_idRels = array();
$this->_idWords = array();
Logger::configure(dirname(__FILE__) . '/conf/log4php.properties');
self::$log = Logger::getLogger('phpdocx_error');
$this->_idImgHeader = 1;
$this->_idRels = 1;
self::$intIdWord = 0;
self::$_encodeUTF = 0;
$this->_language = 'en-US';
$this->graphicTemplate = array();
$this->fileGraphicTemplate = array();
$this->_zipDocx = new ZipArchive();
$this->_tempFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'document');
$this->_zipDocx->open($this->_tempFile, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);
$this->_extension = $extension;
$this->_relsRelsC = '';
$this->_relsRelsT = '';
$this->_contentTypeC = '';
$this->_docPropsAppC = '';
$this->_docPropsAppT = '';
$this->_docPropsCoreC = '';
$this->_docPropsCoreT = '';
$this->_docPropsCustomC = '';
$this->_docPropsCustomT = '';
$this->_tempFileXLSX = array();
$this->_wordDocumentT = '';
$this->_wordDocumentC = '';
$this->_wordEndnotesC = '';
$this->_wordEndnotesT = '';
$this->_wordFontTableT = '';
$this->_wordFontTableC = '';
$this->_wordFooterC = '';
$this->_wordFooterT = '';
$this->_wordFootnotesC = '';
$this->_wordFootnotesT = '';
$this->_wordHeaderC = '';
$this->_wordHeaderT = '';
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC = '';
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsT = '';
$this->_wordRelsHeaderRelsC = '';
$this->_wordRelsHeaderRelsT = '';
$this->_wordRelsFooterRelsC = '';
$this->_wordRelsFooterRelsT = '';
$this->_xmlWordSettings = '';
$this->_wordSettingsT = '';
$this->_wordSettingsC = '';
$this->_xmlWordStyles = '';
$this->_wordStylesT = '';
$this->_wordStylesC = '';
$this->_wordThemeThemeT = '';
$this->_wordThemeThemeC = '';
$this->_macro = 0;
$this->_xmlWordWebSettings = '';
$this->_defaultFont = '';
* Destruct
* @access public
public function __destruct()
* Magic method, returns current word XML
* @access public
* @return string Return current word
public function __toString()
return $this->_wordDocumentT;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlContentTypes($xmlContentTypes)
$this->_contentTypeC = $xmlContentTypes;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlContentTypes()
return $this->_contentTypeC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlRelsRels($xmlRelsRels)
$this->_relsRelsC = $xmlRelsRels;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlRels_Rels()
return $this->_relsRelsC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlDocPropsApp($xmlDocPropsApp)
$this->_docPropsAppC = $xmlDocPropsApp;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlDocPropsApp()
return $this->_docPropsAppC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlDocPropsCore($xmlDocPropsCore)
$this->_docPropsCoreC = $xmlDocPropsCore;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlDocPropsCore()
return $this->_docPropsCoreC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlWordDocument($xmlWordDocument)
$this->_wordDocumentC = $xmlWordDocument;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlWordDocumentContent()
return $this->_wordDocumentC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlWordEndnotes($xmlWordEndnotes)
$this->_wordEndnotesC = $xmlWordEndnotes;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlWordEndnotes()
return $this->_wordEndnotesC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlWordFontTable($xmlWordFontTable)
$this->_wordFontTableC = $xmlWordFontTable;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlWordFontTable()
return $this->_wordFontTableC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlWordFooter1($xmlWordFooter)
$this->_wordFooterC = $xmlWordFooter;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlWordFooter1()
return $this->_wordFooterC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlWordHeader1($xmlWordHeader)
$this->_wordHeaderC = $xmlWordHeader;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlWordHeader1()
return $this->_wordHeaderC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlWordRelsDocumentRels($xmlWordRelsDocumentRels)
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC = $xmlWordRelsDocumentRels;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlWordRelsDocumentRels()
return $this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlWordSettings($xmlWordSettings)
$this->_wordSettingsC = $xmlWordSettings;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlWordSettings()
return $this->_wordSettingsC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlWordStyles($xmlWordStyles)
$this->_wordStylesC = $xmlWordStyles;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlWordStyles()
return $this->_wordStylesC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlWordThemeTheme1($xmlWordThemeTheme)
$this->_wordThemeThemeC = $xmlWordThemeTheme;
* Getter
* @access public
public function getXmlWordThemeTheme1()
return $this->_wordThemeThemeC;
* Setter
* @access public
public function setXmlWordWebSettings($xmlWordWebSettings)
$this->_wordWebSettingsC = $xmlWordWebSettings;
* Setter
* @access public
public function getXmlWordWebSettings()
return $this->_wordWebSettingsC;
* Add a break
* @access public
* @param string $type Break type
* Values: 'line', 'page'
public function addBreak($type = '')
$page = CreatePage::getInstance();
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $page;
* Add a new font
* @access public
* @param array $fonts Fonts to add
public function addFont($fonts)
$font = CreateFontTable::getInstance();
$this->_wordFontTableC .= (string) $font;
* Add a footer
* @access public
* @param string $dat Text to add
* @param array $paramsFooter Parameters of footer
* Values: 'pager' (true, false), 'pagerAlignment' (left, right, false)
public function addFooter($dat = '', $paramsFooter = '')
$footer = CreateFooter::getInstance();
$footer->createFooter($dat, $paramsFooter);
$this->_wordFooterC .= (string) $footer;
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml' .
