurveyUtil::store_answer($survey_invitation['user'], $survey_invitation['survey_id'], $survey_question_id, $value, $option_value, $survey_data); } } } } elseif ($survey_data['survey_type'] === '1') { //conditional/personality-test type surveys // Getting all the types of the question (because of the special treatment of the score question type $shuffle = ''; if ($survey_data['shuffle'] == '1') { $shuffle = ' ORDER BY RAND() '; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_survey_question WHERE c_id = $course_id AND survey_id = '".intval($survey_invitation['survey_id'])."' AND survey_group_pri = '0' $shuffle"; $result = Database::query($sql); // There is only one question type for conditional surveys while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $types[$row['question_id']] = $row['type']; } // Looping through all the post values foreach ($_POST as $key => & $value) { // If the post value key contains the string 'question' then it is an answer to a question if (strpos($key, 'question') !== false) { // Finding the question id by removing 'question' $survey_question_id = str_replace('question', '', $key); // We select the correct answer and the puntuacion $sql = "SELECT value FROM $table_survey_question_option WHERE c_id = $course_id AND question_option_id='".intval($value)."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); $option_value = $row['value']; //$option_value = 0; $survey_question_answer = $value; // We save the answer after making sure that a possible previous attempt is deleted SurveyUtil::remove_answer( $survey_invitation['user'], $survey_invitation['survey_id'], $survey_question_id, $course_id ); SurveyUtil::store_answer( $survey_invitation['user'], $survey_invitation['survey_id'], $survey_question_id, $value, $option_value, $survey_data ); } } } else { // In case it's another type than 0 or 1 die(get_lang('ErrorSurveyTypeUnknown')); } } // Displaying the survey title and subtitle (appears on every page) echo '
'; echo '
'; // Checking time availability check_time_availability($survey_data); // Displaying the survey introduction if (!isset($_GET['show'])) { // The first thing we do is delete the session unset($_SESSION['paged_questions']); unset($_SESSION['page_questions_sec']); $paged_questions_sec = array(); if (!empty($survey_data['survey_introduction'])) { echo '
'; } $limit = 0; } $user_id = api_get_user_id(); if ($user_id == 0) { $user_id = $survey_invitation['user']; } $user_data = UserManager :: get_user_info_by_id($user_id); if ($survey_data['form_fields'] != '' && $survey_data['anonymous'] == 0 && is_array($user_data)) { $form_fields = explode('@', $survey_data['form_fields']); $list = array(); foreach ($form_fields as $field) { $field_value = explode(':', $field); if ($field_value[1] == 1) { if ($field_value[0] != '') { $val = api_substr($field_value[0], 8, api_strlen($field_value[0])); $list[$val] = 1; } } } // We use the same form as in auth/profile.php $form = new FormValidator( 'profile', 'post', api_get_self()."?".str_replace('&show_form=1', '&show_form=1', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), null, array('style' => 'width: 75%; float: '.($text_dir == 'rtl' ? 'right;' : 'left;')) ); if (api_is_western_name_order()) { if ($list['firstname'] == 1) { //FIRST NAME $form->addElement('text', 'firstname', get_lang('FirstName'), array('size' => 40)); if (api_get_setting('profile', 'name') !== 'true') { $form->freeze(array('firstname')); } $form->applyFilter(array('firstname'), 'stripslashes'); $form->applyFilter(array('firstname'), 'trim'); $form->addRule('firstname', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); } if ($list['lastname'] == 1) { // LAST NAME $form->addElement('text', 'lastname', get_lang('LastName'), array('size' => 40)); if (api_get_setting('profile', 'name') !== 'true') { $form->freeze(array('lastname')); } $form->applyFilter(array('lastname'), 'stripslashes'); $form->applyFilter(array('lastname'), 'trim'); $form->addRule('lastname', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); } } else { if ($list['lastname'] == 1) { // LAST NAME $form->addElement('text', 'lastname', get_lang('LastName'), array('size' => 40)); if (api_get_setting('profile', 'name') !== 'true') { $form->freeze(array('lastname')); } $form->applyFilter(array('lastname'), 'stripslashes'); $form->applyFilter(array('lastname'), 'trim'); $form->addRule('lastname', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); } if ($list['firstname'] == 1) { //FIRST NAME $form->addElement('text', 'firstname', get_lang('FirstName'), array('size' => 40)); if (api_get_setting('profile', 'name') !== 'true') { $form->freeze(array('firstname')); } $form->applyFilter(array('firstname'), 'stripslashes'); $form->applyFilter(array('firstname'), 'trim'); $form->addRule('firstname', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); } } if ($list['official_code'] == 1) { // OFFICIAL CODE if (CONFVAL_ASK_FOR_OFFICIAL_CODE) { $form->addElement('text', 'official_code', get_lang('OfficialCode'), array('size' => 40)); if (api_get_setting('profile', 'officialcode') !