'', SYS_PATH => '', REL_PATH => '', WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH => '', SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH => '', WEB_COURSE_PATH => '', SYS_COURSE_PATH => '', REL_COURSE_PATH => '', REL_CODE_PATH => '', WEB_CODE_PATH => '', SYS_CODE_PATH => '', SYS_LANG_PATH => 'lang/', WEB_IMG_PATH => 'img/', WEB_CSS_PATH => 'css/', SYS_CSS_PATH => 'css/', SYS_PLUGIN_PATH => 'plugin/', WEB_PLUGIN_PATH => 'plugin/', SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH => 'archive/', WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH => 'archive/', INCLUDE_PATH => 'inc/', LIBRARY_PATH => 'inc/lib/', CONFIGURATION_PATH => 'inc/conf/', WEB_LIBRARY_PATH => 'inc/lib/', WEB_AJAX_PATH => 'inc/ajax/', SYS_TEST_PATH => 'tests/', WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH => 'template/', SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH => 'template/' ); static $resource_paths = array( FLASH_PLAYER_AUDIO => 'inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf', FLASH_PLAYER_VIDEO => 'inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf', SCRIPT_SWFOBJECT => 'inc/lib/swfobject/swfobject.js', SCRIPT_ASCIIMATHML => 'inc/lib/javascript/asciimath/ASCIIMathML.js', DRAWING_ASCIISVG => 'inc/lib/javascript/asciimath/d.svg' ); static $is_this_function_initialized; static $server_base_web; // No trailing slash. static $server_base_sys; // No trailing slash. static $root_web; static $root_sys; static $root_rel; static $code_folder; static $course_folder; // Always load root_web modifications for multiple url features global $_configuration; //default $_configuration['root_web'] configuration $root_web = $_configuration['root_web']; // Configuration data for already installed system. $root_sys = $_configuration['root_sys']; $load_new_config = false; // To avoid that the api_get_access_url() function fails since global.inc.php also calls the main_api.lib.php if ($path_type == WEB_PATH) { if (isset($_configuration['access_url']) && $_configuration['access_url'] != 1) { //we look into the DB the function api_get_access_url $url_info = api_get_access_url($_configuration['access_url']); $root_web = $url_info['active'] == 1 ? $url_info['url'] : $_configuration['root_web']; $load_new_config = true; } } if (!$is_this_function_initialized) { global $_configuration; $root_rel = $_configuration['url_append']; $code_folder = $_configuration['code_append']; $course_folder = $_configuration['course_folder']; // Support for the installation process. // Developers might use the function api_get_path() directly or indirectly (this is difficult to be traced), at the moment when // configuration has not been created yet. This is why this function should be upgraded to return correct results in this case. if (defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION') && SYSTEM_INSTALLATION) { if (($pos = strpos(($requested_page_rel = api_get_self()), 'main/install')) !== false) { $root_rel = substr($requested_page_rel, 0, $pos); // See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgServer $server_protocol = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? 'https' : 'http'; $server_name = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : (isset($_SERVER['HOSTNAME']) ? $_SERVER['HOSTNAME'] : (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : 'localhost'))); if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && !strpos($server_name, ':') && (($server_protocol == 'http' && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 ) || ($server_protocol == 'https' && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443 ))) { $server_name .= ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } $root_web = $server_protocol.'://'.$server_name.$root_rel; $root_sys = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(__DIR__.'/../../../')).'/'; $code_folder = 'main/'; $course_folder = 'courses/'; } // Here we give up, so we don't touch anything. } // Dealing with trailing slashes. $root_web = api_add_trailing_slash($root_web); $root_sys = api_add_trailing_slash($root_sys); $root_rel = api_add_trailing_slash($root_rel); $code_folder = api_add_trailing_slash($code_folder); $course_folder = api_add_trailing_slash($course_folder); // Web server base and system server base. $server_base_web = preg_replace('@'.$root_rel.'$@', '', $root_web); // No trailing slash. $server_base_sys = preg_replace('@'.$root_rel.'$@', '', $root_sys); // No trailing slash. // Initialization of a table that contains common-purpose paths. $paths[WEB_PATH] = $root_web; $paths[SYS_PATH] = $root_sys; $paths[REL_PATH] = $root_rel; $paths[WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH] = $server_base_web.'/'; $paths[SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH] = $server_base_sys.'/'; $paths[WEB_COURSE_PATH] = $root_web.$course_folder; $paths[SYS_COURSE_PATH] = $root_sys.$course_folder; $paths[REL_COURSE_PATH] = $root_rel.$course_folder; $paths[REL_CODE_PATH] = $root_rel.$code_folder; $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] = $root_web.$code_folder; $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] = $root_sys.$code_folder; // Now we can switch into api_get_path() "terminology". $paths[SYS_LANG_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH].$paths[SYS_LANG_PATH]; $paths[SYS_PLUGIN_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH].$paths[SYS_PLUGIN_PATH]; $paths[SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH].$paths[SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH]; $paths[SYS_TEST_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH].$paths[SYS_TEST_PATH]; $paths[SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH].$paths[SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH]; $paths[SYS_CSS_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH].$paths[SYS_CSS_PATH]; $paths[WEB_CSS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH].$paths[WEB_CSS_PATH]; $paths[WEB_IMG_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH].$paths[WEB_IMG_PATH]; $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH].$paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH]; $paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH].$paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH]; $paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH].$paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH]; $paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH].$paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH]; $paths[WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH].$paths[WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH]; $paths[INCLUDE_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH].$paths[INCLUDE_PATH]; $paths[LIBRARY_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH].$paths[LIBRARY_PATH]; $paths[CONFIGURATION_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH].$paths[CONFIGURATION_PATH]; $is_this_function_initialized = true; } else { if ($load_new_config) { // Redefining variables to work well with the "multiple url" feature // All web paths need to be here $web_paths = array( WEB_PATH => '', WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH => '', WEB_COURSE_PATH => '', WEB_CODE_PATH => '', WEB_IMG_PATH => 'img/', WEB_CSS_PATH => 'css/', WEB_PLUGIN_PATH => 'plugin/', WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH => 'archive/', WEB_LIBRARY_PATH => 'inc/lib/', WEB_AJAX_PATH => 'inc/ajax/', ); $root_web = api_add_trailing_slash($root_web); // Web server base and system server base. $server_base_web = preg_replace('@'.$root_rel.'$@', '', $root_web); // No trailing slash. // Redefine root webs $paths[WEB_PATH] = $root_web; $paths[WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH] = $server_base_web.'/'; $paths[WEB_COURSE_PATH] = $root_web.$course_folder; $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] = $root_web.$code_folder; $paths[WEB_IMG_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH].$web_paths[WEB_IMG_PATH]; $paths[WEB_CSS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH].$web_paths[WEB_CSS_PATH]; $paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH].$web_paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH]; $paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH].$web_paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH]; $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH].$web_paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH]; $paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH].$web_paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH]; } } // Shallow purification and validation of input parameters. $path_type = trim($path_type); $path = trim($path); if (empty($path_type)) { return null; } // Retrieving a common-purpose path. if (isset($paths[$path_type])) { return $paths[$path_type]; } // Retrieving a specific resource path. if (isset($resource_paths[$path])) { switch ($path_type) { case TO_WEB: return $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH].$resource_paths[$path]; case TO_SYS: return $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH].$resource_paths[$path]; case TO_REL: return $paths[REL_CODE_PATH].$resource_paths[$path]; default: return null; } } // Common-purpose paths as a second parameter - recognition. if (isset($paths[$path])) { $path = $paths[$path]; } // Second purification. // Replacing Windows back slashes. $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); // Query strings sometimes mighth wrongly appear in non-URLs. // Let us check remove them from all types of paths. if (($pos = strpos($path, '?')) !== false) { $path = substr($path, 0, $pos); } // Detection of the input path type. Conversion to semi-absolute type ( /chamilo/main/inc/.... ). if (preg_match(VALID_WEB_PATH, $path)) { // A special case: When a URL points to the document download script directly, without // mod-rewrite translation, we have to translate it into an "ordinary" web path. // For example: // http://localhost/chamilo/main/document/download.php?doc_url=/image.png&cDir=/ // becomes // http://localhost/chamilo/courses/TEST/document/image.png // TEST is a course directory name, so called "system course code". if (strpos($path, 'download.php') !== false) { // Fast detection first. $path = urldecode($path); if (preg_match('/(.*)main\/document\/download.php\?doc_url=\/(.*)&cDir=\/(.*)?/', $path, $matches)) { $sys_course_code = isset($_SESSION['_course']['sysCode']) // User is inside a course? ? $_SESSION['_course']['sysCode'] // Yes, then use course's directory name. : '{SYS_COURSE_CODE}'; // No, then use a fake code, it may be processed later. $path = $matches[1].'courses/'.$sys_course_code.'/document/'.str_replace('//', '/', $matches[3].'/'.$matches[2]); } } // Replacement of the present web server base with a slash '/'. $path = preg_replace(VALID_WEB_SERVER_BASE, '/', $path); } elseif (strpos($path, $server_base_sys) === 0) { $path = preg_replace('@^'.$server_base_sys.'@', '', $path); } elseif (strpos($path, '/') === 0) { // Leading slash - we assume that this path is semi-absolute (REL), // then path is left without furthes modifications. } else { return null; // Probably implementation of this case won't be needed. } // Path now is semi-absolute. It is convenient at this moment repeated slashes to be removed. $path = preg_replace(REPEATED_SLASHES_PURIFIER, '/', $path); // Path conversion to the requested type. switch ($path_type) { case TO_WEB: return $server_base_web.$path; case TO_SYS: return $server_base_sys.$path; case TO_REL: return $path; } return null; } /** * Gets a modified version of the path for the CDN, if defined in * configuration.php * @param string The path of the resource without CDN * @return string The path of the resource converted to CDN * @author Yannick Warnier */ function api_get_cdn_path($web_path) { global $_configuration; $web_root = api_get_path(WEB_PATH); $ext = substr($web_path,strrpos($web_path,'.')); if (isset($ext[2])) { // faster version of strlen to check if len>2 // Check for CDN definitions if (!empty($_configuration['cdn_enable']) && !empty($ext)) { foreach ($_configuration['cdn'] as $host => $exts) { if (in_array($ext,$exts)) { //Use host as defined in $_configuration['cdn'], without // trailing slash return str_replace($web_root,$host.'/',$web_path); } } } } return $web_path; } /** * @return bool Return true if CAS authentification is activated * */ function api_is_cas_activated() { return api_get_setting('cas_activate') == "true"; } /** * @return bool Return true if LDAP authentification is activated * */ function api_is_ldap_activated() { global $extAuthSource; return is_array($extAuthSource[LDAP_AUTH_SOURCE]); } /** * @return bool Return true if Facebook authentification is activated * */ function api_is_facebook_auth_activated() { global $_configuration; return (isset($_configuration['facebook_auth']) && $_configuration['facebook_auth'] == 1); } /** * Return the $_configuration of displaying group forum in the general forum tool of a course or not * is true by default * @return bool * @todo : in 1.10 replace this with a platform parameter in the database */ function apiGetDisplayGroupsForumInGeneralTool() { global $_configuration; if (isset($_configuration['display_groups_forum_in_general_tool'])) { return $_configuration['display_groups_forum_in_general_tool']; } return true; } /** * This function checks whether a given path points inside the system. * @param string $path The path to be tested. * It should be full path, web-absolute (WEB), semi-absolute (REL) or system-absolyte (SYS). * @return bool Returns true when the given path is inside the system, false otherwise. */ function api_is_internal_path($path) { $path = str_replace('\\', '/', trim($path)); if (empty($path)) { return false; } if (strpos($path, api_remove_trailing_slash(api_get_path(WEB_PATH))) === 0) { return true; } if (strpos($path, api_remove_trailing_slash(api_get_path(SYS_PATH))) === 0) { return true; } $server_base_web = api_remove_trailing_slash(api_get_path(REL_PATH)); $server_base_web = empty($server_base_web) ? '/' : $server_base_web; if (strpos($path, $server_base_web) === 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Adds to a given path a trailing slash if it is necessary (adds "/" character at the end of the string). * @param string $path The input path. * @return string Returns the modified path. */ function api_add_trailing_slash($path) { return substr($path, -1) == '/' ? $path : $path.'/'; } /** * Removes from a given path the trailing slash if it is necessary (removes "/" character from the end of the string). * @param string $path The input path. * @return string Returns the modified path. */ function api_remove_trailing_slash($path) { return substr($path, -1) == '/' ? substr($path, 0, -1) : $path; } /** * Checks the RFC 3986 syntax of a given URL. * @param string $url The URL to be checked. * @param bool $absolute Whether the URL is absolute (beginning with a scheme such as "http:"). * @return bool Returns the URL if it is valid, FALSE otherwise. * This function is an adaptation from the function valid_url(), Drupal CMS. * @link http://drupal.org * Note: The built-in function filter_var($urs, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) has a bug for some versions of PHP. * @link http://bugs.php.net/51192 */ function api_valid_url($url, $absolute = false) { if ($absolute) { if (preg_match(" /^ # Start at the beginning of the text (?:ftp|https?|feed):\/\/ # Look for ftp, http, https or feed schemes (?: # Userinfo (optional) which is typically (?:(?:[\w\.\-\+!$&'\(\)*\+,;=]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+:)* # a username or a username and password (?:[\w\.\-\+%!$&'\(\)*\+,;=]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+@ # combination )? (?: (?:[a-z0-9\-\.]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+ # A domain name or a IPv4 address |(?:\[(?:[0-9a-f]{0,4}:)*(?:[0-9a-f]{0,4})\]) # or a well formed IPv6 address ) (?::[0-9]+)? # Server port number (optional) (?:[\/|\?] (?:[\w#!:\.\?\+=&@$'~*,;\/\(\)\[\]\-]|%[0-9a-f]{2}) # The path and query (optional) *)? $/xi", $url)) { return $url; } return false; } else { return preg_match("/^(?:[\w#!:\.\?\+=&@$'~*,;\/\(\)\[\]\-]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+$/i", $url) ? $url : false; } } /** * Checks whether a given string looks roughly like an email address. * Tries to use PHP built-in validator in the filter extension (from PHP 5.2), falls back to a reasonably competent regex validator. * Conforms approximately to RFC2822 * @link http://www.hexillion.com/samples/#Regex Original pattern found here * This function is an adaptation from the method PHPMailer::ValidateAddress(), PHPMailer module. * @link http://phpmailer.worxware.com * @param string $address The e-mail address to be checked. * @return mixed Returns the e-mail if it is valid, FALSE otherwise. */ function api_valid_email($address) { // disable for now because the results are incoherent - YW 20110926 if (function_exists('filter_var')) { // Introduced in PHP 5.2. return filter_var($address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); } else { return preg_match('/^(?:[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+@(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-](?!