* Add a graphic
* @access public
* @param array $dats Parameters of graphic
* Values: 'color' (1, 2, 3...), 'cornerP' (20, 30...),
* 'cornerX' (20, 30...), 'cornerY' (20, 30...), 'data' (array of values),
* 'font' (Arial, Times New Roman...), 'groupBar' (clustered, stacked),
* 'jc' (center, left, right), 'showPercent' (0, 1), 'sizeX' (10, 11,
* 12...), 'sizeY' (10, 11, 12...), 'textWrap' (0 (inline), 1 (square),
* 2 (front), 3 (back), 4 (up and bottom), 5 (clear)), 'title', 'type'
* (pieChart, barChart, colChart)
public function addGraphic($dats)
try {
if (isset($dats['data']) && isset($dats['type'])) {
$graphic = CreateGraphic::getInstance();
if ($graphic->createGraphic(self::$intIdWord, $dats) != false) {
'word/charts/chart' . self::$intIdWord . '.xml',
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .=
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'chart',
'charts/chart' . self::$intIdWord . '.xml'
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $graphic;
$this->generateDEFAULT('xlsx', 'application/octet-stream');
'/word/charts/chart' . self::$intIdWord . '.xml',
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.' .
} else {
throw new Exception(
'There was an error related to the chart.'
$excel = CreateXlsx::getInstance();
$this->_tempFileXLSX[self::$intIdWord] = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'documentxlsx');
if (
$dats['data'], $dats['type']
) != false
) {
'word/embeddings/datos' . self::$intIdWord . '.xlsx'
$chartRels = CreateChartRels::getInstance();
'word/charts/_rels/chart' . self::$intIdWord .
(string) $chartRels
} else {
throw new Exception(
'Images must have "data" and "type" values.'
catch (Exception $e) {
* Add a header.
* @access public
* @param string $text Text to add
* @param array $paramsHeader Parameters of header
public function addHeader($text = 'Header', $paramsHeader = '')
$header = CreateHeader::getInstance();
$header->createHeader($text, $paramsHeader);
$this->_wordHeaderC .= (string) $header;
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.' .
* Add an image
* @access public
* @param array $dats Image to add and paramaters to use
* Values: 'border'(1, 2, 3...), 'borderDiscontinuous' (0, 1),
* 'font' (Arial, Times New Roman...), 'jc' (center, left, right),
* 'name', 'scaling' (50, 100), 'sizeX' (10, 11, 12...), 'sizeY'
* (10, 11, 12...), spacingTop (10, 11...), spacingBottom (10, 11...),
* spacingLeft (10, 11...), spacingRight (10, 11...), 'textWrap'
* (0 (inline), 1 (square), 2 (front), 3 (back), 4 (up and bottom),
* 5 (clear))
public function addImage($dats = '')
try {
if (isset($dats['name']) && file_exists($dats['name']) == 'true') {
$attrImage = getimagesize($dats['name']);
try {
if ($attrImage['mime'] == 'image/jpg' ||
$attrImage['mime'] == 'image/jpeg' ||
$attrImage['mime'] == 'image/png' ||
$attrImage['mime'] == 'image/gif'
) {
$image = CreateImage::getInstance();
$dats['rId'] = self::$intIdWord;
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $image;
$dir = $this->parsePath($dats['name']);
$dats['name'], 'word/media/image' .
self::$intIdWord . '.' .