== 'true') { $form->freeze('official_code'); } $form->applyFilter('official_code', 'stripslashes'); $form->applyFilter('official_code', 'trim'); if (api_get_setting('registration', 'officialcode') == 'true' && api_get_setting('profile', 'officialcode') == 'true') { $form->addRule('official_code', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); } } } if ($list['email'] == 1) { // EMAIL $form->addElement('text', 'email', get_lang('Email'), array('size' => 40)); if (api_get_setting('profile', 'email') !== 'true') { $form->freeze('email'); } $form->applyFilter('email', 'stripslashes'); $form->applyFilter('email', 'trim'); if (api_get_setting('registration', 'email') == 'true') { $form->addRule('email', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); } $form->addRule('email', get_lang('EmailWrong'), 'email'); } if ($list['phone'] == 1) { // PHONE $form->addElement('text', 'phone', get_lang('phone'), array('size' => 20)); if (api_get_setting('profile', 'phone') !== 'true') { $form->freeze('phone'); } $form->applyFilter('phone', 'stripslashes'); $form->applyFilter('phone', 'trim'); if (api_get_setting('profile', 'phone') == 'true') { $form->addRule('phone', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); } } if ($list['language'] == 1) { //LANGUAGE $form->addElement('select_language', 'language', get_lang('Language')); if (api_get_setting('profile', 'language') !== 'true') { $form->freeze('language'); } if (api_get_setting('profile', 'language') == 'true') { $form->addRule('language', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required'); } } // EXTRA FIELDS $extra_data = UserManager :: get_extra_user_data($user_id, true); UserManager::set_extra_fields_in_form($form, $extra_data, 'profile'); $form->addElement('style_submit_button', '', get_lang('Next'), array('class' => 'next')); $user_data = array_merge($user_data, $extra_data); $form->setDefaults($user_data); } if ($survey_data['form_fields'] && $survey_data['anonymous'] == 0 && is_array($user_data) && !isset($_GET['show'])) { if ($form->validate()) { $user_data = $form->exportValues(); if (is_array($user_data)) { if (count($user_data) > 0) { $extras = array(); // Build SQL query $sql = "UPDATE $table_user SET"; foreach ($user_data as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, 6) == 'extra_') { //an extra field $extras[substr($key, 6)] = $value; } else { $sql .= " $key = '".Database :: escape_string($value)."',"; } } // Remove trailing , from the query we have so far $sql = rtrim($sql, ','); $sql .= " WHERE user_id = '".$user_id."'"; Database::query($sql); // Update the extra fields if (is_array($extras)) { foreach ($extras as $key => $value) { $myres = UserManager :: update_extra_field_value($user_id, $key, $value); } } echo '
'.get_lang('InformationUpdated').' '.get_lang('PleaseFillSurvey').'
'; } } $_GET['show'] = 0; $show = 0; // We unset the sessions unset($_SESSION['paged_questions']); unset($_SESSION['page_questions_sec']); $paged_questions_sec = array(); } else { echo '
'; // We unset the sessions unset($_SESSION['paged_questions']); unset($_SESSION['page_questions_sec']); $paged_questions_sec = array(); $form->display(); } } // Displaying the survey thanks message if (isset($_POST['finish_survey'])) { Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('SurveyFinished')); echo $survey_data['survey_thanks']; survey_manager::update_survey_answered( $survey_data, $survey_invitation['user'], $survey_invitation['survey_code'] ); SurveyUtil::flagSurveyAsAnswered($survey_invitation['survey_code'], $survey_invitation['c_id']); unset($_SESSION['paged_questions']); unset($_SESSION['page_questions_sec']); Display :: display_footer(); exit(); } // Sets the random questions $shuffle = ''; if ($survey_data['shuffle'] == 1) { $shuffle = ' BY RAND() '; } if (isset($_GET['show']) || isset($_POST['personality'])) { // Getting all the questions for this page and add them to a multidimensional array where the first index is the page. // As long as there is no pagebreak fount we keep adding questions to the page $questions_displayed = array(); $counter = 0; $paged_questions = array(); // If non-conditional survey if ($survey_data['survey_type'] === '0') { if (empty($_SESSION['paged_questions'])) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_survey_question WHERE c_id = $course_id AND survey_id = '".intval($survey_invitation['survey_id'])."' ORDER BY sort ASC"; $result = Database::query($sql); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { if ($row['type'] == 'pagebreak') { $counter++; } else { // ids from question of the current survey $paged_questions[$counter][] = $row['question_id']; } } $_SESSION['paged_questions'] = $paged_questions; } else { $paged_questions = $_SESSION['paged_questions']; } // Redefinition of variables and session ids to fix issue of survey not // showing questions - see support.chamilo.org #5529 $course_id = $survey_invitation['c_id']; $_SESSION['_cid'] = $course_id; $_SESSION['_real_cid'] = $course_id; if (array_key_exists($_GET['show'], $paged_questions)) { if (isset($_GET['user_id'])) { // Get the user into survey answer table (user or anonymus) $my_user_id = ($survey_data['anonymous'] == 1) ? $_SESSION['surveyuser'] : api_get_user_id(); $sql = "SELECT survey_question.survey_group_sec1, survey_question.survey_group_sec2, survey_question.survey_group_pri, survey_question.question_id, survey_question.survey_id, survey_question.survey_question, survey_question.display, survey_question.sort, survey_question.type, survey_question.max_value, survey_question_option.question_option_id, survey_question_option.option_text, survey_question_option.sort as option_sort FROM $table_survey_question survey_question LEFT JOIN $table_survey_question_option survey_question_option ON survey_question.question_id = survey_question_option.question_id AND survey_question_option.c_id = $course_id WHERE survey_question.survey_id = '".Database :: escape_string($survey_invitation['survey_id'])."' AND survey_question.question_id NOT IN ( SELECT sa.question_id FROM ".$table_survey_answer." sa WHERE sa.user='".$my_user_id."') AND survey_question.c_id = $course_id ORDER BY survey_question.sort, survey_question_option.sort ASC"; } else { $sql = "SELECT survey_question.survey_group_sec1, survey_question.survey_group_sec2, survey_question.survey_group_pri, survey_question.question_id, survey_question.survey_id, survey_question.survey_question, survey_question.display, survey_question.sort, survey_question.type, survey_question.max_value, survey_question_option.question_option_id, survey_question_option.option_text, survey_question_option.sort as option_sort FROM $table_survey_question survey_question LEFT JOIN $table_survey_question_option survey_question_option ON survey_question.question_id = survey_question_option.question_id AND survey_question_option.c_id = $course_id WHERE survey_question.survey_id = '".intval($survey_invitation['survey_id'])."' AND survey_question.question_id IN (".implode(',', $paged_questions[$_GET['show']]).") AND survey_question.c_id = $course_id ORDER BY survey_question.sort, survey_question_option.sort ASC"; } $result = Database::query($sql); $question_counter_max = Database::num_rows($result); $counter = 0; $limit = 0; $questions = array(); while ($row = Database :: fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { // If the type is not a pagebreak we store it in the $questions array if ($row['type'] != 'pagebreak') { $questions[$row['sort']]['question_id'] = $row['question_id']; $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_id'] = $row['survey_id']; $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_question'] = $row['survey_question']; $questions[$row['sort']]['display'] = $row['display']; $questions[$row['sort']]['type'] = $row['type']; $questions[$row['sort']]['options'][$row['question_option_id']] = $row['option_text']; $questions[$row['sort']]['maximum_score'] = $row['max_value']; } else { // If the type is a pagebreak we are finished loading the questions for this page break; } $counter++; } } } elseif ($survey_data['survey_type'] === '1') { $my_survey_id = intval($survey_invitation['survey_id']); $current_user = Database::escape_string($survey_invitation['user']); if (isset($_POST['personality'])) { // Compute the results to get the 3 groups nearest to the user's personality if ($shuffle == '') { $order = 'BY sort ASC '; } else { $order = $shuffle; } $answer_list = array(); // Get current user results $results = array(); $sql = "SELECT survey_group_pri, user, SUM(value) as value FROM $table_survey_answer as survey_answer INNER JOIN $table_survey_question as survey_question ON (survey_question.question_id = survey_answer.question_id) WHERE survey_answer.survey_id='".$my_survey_id."' AND survey_answer.user='".$current_user."' AND survey_answer.c_id = $course_id AND survey_question.c_id = $course_id AND GROUP BY survey_group_pri ORDER BY survey_group_pri "; $result = Database::query($sql); while ($row = Database :: fetch_array($result)) { $answer_list['value'] = $row['value']; $answer_list['group'] = $row['survey_group_pri']; $results[] = $answer_list; } //echo '
'; print_r($results); echo '
'; // Get the total score for each group of questions $totals = array(); $sql = "SELECT SUM(temp.value) as value, temp.survey_group_pri FROM ( SELECT MAX(value) as value, survey_group_pri, survey_question.question_id FROM $table_survey_question as survey_question INNER JOIN $table_survey_question_option as survey_question_option ON (survey_question.question_id = survey_question_option.question_id) WHERE survey_question.survey_id='".$my_survey_id."' AND survey_question.c_id = $course_id AND survey_question_option.c_id = $course_id AND survey_group_sec1='0' AND survey_group_sec2='0' GROUP BY survey_group_pri, survey_question.question_id ) as temp GROUP BY temp.survey_group_pri ORDER BY temp.survey_group_pri"; $result = Database::query($sql); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $list['value'] = $row['value']; $list['group'] = $row['survey_group_pri']; $totals[] = $list; } //echo '
'; print_r($totals);

