did not set either class1 or class2. Fixed so that it will now pick out class1 (better than nothing!)
CSS line-height as % - interpreted 120% as 120 (x the font-size) - Fixed so it now accepts % and numbers
Setting the basepath (used for relative links/external stylesheets etc) with $mpdf->setBasePath() was generally buggy!
Now allows a domain e.g. $mpdf->setBasePath("http://www.domain.com"); (previously needed slash on end)
(Fixed - hopefully!)
If you were repeatedly calling mPDF in a loop to produce more than one PDF file, it would crash with error: "You have restricted the number of available fonts to 0". Fixed by editing line 751 require(_MPDF_PATH.'mpdf_config.php'); to require(...
Unsupported image files - mPDF died with an error message if image files didn't meet expected format e.g. an interlaced PNG file
Changed so images are now replaced by the NOIMG image.
Footer margin (HTML and normal footers) now determines the lowest point that is printed (rather than the place to start printing the footer)
NB IMPORTANT CHANGE - not backwards comaptible
Tabs in or