$dir['extension'], $attrImage['mime']
if ((string) $image != '')
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .=
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'image',
'media/image' . self::$intIdWord . '.'
. $dir['extension']
} else {
throw new Exception('Image format is not supported.');
catch (Exception $e) {
} else {
throw new Exception('Image does not exist.');
catch (Exception $e) {
* Add a link
* @access public
* @param string $text Text to use as link
* @param string $link URL link
* @param string $font Type of font
* Values: 'Arial', 'Times New Roman'...
public function addLink($text = '', $textLink = '', $font = '')
$link = CreateLink::getInstance();
$link->createLink($text, $textLink, $font);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $link;
* Add a list
* @access public
* @param array $dats Values of the list
* @param array $paramsList Parameters to use
* Values: 'font' (Arial, Times New Roman...),
* 'val' (0 (clear, 1 (inordinate), 2(numerical))
public function addList($dats, $paramsList = '')
$list = CreateList::getInstance();
$list->createList($dats, $paramsList);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $list;
* Convert a math eq to DOCX
* @access public
* @param string $path Path to a file with math eq
public function addMathDocx($path)
$package = new ZipArchive();
$document = $package->getFromName('word/document.xml');
$eqs = preg_split('/<[\/]*m:oMathPara>/', $document);
$this->addMathEq('' . $eqs[1] . '');
* Add an existing math eq to DOCX
* @access public
* @param string $eq Math eq
public function addMathEq($eq)
$this->_wordDocumentC .= '<' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':p>' .
(string) $eq . '' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':p>';
* Add a paragraph
* @access public
* @param string $text Text to add
* @param string $style Style of the paragraph
* @param string $align Align of the paragraph
public function addParagraph($text, $style = '', $align = '')
$paragraph = CreateText::getInstance();
$paragraph->createParagraph($text, $style, $align);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $paragraph;
* Add a table.
* @access public
* @param array $dats Values to add
* @param array $parameters Parameters to use
* Values: 'border' (none, single, double),
* 'border_color' (ffffff, ff0000), 'border_spacing' (0, 1, 2...),
* 'border_sz' (10, 11...), 'font' (Arial, Times New Roman...),
* 'jc' (center, left, right), 'size_col' (1200, 1300...),
* 'TBLSTYLEval' (Cuadrculamedia3-nfasis1, Sombreadomedio1,
* Tablaconcuadrcula, TableGrid)
public function addTable($dats, $parameters = '')
$table = CreateTable::getInstance();
$table->createTable($dats, $parameters);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $table;
* Add a table of contents (TOC)
* @access public
* @param string $font Set font type
* Values: 'Arial', 'Times New Roman'...
public function addTableContents($font = '')
$tableContents = CreateTableContents::getInstance();
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $tableContents;
* Add a text
* @access public
* @param mixed $value Text or array of texts to add
* @param array $style Style of text
* Values: 'b' (single), 'color' (ffffff, ff0000...),
* 'font' (Arial, Times New Roman...), 'i' (single),
* 'jc' (both, center, distribute, left, right),
* 'pageBreakBefore' (on, off), 'sz' (1, 2, 3...),
* 'u' (dash, dotted, double, single, wave, words),
* 'widowControl' (on, off), 'wordWrap' (on, off)
public function addText($value, $style = '')
$text = CreateText::getInstance();
$text->createText($value, $style);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $text;
* Add a title
* @access public
* @param string $text Text to add
* @param array $style Style of title
* Values: 'b' (single), 'color' (ffffff, ff0000...),
* 'font' (Arial, Times New Roman...), 'i' (single),
* 'jc' (both, center, distribute, left, right),
* 'pageBreakBefore' (on, off), 'sz' (1, 2, 3...),
* 'u' (dash, dotted, double, single, wave, words),
* 'widowControl' (on, off), 'wordWrap' (on, off)
public function addTitle($text, $style = '')
$title = CreateText::getInstance();
$title->createTitle($text, $style);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $title;