            $final_results = array();

            // Get a percentage score for each group
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($totals); $i++) {
                for ($j = 0; $j < count($results); $j++) {
                    if ($totals[$i]['group'] == $results[$j]['group']) {
                        $group = $totals[$i]['group'];
                        $porcen = ($results[$j]['value'] / $totals[$i]['value']);
                        $final_results[$group] = $porcen;

            // Sort the results by score (getting a list of group IDs by score into $groups)
            $groups = array_keys($final_results);
            $result = array();
            $count_result = 0;
            foreach ($final_results as $key => & $sub_result) {
                $result[] = array('group' => $key, 'value' => $sub_result);

              //i.e 70% - 70% -70% 70%  $equal_count =3
              while (1) {
              if ($result[$i]['value']  == $result[$i+1]['value']) {
              } else {
              echo 'eq'. $equal_count;
              echo '
'; if ($equal_count == 0) { //i.e 70% 70% -60% 60% $equal_count = 1 only we get the first 2 options if (($result[0]['value'] == $result[1]['value']) && ($result[2]['value'] == $result[3]['value'])) { $group_cant = 1; } else { // By default we chose the highest 3 $group_cant=2; } } elseif ($equal_count == 2) { $group_cant = 2; } else { $group_cant = -1; } */ // i.e 70% - 70% -70% 70% $equal_count =3 $i = 0; $group_cant = 0; $equal_count = 0; // This is the case if the user does not select any question if ($count_result > 0) { // Count the number of scores equal to the first while (1) { if ($result[$i]['value'] == $result[$i + 1]['value']) { $equal_count++; } else { break; } $i++; } } else { // We force the exit of the survey undeterminated $equal_count = 10; } // If we have only 3 or less equal scores (i.e. 0,1 or 2 equalities), then we can use the three first groups if ($equal_count < 4) { // If there is one or less score equalities if ($equal_count === 0 || $equal_count === 1) { // i.e 70% - 70% -60% - 60% $equal_count = 1 we only get the first 2 options if (($result[0]['value'] == $result[1]['value']) && ($result[2]['value'] == $result[3]['value'])) { $group_cant = 1; } // i.e 70% - 70% -0% - 0% - $equal_count = 0 we only get the first 2 options /* elseif (($result[0]['value'] == $result[1]['value']) && ($result[1]['value'] != $result[2]['value'])) { $group_cant = 0; } */ /* // i.e 70% - 70% -60% - 60% $equal_count = 0 we only get the first 2 options elseif (($result[0]['value'] == $result[1]['value']) && ($result[2]['value'] == $result[3]['value'])) { $group_cant = 0; } */ // i.e. 80% - 70% - 70% - 70% elseif (($result[0]['value'] != $result[1]['value']) && ($result[1]['value'] == $result[2]['value']) && ($result[2]['value'] == $result[3]['value'])) { $group_cant = 0; } else { // i.e. 80% - 70% - 70% - 50 // i.e. 80% - 80% - 70% - 50 // By default we choose the highest 3 $group_cant = 2; } } else { // If there are two score equalities $group_cant = $equal_count; } //@todo Translate these comments. // conditional_status // 0 no determinado // 1 determinado // 2 un solo valor // 3 valores iguales if ($group_cant > 0) { //echo '$equal_count'.$group_cant; // We only get highest 3 $secondary = ''; $combi = ''; for ($i = 0; $i <= $group_cant; $i++) { $group1 = $groups[$i]; $group2 = $groups[$i + 1]; // Here we made all the posibilities with the 3 groups if ($group_cant == 2 && $i == $group_cant) { $group2 = $groups[0]; $secondary .= " OR ( survey_group_sec1 = '$group1' AND survey_group_sec2 = '$group2') "; $secondary .= " OR ( survey_group_sec1 = '$group2' AND survey_group_sec2 = '$group1' ) "; $combi.= $group1.' - '.$group2." or ".$group2.' - '.$group1.'
'; } else { if ($i != 0) { $secondary .= " OR ( survey_group_sec1 = '$group1' AND survey_group_sec2 = '$group2') "; $secondary .= " OR ( survey_group_sec1 = '$group2' AND survey_group_sec2 = '$group1' ) "; $combi.= $group1.' - '.$group2." or ".$group2.' - '.$group1.'
'; } else { $secondary .= " ( survey_group_sec1 = '$group1' AND survey_group_sec2 = '$group2') "; $secondary .= " OR ( survey_group_sec1 = '$group2' AND survey_group_sec2 = '$group1' ) "; $combi.= $group1.' - '.$group2." or ".$group2.' - '.$group1.'
'; } } } /* echo '
                      echo 'Pair of Groups 

