* @author Christian Wenz * @author Michael Cramer * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Text_CAPTCHA */ require_once 'Text/CAPTCHA/Driver/Base.php'; /** * Equation driver for Text_CAPTCHA. * Returns simple equations as string, e.g. "9 - 2" * * @category Text * @package Text_CAPTCHA * @author Christian Weiske * @author Christian Wenz * @author Michael Cramer * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Text_CAPTCHA */ class Text_CAPTCHA_Driver_Equation extends Text_CAPTCHA_Driver_Base { /** * Operators that may be used in the equation. Two numbers have to be filled in, * and %s is needed since number2text conversion may be applied and strings * filled in. * * @var array */ private $_operators = array( '%s * %s', '%s + %s', '%s - %s', 'min(%s, %s)', 'max(%s, %s)' ); /** * Minimal number to use in an equation. * * @var int */ private $_min = 1; /** * Maximum number to use in an equation. * * @var int */ private $_max = 10; /** * Whether numbers shall be converted to text. * * @var bool */ private $_numbersToText = false; /** * This variable holds the locale for Numbers_Words. * * @var string */ private $_locale = ''; /** * Complexity of the generated equations.
* 1 - simple ones such as "1 + 10"
* 2 - harder ones such as "(3-2)*(min(5,6))" * * @var int */ private $_severity = 1; /** * Initialize the driver. * * @param array $options CAPTCHA options with these keys:
* min minimum numeric value * max maximum numeric value * numbersToText boolean for number to text conversion * locale locale for number to text conversion * severity number for complexity * * @return void * @throws Text_CAPTCHA_Exception when numbersToText is true, but Number_Words * package is not available */ public function initDriver($options = array()) { if (isset($options['min'])) { $this->_min = (int)$options['min']; } else { $this->_min = 1; } if (isset($options['max'])) { $this->_max = (int)$options['max']; } else { $this->_max = 10; } if (isset($options['numbersToText'])) { $this->_numbersToText = (bool)$options['numbersToText']; } else { $this->_numbersToText = false; } if (isset($options['locale'])) { $this->_locale = (string)$options['locale']; } else { $this->_locale = ''; } if (isset($options['severity'])) { $this->_severity = (int)$options['severity']; } else { $this->_severity = 1; } if ($this->_numbersToText) { include_once 'Numbers/Words.php'; if (!class_exists('Numbers_Words')) { throw new Text_CAPTCHA_Exception('Number_Words package required'); } } } /** * Create random CAPTCHA equation. * This method creates a random equation. * * @return void * @throws Text_CAPTCHA_Exception when invalid severity is specified */ public function createCAPTCHA() { switch ($this->_severity) { case 1: list($equation, $phrase) = $this->_createSimpleEquation(); break; case 2: list($eq1, $sol1) = $this->_createSimpleEquation(); list($eq2, $sol2) = $this->_createSimpleEquation(); $op3 = $this->_operators[mt_rand(0, count($this->_operators) - 1)]; list(, $phrase) = $this->_solveSimpleEquation($sol1, $sol2, $op3); $equation = sprintf($op3, '(' . $eq1 . ')', '(' . $eq2 . ')'); break; default: throw new Text_CAPTCHA_Exception( 'Equation complexity of ' . $this->_severity . ' not supported' ); } $this->setCaptcha($equation); $this->setPhrase($phrase); } /** * Creates a simple equation of type (number operator number). * * @return array Array with equation and solution */ private function _createSimpleEquation() { $one = mt_rand($this->_min, $this->_max); $two = mt_rand($this->_min, $this->_max); $operator = $this->_operators[mt_rand(0, count($this->_operators) - 1)]; return $this->_solveSimpleEquation($one, $two, $operator); } /** * Solves a simple equation with two given numbers and one operator as defined * in $this->_operators. * Also converts the numbers to words if required. * * @param int $one First number * @param int $two Second number * @param string $operator Operator used with those two numbers * * @return array Array with equation and solution */ private function _solveSimpleEquation($one, $two, $operator) { $equation = sprintf($operator, $one, $two); $function = create_function('', 'return ' . $equation . ';'); if ($this->_numbersToText) { $numberWords = new Numbers_Words(); $equation = sprintf( $operator, $numberWords->toWords($one, $this->_locale), $numberWords->toWords($two, $this->_locale) ); } return array($equation, $function()); } /** * Creates the captcha. This method is a placeholder, since the equation is * created in createCAPTCHA() * * @return void * @see createCAPTCHA() */ public function createPhrase() { $this->setPhrase(null); } }