* Generate a new DOCX file
* @access public
* @param string $args[0] File name
* @param string $args[1] Page style
* Values: 'bottom' (4000, 4001...), 'left' (4000, 4001...),
* 'orient' (landscape), 'right' (4000, 4001), 'titlePage' (1),
* 'top' (4000, 4001)
public function createDocx()
$args = func_get_args();
if (!empty($args[0])) {
$fileName = $args[0];
} else {
$fileName = 'document';
$this->_zipDocx->addFromString('_rels/.rels', $this->_relsRelsT);
'docProps/app.xml', $this->_docPropsAppT
'docProps/core.xml', $this->_docPropsCoreT
'word/styles.xml', $this->_wordStylesT
'word/settings.xml', $this->_wordSettingsT
'word/webSettings.xml', $this->_wordWebSettingsT
if (empty($this->_wordFooterC)) {
$paramsFooter = array(
'pagerAlignment' => 'right',
'font' => 'Times New Roman'
$this->addFooter('', $paramsFooter);
if (self::$_encodeUTF) {
'word/footer.xml', utf8_encode($this->_wordFooterT)
} else {
'word/footer.xml', $this->_wordFooterT
if (!empty($this->_wordHeaderC)) {
if (self::$_encodeUTF) {
'word/header.xml', utf8_encode($this->_wordHeaderT)
} else {
'word/header.xml', $this->_wordHeaderT
if (!empty($this->_wordRelsHeaderRelsC)) {
'word/_rels/header.xml.rels', $this->_wordRelsHeaderRelsT
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.' .
'word/numbering.xml', $this->_wordNumberingT
if (!empty($this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC)) {
$arrArgsPage = array();
if (isset($args[1])) {
$arrArgsPage = $args[1];
if (self::$_encodeUTF) {
'word/document.xml', utf8_encode($this->_wordDocumentT)
} else {
'word/document.xml', $this->_wordDocumentT
'word/fontTable.xml', $this->_wordFontTableT
'word/theme/theme1.xml', $this->_wordThemeThemeT
$arrpathFile = pathinfo($fileName);
$fileName . '.' . $this->_extension
* Change the default font
* @access public
* @param string $font The new font
* Values: 'Arial', 'Times New Roman'...
public function setDefaultFont($font)
$this->_defaultFont = $font;
* Transform to UTF-8 charset
* @access public
public function setEncodeUTF8()
self::$_encodeUTF = 1;
* Change default language.
* @param $lang Locale: en-US, es-ES...
* @access public
public function setLanguage($lang = 'en-US')
$this->_language = $lang;
/*** Old API. It will be remove in next version ***/
* Add a break
* @access public
* @param string $type Break type
* @deprecated
public function fAddBreak($type = '')
$page = CreatePage::getInstance();
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $page;
* Add a new font
* @access public
* @param array $fonts Fonts to add
* @deprecated
public function fAddFont($fonts)
$font = CreateFontTable::getInstance();
$this->_wordFontTableC .= (string) $font;
* Add a footer
* @access public
* @param string $dat Text to add
* @param array $paramsFooter Parameters of footer
* @deprecated
public function fAddFooter($dat = '', $paramsFooter = '')
$footer = CreateFooter::getInstance();
$footer->createFooter($dat, $paramsFooter);
$this->_wordFooterC .= (string) $footer;
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml' .
* Add a graphic
* @access public
* @param array $dats Parameters of graphic
* @deprecated
public function fAddGraphic($dats)
try {
if (isset($dats['data']) && isset($dats['type'])) {
$graphic = CreateGraphic::getInstance();
if ($graphic->createGraphic(self::$intIdWord, $dats) != false) {
'word/charts/chart' . self::$intIdWord . '.xml',
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .=
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'chart',
'charts/chart' . self::$intIdWord . '.xml'
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $graphic;
$this->generateDEFAULT('xlsx', 'application/octet-stream');
'/word/charts/chart' . self::$intIdWord . '.xml',
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.' .
} else {
throw new Exception(
'There was an error related to the chart.'
$excel = CreateXlsx::getInstance();
$this->_tempFileXLSX[self::$intIdWord] = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'documentxlsx');
if (
$dats['data'], $dats['type']
) != false
) {
'word/embeddings/datos' . self::$intIdWord . '.xlsx'
$chartRels = CreateChartRels::getInstance();
'word/charts/_rels/chart' . self::$intIdWord .