\.)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9_-]?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9_](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-](?!$)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9_]?)|(?:\[(?:(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\]))$/', $address) ? $address : false; } } /* PROTECTION FUNCTIONS Use these functions to protect your scripts. */ /** * Function used to protect a course script. * The function blocks access when * - there is no $_SESSION["_course"] defined; or * - $is_allowed_in_course is set to false (this depends on the course * visibility and user status). * * This is only the first proposal, test and improve! * @param boolean Option to print headers when displaying error message. Default: false * @param boolean Whether session admins should be allowed or not. * @return boolean True if the user has access to the current course or is out of a course context, false otherwise * @todo replace global variable * @author Roan Embrechts */ function api_protect_course_script($print_headers = false, $allow_session_admins = false, $allow_drh = false) { $is_allowed_in_course = api_is_allowed_in_course(); $is_visible = false; $course_info = api_get_course_info(); if (empty($course_info)) { api_not_allowed($print_headers); return false; } if (api_is_drh()) { return true; } if (api_is_platform_admin($allow_session_admins)) { return true; } if (isset($course_info) && isset($course_info['visibility'])) { switch ($course_info['visibility']) { default: case COURSE_VISIBILITY_CLOSED: // Completely closed: the course is only accessible to the teachers. - 0 if (api_get_user_id() && !api_is_anonymous() && $is_allowed_in_course) { $is_visible = true; } break; case COURSE_VISIBILITY_REGISTERED: // Private - access authorized to course members only - 1 if (api_get_user_id() && !api_is_anonymous() && $is_allowed_in_course) { $is_visible = true; } break; case COURSE_VISIBILITY_OPEN_PLATFORM: // Open - access allowed for users registered on the platform - 2 if (api_get_user_id() && !api_is_anonymous()) { $is_visible = true; } break; case COURSE_VISIBILITY_OPEN_WORLD: //Open - access allowed for the whole world - 3 $is_visible = true; break; case COURSE_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN: //Completely closed: the course is only accessible to the teachers. - 0 if (api_is_platform_admin()) { $is_visible = true; } break; } //If password is set and user is not registered to the course then the course is not visible if ($is_allowed_in_course == false & isset($course_info['registration_code']) && !empty($course_info['registration_code']) ) { $is_visible = false; } } //Check session visibility $session_id = api_get_session_id(); if (!empty($session_id)) { //$is_allowed_in_course was set in local.inc.php if (!$is_allowed_in_course) { $is_visible = false; } } if (!$is_visible) { api_not_allowed($print_headers); return false; } return true; } /** * Function used to protect an admin script. * * The function blocks access when the user has no platform admin rights with an error message printed on default output * @param bool Whether to allow session admins as well * @param bool Whether to allow HR directors as well * @param string An optional message (already passed through get_lang) * @return bool True if user is allowed, false otherwise. The function also outputs an error message in case not allowed * @author Roan Embrechts (original author) */ function api_protect_admin_script($allow_sessions_admins = false, $allow_drh = false, $message = null) { if (!api_is_platform_admin($allow_sessions_admins, $allow_drh)) { api_not_allowed(true, $message); return false; } return true; } /** * Function used to protect a teacher script. * The function blocks access when the user has no teacher rights. * * @author Yoselyn Castillo */ function api_protect_teacher_script($allow_sessions_admins = false) { if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { api_not_allowed(true); return false; } return true; } /** * Function used to prevent anonymous users from accessing a script. * * @author Roan Embrechts */ function api_block_anonymous_users($print_headers = true) { $_user = api_get_user_info(); if (!(isset($_user['user_id']) && $_user['user_id']) || api_is_anonymous($_user['user_id'], true)) { api_not_allowed($print_headers); return false; } return true; } /** * @return array with the navigator name and version */ function api_get_navigator() { $navigator = 'Unknown'; $version = 0; if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera') !== false) { $navigator = 'Opera'; list (, $version) = explode('Opera', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== false) { $navigator = 'Internet Explorer'; list (, $version) = explode('MSIE', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Chrome') !== false) { $navigator = 'Chrome'; list (, $version) = explode('Chrome', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Gecko') !== false) { $navigator = 'Mozilla'; list (, $version) = explode('; rv:', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Netscape') !== false) { $navigator = 'Netscape'; list (, $version) = explode('Netscape', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Konqueror') !== false) { $navigator = 'Konqueror'; list (, $version) = explode('Konqueror', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } elseif (stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'applewebkit') !== false) { $navigator = 'AppleWebKit'; list (, $version) = explode('Version/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } elseif (stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'safari') !== false) { $navigator = 'Safari'; list (, $version) = explode('Version/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } $version = str_replace('/', '', $version); if (strpos($version, '.') === false) { $version = number_format(doubleval($version), 1); } $return_array = array ('name' => $navigator, 'version' => $version); return $return_array; } /** * @return True if user selfregistration is allowed, false otherwise. */ function api_is_self_registration_allowed() { return isset($GLOBALS['allowSelfReg']) ? $GLOBALS['allowSelfReg'] : false; } /** * This function returns the id of the user which is stored in the $_user array. * * example: The function can be used to check if a user is logged in * if (api_get_user_id()) * @return integer the id of the current user, 0 if is empty */ function api_get_user_id() { return empty($GLOBALS['_user']['user_id']) ? 0 : intval($GLOBALS['_user']['user_id']); } /** * Gets the list of courses a specific user is subscribed to * @param int User ID * @param boolean Whether to get session courses or not - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED * @return array Array of courses in the form [0]=>('code'=>xxx,'db'=>xxx,'dir'=>xxx,'status'=>d) */ function api_get_user_courses($userid, $fetch_session = true) { if ($userid != strval(intval($userid))) { return array(); } //get out if not integer $t_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $t_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql = "SELECT cc.code code, cc.db_name db, cc.directory dir, cu.status status FROM $t_course cc, $t_course_user cu WHERE cc.code = cu.course_code AND cu.user_id = '".$userid."' AND cu.relation_type<>".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH." "; $result = Database::query($sql); if ($result === false) { return array(); } while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { // we only need the database name of the course $courses[] = $row; } return $courses; } /** * Formats user information into a standard array * This function should be only used inside api_get_user_info() * * @param array Non-standard user array * @return array Standard user array */ function _api_format_user($user, $add_password = false) { $result = array(); $firstname = null; $lastname = null; if (isset($user['firstname']) && isset($user['lastname'])) { $firstname = $user['firstname']; $lastname = $user['lastname']; } elseif (isset($user['firstName']) && isset($user['lastName'])) { $firstname = isset($user['firstName']) ? $user['firstName'] : null; $lastname = isset($user['lastName']) ? $user['lastName'] : null; } $result['complete_name'] = api_get_person_name($firstname, $lastname); $result['complete_name_with_username'] = $result['complete_name']; if (!empty($user['username'])) { $result['complete_name_with_username'] = $result['complete_name'].' ('.$user['username'].')'; } $result['firstname'] = $firstname; $result['lastname'] = $lastname; // Kept for historical reasons $result['firstName'] = $firstname; $result['lastName'] = $lastname; $attributes = array( 'phone', 'picture_uri', 'official_code', 'status', 'active', 'auth_source', 'username', 'theme', 'language', 'creator_id', 'registration_date', 'hr_dept_id', 'expiration_date' ); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $result[$attribute] = isset($user[$attribute]) ? $user[$attribute] : null; } if (isset($user['email'])) { $result['mail'] = isset($user['email']) ? $user['email'] : null; $result['email'] = isset($user['email'])? $user['email'] : null; } else { $result['mail'] = isset($user['mail']) ? $user['mail'] : null; $result['email'] = isset($user['mail'])? $user['mail'] : null; } $user_id = intval($user['user_id']); $result['user_id'] = $user_id; if (isset($_configuration['save_user_last_login']) && $_configuration['save_user_last_login'] ) { $last_login = $user['last_login']; } else { if (!isset($user['lastLogin']) && !isset($user['last_login'])) { require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'tracking.lib.php'; $timestamp = Tracking::get_last_connection_date($result['user_id'], false, true); // Convert the timestamp back into a datetime // NOTE: this timestamp has ALREADY been converted to the local timezone in the get_last_connection_date function $last_login = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp); } else { if (isset($user['lastLogin'])) { $last_login = $user['lastLogin']; } else { $last_login = $user['last_login']; } } } $result['last_login'] = $last_login; // Kept for historical reasons $result['lastLogin'] = $last_login; // Getting user avatar. $picture_filename = trim($result['picture_uri']); $avatar = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'img/unknown.jpg'; $avatar_small = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'img/unknown_22.jpg'; $avatar_sys_path = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'img/unknown.jpg'; $dir = 'upload/users/'.$user_id.'/'; //if (!empty($picture_filename) && api_is_anonymous() ) { //Why you have to be anonymous? if (!empty($picture_filename)) { if (api_get_setting('split_users_upload_directory') === 'true') { $dir = 'upload/users/'.substr((string)$user_id, 0, 1).'/'.$user_id.'/'; } } $image_sys_path = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).$dir.$picture_filename; if (file_exists($image_sys_path) && !is_dir($image_sys_path)) { $avatar = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).$dir.$picture_filename; $avatar_small = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).$dir.'small_'.$picture_filename; $avatar_sys_path = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).$dir.$picture_filename; } $result['avatar'] = $avatar; $result['avatar_sys_path'] = $avatar_sys_path; $result['avatar_small'] = $avatar_small; if (isset($user['user_is_online'])) { $result['user_is_online'] = $user['user_is_online'] == true ? 1 : 0; } if (isset($user['user_is_online_in_chat'])) { $result['user_is_online_in_chat'] = intval($user['user_is_online_in_chat']); } if ($add_password) { $result['password'] = $user['password']; } return $result; } /** * Finds all the information about a user. * If no parameter is passed you find all the information about the current user. * @param int $user_id * @return array $user_info user_id, lastname, firstname, username, email, etc * @author Patrick Cool * @author Julio Montoya * @version 21 September 2004 */ function api_get_user_info($user_id = '', $check_if_user_is_online = false, $show_password = false) { if ($user_id == '') { return _api_format_user($GLOBALS['_user']); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER)." WHERE user_id='".intval($user_id)."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $result_array = Database::fetch_array($result); if ($check_if_user_is_online) { $use_status_in_platform = user_is_online($user_id); $result_array['user_is_online'] = $use_status_in_platform; $user_online_in_chat = 0; if ($use_status_in_platform) { $user_status = UserManager::get_extra_user_data_by_field($user_id, 'user_chat_status', false, true); if (intval($user_status['user_chat_status']) == 1) { $user_online_in_chat = 1; } } $result_array['user_is_online_in_chat'] = $user_online_in_chat; } $user = _api_format_user($result_array, $show_password); return $user; } return false; } /** * Finds all the information about a user from username instead of user id * @param string $username * @return array $user_info array user_id, lastname, firstname, username, email * @author Yannick Warnier */ function api_get_user_info_from_username($username = '') { if (empty($username)) { return false; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER)." WHERE username='".Database::escape_string($username)."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $result_array = Database::fetch_array($result); return _api_format_user($result_array); } return false; } /** * Get first user with an email * @param string $email * @return array|bool */ function api_get_user_info_from_email($email = '') { if (empty($email)) { return false; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER)." WHERE email ='".Database::escape_string($email)."' LIMIT 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $result_array = Database::fetch_array($result); return _api_format_user($result_array); } return false; } /** * @return string */ function api_get_course_id() { return isset($GLOBALS['_cid']) ? $GLOBALS['_cid'] : null; } /** * Returns the current course id * @return int */ function api_get_real_course_id() { return isset($_SESSION['_real_cid']) ? intval($_SESSION['_real_cid']) : 0; } /** * Returns the current course id (integer) * @return int */ function api_get_course_int_id() { return isset($_SESSION['_real_cid']) ? intval($_SESSION['_real_cid']) : 0; } /** * Returns the current course directory * * This function relies on api_get_course_info() * @param string The course code - optional (takes it from session if not given) * @return string The directory where the course is located inside the Chamilo "courses" directory * @author Yannick Warnier */ function api_get_course_path($course_code = null) { $info = !empty($course_code) ? api_get_course_info($course_code) : api_get_course_info(); return $info['path']; } /** * Gets a course setting from the current course_setting table. Try always using integer values. * @param string The name of the setting we want from the table * @param string Optional: course code * @return mixed The value of that setting in that table. Return -1 if not found. */ function api_get_course_setting($setting_name, $course_code = null) { $course_info = api_get_course_info($course_code); $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_COURSE_SETTING); $setting_name = Database::escape_string($setting_name); if (!empty($course_info['real_id']) && !empty($setting_name)) { $sql = "SELECT value FROM $table WHERE c_id = {$course_info['real_id']} AND variable = '$setting_name'"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { $row = Database::fetch_array($res); return $row['value']; } } return -1; } /** * Gets an anonymous user ID * * For some tools that need tracking, like the learnpath tool, it is necessary * to have a usable user-id to enable some kind of tracking, even if not * perfect. An anonymous ID is taken from the users table by looking for a * status of "6" (anonymous). * @return int User ID of the anonymous user, or O if no anonymous user found */ function api_get_anonymous_id() { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM $table WHERE status = 6"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { $row = Database::fetch_array($res); return $row['user_id']; } // No anonymous user was found. return 0; } /** * Returns the cidreq parameter name + current course id taken from * $GLOBALS['_cid'] and returns a string like 'cidReq=ABC&id_session=123 * * @param bool $addSessionId * @param bool $addGroupId * @return string Course & session references to add to a URL * */ function api_get_cidreq($addSessionId = true, $addGroupId = true) { $url = empty($GLOBALS['_cid']) ? '' : 'cidReq='.htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['_cid']); $origin = api_get_origin(); if ($addSessionId) { if (!empty($url)) { $url .