\"practicerAnim.gif\"Welcome to the Chamilo course authoring tool !

"; $langPrerequisitesAdded = "Prerequisites to the current learning object have been added."; $langAddEditPrerequisites = "Add/edit prerequisites"; $langMinimum = "minimum"; $langMaximum = "maximum"; $langNoDocuments = "No documents"; $langNoExercisesAvailable = "No tests available"; $langNoLinksAvailable = "No links available"; $langNoItemsInLp = "There are no learning objects in the course. Click on \"Build\" to enter authoring mode."; $FirstPosition = "First position"; $NewQuiz = "New test"; $CreateTheForum = "Adding a forum to the course"; $AddLpIntro = "Welcome to the Chamilo Course authoring tool.
Create your courses step-by-step. The table of contents will appear to the left."; $AddLpToStart = "To start, give a title to your course"; $CreateTheLink = "Adding a link to the course"; $MoveCurrentLink = "Move the current link"; $EditCurrentLink = "Edit the current link"; $Url = "Url"; $MoveCurrentStudentPublication = "Move the current assignment"; $EditCurrentStudentPublication = "Edit the current assignment"; $AllowMultipleAttempts = "Allow multiple attempts"; $PreventMultipleAttempts = "Prevent multiple attempts"; $MakeScormRecordingExtra = "Make SCORM recordings extra"; $MakeScormRecordingNormal = "Make SCORM recordings normal"; $DocumentHasBeenDeleted = "The document cannot be displayed because it has been deleted"; $EditCurrentForum = "Edit the current forum"; $NoPrerequisites = "No prerequisites"; $NewExercise = "New test"; $CreateANewLink = "Create a new link"; $CreateANewForum = "Create a new forum"; $LinkAdd = "Add link"; $WoogieConversionPowerPoint = "Woogie : Word conversion"; $WelcomeWoogieSubtitle = "MS Word to course converter"; $WelcomeWoogieConverter = "Welcome to Woogie Rapid Learning"; $WoogieError = "Error during the conversion of the word document. Please check if there are special characters in the name of your document.."; $WordConvert = "MS Word conversion"; $Order = "Order"; $InteractionID = "Interaction ID"; $TimeFinished = "Time (finished at...)"; $CorrectAnswers = "Correct answers"; $StudentResponse = "Learner answers"; $LatencyTimeSpent = "Time spent"; $Result = "Result"; $SplitStepsPerPage = "A page, a learning object"; $SplitStepsPerChapter = "A section, a learning object"; $TakeSlideName = "Use the slides names as course learning object names"; $CannotConnectToOpenOffice = "The connection to the document converter failed. Please contact your platform administrator to fix the problem."; $OogieConversionFailed = "The conversion failed.
Some documents are too complex to be treated automatically by the document converter.
We try to improve it."; $OogieUnknownError = "The conversion failed for an unknown reason.
Please contact your administrator to get more information."; $OogieBadExtension = "Please upload presentations only. Filename should end with .ppt or .odp"; $WoogieBadExtension = "Please upload text documents only. Filename should end with .doc, .docx or .odt"; $ShowAudioRecorder = "Show audio recorder"; $SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment = "The full-text search feature is not enabled in Chamilo. Please contact the Chamilo administrator."; $SearchFeatureSearchExplanation = "To search the course database, please use the following syntax:
   term tag:tag_name -exclude +include \"exact phrase\"
For example:
   car tag:truck -ferrari +ford \"high consumption\".
This will show all the results for the word 'car' tagged as 'truck', not including the word 'ferrari' but including the word 'ford' and the exact phrase 'high consumption'."; $ViewLearningPath = "View course"; $SearchFeatureDocumentTagsIfIndexing = "Tags to add to the document, if indexing"; $ReturnToLearningPaths = "Back to learning paths"; $UploadMp3audio = "Upload Mp3 audio"; $UpdateAllAudioFragments = "Add audio"; $LeaveEmptyToKeepCurrentFile = "Leave import form empty to keep current audio file"; $RemoveAudio = "Remove audio"; $SaveAudio = "Validate"; $ChangesStored = "Audio added"; $ViewScoreChangeHistory = "View score change history"; $ImageWillResizeMsg = "Trainer picture will resize if needed"; $ImagePreview = "Image preview"; $UplAlreadyExists = " already exists."; $UplUnableToSaveFile = "The uploaded file could not be saved (perhaps a permission problem?)"; $UnknownPackageFormat = "The format of this package could not be recognized. Please check this is a valid package."; $MoveDocument = "Move document"; $EditLPSettings = "Edit course settings"; $SaveLPSettings = "Save course settings"; $ShowAllAttempts = "Show all attempts"; $HideAllAttempts = "Hide all attempts"; $ShowAllAttemptsByExercise = "Show all attempts by test"; $ShowAttempt = "Show attempt"; $ShowAndQualifyAttempt = "Show and grade attempt"; $langAddEdit = "Add / Edit"; $ModifyPrerequisites = "Save prerequisites settings"; $CreateLearningPath = "Continue"; $AddExercise = "Add test to course"; $AddForum = "Add a forum"; $LPCreateDocument = "Add this document to the course"; $ObjectiveID = "Objective ID"; $ObjectiveStatus = "Objective status"; $ObjectiveRawScore = "Objective raw score"; $ObjectiveMaxScore = "Objective max score"; $ObjectiveMinScore = "Objective min score"; $LPName = "Course name"; $AuthoringOptions = "Authoring options"; $CourseSettings = "Course settings"; $SaveSection = "Save section"; $AddLinkToCourse = "Add link to course"; $AddAssignmentToCourse = "Add assignment to course"; $AddForumToCourse = "Add forum to course"; $SaveAudioAndOrganization = "Save audio and organization"; $UploadOnlyMp3Files = "Please upload mp3 files only"; $ModifyHotPotatoes = "Modify hotpotatoes"; $SaveHotpotatoes = "Save hotpotatoes"; $ReturnToLPList = "Return to list"; $LpPrerequisiteDescription = "Selecting another learning path as a prerequisite will hide the current prerequisite until the one in prerequisite is fully completed (100%)"; $PrerequisitesOptions = "Prerequisites options"; $ClearAllPrerequisites = "Clear all prerequisites"; $SetPrerequisiteForEachItem = "Set previous step as prerequisite for each step"; $ClickOnTheLearnerViewToSeeYourLearningPath = "Click on the [Learner view] button to see your learning path"; $ExerciseCantBeEditedAfterAddingToTheLP = "Exercise can't be edited after being added to the Learning Path"; $EnableTimeLimits = "Enable availability limits"; $PublicationDate = "Publication date"; $UseMaxScore100 = "Use default maximum score of 100"; $EnableLPAutoLaunch = "Enable learning path auto-launch"; $DisableLPAutoLaunch = "Disable learning path auto-launch"; $ViewModeEmbedFrame = "Current view mode: external embed. Use only for embedding in external sites."; $LPNotVisibleToStudent = "Learners cannot see this learning path"; $EditCurrentModule = "Edit current module"; $SearchFeatureTerms = "Terms for the search feature"; $PrerequisiteDeletedError = "Error: the element defined as prerequisite has been deleted."; ?>