(string) $chartRels
} else {
throw new Exception(
'Images must have "data" and "type" values.'
catch (Exception $e) {
* Add a header.
* @access public
* @param string $text Text to add
* @param array $paramsHeader Parameters of header
* @deprecated
public function fAddHeader($text = 'Header', $paramsHeader = '')
$header = CreateHeader::getInstance();
$header->createHeader($text, $paramsHeader);
$this->_wordHeaderC .= (string) $header;
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.' .
* Add an image
* @access public
* @param array $dats Image to add and paramaters to use
* @deprecated
public function fAddImage($dats = '')
try {
if (isset($dats['name']) && file_exists($dats['name']) == 'true') {
$attrImage = getimagesize($dats['name']);
try {
if ($attrImage['mime'] == 'image/jpg' ||
$attrImage['mime'] == 'image/jpeg' ||
$attrImage['mime'] == 'image/png' ||
$attrImage['mime'] == 'image/gif'
) {
$image = CreateImage::getInstance();
$dats['rId'] = self::$intIdWord;
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $image;
$dir = $this->parsePath($dats['name']);
$dats['name'], 'word/media/image' .
self::$intIdWord . '.' .
$dir['extension'], $attrImage['mime']
if ((string) $image != '')
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .=
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'image',
'media/image' . self::$intIdWord . '.'
. $dir['extension']
} else {
throw new Exception('Image format is not supported.');
catch (Exception $e) {
} else {
throw new Exception('Image does not exist.');
catch (Exception $e) {
* Add a link
* @access protected
* @param string $text Text to use as link
* @param string $link URL link
* @param string $font Type of font
* @deprecated
protected function fAddLink($text = '', $textLink = '', $font = '')
$link = CreateLink::getInstance();
$link->createLink($text, $textLink, $font);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $link;
* Add a list
* @access public
* @param array $dats Values of the list
* @param array $paramsList Parameters to use
* @deprecated
public function fAddList($dats, $paramsList = '')
$list = CreateList::getInstance();
$list->createList($dats, $paramsList);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $list;
* Convert a math eq to DOCX
* @access public
* @param string $path Path to a file with math eq
* @deprecated
public function fAddMathDocx($path)
$package = new ZipArchive();
$document = $package->getFromName('word/document.xml');
$eqs = preg_split('/<[\/]*m:oMathPara>/', $document);
$this->addMathEq('' . $eqs[1] . '');
* Add an existing math eq to DOCX
* @access public
* @param string $eq Math eq
* @deprecated
public function fAddMathEq($eq)
$this->_wordDocumentC .= '<' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':p>' .
(string) $eq . '' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':p>';
* Add a paragraph
* @access public
* @param string $text Text to add
* @param string $style Style of the paragraph
* @param string $align Align of the paragraph
* @deprecated
public function fAddParagraph($text, $style = '', $align = '')
$paragraph = CreateText::getInstance();
$paragraph->createParagraph($text, $style, $align);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $paragraph;
* Add a table.
* @access public
* @param array $dats Values to add
* @param array $parameters Parameters to use
* @deprecated
public function fAddTable($dats, $parameters = '')
$table = CreateTable::getInstance();
$table->createTable($dats, $parameters);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $table;
* Add a table of contents (TOC)
* @access public
* @param string $font Set font type
* @deprecated
public function fAddTableContents($font = '')
$tableContents = CreateTableContents::getInstance();
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $tableContents;
* Add a text
* @access public
* @param mixed $value Text or array of texts to add
* @param array $style Style of text
* @deprecated
public function fAddText($value, $style = '')
$text = CreateText::getInstance();
$text->createText($value, $style);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $text;
* Add a title
* @access public
* @param string $text Text to add
* @param array $style Style of title
* @deprecated
public function fAddTitle($text, $style = '')
$title = CreateText::getInstance();
$title->createTitle($text, $style);
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $title;
* Generate a new DOCX file
* @access public
* @param string $args[0] File name
* @deprecated
public function fCreateDocx()
$args = func_get_args();
if (!empty($args[0])) {
$fileName = $args[0];
} else {
$fileName = 'document';
$this->_zipDocx->addFromString('_rels/.rels', $this->_relsRelsT);
'docProps/app.xml', $this->_docPropsAppT
'docProps/core.xml', $this->_docPropsCoreT
'word/styles.xml', $this->_wordStylesT
'word/settings.xml', $this->_wordSettingsT
'word/webSettings.xml', $this->_wordWebSettingsT
if (empty($this->_wordFooterC)) {
$paramsFooter = array(
'pagerAlignment' => 'right',
'font' => 'Times New Roman'
$this->addFooter('', $paramsFooter);
if (self::$_encodeUTF) {
'word/footer.xml', utf8_encode($this->_wordFooterT)
} else {
'word/footer.xml', $this->_wordFooterT
if (!empty($this->_wordHeaderC)) {
if (self::$_encodeUTF) {
'word/header.xml', utf8_encode($this->_wordHeaderT)
} else {
'word/header.xml', $this->_wordHeaderT
if (!empty($this->_wordRelsHeaderRelsC)) {
'word/_rels/header.xml.rels', $this->_wordRelsHeaderRelsT
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.' .