= api_get_session_id() == 0 ? '&id_session=0' : '&id_session='.api_get_session_id(); } } if ($addGroupId) { if (!empty($url)) { $url .= api_get_group_id() == 0 ? '&gidReq=0' : '&gidReq='.api_get_group_id(); } } $url .= '&origin='.$origin; return $url; } /** * Returns the current course info array see api_format_course_array() * If the course_code is given, the returned array gives info about that * particular course, if none given it gets the course info from the session. * * @param string $course_code * @param bool $strict * * @return array */ function api_get_course_info($course_code = null, $strict = false) { if (!empty($course_code)) { $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $course_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course_cat_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $sql = "SELECT course.*, course_category.code faCode, course_category.name faName FROM $course_table LEFT JOIN $course_cat_table ON course.category_code = course_category.code WHERE course.code = '$course_code'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $_course = array(); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $course_data = Database::fetch_array($result); $_course = api_format_course_array($course_data); } return $_course; } global $_course; if ($_course == '-1') { $_course = array(); } return $_course; } /** * Returns the current course info array. * Now if the course_code is given, the returned array gives info about that * particular course, not specially the current one. */ function api_get_course_info_by_id($id = null) { if (!empty($id)) { $id = intval($id); $course_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course_cat_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $sql = "SELECT course.*, course_category.code faCode, course_category.name faName FROM $course_table LEFT JOIN $course_cat_table ON course.category_code = course_category.code WHERE course.id = $id"; $result = Database::query($sql); $_course = array(); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $course_data = Database::fetch_array($result); $_course = api_format_course_array($course_data); } return $_course; } global $_course; if ($_course == '-1') $_course = array(); return $_course; } function api_format_course_array($course_data) { global $_configuration; if (empty($course_data)) { return array(); } $_course = array(); $_course['id'] = $course_data['code']; $_course['real_id'] = $course_data['id']; // Added $_course['code'] = $course_data['code']; $_course['name'] = $course_data['title']; $_course['title'] = $course_data['title']; $_course['official_code'] = $course_data['visual_code']; $_course['visual_code'] = $course_data['visual_code']; $_course['sysCode'] = $course_data['code']; $_course['path'] = $course_data['directory']; // Use as key in path. $_course['directory'] = $course_data['directory']; //@todo should be deprecated // Use as key in db list. $_course['dbName'] = $course_data['db_name']; $_course['db_name'] = $course_data['db_name']; // Use in all queries. $_course['dbNameGlu'] = $_configuration['table_prefix'] . $course_data['db_name'] . $_configuration['db_glue']; $_course['titular'] = $course_data['tutor_name']; $_course['language'] = $course_data['course_language']; $_course['extLink']['url'] = $course_data['department_url']; $_course['extLink']['name'] = $course_data['department_name']; $_course['categoryCode'] = $course_data['faCode']; $_course['categoryName'] = $course_data['faName']; $_course['visibility'] = $course_data['visibility']; $_course['subscribe_allowed'] = $course_data['subscribe']; $_course['subscribe'] = $course_data['subscribe']; $_course['unsubscribe'] = $course_data['unsubscribe']; $_course['course_language'] = $course_data['course_language']; $_course['activate_legal'] = isset($course_data['activate_legal']) ? $course_data['activate_legal'] : false;; $_course['legal'] = $course_data['legal']; $_course['show_score'] = $course_data['show_score']; //used in the work tool $_course['department_name'] = $course_data['department_name']; $_course['department_url'] = $course_data['department_url']; //Course password $_course['registration_code'] = !empty($course_data['registration_code']) ? sha1($course_data['registration_code']) : null; $_course['disk_quota'] = $course_data['disk_quota']; $_course['course_public_url'] = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$course_data['directory'].'/index.php'; if (array_key_exists('add_teachers_to_sessions_courses', $course_data)) { $_course['add_teachers_to_sessions_courses'] = $course_data['add_teachers_to_sessions_courses']; } if (file_exists(api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$course_data['directory'].'/course-pic85x85.png')) { $url_image = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$course_data['directory'].'/course-pic85x85.png'; } else { $url_image = Display::return_icon('course.png', null, null, ICON_SIZE_BIG, null, true); } $_course['course_image'] = $url_image; return $_course; } /** * Add a parameter to the existing URL. If this parameter already exists, * just replace it with the new value * @param string The URL * @param string param=value string * @param boolean Whether to filter XSS or not * @return string The URL with the added parameter */ function api_add_url_param($url, $param, $filter_xss = true) { if (empty($param)) { return $url; } if (strpos($url, '?') !== false) { if ($param[0] != '&') { $param = '&'.$param; } list (, $query_string) = explode('?', $url); $param_list1 = explode('&', $param); $param_list2 = explode('&', $query_string); $param_list1_keys = $param_list1_vals = array(); foreach ($param_list1 as $key => $enreg) { list ($param_list1_keys[$key], $param_list1_vals[$key]) = explode('=', $enreg); } $param_list1 = array ('keys' => $param_list1_keys, 'vals' => $param_list1_vals); foreach ($param_list2 as $enreg) { $enreg = explode('=', $enreg); $key = array_search($enreg[0], $param_list1['keys']); if (!is_null($key) && !is_bool($key)) { $url = str_replace($enreg[0].'='.$enreg[1], $enreg[0].'='.$param_list1['vals'][$key], $url); $param = str_replace('&'.$enreg[0].'='.$param_list1['vals'][$key], '', $param); } } $url .= $param; } else { $url = $url.'?'.$param; } if ($filter_xss === true) { $url = Security::remove_XSS(urldecode($url)); } return $url; } /** * Returns a difficult to guess password. * @param int $length, the length of the password * @return string the generated password */ function api_generate_password($length = 8) { $characters = 'abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789'; if ($length < 2) { $length = 2; } $password = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i ++) { $password .= $characters[rand() % strlen($characters)]; } return $password; } /** * Checks a password to see wether it is OK to use. * @param string $password * @return true if the password is acceptable, false otherwise * Notes about what a password "OK to use" is: * 1. The password should be at least 5 characters long. * 2. Only English letters (uppercase or lowercase, it doesn't matter) and digits are allowed. * 3. The password should contain at least 3 letters. * 4. It should contain at least 2 digits. * 5. It should not contain 3 or more consequent (according to ASCII table) characters. */ function api_check_password($password) { $password_length = api_strlen($password); if ($password_length < 5) { return false; } $password = api_strtolower($password); $letters = 0; $digits = 0; $consequent_characters = 0; $previous_character_code = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $password_length; $i ++) { $current_character_code = api_ord(api_substr($password, $i, 1)); if ($i && abs($current_character_code - $previous_character_code) <= 1) { $consequent_characters ++; if ($consequent_characters == 3) { return false; } } else { $consequent_characters = 1; } if ($current_character_code >= 97 && $current_character_code <= 122) { $letters ++; } elseif ($current_character_code >= 48 && $current_character_code <= 57) { $digits ++; } else { return false; } $previous_character_code = $current_character_code; } return ($letters >= 3 && $digits >= 2); } /** * Clears the user ID from the session if it was the anonymous user. Generally * used on out-of-tools pages to remove a user ID that could otherwise be used * in the wrong context. * This function is to be used in conjunction with the api_set_anonymous() * function to simulate the user existence in case of an anonymous visit. * @param bool database check switch - passed to api_is_anonymous() * @return bool true if succesfully unregistered, false if not anonymous. */ function api_clear_anonymous($db_check = false) { global $_user; if (api_is_anonymous($_user['user_id'], $db_check)) { unset($_user['user_id']); Session::erase('_uid'); return true; } return false; } /** * Returns the status string corresponding to the status code * @author Noel Dieschburg * @param the int status code */ function get_status_from_code($status_code) { switch ($status_code) { case STUDENT: return get_lang('Student', ''); case TEACHER: return get_lang('Teacher', ''); case COURSEMANAGER: return get_lang('Manager', ''); case SESSIONADMIN: return get_lang('SessionsAdmin', ''); case DRH: return get_lang('Drh', ''); } } /* FAILURE MANAGEMENT */ /** * The Failure Management module is here to compensate * the absence of an 'exception' device in PHP 4. */ /** * $api_failureList - array containing all the failure recorded in order of arrival. */ $api_failureList = array(); /** * Fills a global array called $api_failureList * This array collects all the failure occuring during the script runs * The main purpose is allowing to manage the display messages externaly * from the functions or objects. This strengthens encupsalation principle * * @author Hugues Peeters * @param string $failure_type - the type of failure * global: array $api_failureList * @return boolean false to stay consistent with the main script */ function api_set_failure($failure_type) { global $api_failureList; $api_failureList[] = $failure_type; return false; } /** * Sets the current user as anonymous if it hasn't been identified yet. This * function should be used inside a tool only. The function api_clear_anonymous() * acts in the opposite direction by clearing the anonymous user's data every * time we get on a course homepage or on a neutral page (index, admin, my space) * @return bool true if set user as anonymous, false if user was already logged in or anonymous id could not be found */ function api_set_anonymous() { global $_user; if (!empty($_user['user_id'])) { return false; } $user_id = api_get_anonymous_id(); if ($user_id == 0) { return false; } Session::erase('_user'); $_user['user_id'] = $user_id; $_user['is_anonymous'] = true; $GLOBALS['_user'] = $_user; Session::write('_user', $_user); return true; } /** * Gets the last failure stored in $api_failureList; * * @author Hugues Peeters * @param void * @return string - the last failure stored */ function api_get_last_failure() { global $api_failureList; return $api_failureList[count($api_failureList) - 1]; } /** * Collects and manages failures occurring during script execution * The main purpose is allowing to manage the display messages externally * from functions or objects. This strengthens encapsulation principle * * @author Hugues Peeters * @package chamilo.library */ class api_failure { // TODO: $api_failureList to be hidden from global scope and to be renamed according to our coding conventions. /** * IMPLEMENTATION NOTE : For now the $api_failureList list is set to the * global scope, as PHP 4 is unable to manage static variable in class. But * this feature is awaited in PHP 5. The class is already written to minize * the change when static class variable will be possible. And the API won't * change. */ public $api_failureList = array(); /** * Piles the last failure in the failure list * * @author Hugues Peeters * @param string $failure_type - the type of failure * @global array $api_failureList * @return boolean false to stay consistent with the main script */ static function set_failure($failure_type) { global $api_failureList; $api_failureList[] = $failure_type; return false; } /** * Gets the last failure stored * * @author Hugues Peeters * @param void * @return string - the last failure stored */ static function get_last_failure() { global $api_failureList; if (count($api_failureList) == 0) { return ''; } return $api_failureList[count($api_failureList) - 1]; } } /* CONFIGURATION SETTINGS */ /** * Gets the current Chamilo (not PHP/cookie) session ID * @return int O if no active session, the session ID otherwise */ function api_get_session_id() { return empty($_SESSION['id_session']) ? 0 : intval($_SESSION['id_session']); } /** * Gets the current Chamilo (not social network) group ID * @return int O if no active session, the session ID otherwise */ function api_get_group_id() { return empty($_SESSION['_gid']) ? 0 : intval($_SESSION['_gid']); } /** * Gets the current or given session name * @param int Session ID (optional) * @return string The session name, or null if unfound */ function api_get_session_name($session_id) { if (empty($session_id)) { $session_id = api_get_session_id(); if (empty($session_id)) { return null; } } $t = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $s = "SELECT name FROM $t WHERE id = ".(int)$session_id; $r = Database::query($s); $c = Database::num_rows($r); if ($c > 0) { //technically, there can be only one, but anyway we take the first $rec = Database::fetch_array($r); return $rec['name']; } return null; } /** * Gets the session info by id * @param int Session ID * @return array information of the session */ function api_get_session_info($session_id) { $data = array(); if (!empty($session_id)) { $session_id = intval($session_id); $tbl_session = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_session WHERE id = $session_id"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result)>0) { $data = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); } } return $data; } /** * Gets the session visibility by session id * @param int $session_id * @param string $course_code * @param bool $ignore_visibility_for_admins * @return int * 0 = session still available, * SESSION_VISIBLE_READ_ONLY = 1, * SESSION_VISIBLE = 2, * SESSION_INVISIBLE = 3 */ function api_get_session_visibility( $session_id, $course_code = null, $ignore_visibility_for_admins = true ) { // Means that the session is still available. $visibility = 0; if (api_is_platform_admin()) { if ($ignore_visibility_for_admins) { return SESSION_AVAILABLE; } } $now = time(); if (!empty($session_id)) { $session_id = intval($session_id); $tbl_session = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_session WHERE id = $session_id "; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); $visibility = $original_visibility = $row['visibility']; // I don't care the session visibility. if ($row['date_start'] == '0000-00-00' && $row['date_end'] == '0000-00-00' ) { // Session duration per student. if (SessionManager::durationPerUserIsEnabled()) { if (isset($row['duration']) && !empty($row['duration'])) { $duration = $row['duration']*24*60*60; $courseAccess = CourseManager::getFirstCourseAccessPerSessionAndUser( $session_id, api_get_user_id() ); // If there is a session duration but there is no previous // access by the user, then the session is still available if (count($courseAccess) == 0) { return SESSION_AVAILABLE; } $currentTime = time(); $firstAccess = 0; if (isset($courseAccess['login_course_date'])) { $firstAccess = api_strtotime( $courseAccess['login_course_date'], 'UTC' ); } $userDurationData = SessionManager::getUserSession( api_get_user_id(), $session_id ); $userDuration = 0; if (isset($userDurationData['duration'])) { $userDuration = intval($userDurationData['duration']) * 24 * 60 * 60; } $totalDuration = $firstAccess + $duration + $userDuration; if ($totalDuration > $currentTime) { return SESSION_AVAILABLE; } else { return SESSION_INVISIBLE; } } } return SESSION_AVAILABLE; } else { // If start date was set. if (!empty($row['date_start']) && $row['date_start'] != '0000-00-00') { // The beginning of the day starts at 00:00:00 $row['date_start'] = $row['date_start'].' 00:00:00'; if ($now > api_strtotime($row['date_start'], 'UTC')) { $visibility = SESSION_AVAILABLE; } else { $visibility = SESSION_INVISIBLE; } } // If the end date was set. if (!empty($row['date_end']) && $row['date_end'] != '0000-00-00') { // End date finish at midnight. $row['date_end'] = $row['date_end'].' 23:59:59'; // Only if date_start said that it was ok if ($visibility == SESSION_AVAILABLE) { if ($now < api_strtotime($row['date_end'], 'UTC')) { // Date still available $visibility = SESSION_AVAILABLE; } else { // Session ends $visibility = $row['visibility']; } } } } /* If I'm a coach the visibility can change in my favor depending in the nb_days_access_after_end and nb_days_access_before_beginning */ $is_coach = api_is_coach($session_id, $course_code); if ($is_coach) { // Test end date. if (isset($row['date_end']) && !empty($row['date_end']) && $row['date_end'] != '0000-00-00' && $row['nb_days_access_after_end'] != '0' ) { $end_date_for_coach = new DateTime(substr($row['date_end'], 0 ,10).' 