'; echo $combi; echo '
'; */ // Create the new select with the questions from the secondary phase if (empty($_SESSION['page_questions_sec']) && !is_array($_SESSION['page_questions_sec']) && count($_SESSION['page_questions_sec'] == 0) ) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_survey_question WHERE c_id = $course_id AND survey_id = '".$my_survey_id."' AND ($secondary ) ORDER BY sort ASC"; $result = Database::query($sql); $counter = 0; while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { if ($survey_data['one_question_per_page'] == 1) { $paged_questions_sec[$counter][] = $row['question_id']; $counter++; } elseif ($row['type'] == 'pagebreak') { $counter++; } else { // ids from question of the current survey $paged_questions_sec[$counter][] = $row['question_id']; } } $_SESSION['paged_questions_sec'] = $paged_questions_sec; } else { $paged_questions_sec = $_SESSION['paged_questions_sec']; } //print_r($paged_questions_sec); $paged_questions = $_SESSION['paged_questions']; // For the sake of pages counting //$paged_questions = $paged_questions_sec; // For the sake of pages counting coming up at display time... if ($shuffle == '') { $shuffle = ' BY survey_question.sort, survey_question_option.sort ASC '; } //$val = 0; //if ($survey_data['one_question_per_page'] == 0) { $val = (int) $_POST['personality']; //} //echo '
'; print_r($paged_questions_sec); echo '
'; if (is_array($paged_questions_sec)) { $sql = "SELECT survey_question.survey_group_sec1, survey_question.survey_group_sec2, survey_question.survey_group_pri, survey_question.question_id, survey_question.survey_id, survey_question.survey_question, survey_question.display, survey_question.sort, survey_question.type, survey_question.max_value, survey_question_option.question_option_id, survey_question_option.option_text, survey_question_option.sort as option_sort FROM $table_survey_question survey_question LEFT JOIN $table_survey_question_option survey_question_option ON survey_question.question_id = survey_question_option.question_id AND survey_question_option.c_id = $course_id WHERE survey_question.survey_id = '".$my_survey_id."' AND survey_question.c_id = $course_id AND survey_question.question_id IN (".implode(',', $paged_questions_sec[$val]).") ORDER $shuffle "; $result = Database::query($sql); $question_counter_max = Database::num_rows($result); $counter = 0; $limit = 0; $questions = array(); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { // If the type is not a pagebreak we store it in the $questions array if ($row['type'] != 'pagebreak') { $questions[$row['sort']]['question_id'] = $row['question_id']; $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_id'] = $row['survey_id']; $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_question'] = $row['survey_question']; $questions[$row['sort']]['display'] = $row['display']; $questions[$row['sort']]['type'] = $row['type']; $questions[$row['sort']]['options'][$row['question_option_id']] = $row['option_text']; $questions[$row['sort']]['maximum_score'] = $row['max_value']; // Personality params $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_group_sec1'] = $row['survey_group_sec1']; $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_group_sec2'] = $row['survey_group_sec2']; $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_group_pri'] = $row['survey_group_pri']; } else { // If the type is a pagebreak we are finished loading the questions for this page break; } $counter++; } } else { echo get_lang('SurveyUndetermined'); } } else { echo get_lang('SurveyUndetermined'); } } else { echo get_lang('SurveyUndetermined'); } } else { // We need this variable only in the 2nd set of questions when personality is set. unset($_SESSION['page_questions_sec']); $paged_questions_sec = array(); // Only the questions from the basic group // the 50 questions A B C D E F G $order_sql = $shuffle; if ($shuffle == '') { $order_sql = ' BY question_id '; } if (empty($_SESSION['paged_questions'])) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_survey_question WHERE c_id = $course_id AND survey_id = '".intval($survey_invitation['survey_id'])."' AND survey_group_sec1='0' AND survey_group_sec2='0' ORDER ".$order_sql." "; //echo '
'; echo '
'; $result = Database::query($sql); $counter = 0; while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { if ($survey_data['one_question_per_page'] == 1) { $paged_questions[$counter][] = $row['question_id']; $counter++; } else { if ($row['type'] == 'pagebreak') { $counter++; } else { // ids from question of the current survey $paged_questions[$counter][] = $row['question_id']; } } } $_SESSION['paged_questions'] = $paged_questions; } else { $paged_questions = $_SESSION['paged_questions']; } //print_r($paged_questions); //print_r($paged_questions); //if (key_exists($_GET['show'], $paged_questions)) { $order_sql = $shuffle; if ($shuffle == '') { $order_sql = ' BY survey_question.sort, survey_question_option.sort ASC '; } //$val = 0; //if ($survey_data['one_question_per_page'] == 0) { $val = $_GET['show']; //} //echo '
'; print_r($paged_questions); echo $val;