'word/numbering.xml', $this->_wordNumberingT
if (!empty($this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC)) {
$arrArgsPage = array();
if (isset($args[1])) {
$arrArgsPage = $args[1];
if (self::$_encodeUTF) {
'word/document.xml', utf8_encode($this->_wordDocumentT)
} else {
'word/document.xml', $this->_wordDocumentT
'word/fontTable.xml', $this->_wordFontTableT
'word/theme/theme1.xml', $this->_wordThemeThemeT
$arrpathFile = pathinfo($fileName);
$fileName . '.' . $this->_extension
* Change the default font
* @access public
* @param string $font The new font
* @deprecated
public function fSetDefaultFont($font)
$this->_defaultFont = $font;
/*** End old API ***/
* @access private
private function generateContentType()
'rels', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml'
$this->generateDEFAULT('xml', 'application/xml');
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.' .
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml' .
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-' .
'/word/settings.xml', 'application/' .
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.' .
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml' .
if ($this->_wordFooterC != '' || $this->_wordHeaderC != '') {
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.' .
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.' .
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.' .
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.' .
* Generate SECTPR
* @access private
* @param array $args Section style
private function generateSECTPR($args = '')
$page = CreatePage::getInstance();
$this->_wordDocumentC .= (string) $page;
* Generate ContentType XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateContentType()
$this->_wordContentTypeT =
'' .
'' . $this->_contentTypeC . '';
* Generate DocPropsApp XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateDocPropsApp()
$this->_docPropsAppT =
'' .
'Normal.dotm' .
. 'Microsoft Office Word' .
'411' .
'falseCompany' .
'false' .
'1' .
'falsefalse' .
* Generate DocPropsCore XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateDocPropsCore()
$this->_docPropsCoreT =
' ' .
'' .
'TitleSubject' .
'2mdcDescription' .
'user' .
'1' .
'' . date('c') .
'' . date('c') . '';
* Generate RelsRels XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateRelsRels()
$this->_relsRelsT =
'' .
'' .
'rId3', 'extended-properties', 'docProps/app.xml'
) .
'' .
'rId1', 'officeDocument', 'word/document.xml'
$this->_relsRelsT .= '';
* Generate WordDocument XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordDocument()
$arrArgs = func_get_args();
if (!empty($this->_wordHeaderC)) {
$this->_wordDocumentC = str_replace(
'<' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':headerReference ' .
CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':type="default" r:id="rId' .
$this->_idWords['header'] . '">' .
CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':headerReference>',
if (!empty($this->_wordFooterC)) {
$this->_wordDocumentC = str_replace(
'<' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':footerReference ' .
CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':type="default" r:id="rId' .
$this->_idWords['footer'] . '">' .
CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':footerReference>',
$this->_wordDocumentT =
'' .
'<' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':document xmlns:ve=' .
'"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" ' .
'xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"' .
' xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006' .
'/relationships" xmlns:m="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/' .
'officeDocument/2006/math" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"'.
' xmlns:wp="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/' .
'wordprocessingDrawing" xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:' .
'office:word" xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/' .
'wordprocessingml/2006/main" xmlns:wne="http://schemas' .
'.microsoft.com/office/word/2006/wordml">' .
'<' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':body>' .
$this->_wordDocumentC .
'' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':body>' .
'' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':document>';
* Generate WordEndnotes XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordEndnotes()
$this->_wordEndnotesT =
'' .
'<' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':endnotes xmlns:ve' .
'="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" ' .
'xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:r="' .
'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/' .
'relationships" xmlns:m="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/' .
'officeDocument/2006/math" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:' .
'vml" xmlns:wp="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006' .
'/wordprocessingDrawing" xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:' .
'office:word" xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/' .
'wordprocessingml/2006/main" xmlns:wne="http://schemas' .
'.microsoft.com/office/word/2006/wordml">' .
$this->_wordEndnotesC .
'' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':endnotes>';
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .= $this->generateRELATIONSHIP(
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'endnotes', 'endnotes.xml'
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml' .
* Generate WordFontTable XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordFontTable()
$this->_wordFontTableT =
'' .
'<' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':fonts xmlns:r="http://' .
'schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/' .
'relationships" xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/' .
'wordprocessingml/2006/main">' . $this->_wordFontTableC .
'' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':fonts>';
* Generate WordFooter XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordFooter()
$this->_idWords['footer'] = self::$intIdWord;
$this->_wordFooterT =
<' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':ftr xmlns:ve' .
'="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/' .
'2006" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns' .
':r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/' .
'relationships" xmlns:m="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/' .
'officeDocument/2006/math" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml' .
'" xmlns:wp="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/' .
'wordprocessingDrawing" xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:' .
'office:word" xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/' .
'wordprocessingml/2006/main" xmlns:wne="http://schemas' .
'.microsoft.com/office/word/2006/wordml">' . $this->_wordFooterC .
'' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':ftr>';
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .= $this->generateRELATIONSHIP(
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'footer', 'footer.xml'
* Generate WordFootnotes XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordFootnotes()
$this->_wordFootnotesT =
'' .
'<' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':footnotes xmlns:ve="' .
'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" ' .
'xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:r="' .
'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/' .
'relationships" xmlns:m="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/' .
'officeDocument/2006/math" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:' .
'vml" xmlns:wp="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006' .
'/wordprocessingDrawing" xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:' .
'office:word" xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/' .
'wordprocessingml/2006/main" xmlns:wne="http://schemas.microsoft' .
'.com/office/word/2006/wordml">' . $this->_wordFootnotesC .
'' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':footnotes>';
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .= $this->generateRELATIONSHIP(
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'footnotes', 'footnotes.xml'
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml' .
* Generate WordHeader XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordHeader()
$this->_idWords['header'] = self::$intIdWord;
$this->_wordHeaderT = '' .
'<' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD .
':hdr xmlns:ve="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup' .
'-compatibility/2006" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:' .
'office:office" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/' .
'officeDocument/2006/relationships" xmlns:m="http://schemas' .
'.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math" xmlns:v="urn:' .
'schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:wp="http://schemas' .
'.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing" ' .
'xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:w="' .
'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/' .
'main" xmlns:wne="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/' .
'2006/wordml"> ' . $this->_wordHeaderC .
'' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':hdr>';
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .= $this->generateRELATIONSHIP(
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'header', 'header.xml'
* Generate WordNumbering XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordNumbering()
$this->_wordNumberingT =
'' .
'' .
'' .
'' .
'' .
'' . '
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'' .
'' .
'' .
'' .
'' .
'' .
'' .
'' .
'' .
'' .
'' .
* Generate WordRelsDocumentRels XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordRelsDocumentRels()
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsT =
'' .
'' . $this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .
* Generate WordRelsFooterRels XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordRelsFooterRels()
$this->_wordRelsFooterRelsT =
'' .
'' . $this->_wordRelsFooterRelsC .
* Generate WordRelsHeaderRels XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordRelsHeaderRels()
$this->_wordRelsHeaderRelsT =
'' .
'' . $this->_wordRelsHeaderRelsC .
* Generate WordSettings XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordSettings()
$this->_wordSettingsT = $this->_wordSettingsC;
* Generate WordStyles XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordStyles()
$this->_wordStylesT =
'<' .
CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':styles xmlns:r="http://' .
'schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships' .
'" xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/' .
'2006/main">' . $this->_wordStylesC .
'' . CreateDocx::NAMESPACEWORD . ':styles>';
* Generate WordThemeTheme1 XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordThemeTheme1()
$this->_wordThemeThemeT =
'<' .