23:59:59'); $number_of_days = "P".intval($row['nb_days_access_after_end']).'D'; $end_date_for_coach->add(new DateInterval($number_of_days)); if ($end_date_for_coach->getTimestamp() >= $now) { $visibility = SESSION_AVAILABLE; } else { $visibility = SESSION_INVISIBLE; } } // Test start date. if (isset($row['date_start']) && !empty($row['date_start']) && $row['date_start'] != '0000-00-00' && $row['nb_days_access_before_beginning'] != '0' ) { $start_date_for_coach = new DateTime(substr($row['date_start'], 0, 10).' 00:00:00'); $number_of_days = "P".intval($row['nb_days_access_before_beginning']).'D'; $start_date_for_coach->sub(new DateInterval($number_of_days)); if ($start_date_for_coach->getTimestamp() < $now) { $visibility = SESSION_AVAILABLE; } else { $visibility = SESSION_INVISIBLE; } } } } else { $visibility = SESSION_INVISIBLE; } } return $visibility; } /** * This function returns a (star) session icon if the session is not null and * the user is not a student * @param int $session_id * @param int $status_id User status id - if 5 (student), will return empty * @return string Session icon */ function api_get_session_image($session_id, $status_id) { $session_id = (int)$session_id; $session_img = ''; if ((int)$status_id != 5) { //check whether is not a student if ($session_id > 0) { $session_img = "  ".Display::return_icon( 'star.png', get_lang('SessionSpecificResource'), array('align' => 'absmiddle'), ICON_SIZE_SMALL ); } } return $session_img; } /** * This function add an additional condition according to the session of the course * @param int $session_id session id * @param bool $and optional, true if more than one condition false if the only condition in the query * @param bool $with_base_content optional, true to accept content with session=0 as well, false for strict session condition * @return string condition of the session */ function api_get_session_condition( $session_id, $and = true, $with_base_content = false, $session_field = "session_id" ) { $session_id = intval($session_id); if (empty($session_field)) { $session_field = "session_id"; } // Condition to show resources by session $condition_add = $and ? " AND " : " WHERE "; if ($with_base_content) { $condition_session = $condition_add." ( $session_field = $session_id OR $session_field = 0) "; } else { $condition_session = $condition_add." $session_field = $session_id "; } return $condition_session; } /** * This function returns information about coaches from a course in session * @param int - optional, session id * @param string - optional, course code * @return array - array containing user_id, lastname, firstname, username * @deprecated use CourseManager::get_coaches_from_course */ function api_get_coachs_from_course($session_id=0,$course_code='') { if (!empty($session_id)) { $session_id = intval($session_id); } else { $session_id = api_get_session_id(); } if (!empty($course_code)) { $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); } else { $course_code = api_get_course_id(); } $tbl_user = Database:: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $tbl_session_course_user = Database:: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $coaches = array(); $sql = "SELECT u.user_id,u.lastname,u.firstname,u.username FROM $tbl_user u,$tbl_session_course_user scu WHERE u.user_id = scu.id_user AND scu.id_session = '$session_id' AND scu.course_code = '$course_code' AND scu.status = 2"; $rs = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { while ($row = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $coaches[] = $row; } return $coaches; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns the value of a setting from the web-adjustable admin config settings. * * WARNING true/false are stored as string, so when comparing you need to check e.g. * if (api_get_setting('show_navigation_menu') == 'true') //CORRECT * instead of * if (api_get_setting('show_navigation_menu') == true) //INCORRECT * @param string $variable The variable name * @param string $key The subkey (sub-variable) if any. Defaults to NULL * @author René Haentjens * @author Bart Mollet */ function api_get_setting($variable, $key = null) { global $_setting; if ($variable == 'header_extra_content') { $filename = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).api_get_home_path().'header_extra_content.txt'; if (file_exists($filename)) { $value = file_get_contents($filename); return $value ; } else { return ''; } } if ($variable == 'footer_extra_content') { $filename = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).api_get_home_path().'footer_extra_content.txt'; if (file_exists($filename)) { $value = file_get_contents($filename); return $value ; } else { return ''; } } $value = null; if (is_null($key)) { $value = ((isset($_setting[$variable]) && $_setting[$variable] != '') ? $_setting[$variable] : null); } else { if (isset($_setting[$variable][$key])) { $value = $_setting[$variable][$key]; } } return $value; } /** * @param string $plugin * @param string $variable * @return string */ function api_get_plugin_setting($plugin, $variable) { $variableName = $plugin.'_'.$variable; $result = api_get_setting($variableName); if (isset($result[$plugin])) { return $result[$plugin]; } return null; } /** * Returns the value of a setting from the web-adjustable admin config settings. **/ function api_get_settings_params($params) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $result = Database::select('*', $table, array('where' => $params)); return $result; } function api_get_settings_params_simple($params) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $result = Database::select('*', $table, array('where' => $params), 'one'); return $result; } /** * Returns the value of a setting from the web-adjustable admin config settings. **/ function api_delete_settings_params($params) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $result = Database::delete($table, $params); return $result; } /** * Returns an escaped version of $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] to avoid XSS injection * @return string Escaped version of $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] */ function api_get_self() { return htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } /* USER PERMISSIONS */ /** * Checks whether current user is a platform administrator * @param boolean Whether session admins should be considered admins or not * @param boolean Whether HR directors should be considered admins or not * @return boolean True if the user has platform admin rights, * false otherwise. * @see usermanager::is_admin(user_id) for a user-id specific function */ function api_is_platform_admin($allow_sessions_admins = false, $allow_drh = false) { if (isset($_SESSION['is_platformAdmin']) && $_SESSION['is_platformAdmin']) { return true; } global $_user; return isset($_user['status']) && (($allow_sessions_admins && $_user['status'] == SESSIONADMIN) || ($allow_drh && $_user['status'] == DRH)); } /** * Checks whether the user given as user id is in the admin table. * @param int $user_id. If none provided, will use current user * @param int $url URL ID. If provided, also check if the user is active on given URL * @result bool True if the user is admin, false otherwise */ function api_is_platform_admin_by_id($user_id = null, $url = null) { $user_id = intval($user_id); if (empty($user_id)) { $user_id = api_get_user_id(); } $admin_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ADMIN); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $admin_table WHERE user_id = $user_id"; $res = Database::query($sql); $is_admin = Database::num_rows($res) === 1; if (!$is_admin or !isset($url)) { return $is_admin; } // We get here only if $url is set $url = intval($url); $url_user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_USER); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $url_user_table WHERE access_url_id = $url AND user_id = $user_id"; $res = Database::query($sql); $is_on_url = Database::num_rows($res) === 1; return $is_on_url; } /** * Returns the user's numeric status ID from the users table * @param int $user_id. If none provided, will use current user * @result int User's status (1 for teacher, 5 for student, etc) */ function api_get_user_status($user_id = null) { $user_id = intval($user_id); if (empty($user_id)) { $user_id = api_get_user_id(); } $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $sql = "SELECT status FROM $table WHERE user_id = $user_id "; $result = Database::query($sql); $status = null; if (Database::num_rows($result)) { $row = Database::fetch_array($result); $status = $row['status']; } return $status; } /** * Checks whether current user is allowed to create courses * @return boolean True if the user has course creation rights, * false otherwise. */ function api_is_allowed_to_create_course() { return Session::read('is_allowedCreateCourse'); } /** * Checks whether the current user is a course administrator * @return boolean True if current user is a course administrator */ function api_is_course_admin() { if (api_is_platform_admin()) { return true; } return Session::read('is_courseAdmin'); } /** * Checks whether the current user is a course coach * @return bool True if current user is a course coach */ function api_is_course_coach() { return Session::read('is_courseCoach'); } /** * Checks whether the current user is a course tutor * @return bool True if current user is a course tutor */ function api_is_course_tutor() { return Session::read('is_courseTutor'); } /** * @param int $user_id * * @return array */ function api_get_user_platform_status($user_id = null) { $status = array(); $user_id = intval($user_id); if (empty($user_id)) { $user_id = api_get_user_id(); } if (empty($user_id)) { return false; } $group_id = api_get_group_id(); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $course_code= api_get_course_id(); $session_id = api_get_session_id(); //Group (in course) if ($group_id && $course_id) { $group_status = array(); $is_subscribed = GroupManager::is_subscribed($user_id, $group_id); if ($is_subscribed) { $group_status = array('id'=> $group_id , 'status' => 'student'); $is_tutor = GroupManager::is_tutor_of_group($user_id, $group_id); if ($is_tutor) { $group_status['status'] = 'tutor'; } else { $group_status['status'] = 'student'; } } $status['group'] = $group_status; } //Session if ($session_id && $course_id) { $session_status = array('id' => $session_id, 'course_id' => $course_id); $session_user_status = SessionManager::get_user_status_in_course_session($user_id, $course_code, $session_id); switch ($session_user_status) { case 0: $session_status['status'] = 'student'; break; case 2: $session_status['status'] = 'coach'; break; } $is_general_coach = SessionManager::user_is_general_coach($user_id, $session_id); if ($is_general_coach) { $session_status['status'] = 'general_coach'; } $status['session'] = $session_status; } elseif($course_id) { //Course $course_status = array(); if ($course_id) { $user_course_status = CourseManager::get_user_in_course_status($user_id, $course_code); if ($user_course_status) { $course_status = array('id'=> $course_id); switch($user_course_status) { case 1; $course_status['status'] = 'teacher'; break; case 5; $course_status['status'] = 'student'; //check if tutor $tutor_course_status = CourseManager::get_tutor_in_course_status($user_id, $course_code); if ($tutor_course_status) { $course_status['status'] = 'tutor'; } break; } } } $status['course'] = $course_status; } return $status; } /** * @param int $user_id * @param string $course_code * @param int $session_id * @return bool */ function api_is_course_session_coach($user_id, $course_code, $session_id) { $session_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $session_rel_course_rel_user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $user_id = intval($user_id); $session_id = intval($session_id); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT id FROM $session_table INNER JOIN $session_rel_course_rel_user_table session_rc_ru ON session.id = session_rc_ru.id_session WHERE session_rc_ru.id_user = '".$user_id."' AND session_rc_ru.course_code = '$course_code' AND session_rc_ru.status = 2 AND session_rc_ru.id_session = '$session_id'"; $result = Database::query($sql); return Database::num_rows($result) > 0; } /** * Checks whether the current user is a course or session coach * @param int - optional, session id * @param string - optional, course code * @return boolean True if current user is a course or session coach */ function api_is_coach($session_id = 0, $course_code = null, $check_student_view = true) { if (!empty($session_id)) { $session_id = intval($session_id); } else { $session_id = api_get_session_id(); } // The student preview was on if ($check_student_view && isset($_SESSION['studentview']) && $_SESSION['studentview'] == "studentview" ) { return false; } if (!empty($course_code)) { $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); } else { $course_code = api_get_course_id(); } $session_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $session_rel_course_rel_user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $sessionIsCoach = null; if (!empty($course_code)) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT id, name, date_start, date_end FROM $session_table INNER JOIN $session_rel_course_rel_user_table session_rc_ru ON session_rc_ru.id_session = id AND session_rc_ru.id_user = '".api_get_user_id()."' WHERE session_rc_ru.course_code = '$course_code' AND session_rc_ru.status = 2 AND session_rc_ru.id_session = '$session_id'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $sessionIsCoach = Database::store_result($result); } if (!empty($session_id)) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT id, name, date_start, date_end FROM $session_table WHERE session.id_coach = '".api_get_user_id()."' AND id = '$session_id' ORDER BY date_start, date_end, name"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (!empty($sessionIsCoach)) { $sessionIsCoach = array_merge($sessionIsCoach , Database::store_result($result)); } else { $sessionIsCoach = Database::store_result($result); } } return (count($sessionIsCoach) > 0); } /** * Checks whether the current user is a session administrator * @return boolean True if current user is a course administrator */ function api_is_session_admin() { global $_user; return isset($_user['status']) && $_user['status'] == SESSIONADMIN; } /** * Checks whether the current user is a human resources manager * @return boolean True if current user is a human resources manager */ function api_is_drh() { global $_user; return isset($_user['status']) && $_user['status'] == DRH; } /** * Checks whether the current user is a student * @return boolean True if current user is a human resources manager */ function api_is_student() { global $_user; return isset($_user['status']) && $_user['status'] == STUDENT; } /** * Checks whether the current user is a teacher * @return boolean True if current user is a human resources manager */ function api_is_teacher() { global $_user; return isset($_user['status']) && $_user['status'] == COURSEMANAGER; } /** * This function checks whether a session is assigned into a category * @param int - session id * @param string - category name * @return bool - true if is found, otherwise false */ function api_is_session_in_category($session_id, $category_name) { $session_id = intval($session_id); $category_name = Database::escape_string($category_name); $tbl_session = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $tbl_session_category = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_CATEGORY); $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM $tbl_session WHERE $session_id IN ( SELECT s.id FROM $tbl_session s, $tbl_session_category sc WHERE s.session_category_id = sc.id AND sc.name LIKE '%$category_name' )"; $rs = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* DISPLAY OPTIONS student view, title, message boxes,... */ /** * Displays the title of a tool. * Normal use: parameter is a string: * api_display_tool_title("My Tool") * * Optionally, there can be a subtitle below * the normal title, and / or a supra title above the normal title. * * e.g. supra title: * group * GROUP PROPERTIES * * e.g. subtitle: * AGENDA * calender & events tool * * @author Hugues Peeters * @param mixed $title_element - it could either be a string or an array * containing 'supraTitle', 'mainTitle', * 'subTitle' * @return void */ function api_display_tool_title($title_element) { if (is_string($title_element)) { $tit = $title_element; unset ($title_element); $title_element['mainTitle'] = $tit; } echo '

'; if (!empty($title_element['supraTitle'])) { echo ''.$title_element['supraTitle'].'