            $result = null;
            if ($val != '') {
                $imploded = implode(',', $paged_questions[$val]);
                if ($imploded != '') {
                    // The answers are always in the same order NO shuffle
                    $order_sql = ' BY survey_question.sort, survey_question_option.sort ASC ';
                    $sql = "SELECT
                                survey_question_option.sort as option_sort
                            FROM $table_survey_question survey_question
                            LEFT JOIN $table_survey_question_option survey_question_option
                            ON survey_question.question_id = survey_question_option.question_id AND
                            survey_question_option.c_id = $course_id
                                survey_question.survey_id = '".Database :: escape_string($survey_invitation['survey_id'])."' AND
                                 survey_question.c_id = $course_id  AND
                                 survey_question.question_id IN (".$imploded.")
                            ORDER $order_sql ";
                    $result = Database::query($sql);
                    $question_counter_max = Database :: num_rows($result);
            if (!is_null($result)) {
                $counter = 0;
                $limit = 0;
                $questions = array();
                while ($row = Database :: fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) {
                    // If the type is not a pagebreak we store it in the $questions array
                    if ($row['type'] != 'pagebreak') {
                        $questions[$row['sort']]['question_id'] = $row['question_id'];
                        $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_id'] = $row['survey_id'];
                        $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_question'] = $row['survey_question'];
                        $questions[$row['sort']]['display'] = $row['display'];
                        $questions[$row['sort']]['type'] = $row['type'];
                        $questions[$row['sort']]['options'][$row['question_option_id']] = $row['option_text'];
                        $questions[$row['sort']]['maximum_score'] = $row['max_value'];
                        // Personality params
                        $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_group_sec1'] = $row['survey_group_sec1'];
                        $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_group_sec2'] = $row['survey_group_sec2'];
                        $questions[$row['sort']]['survey_group_pri'] = $row['survey_group_pri'];
                    }  else {
                        // If the type is a page break we are finished loading the questions for this page
    } else { // In case it's another type than 0 or 1
        echo get_lang('ErrorSurveyTypeUnknown');