CreateTheme1::NAMESPACEWORD . ':theme xmlns:a="http://' .
'schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" name="' .
'Tema de Office">' . $this->_wordThemeThemeC .
'' . CreateTheme1::NAMESPACEWORD . ':theme>';
* Generate WordWebSettings XML template
* @access private
private function generateTemplateWordWebSettings()
$this->_wordWebSettingsT = $this->_wordWebSettingsC;
* Add settings
* @access private
private function addSettings()
$settings = CreateSettings::getInstance();
$this->_wordSettingsC .= (string) $settings;
* Add style
* @param string lang Language
* @access private
private function addStyle($lang = 'en-US')
$style = CreateStyle::getInstance();
$this->_wordStylesC .= (string) $style;
* Add theme
* @access private
private function addTheme($strFont)
$theme = CreateTheme1::getInstance();
$this->_wordThemeThemeC .= (string) $theme;
* Add websettings
* @access private
private function addWebSettings()
$webSettings = CreateWebSettings::getInstance();
$this->_wordWebSettingsC .= (string) $webSettings;
* Clean template
* @access private
private function cleanTemplate()
$this->_wordDocumentT = preg_replace(
* Generate DEFAULT
* @access private
private function generateDEFAULT($extension, $contentType)
if (
strpos($this->_contentTypeC, 'Extension="' . $extension)
=== false
) {
$this->_contentTypeC .= ' ';
* @access private
private function generateDefaultFonts()
$font = array(
'name' => 'Calibri', 'pitch' => 'variable', 'usb0' => 'A00002EF',
'usb1' => '4000207B', 'usb2' => '00000000', 'usb3' => '00000000',
'csb0' => '0000009F', 'csb1' => '00000000', 'family' => 'swiss',
'charset' => '00', 'panose1' => '020F0502020204030204'
$font = array(
'name' => 'Times New Roman', 'pitch' => 'variable',
'usb0' => 'E0002AEF', 'usb1' => 'C0007841', 'usb2' => '00000009',
'usb3' => '00000000', 'csb0' => '000001FF', 'csb1' => '00000000',
'family' => 'roman', 'charset' => '00',
'panose1' => '02020603050405020304'
$font = array(
'name' => 'Cambria', 'pitch' => 'variable', 'usb0' => 'A00002EF',
'usb1' => '4000004B', 'usb2' => '00000000', 'usb3' => '00000000',
'csb0' => '0000009F', 'csb1' => '00000000', 'family' => 'roman',
'charset' => '00', 'panose1' => '02040503050406030204'
* Generate DefaultWordRels
* @access private
private function generateDefaultWordRels()
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .= $this->generateRELATIONSHIP(
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'numbering', 'numbering.xml'
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .= $this->generateRELATIONSHIP(
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'theme', 'theme/theme1.xml'
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .= $this->generateRELATIONSHIP(
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'webSettings', 'webSettings.xml'
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .= $this->generateRELATIONSHIP(
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'fontTable', 'fontTable.xml'
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .= $this->generateRELATIONSHIP(
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'settings', 'settings.xml'
$this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsC .= $this->generateRELATIONSHIP(
'rId' . self::$intIdWord, 'styles', 'styles.xml'
* Generate OVERRIDE
* @access private
* @param string $partName
* @param string $contentType
private function generateOVERRIDE($partName, $contentType)
if (
strpos($this->_contentTypeC, 'PartName="' . $partName . '"')
=== false
) {
$this->_contentTypeC .= ' ';
* @access private
private function generateRELATIONSHIP()
$arrArgs = func_get_args();
if ($arrArgs[1] == 'vbaProject')
$strType =
$strType =
'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/' .
'relationships/' . $arrArgs[1];
return '';
* Parse path dir
* @access private
* @param string $dir Directory path
private function parsePath($dir)
$barra = 0;
$path = '';
if (($barra = strrpos($dir, '/')) !== false) {
$barra += 1;
$path = substr($dir, 0, $barra);
$punto = strpos(substr($dir, $barra), '.');
$nombre = substr($dir, $barra, $punto);
$extension = substr($dir, $punto + $barra + 1);
return array(
'path' => $path, 'nombre' => $nombre, 'extension' => $extension