'; } if (!empty($title_element['mainTitle'])) { echo $title_element['mainTitle']; } if (!empty($title_element['subTitle'])) { echo '
'.$title_element['subTitle'].''; } echo '

'; } /** * Displays options for switching between student view and course manager view * * Changes in version 1.2 (Patrick Cool) * Student view switch now behaves as a real switch. It maintains its current state until the state * is changed explicitly * * Changes in version 1.1 (Patrick Cool) * student view now works correctly in subfolders of the document tool * student view works correctly in the new links tool * * Example code for using this in your tools: * //if ($is_courseAdmin && api_get_setting('student_view_enabled') == 'true') { * // display_tool_view_option($isStudentView); * //} * //and in later sections, use api_is_allowed_to_edit() * * @author Roan Embrechts * @author Patrick Cool * @author Julio Montoya, changes added in Chamilo * @version 1.2 * @todo rewrite code so it is easier to understand */ function api_display_tool_view_option() { if (api_get_setting('student_view_enabled') != 'true') { return ''; } $sourceurl = ''; $is_framed = false; // Exceptions apply for all multi-frames pages if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'chat/chat_banner.php') !== false) { // The chat is a multiframe bit that doesn't work too well with the student_view, so do not show the link $is_framed = true; return ''; } /*// Uncomment to remove student view link from document view page if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'document/headerpage.php') !== false) { $sourceurl = str_replace('document/headerpage.php', 'document/showinframes.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); //showinframes doesn't handle student view anyway... //return ''; $is_framed = true; }*/ // Uncomment to remove student view link from document view page if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'newscorm/lp_header.php') !== false) { if (empty($_GET['lp_id'])) { return ''; } $sourceurl = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?')); $sourceurl = str_replace('newscorm/lp_header.php', 'newscorm/lp_controller.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&action=view&lp_id='.intval($_GET['lp_id']).'&isStudentView='.($_SESSION['studentview']=='studentview' ? 'false' : 'true'), $sourceurl); //showinframes doesn't handle student view anyway... //return ''; $is_framed = true; } // Check whether the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] contains already url parameters (thus a questionmark) if (!$is_framed) { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false) { $sourceurl = api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq(); } else { $sourceurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //$sourceurl = str_replace('&', '&', $sourceurl); } } $output_string = ''; if (!empty($_SESSION['studentview'])) { if ($_SESSION['studentview'] == 'studentview') { // We have to remove the isStudentView=true from the $sourceurl $sourceurl = str_replace('&isStudentView=true', '', $sourceurl); $sourceurl = str_replace('&isStudentView=false', '', $sourceurl); $output_string .= ''.get_lang('CourseManagerview').''; } elseif ($_SESSION['studentview'] == 'teacherview') { // Switching to teacherview $sourceurl = str_replace('&isStudentView=true', '', $sourceurl); $sourceurl = str_replace('&isStudentView=false', '', $sourceurl); $output_string .= ''.get_lang('StudentView').''; } } else { $output_string .= ''.get_lang('StudentView').''; } return $output_string; } /** * Displays the contents of an array in a messagebox. * @param array $info_array An array with the messages to show */ function api_display_array($info_array) { $message = ''; if(is_array($info_array)) { foreach ($info_array as $element) { $message .= $element.'
'; } } Display :: display_normal_message($message); } /** * Displays debug info * @param string $debug_info The message to display * @author Roan Embrechts * @version 1.1, March 2004 */ function api_display_debug_info($debug_info) { $message = 'Debug info
'; $message .= $debug_info; Display :: display_normal_message($message); } // TODO: This is for the permission section. /** * Function that removes the need to directly use is_courseAdmin global in * tool scripts. It returns true or false depending on the user's rights in * this particular course. * Optionally checking for tutor and coach roles here allows us to use the * student_view feature altogether with these roles as well. * @param bool Whether to check if the user has the tutor role * @param bool Whether to check if the user has the coach role * @param bool Whether to check if the user has the session coach role * @param bool check the student view or not * * @author Roan Embrechts * @author Patrick Cool * @author Julio Montoya * @version 1.1, February 2004 * @return boolean, true: the user has the rights to edit, false: he does not */ function api_is_allowed_to_edit($tutor = false, $coach = false, $session_coach = false, $check_student_view = true) { $my_session_id = api_get_session_id(); $is_allowed_coach_to_edit = api_is_coach(null, null, $check_student_view); $session_visibility = api_get_session_visibility($my_session_id); // Admins can edit anything. if (api_is_platform_admin(false)) { //The student preview was on if ($check_student_view && isset($_SESSION['studentview']) && $_SESSION['studentview'] == "studentview" ) { return false; } else { return true; } } $is_courseAdmin = api_is_course_admin(); if (!$is_courseAdmin && $tutor) { // If we also want to check if the user is a tutor... $is_courseAdmin = $is_courseAdmin || api_is_course_tutor(); } if (!$is_courseAdmin && $coach) { // If we also want to check if the user is a coach...'; // Check if session visibility is read only for coaches. if ($session_visibility == SESSION_VISIBLE_READ_ONLY) { $is_allowed_coach_to_edit = false; } if (api_get_setting('allow_coach_to_edit_course_session') == 'true') { // Check if coach is allowed to edit a course. $is_courseAdmin = $is_courseAdmin || $is_allowed_coach_to_edit; } else { $is_courseAdmin = $is_courseAdmin; } } if (!$is_courseAdmin && $session_coach) { $is_courseAdmin = $is_courseAdmin || $is_allowed_coach_to_edit; } // Check if the student_view is enabled, and if so, if it is activated. if (api_get_setting('student_view_enabled') == 'true') { if (!empty($my_session_id)) { // Check if session visibility is read only for coaches. if ($session_visibility == SESSION_VISIBLE_READ_ONLY) { $is_allowed_coach_to_edit = false; } if (api_get_setting('allow_coach_to_edit_course_session') == 'true') { // Check if coach is allowed to edit a course. $is_allowed = $is_allowed_coach_to_edit; } else { $is_allowed = false; } if ($check_student_view) { $is_allowed = $is_allowed && $_SESSION['studentview'] != 'studentview'; } } else { if ($check_student_view) { $is_allowed = $is_courseAdmin && $_SESSION['studentview'] != 'studentview'; } else { $is_allowed = $is_courseAdmin; } } return $is_allowed; } else { return $is_courseAdmin; } } /** * Checks if a student can edit contents in a session depending * on the session visibility * @param bool $tutor Whether to check if the user has the tutor role * @param bool $coach Whether to check if the user has the coach role * @return boolean, true: the user has the rights to edit, false: he does not */ function api_is_allowed_to_session_edit($tutor = false, $coach = false) { if (api_is_allowed_to_edit($tutor, $coach)) { // If I'm a teacher, I will return true in order to not affect the normal behaviour of Chamilo tools. return true; } else { if (api_get_session_id() == 0) { // I'm not in a session so i will return true to not affect the normal behaviour of Chamilo tools. return true; } else { // I'm in a session and I'm a student $session_id = api_get_session_id(); // Get the session visibility $session_visibility = api_get_session_visibility($session_id); // if 5 the session is still available //@todo We could load the session_rel_course_rel_user permission to increase the level of detail. //echo api_get_user_id(); //echo api_get_course_id(); switch ($session_visibility) { case SESSION_VISIBLE_READ_ONLY: // 1 return false; case SESSION_VISIBLE: // 2 return true; case SESSION_INVISIBLE: // 3 return false; case SESSION_AVAILABLE: //5 return true; } } } } /** * Checks whether the user is allowed in a specific tool for a specific action * @param $tool the tool we are checking if the user has a certain permission * @param $action the action we are checking (add, edit, delete, move, visibility) * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University * @author Julio Montoya * @version 1.0 */ function api_is_allowed($tool, $action, $task_id = 0) { global $_course; global $_user; if (api_is_course_admin()) { return true; } //if (!$_SESSION['total_permissions'][$_course['code']] and $_course) if (is_array($_course) and count($_course) > 0) { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'permissions/permissions_functions.inc.php'; require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'groupmanager.lib.php'; // Getting the permissions of this user. if ($task_id == 0) { $user_permissions = get_permissions('user', $_user['user_id']); $_SESSION['total_permissions'][$_course['code']] = $user_permissions; } // Getting the permissions of the task. if ($task_id != 0) { $task_permissions = get_permissions('task', $task_id); /* !!! */$_SESSION['total_permissions'][$_course['code']] = $task_permissions; } //print_r($_SESSION['total_permissions']); // Getting the permissions of the groups of the user //$groups_of_user = GroupManager::get_group_ids($_course['db_name'], $_user['user_id']); //foreach($groups_of_user as $group) // $this_group_permissions = get_permissions('group', $group); // Getting the permissions of the courseroles of the user $user_courserole_permissions = get_roles_permissions('user', $_user['user_id']); // Getting the permissions of the platformroles of the user //$user_platformrole_permissions = get_roles_permissions('user', $_user['user_id'], ', platform'); // Getting the permissions of the roles of the groups of the user //foreach($groups_of_user as $group) // $this_group_courserole_permissions = get_roles_permissions('group', $group); // Getting the permissions of the platformroles of the groups of the user //foreach($groups_of_user as $group) // $this_group_platformrole_permissions = get_roles_permissions('group', $group, 'platform'); } // If the permissions are limited, we have to map the extended ones to the limited ones. if (api_get_setting('permissions') == 'limited') { if ($action == 'Visibility') { $action = 'Edit'; } if ($action == 'Move') { $action = 'Edit'; } } // The session that contains all the permissions already exists for this course // so there is no need to requery everything. //my_print_r($_SESSION['total_permissions'][$_course['code']][$tool]); if (is_array($_SESSION['total_permissions'][$_course['code']][$tool])) { if (in_array($action, $_SESSION['total_permissions'][$_course['code']][$tool])) { return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * Tells whether this user is an anonymous user * @param int $user_id User ID (optional, will take session ID if not provided) * @param bool $db_check Whether to check in the database (true) or simply in * the session (false) to see if the current user is the anonymous user * @return bool true if this user is anonymous, false otherwise */ function api_is_anonymous($user_id = null, $db_check = false) { if (!isset($user_id)) { $user_id = api_get_user_id(); } if ($db_check) { $info = api_get_user_info($user_id); if ($info['status'] == 6) { return true; } } global $_user; if (!isset($_user)) { // In some cases, api_set_anonymous doesn't seem to be triggered in local.inc.php. Make sure it is. // Occurs in agenda for admin links - YW global $use_anonymous; if (isset($use_anonymous) && $use_anonymous) { api_set_anonymous(); } return true; } return isset($_user['is_anonymous']) && $_user['is_anonymous'] === true; } /* * Returns a not found page * @todo use templates to customize the not found page */ function api_not_found($print_headers = false) { $origin = isset($_GET['origin']) ? $_GET['origin'] : ''; $show_headers = 0; if ((!headers_sent() || $print_headers) && $origin != 'learnpath') { $show_headers = 1; } $tpl = new Template(null, $show_headers, $show_headers); $msg = get_lang('NotFound'); $tpl->assign('content', $msg); $tpl->display_one_col_template(); } /** * Displays message "You are not allowed here..." and exits the entire script. * @param bool $print_headers Whether or not to print headers (default = false -> does not print them) * * @author Roan Embrechts * @author Yannick Warnier * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University * * @version 1.0, February 2004 * @version dokeos 1.8, August 2006 */ function api_not_allowed($print_headers = false, $message = null) { if (api_get_setting('sso_authentication') === 'true') { global $osso; if ($osso) { $osso->logout(); } } Header::response_code(403); $home_url = api_get_path(WEB_PATH); $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $course = api_get_course_id(); global $this_section; if (empty($user_id)) { // Why the CustomPages::enabled() need to be to set the request_uri $_SESSION['request_uri'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } if (CustomPages::enabled() && !isset($user_id)) { CustomPages::display(CustomPages::INDEX_UNLOGGED); } $origin = isset($_GET['origin']) ? $_GET['origin'] : ''; $msg = null; if (isset($message)) { $msg = $message; } else { $msg = Display::return_message(get_lang('NotAllowedClickBack').'

'.get_lang('ReturnToCourseHomepage').'', 'error', false); } $msg = Display::div($msg, array('align'=>'center')); $show_headers = 0; if ($print_headers && $origin != 'learnpath') { $show_headers = 1; } $tpl = new Template(null, $show_headers, $show_headers); $tpl->assign('hide_login_link', 1); $tpl->assign('content', $msg); if (($user_id!=0 && !api_is_anonymous()) && (!isset($course) || $course == -1) && empty($_GET['cidReq'])) { // if the access is not authorized and there is some login information // but the cidReq is not found, assume we are missing course data and send the user // to the user_portal $tpl->display_one_col_template(); exit; } if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && (!empty($_GET['cidReq']) || $this_section == SECTION_MYPROFILE || $this_section == SECTION_PLATFORM_ADMIN ) ) { //only display form and return to the previous URL if there was a course ID included if ($user_id != 0 && !api_is_anonymous()) { //if there is a user ID, then the user is not allowed but the session is still there. Say so and exit $tpl->assign('content', $msg); $tpl->display_one_col_template(); exit; } if (!is_null(api_get_course_id())) { $firstpage = api_get_course_id(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['id_session'])) { $firstpage .= '/'.intval($_REQUEST['id_session']); } api_set_firstpage_parameter($firstpage); } // If the user has no user ID, then his session has expired $action = api_get_self().'?'.Security::remove_XSS($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $action = str_replace('&', '&', $action); $form = new FormValidator('formLogin', 'post', $action, null, array('class'=>'form-stacked')); $form->addElement('text', 'login', null, array('placeholder' => get_lang('UserName'), 'class' => 'span3 autocapitalize_off')); //new $form->addElement('password', 'password', null, array('placeholder' => get_lang('Password'), 'class' => 'span3')); //new $form->addElement('style_submit_button', 'submitAuth', get_lang('LoginEnter'), array('class' => 'btn span3')); // see same text in auth/gotocourse.php and main_api.lib.php function api_not_allowed (above) $content = Display::return_message(get_lang('NotAllowed'), 'error', false); $content .= '


'; if (api_is_cas_activated()) { $content .= Display::return_message(sprintf(get_lang('YouHaveAnInstitutionalAccount'), api_get_setting("Institution")), '', false); $content .= Display::div("
".sprintf(get_lang('LoginWithYourAccount'), api_get_setting("Institution"))."