// Selecting the maximum number of pages
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_survey_question
            c_id = $course_id AND
            type='".Database::escape_string('pagebreak')."' AND
$result = Database::query($sql);
$numberofpages = Database::num_rows($result) + 1;

// Displaying the form with the questions
if (isset($_GET['show'])) {
    $show = (int) $_GET['show'] + 1;
} else {
    $show = 0;

// Displaying the form with the questions
if (isset($_POST['personality'])) {
    $personality = (int) $_POST['personality'] + 1;
} else {
    $personality = 0;

// Displaying the form with the questions
$g_c = isset($_GET['course']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_GET['course']) : '';
$g_ic = isset($_GET['invitationcode']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_GET['invitationcode']) : '';
$g_cr = isset($_GET['cidReq']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_GET['cidReq']) : '';
$p_l = isset($_POST['language']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_POST['language']) : '';

$add_parameters = isset($_GET['user_id']) ? 'user_id='.$_GET['user_id'].'&' : '';

echo '
'; echo ''; if (isset($questions) && is_array($questions)) { foreach ($questions as $key => & $question) { $ch_type = 'ch_'.$question['type']; $display = new $ch_type; $display->render_question($question); } } if ($survey_data['survey_type'] === '0') { if ($survey_data['show_form_profile'] == 0) { // The normal survey as always if (($show < $numberofpages) || !$_GET['show']) { //$show = $_GET['show'] + 1 if ($show == 0) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } } if ($show >= $numberofpages && $_GET['show']) { echo ''; } } else { // The normal survey as always but with the form profile if (isset($_GET['show'])) { $numberofpages = count($paged_questions); if (($show < $numberofpages) || !$_GET['show']) { //$show = $_GET['show'] + 1 if ($show == 0) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } } if ($show >= $numberofpages && $_GET['show']) { echo ''; } } } } elseif ($survey_data['survey_type'] === '1') { //conditional/personality-test type survey if (isset($_GET['show']) || isset($_POST['personality'])) { $numberofpages = count($paged_questions); //echo '
'; echo 'num pages norma:'.$numberofpages; echo '
'; //echo '
'; print_r($paged_questions_sec);
        if (!empty($paged_questions_sec) && count($paged_questions_sec) > 0) {
            // In case we're in the second phase, also sum the second group questions
            //echo 'pagesec :'.count($paged_questions_sec);
            $numberofpages += count($paged_questions_sec);
            //echo 'pagesec :';
        } else {
            // We need this variable only if personality == 1
            $paged_questions_sec = array();

        if ($personality == 0) {
            if (($show <= $numberofpages) || !$_GET['show']) {
                echo '';
                if ($survey_data['one_question_per_page'] == 0) {
                    if ($personality >= 0) {
                        echo '';
                } else {
                    if ($personality > 0) {
                        echo '';

                if ($numberofpages == $show) {
                    echo '';

        if ($show > $numberofpages && $_GET['show'] && $personality == 0) {
            echo '';
        } elseif ($personality > 0) {
            if ($survey_data['one_question_per_page'] == 1) {
                if ($show >= $numberofpages) {
                    echo '';
                } else {
                    echo '';
                    echo '';
            } else {
                // if the personality test hidden input was set.
                echo '';
    } elseif ($survey_data['form_fields'] == '') {
        // This is the case when the show_profile_form is true but there are not form_fields
        //echo '';
        echo '';
    } elseif (!is_array($user_data)) {
        // If the user is not registered in the platform we do not show the form to update his information
        echo '';
echo '';

// Footer
Display :: display_footer();

 * Check whether this survey has ended. If so, display message and exit rhis script
function check_time_availability($surv_data) {

    $start_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($surv_data['start_date'], 5, 2), substr($surv_data['start_date'], 8, 2), substr($surv_data['start_date'], 0, 4));
    $end_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($surv_data['end_date'], 5, 2), substr($surv_data['end_date'], 8, 2), substr($surv_data['end_date'], 0, 4));
    $cur_date = time();

    if ($cur_date < $start_date) {
        Display :: display_warning_message(get_lang('SurveyNotAvailableYet'), false);
        Display :: display_footer();
    if ($cur_date > $end_date) {
        Display :: display_warning_message(get_lang('SurveyNotAvailableAnymore'), false);
        Display :: display_footer();