", array('align'=>'center')); $content .= Display::return_message(get_lang('YouDontHaveAnInstitutionAccount')); $content .= "


"; $content .= "
"; } $content .= ''; if (api_is_cas_activated()) { $content .= "
"; } $content .= '


'; $tpl->setLoginBodyClass(); $tpl->assign('content', $content); $tpl->display_one_col_template(); exit; } if ($user_id !=0 && !api_is_anonymous()) { $tpl->display_one_col_template(); exit; } $msg = null; // The session is over and we were not in a course, // or we try to get directly to a private course without being logged if (!is_null(api_get_course_int_id())) { $firstpage = api_get_course_id(); if (!is_null(api_get_session_id())) { $firstpage .= '/' . api_get_session_id(); } api_set_firstpage_parameter($firstpage); $tpl->setLoginBodyClass(); $action = api_get_self().'?'.Security::remove_XSS($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $action = str_replace('&', '&', $action); $form = new FormValidator('formLogin', 'post', $action, null, array('class'=>'form-stacked')); $form->addElement('text', 'login', null, array('placeholder' => get_lang('UserName'), 'class' => 'span3 autocapitalize_off')); //new $form->addElement('password', 'password', null, array('placeholder' => get_lang('Password'), 'class' => 'span3')); //new $form->addElement('style_submit_button', 'submitAuth', get_lang('LoginEnter'), array('class' => 'btn span3')); // see same text in auth/gotocourse.php and main_api.lib.php function api_not_allowed (bellow) $msg = Display::return_message(get_lang('NotAllowed'), 'error', false); $msg .= '


'; if (api_is_cas_activated()) { $msg .= Display::return_message(sprintf(get_lang('YouHaveAnInstitutionalAccount'), api_get_setting("Institution")), '', false); $msg .= Display::div("
".getCASLogoHTML()." ".sprintf(get_lang('LoginWithYourAccount'), api_get_setting("Institution"))."

", array('align'=>'center')); $msg .= Display::return_message(get_lang('YouDontHaveAnInstitutionAccount')); $msg .= "


"; $msg .= "
"; } $msg .= ''; if (api_is_cas_activated()) { $msg .= "
"; } $msg .= '


'; } else { // we were not in a course, return to home page $msg = Display::return_message( get_lang('NotAllowed').'

', 'error', false ); } $tpl->assign('content', $msg); $tpl->display_one_col_template(); exit; } /* WHAT'S NEW functions for the what's new icons in the user course list */ /** * Gets a UNIX timestamp from a database (MySQL) datetime format string * @param $last_post_datetime standard output date in a sql query * @return unix timestamp * @author Toon Van Hoecke * @version October 2003 * @desc convert sql date to unix timestamp */ function convert_sql_date($last_post_datetime) { list ($last_post_date, $last_post_time) = explode(' ', $last_post_datetime); list ($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $last_post_date); list ($hour, $min, $sec) = explode(':', $last_post_time); return mktime((int)$hour, (int)$min, (int)$sec, (int)$month, (int)$day, (int)$year); } /** * Gets a database (MySQL) datetime format string from a UNIX timestamp * @param int UNIX timestamp, as generated by the time() function. Will be generated if parameter not provided * @return string MySQL datetime format, like '2009-01-30 12:23:34' */ function api_get_datetime($time = null) { if (!isset($time)) { $time = time(); } return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time); } /** * Gets item visibility from the item_property table * * Getting the visibility is done by getting the last updated visibility entry, * using the largest session ID found if session 0 and another was found (meaning * the only one that is actually from the session, in case there are results from * session 0 *AND* session n). * @param array Course properties array (result of api_get_course_info()) * @param string Tool (learnpath, document, etc) * @param int The item ID in the given tool * @param int The session ID (optional) * @return int -1 on error, 0 if invisible, 1 if visible */ function api_get_item_visibility($_course, $tool, $id, $session = 0) { if (!is_array($_course) || count($_course) == 0 || empty($tool) || empty($id)) { return -1; } $tool = Database::escape_string($tool); $id = intval($id); $session = (int) $session; $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $course_id = intval($_course['real_id']); $sql = "SELECT visibility FROM $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY WHERE c_id = $course_id AND tool = '$tool' AND ref = $id AND (id_session = $session OR id_session = 0) ORDER BY id_session DESC, lastedit_date DESC LIMIT 1"; $res = Database::query($sql); if ($res === false || Database::num_rows($res) == 0) { return -1; } $row = Database::fetch_array($res); return $row['visibility']; } /** * Delete a row in the c_item_property table * * @param array $courseInfo * @param string $tool * @param int $itemId * @param int $userId * @param int $groupId * @param int $sessionId */ function api_item_property_delete( $courseInfo, $tool, $itemId, $userId, $groupId = 0, $sessionId = 0 ) { if (empty($courseInfo)) { return false; } $courseId = intval($courseInfo['real_id']); if (empty($courseId) || empty($tool) || empty($itemId)) { return false; } $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $tool = Database::escape_string($tool); $itemId = intval($itemId); $userId = intval($userId); $groupId = intval($groupId); $sessionId = intval($sessionId); $groupCondition = " AND to_group_id = $groupId "; if (empty($groupId)) { $groupCondition = " AND (to_group_id is NULL OR to_group_id = 0) "; } $userCondition = " AND to_user_id = $userId "; if (empty($userId)) { $userCondition = " AND (to_user_id is NULL OR to_user_id = 0) "; } $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE c_id = $courseId AND tool = '$tool' AND ref = $itemId AND id_session = $sessionId $userCondition $groupCondition "; Database::query($sql); } /** * Updates or adds item properties to the Item_propetry table * Tool and lastedit_type are language independant strings (langvars->get_lang!) * * @param array $_course array with course properties * @param string $tool tool id, linked to 'rubrique' of the course tool_list (Warning: language sensitive !!) * @param int $item_id id of the item itself, linked to key of every tool ('id', ...), "*" = all items of the tool * @param string $lastedit_type add or update action * (1) message to be translated (in trad4all) : e.g. DocumentAdded, DocumentUpdated; * (2) "delete" * (3) "visible" * (4) "invisible" * @param int $user_id : id of the editing/adding user * @param int $to_group_id : id of the intended group (0 = for everybody), only relevant for $type (1) * @param int $to_user_id : id of the intended user (always has priority over $to_group_id !), only relevant for $type (1) * @param string $start_visible 0000-00-00 00:00:00 format * @param string $end_visible 0000-00-00 00:00:00 format * @return boolean False if update fails. * @author Toon Van Hoecke , Ghent University * @version January 2005 * @desc update the item_properties table (if entry not exists, insert) of the course */ function api_item_property_update( $_course, $tool, $item_id, $lastedit_type, $user_id, $to_group_id = 0, $to_user_id = null, $start_visible = 0, $end_visible = 0, $session_id = 0 ) { if (empty($_course)) { return false; } $course_id = $_course['real_id']; if (empty($course_id)) { return false; } // Definition of variables. $tool = Database::escape_string($tool); $item_id = intval($item_id); $lastEditTypeNoFilter = $lastedit_type; $lastedit_type = Database::escape_string($lastedit_type); $user_id = intval($user_id); $to_group_id = intval($to_group_id); $to_user_id = intval($to_user_id); $start_visible = Database::escape_string($start_visible); $end_visible = Database::escape_string($end_visible); $start_visible = ($start_visible == 0) ? '0000-00-00 00:00:00' : $start_visible; $end_visible = ($end_visible == 0) ? '0000-00-00 00:00:00' : $end_visible; $to_filter = ''; $time = api_get_utc_datetime(); if (!empty($session_id)) { $session_id = intval($session_id); } else { $session_id = api_get_session_id(); } // Definition of tables. $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); if ($to_user_id <= 0) { $to_user_id = null; // No to_user_id set } if (!is_null($to_user_id)) { // $to_user_id has more priority than $to_group_id $to_field = 'to_user_id'; $to_value = $to_user_id; } else { // $to_user_id is not set. $to_field = 'to_group_id'; $to_value = $to_group_id; } // Set filters for $to_user_id and $to_group_id, with priority for $to_user_id $condition_session = ''; if (!empty($session_id)) { $condition_session = " AND id_session = '$session_id' "; } $filter = " c_id = $course_id AND tool='$tool' AND ref='$item_id' $condition_session "; // @deprecated this call '*' if ($item_id === '*') { // For all (not deleted) items of the tool $filter = " c_id = $course_id AND tool = '$tool' AND visibility<>'2' $condition_session"; } // Check whether $to_user_id and $to_group_id are passed in the function call. // If both are not passed (both are null) then it is a message for everybody and $to_group_id should be 0 ! if (is_null($to_user_id) && is_null($to_group_id)) { $to_group_id = 0; } $to_filter = null; if (!is_null($to_user_id)) { // Set filter to intended user. $to_filter = " AND to_user_id= '$to_user_id' "; } else { // Set filter to intended group. if (($to_group_id != 0) && $to_group_id == strval(intval($to_group_id))) { $to_filter = " AND to_group_id = '$to_group_id' "; } } // Adding filter if set. $filter .= $to_filter; // Update if possible $set_type = ''; switch ($lastEditTypeNoFilter) { case 'delete': // delete = make item only visible for the platform admin. $visibility = '2'; if (!empty($session_id)) { // Check whether session id already exist into itemp_properties for updating visibility or add it. $sql = "SELECT id_session FROM $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY WHERE c_id = $course_id AND tool = '$tool' AND ref='$item_id' AND id_session = '$session_id'"; $rs = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY SET lastedit_type = '".str_replace('_', '', ucwords($tool))."Deleted', lastedit_date = '$time', lastedit_user_id = '$user_id', visibility = '$visibility', id_session = '$session_id' $set_type WHERE $filter"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY (c_id, tool, ref, insert_date, insert_user_id, lastedit_date, lastedit_type, lastedit_user_id,$to_field, visibility, start_visible, end_visible, id_session) VALUES ($course_id, '$tool','$item_id','$time', '$user_id', '$time', '$lastedit_type','$user_id', '$to_value', '$visibility', '$start_visible','$end_visible', '$session_id')"; } } else { $sql = "UPDATE $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY SET lastedit_type='".str_replace('_', '', ucwords($tool))."Deleted', lastedit_date='$time', lastedit_user_id = '$user_id', visibility='$visibility' $set_type WHERE $filter"; } break; case 'visible' : // Change item to visible. $visibility = '1'; if (!empty($session_id)) { // Check whether session id already exist into item_properties for updating visibility or add it. $sql = "SELECT id_session FROM $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY WHERE c_id = $course_id AND tool = '$tool' AND ref = '$item_id' AND id_session = '$session_id'"; $rs = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY SET lastedit_type='".str_replace('_', '', ucwords($tool))."Visible', lastedit_date='$time', lastedit_user_id = '$user_id', visibility='$visibility', id_session = '$session_id' $set_type WHERE $filter"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY (c_id, tool, ref, insert_date, insert_user_id, lastedit_date, lastedit_type, lastedit_user_id,$to_field, visibility, start_visible, end_visible, id_session) VALUES ($course_id, '$tool', '$item_id', '$time', '$user_id', '$time', '$lastedit_type', '$user_id', '$to_value', '$visibility', '$start_visible', '$end_visible', '$session_id')"; } } else { $sql = "UPDATE $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY SET lastedit_type='".str_replace('_', '', ucwords($tool))."Visible', lastedit_date='$time', lastedit_user_id='$user_id', visibility='$visibility' $set_type WHERE $filter"; } break; case 'invisible' : // Change item to invisible. $visibility = '0'; if (!empty($session_id)) { // Check whether session id already exist into item_properties for updating visibility or add it $sql = "SELECT id_session FROM $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY WHERE c_id = $course_id AND tool = '$tool' AND ref = '$item_id' AND id_session = '$session_id'"; $rs = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY SET lastedit_type = '".str_replace('_', '', ucwords($tool))."Invisible', lastedit_date = '$time', lastedit_user_id = '$user_id', visibility = '$visibility', id_session = '$session_id' $set_type WHERE $filter"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY (c_id, tool, ref, insert_date, insert_user_id, lastedit_date, lastedit_type, lastedit_user_id,$to_field, visibility, start_visible, end_visible, id_session) VALUES ($course_id, '$tool', '$item_id', '$time', '$user_id', '$time', '$lastedit_type', '$user_id', '$to_value', '$visibility', '$start_visible', '$end_visible', '$session_id')"; } } else { $sql = "UPDATE $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY SET lastedit_type = '".str_replace('_', '', ucwords($tool))."Invisible', lastedit_date = '$time', lastedit_user_id = '$user_id', visibility = '$visibility' $set_type WHERE $filter"; } break; default : // The item will be added or updated. $set_type = ", lastedit_type='$lastedit_type' "; $visibility = '1'; $sql = "UPDATE $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY SET lastedit_date = '$time', lastedit_user_id='$user_id' $set_type WHERE $filter"; } Database::query($sql); // Insert if no entries are found (can only happen in case of $lastedit_type switch is 'default'). if (Database::affected_rows() == 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY (c_id, tool,ref,insert_date,insert_user_id,lastedit_date,lastedit_type, lastedit_user_id, $to_field, visibility, start_visible, end_visible, id_session) VALUES ($course_id, '$tool', '$item_id', '$time', '$user_id', '$time', '$lastedit_type', '$user_id', '$to_value', '$visibility', '$start_visible', '$end_visible', '$session_id')"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (!$res) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Gets item property by tool * @param string course code * @param string tool name, linked to 'rubrique' of the course tool_list (Warning: language sensitive !!) * @param int id of the item itself, linked to key of every tool ('id', ...), "*" = all items of the tool */ function api_get_item_property_by_tool($tool, $course_code, $session_id = null) { $course_info = api_get_course_info($course_code); $tool = Database::escape_string($tool); // Definition of tables. $item_property_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $session_id = intval($session_id); $session_condition = ' AND id_session = '.$session_id; $course_id = $course_info['real_id']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $item_property_table WHERE c_id = $course_id AND tool = '$tool' $session_condition "; $rs = Database::query($sql); $list = array(); if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { while ($row = Database::fetch_array($rs, 'ASSOC')) { $list[] = $row; } } return $list; } /** * Gets item property by tool and user * @param int $userId * @param int $tool * @param int $courseId * @param int $session_id * @return array */ function api_get_item_property_list_by_tool_by_user( $userId, $tool, $courseId, $session_id = 0 ) { $userId = intval($userId); $tool = Database::escape_string($tool); $session_id = intval($session_id); $courseId = intval($courseId); // Definition of tables. $item_property_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $session_condition = ' AND id_session = '.$session_id; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $item_property_table WHERE insert_user_id = $userId AND c_id = $courseId AND tool = '$tool' $session_condition "; $rs = Database::query($sql); $list = array(); if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { while ($row = Database::fetch_array($rs, 'ASSOC')) { $list[] = $row; } } return $list; } /** * Gets item property id from tool of a course * @param string course code * @param string tool name, linked to 'rubrique' of the course tool_list (Warning: language sensitive !!) * @param int id of the item itself, linked to key of every tool ('id', ...), "*" = all items of the tool */ function api_get_item_property_id($course_code, $tool, $ref) { $course_info = api_get_course_info($course_code); $tool = Database::escape_string($tool); $ref = intval($ref); // Definition of tables. $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $course_id = $course_info['real_id']; $sql = "SELECT id FROM $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY WHERE c_id = $course_id AND tool = '$tool' AND ref = '$ref'"; $rs = Database::query($sql); $item_property_id = ''; if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { $row = Database::fetch_array($rs); $item_property_id = $row['id']; } return $item_property_id; } /** * Inserts a record in the track_e_item_property table (No update) * @param string $tool * @param int $ref * @param string $title * @param string $content * @param int $progress * @return bool|int */ function api_track_item_property_update($tool, $ref, $title, $content, $progress) { $tbl_stats_item_property = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ITEM_PROPERTY); $course_id = api_get_real_course_id(); //numeric $course_code = api_get_course_id(); //alphanumeric $item_property_id = api_get_item_property_id($course_code, $tool, $ref); if (!empty($item_property_id)) { $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO $tbl_stats_item_property SET course_id = '$course_id', item_property_id = '$item_property_id', title = '".Database::escape_string($title)."', content = '".Database::escape_string($content)."', progress = '".intval($progress)."', lastedit_date = '".api_get_utc_datetime()."', lastedit_user_id = '".api_get_user_id()."', session_id = '".api_get_session_id()."'"; Database::query($sql); $affected_rows = Database::affected_rows(); return $affected_rows; } return false; } /** * @param string $tool * @param int $ref * @return array|resource */ function api_get_track_item_property_history($tool, $ref) { $tbl_stats_item_property = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ITEM_PROPERTY); $course_id = api_get_real_course_id(); //numeric $course_code = api_get_course_id(); //alphanumeric $item_property_id = api_get_item_property_id($course_code, $tool, $ref); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_stats_item_property WHERE item_property_id = $item_property_id AND course_id = $course_id ORDER BY lastedit_date DESC"; $result = Database::query($sql); $result = Database::store_result($result,'ASSOC'); return $result; } /** * Gets item property data from tool of a course id * @param int course id * @param string tool name, linked to 'rubrique' of the course tool_list (Warning: language sensitive !!) * @param int id of the item itself, linked to key of every tool ('id', ...), "*" = all items of the tool * @param int $session_id */ function api_get_item_property_info($course_id, $tool, $ref, $session_id = 0, $groupId = 0) { $course_info = api_get_course_info_by_id($course_id); if (empty($course_info)) { return false; } $tool = Database::escape_string($tool); $ref = intval($ref); $course_id = $course_info['real_id']; $session_id = intval($session_id); // Definition of tables. $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE c_id = $course_id AND tool = '$tool' AND ref = $ref AND id_session = $session_id "; if (!empty($groupId)) { $groupId = intval($groupId); $sql .= " AND to_group_id = $groupId "; } $rs = Database::query($sql); $row = array(); if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { $row = Database::fetch_array($rs,'ASSOC'); } return $row; } /** * Displays a combo box so the user can select his/her preferred language. * @param string The desired name= value for the select * @param bool Whether we use the JQuery Chozen library or not * (in some cases, like the indexing language picker, it can alter the presentation) * @return string */ function api_get_languages_combo($name = 'language', $chozen=true) { $ret = ''; $platformLanguage = api_get_setting('platformLanguage'); // Retrieve a complete list of all the languages. $language_list = api_get_languages(); if (count($language_list['name']) < 2) { return $ret; } // The the current language of the user so that his/her language occurs as selected in the dropdown menu. if (isset($_SESSION['user_language_choice'])) { $default = $_SESSION['user_language_choice']; } else { $default = $platformLanguage; } $languages = $language_list['name']; $folder = $language_list['folder']; $ret .= ''; return $ret; } /** * Displays a form (drop down menu) so the user can select his/her preferred language. * The form works with or without javascript * @param boolean Hide form if only one language available (defaults to false = show the box anyway) * @return void Display the box directly */ function api_display_language_form($hide_if_no_choice = false) { // Retrieve a complete list of all the languages. $language_list = api_get_languages(); if (count($language_list['name']) <= 1 && $hide_if_no_choice) { return; //don't show any form } // The the current language of the user so that his/her language occurs as selected in the dropdown menu. if (isset($_SESSION['user_language_choice'])) { $user_selected_language = $_SESSION['user_language_choice']; } if (empty($user_selected_language)) { $user_selected_language = api_get_setting('platformLanguage'); } $original_languages = $language_list['name']; $folder = $language_list['folder']; // This line is probably no longer needed. $html = ' '; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= '
'; return $html; } /** * Returns a list of all the languages that are made available by the admin. * @return array An array with all languages. Structure of the array is * array['name'] = An array with the name of every language * array['folder'] = An array with the corresponding names of the language-folders in the filesystem */ function api_get_languages() { $tbl_language = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_LANGUAGE); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_language WHERE available='1' ORDER BY original_name ASC"; $result = Database::query($sql); $language_list = array(); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $language_list['name'][] = $row['original_name']; $language_list['folder'][] = $row['dokeos_folder']; } return $language_list; } /** * Returns a list of all the languages that are made available by the admin. * @return array */ function api_get_languages_to_array() { $tbl_language = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_LANGUAGE); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_language WHERE available='1' ORDER BY original_name ASC"; $result = Database::query($sql); $languages = array(); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $languages[$row['dokeos_folder']] = $row['original_name']; } return $languages; } /** * Returns the id (the database id) of a language * @param string language name (the corresponding name of the language-folder in the filesystem) * @return int id of the language */ function api_get_language_id($language) { $tbl_language = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_LANGUAGE); if (empty($language)) { return null; } $language = Database::escape_string($language); $sql = "SELECT id FROM $tbl_language WHERE available='1' AND dokeos_folder = '$language' LIMIT 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); return $row['id']; } /** * Gets language of the requested type for the current user. Types are : * user_profil_lang : profile language of current user * user_select_lang : language selected by user at login * course_lang : language of the current course * platform_lang : default platform language * @param string lang_type * @param return language of the requested type or false if the language is not available **/ function api_get_language_from_type($lang_type) { global $_user; global $_course; $toreturn = false; switch ($lang_type) { case 'platform_lang' : $temp_lang = api_get_setting('platformLanguage'); if (!empty($temp_lang)) $toreturn = $temp_lang; break; case 'user_profil_lang' : if (isset($_user['language']) && !empty($_user['language']) ) $toreturn = $_user['language']; break; case 'user_selected_lang' : if (isset($_SESSION['user_language_choice']) && !empty($_SESSION['user_language_choice']) ) $toreturn = ($_SESSION['user_language_choice']); break; case 'course_lang' : if (isset($_course['language']) && !empty($_course['language']) ) $toreturn = $_course['language']; break; default : $toreturn = false; break; } return $toreturn; } function api_get_language_info($language_id) { $tbl_admin_languages = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_LANGUAGE); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$tbl_admin_languages.' WHERE id = "'.intval($language_id).'"'; $rs = Database::query($sql); $language_info = array(); if (Database::num_rows($rs)) { $language_info = Database::fetch_array($rs,'ASSOC'); } return $language_info; } /** * Returns the name of the visual (CSS) theme to be applied on the current page. * The returned name depends on the platform, course or user -wide settings. * @return string The visual theme's name, it is the name of a folder inside .../chamilo/main/css/ */ function api_get_visual_theme() { static $visual_theme; if (!isset($visual_theme)) { $platform_theme = api_get_setting('stylesheets'); // Platform's theme. $visual_theme = $platform_theme; if (api_get_setting('user_selected_theme') == 'true') { $user_info = api_get_user_info(); if (isset($user_info['theme'])) { $user_theme = $user_info['theme']; if (!empty($user_theme)) { $visual_theme = $user_theme; // User's theme. } } } $course_id = api_get_course_id(); if (!empty($course_id) && $course_id != -1) { if (api_get_setting('allow_course_theme') == 'true') { $course_theme = api_get_course_setting('course_theme'); if (!empty($course_theme) && $course_theme != -1) { if (!empty($course_theme)) { $visual_theme = $course_theme; // Course's theme. } } $allow_lp_theme = api_get_course_setting('allow_learning_path_theme'); if ($allow_lp_theme == 1) { global $lp_theme_css, $lp_theme_config; // These variables come from the file lp_controller.php. if (!$lp_theme_config) { if (!empty($lp_theme_css)) { $visual_theme = $lp_theme_css; // LP's theme. } } } } } if (empty($visual_theme)) { $visual_theme = 'chamilo'; } global $lp_theme_log; if ($lp_theme_log) { $visual_theme = $platform_theme; } } return $visual_theme; } /** * Returns a list of CSS themes currently available in the CSS folder * @return array List of themes directories from the css folder * Note: Directory names (names of themes) in the file system should contain ASCII-characters only. */ function api_get_themes() { $cssdir = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'main/css/'; $list_dir = array(); $list_name = array(); if (@is_dir($cssdir)) { $themes = @scandir($cssdir); if (is_array($themes)) { if ($themes !== false) { sort($themes); foreach ($themes as & $theme) { if (substr($theme, 0, 1) == '.') { continue; } else { if (@is_dir($cssdir.$theme)) { $list_dir[] = $theme; $list_name[] = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $theme)); } } } } } } return array($list_dir, $list_name); } /* WYSIWYG EDITOR Functions for the WYSIWYG html editor. Please, try to avoid using the following two functions. The preferable way to put an editor's instance on a page is through using a FormValidator's class method. */ /** * Displays the WYSIWYG editor for online editing of html * @param string $name The name of the form-element * @param string $content The default content of the html-editor * @param int $height The height of the form element * @param int $width The width of the form element * @param string $attributes (optional) attributes for the form element * @param array $editor_config (optional) Configuration options for the html-editor * @deprecated */ function api_disp_html_area($name, $content = '', $height = '', $width = '100%', $attributes = null, $editor_config = null) { global $_configuration, $_course, $fck_attribute; require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'formvalidator/Element/html_editor.php'; $editor = new HTML_QuickForm_html_editor($name, null, $attributes, $editor_config); $editor->setValue($content); // The global variable $fck_attribute has been deprecated. It stays here for supporting old external code. if( $height != '') { $fck_attribute['Height'] = $height; } if( $width != '') { $fck_attribute['Width'] = $width; } echo $editor->toHtml(); } /** * Returns generated html for showing the WYSIWYG editor on the page * @param string $name The name of the form-element * @param string $content The default content of the html-editor * @param int $height The height of the form element * @param int $width The width of the form element * @param string $attributes (optional) attributes for the form element * @param array $editor_config (optional) Configuration options for the html-editor * @deprecated */ function api_return_html_area($name, $content = '', $height = '', $width = '100%', $attributes = null, $editor_config = null) { global $fck_attribute; require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'formvalidator/Element/html_editor.php'; $editor = new HTML_QuickForm_html_editor($name, null, $attributes, $editor_config); $editor->setValue($content); // The global variable $fck_attribute has been deprecated. It stays here for supporting old external code. if ($height != '') { $fck_attribute['Height'] = $height; } if ($width != '') { $fck_attribute['Width'] = $width; } return $editor->toHtml(); } /** * Find the largest sort value in a given user_course_category * This function is used when we are moving a course to a different category * and also when a user subscribes to courses (the new course is added at the end of the main category * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University * @param int $user_course_category: the id of the user_course_category * @return int the value of the highest sort of the user_course_category */ function api_max_sort_value($user_course_category, $user_id) { $tbl_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql = "SELECT max(sort) as max_sort FROM $tbl_course_user WHERE user_id='".intval($user_id)."' AND relation_type<>".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH." AND user_course_cat='".Database::escape_string($user_course_category)."'"; $result_max = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result_max) == 1) { $row_max = Database::fetch_array($result_max); return $row_max['max_sort']; } return 0; } /** * This function converts the string "true" or "false" to a boolean true or false. * This function is in the first place written for the Chamilo Config Settings (also named AWACS) * @param string "true" or "false" * @return boolean true or false * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University */ function api_string_2_boolean($string) { if ($string == 'true') { return true; } if ($string == 'false') { return false; } return false; } /** * Too keep BC * @deprecated use api_string_2_boolean */ function string_2_boolean($string) { return api_string_2_boolean($string); } /** * Determines the number of plugins installed for a given location */ function api_number_of_plugins($location) { global $_plugins; return isset($_plugins[$location]) && is_array($_plugins[$location]) ? count($_plugins[$location]) : 0; } /** * Including the necessary plugins. * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University * @deprecated use AppPlugin::get_all_plugin_contents_by_region function */ function api_plugin($location) { global $_plugins; if (isset($_plugins[$location]) && is_array($_plugins[$location])) { foreach ($_plugins[$location] as $this_plugin) { include api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH)."$this_plugin/index.php"; } } return false; } /** * Checks to see wether a certain plugin is installed. * @return boolean true if the plugin is installed, false otherwise. */ function api_is_plugin_installed($plugin_list, $plugin_name) { if (is_array($plugin_list)) { foreach ($plugin_list as $plugin_location) { if (array_search($plugin_name, $plugin_location) !== false) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Transforms a number of seconds in hh:mm:ss format * @author Julian Prud'homme * @param integer the number of seconds * @return string the formated time */ function api_time_to_hms($seconds) { // $seconds = -1 means that we have wrong data in the db. if ($seconds == -1) { return get_lang('Unknown'). Display::return_icon( 'info2.gif', get_lang('WrongDatasForTimeSpentOnThePlatform'), array('align' => 'absmiddle', 'hspace' => '3px') ); } // How many hours ? $hours = floor($seconds / 3600); // How many minutes ? $min = floor(($seconds - ($hours * 3600)) / 60); // How many seconds $sec = floor($seconds - ($hours * 3600) - ($min * 60)); if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; } if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min"; } return "$hours:$min:$sec"; } /* FILE SYSTEM RELATED FUNCTIONS */ /** * Returns the permissions to be assigned to every newly created directory by the web-server. * The return value is based on the platform administrator's setting * "Administration > Configuration settings > Security > Permissions for new directories". * @return int Returns the permissions in the format "Owner-Group-Others, Read-Write-Execute", as an integer value. */ function api_get_permissions_for_new_directories() { static $permissions; if (!isset($permissions)) { $permissions = trim(api_get_setting('permissions_for_new_directories')); // The default value 0777 is according to that in the platform administration panel after fresh system installation. $permissions = octdec(!empty($permissions) ? $permissions : '0777'); } return $permissions; } /** * Returns the permissions to be assigned to every newly created directory by the web-server. * The return value is based on the platform administrator's setting * "Administration > Configuration settings > Security > Permissions for new files". * @return int Returns the permissions in the format * "Owner-Group-Others, Read-Write-Execute", as an integer value. */ function api_get_permissions_for_new_files() { static $permissions; if (!isset($permissions)) { $permissions = trim(api_get_setting('permissions_for_new_files')); // The default value 0666 is according to that in the platform administration panel after fresh system installation. $permissions = octdec(!empty($permissions) ? $permissions : '0666'); } return $permissions; } /** * sys_get_temp_dir() was introduced as of PHP 5.2.1 * For older PHP versions the following implementation is to be activated. * @link Based on http://www.phpit.net/article/creating-zip-tar-archives-dynamically-php/2/ */ if (!function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) { function sys_get_temp_dir() { // Try to get from environment variable. if (!empty($_ENV['TMP'])) { return realpath($_ENV['TMP']); } if (!empty($_ENV['TMPDIR'])) { return realpath($_ENV['TMPDIR']); } if (!empty($_ENV['TEMP'])) { return realpath($_ENV['TEMP']); } // Detect by creating a temporary file. // Try to use system's temporary directory // as random name shouldn't exist. $temp_file = tempnam(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), ''); if ($temp_file) { $temp_dir = realpath(dirname($temp_file)); @unlink( $temp_file ); return $temp_dir; } return false; } } /** * Deletes a file, or a folder and its contents * * @author Aidan Lister * @version 1.0.3 * @param string $dirname Directory to delete * @param bool Deletes only the content or not * @param bool $strict if one folder/file fails stop the loop * @return bool Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure * @link http://aidanlister.com/2004/04/recursively-deleting-a-folder-in-php/ * @author Yannick Warnier, adaptation for the Chamilo LMS, April, 2008 * @author Ivan Tcholakov, a sanity check about Directory class creation has been added, September, 2009 */ function rmdirr($dirname, $delete_only_content_in_folder = false, $strict = false) { $res = true; // A sanity check. if (!file_exists($dirname)) { return false; } $php_errormsg = ''; // Simple delete for a file. if (is_file($dirname) || is_link($dirname)) { $res = unlink($dirname); if ($res === false) { error_log(__FILE__.' line '.__LINE__.': '.((bool)ini_get('track_errors') ? $php_errormsg : 'Error not recorded because track_errors is off in your php.ini'), 0); } return $res; } // Loop through the folder. $dir = dir($dirname); // A sanity check. $is_object_dir = is_object($dir); if ($is_object_dir) { while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) { // Skip pointers. if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } // Recurse. if ($strict) { $result = rmdirr("$dirname/$entry"); if ($result == false) { $res = false; break; } } else { rmdirr("$dirname/$entry"); } } } // Clean up. if ($is_object_dir) { $dir->close(); } if ($delete_only_content_in_folder == false) { $res = rmdir($dirname); if ($res === false) { error_log(__FILE__.' line '.__LINE__.': '.((bool)ini_get('track_errors') ? $php_errormsg : 'error not recorded because track_errors is off in your php.ini'), 0); } } return $res; } // TODO: This function is to be simplified. File access modes to be implemented. /** * function adapted from a php.net comment * copy recursively a folder * @param the source folder * @param the dest folder * @param an array of excluded file_name (without extension) * @param copied_files the returned array of copied files */ function copyr($source, $dest, $exclude = array(), $copied_files = array()) { if (empty($dest)) { return false; } // Simple copy for a file if (is_file($source)) { $path_info = pathinfo($source); if (!in_array($path_info['filename'], $exclude)) { copy($source, $dest); } return true; } elseif (!is_dir($source)) { //then source is not a dir nor a file, return return false; } // Make destination directory. if (!is_dir($dest)) { mkdir($dest, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); } // Loop through the folder. $dir = dir($source); while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) { // Skip pointers if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } // Deep copy directories. if ($dest !== "$source/$entry") { $files = copyr("$source/$entry", "$dest/$entry", $exclude, $copied_files); } } // Clean up. $dir->close(); return true; } // TODO: Using DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR is not recommended, this is an obsolete approach. Documentation header to be added here. function copy_folder_course_session( $pathname, $base_path_document, $session_id, $course_info, $document, $source_course_id ) { $table = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT); $session_id = intval($session_id); $source_course_id = intval($source_course_id); // Check whether directory already exists. if (is_dir($pathname) || empty($pathname)) { return true; } // Ensure that a file with the same name does not already exist. if (is_file($pathname)) { trigger_error('copy_folder_course_session(): File exists', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $course_id = $course_info['real_id']; $folders = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,str_replace($base_path_document.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,'',$pathname)); $new_pathname = $base_path_document; $path = ''; foreach ($folders as $folder) { $new_pathname .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$folder; $path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$folder; if (!file_exists($new_pathname)) { $path = Database::escape_string($path); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE c_id = $source_course_id AND path = '$path' AND filetype = 'folder' AND session_id = '$session_id'"; $rs1 = Database::query($sql); $num_rows = Database::num_rows($rs1); if ($num_rows == 0) { mkdir($new_pathname, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); // Insert new folder with destination session_id. $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$table." SET c_id = $course_id, path = '$path', comment = '".Database::escape_string($document->comment)."', title = '".Database::escape_string(basename($new_pathname))."' , filetype='folder', size= '0', session_id = '$session_id'"; Database::query($sql); $document_id = Database::insert_id(); api_item_property_update($course_info,TOOL_DOCUMENT,$document_id,'FolderCreated',api_get_user_id(),0,0,null,null,$session_id); } } } // en foreach } // TODO: chmodr() is a better name. Some corrections are needed. Documentation header to be added here. function api_chmod_R($path, $filemode) { if (!is_dir($path)) { return chmod($path, $filemode); } $handler = opendir($path); while ($file = readdir($handler)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $fullpath = "$path/$file"; if (!is_dir($fullpath)) { if (!chmod($fullpath, $filemode)) { return false; } } else { if (!api_chmod_R($fullpath, $filemode)) { return false; } } } } closedir($handler); return chmod($path, $filemode); } // TODO: Where the following function has been copy/pased from? There is no information about author and license. Style, coding conventions... /** * Parse info file format. (e.g: file.info) * * Files should use an ini-like format to specify values. * White-space generally doesn't matter, except inside values. * e.g. * * @verbatim * key = value * key = "value" * key = 'value' * key = "multi-line * * value" * key = 'multi-line * * value' * key * = * 'value' * @endverbatim * * Arrays are created using a GET-like syntax: * * @verbatim * key[] = "numeric array" * key[index] = "associative array" * key[index][] = "nested numeric array" * key[index][index] = "nested associative array" * @endverbatim * * PHP constants are substituted in, but only when used as the entire value: * * Comments should start with a semi-colon at the beginning of a line. * * This function is NOT for placing arbitrary module-specific settings. Use * variable_get() and variable_set() for that. * * Information stored in the module.info file: * - name: The real name of the module for display purposes. * - description: A brief description of the module. * - dependencies: An array of shortnames of other modules this module depends on. * - package: The name of the package of modules this module belongs to. * * Example of .info file: * * @verbatim * name = Forum * description = Enables threaded discussions about general topics. * dependencies[] = taxonomy * dependencies[] = comment * package = Core - optional * version = VERSION * @endverbatim * * @param $filename * The file we are parsing. Accepts file with relative or absolute path. * @return * The info array. */ function parse_info_file($filename) { $info = array(); if (!file_exists($filename)) { return $info; } $data = file_get_contents($filename); if (preg_match_all(' @^\s* # Start at the beginning of a line, ignoring leading whitespace ((?: [^=;\[\]]| # Key names cannot contain equal signs, semi-colons or square brackets, \[[^\[\]]*\] # unless they are balanced and not nested )+?) \s*=\s* # Key/value pairs are separated by equal signs (ignoring white-space) (?: ("(?:[^"]|(?<=\\\\)")*")| # Double-quoted string, which may contain slash-escaped quotes/slashes (\'(?:[^\']|(?<=\\\\)\')*\')| # Single-quoted string, which may contain slash-escaped quotes/slashes ([^\r\n]*?) # Non-quoted string )\s*$ # Stop at the next end of a line, ignoring trailing whitespace @msx', $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $key = $value1 = $value2 = $value3 = ''; foreach ($matches as $match) { // Fetch the key and value string. $i = 0; foreach (array('key', 'value1', 'value2', 'value3') as $var) { $$var = isset($match[++$i]) ? $match[$i] : ''; } $value = stripslashes(substr($value1, 1, -1)) . stripslashes(substr($value2, 1, -1)) . $value3; // Parse array syntax. $keys = preg_split('/\]?\[/', rtrim($key, ']')); $last = array_pop($keys); $parent = &$info; // Create nested arrays. foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($key == '') { $key = count($parent); } if (!isset($parent[$key]) || !is_array($parent[$key])) { $parent[$key] = array(); } $parent = &$parent[$key]; } // Handle PHP constants. if (defined($value)) { $value = constant($value); } // Insert actual value. if ($last == '') { $last = count($parent); } $parent[$last] = $value; } } return $info; } /** * Gets Chamilo version from the configuration files * @return string A string of type "1.8.4", or an empty string if the version could not be found */ function api_get_version() { global $_configuration; return (string)$_configuration['system_version']; } /** * Gets the software name (the name/brand of the Chamilo-based customized system) * @return string */ function api_get_software_name() { global $_configuration; if (isset($_configuration['software_name']) && !empty($_configuration['software_name'])) { return $_configuration['software_name']; } else { return 'Chamilo'; } } /** * Checks whether status given in parameter exists in the platform * @param mixed the status (can be either int either string) * @return true if the status exists, else returns false */ function api_status_exists($status_asked) { global $_status_list; return in_array($status_asked, $_status_list) ? true : isset($_status_list[$status_asked]); } /** * Checks whether status given in parameter exists in the platform. The function * returns the status ID or false if it does not exist, but given the fact there * is no "0" status, the return value can be checked against * if(api_status_key()) to know if it exists. * @param mixed The status (can be either int or string) * @return mixed Status ID if exists, false otherwise */ function api_status_key($status) { global $_status_list; return isset($_status_list[$status]) ? $status : array_search($status, $_status_list); } /** * Gets the status langvars list * @return array the list of status with their translations */ function api_get_status_langvars() { return array( COURSEMANAGER => get_lang('Teacher', ''), SESSIONADMIN => get_lang('SessionsAdmin', ''), DRH => get_lang('Drh', ''), STUDENT => get_lang('Student', ''), ANONYMOUS => get_lang('Anonymous', '') ); } /** * The function that retrieves all the possible settings for a certain config setting * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University */ function api_get_settings_options($var) { $table_settings_options = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_OPTIONS); $var = Database::escape_string($var); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_settings_options WHERE variable = '$var' ORDER BY id"; $result = Database::query($sql); $settings_options_array = array(); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { //$temp_array = array ('value' => $row['value'], 'display_text' => $row['display_text']); $settings_options_array[] = $row; } return $settings_options_array; } function api_set_setting_option($params) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_OPTIONS); if (empty($params['id'])) { Database::insert($table, $params); } else { Database::update($table, $params, array('id = ? '=> $params['id'])); } } function api_set_setting_simple($params) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id(); if (empty($params['id'])) { $params['access_url'] = $url_id; Database::insert($table, $params); } else { Database::update($table, $params, array('id = ? '=> array($params['id']))); } } function api_delete_setting_option($id) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_OPTIONS); if (!empty($id)) { Database::delete($table, array('id = ? '=> $id)); } } /** * Sets a platform configuration setting to a given value * @param string The variable we want to update * @param string The value we want to record * @param string The sub-variable if any (in most cases, this will remain null) * @param string The category if any (in most cases, this will remain null) * @param int The access_url for which this parameter is valid */ function api_set_setting($var, $value, $subvar = null, $cat = null, $access_url = 1) { if (empty($var)) { return false; } $t_settings = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $var = Database::escape_string($var); $value = Database::escape_string($value); $access_url = (int)$access_url; if (empty($access_url)) { $access_url = 1; } $select = "SELECT id FROM $t_settings WHERE variable = '$var' "; if (!empty($subvar)) { $subvar = Database::escape_string($subvar); $select .= " AND subkey = '$subvar'"; } if (!empty($cat)) { $cat = Database::escape_string($cat); $select .= " AND category = '$cat'"; } if ($access_url > 1) { $select .= " AND access_url = $access_url"; } else { $select .= " AND access_url = 1 "; } $res = Database::query($select); if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { // Found item for this access_url. $row = Database::fetch_array($res); $update = "UPDATE $t_settings SET selected_value = '$value' WHERE id = ".$row['id'] ; Database::query($update); } else { // Item not found for this access_url, we have to check if it exist with access_url = 1 $select = "SELECT * FROM $t_settings WHERE variable = '$var' AND access_url = 1 "; // Just in case if ($access_url == 1) { if (!empty($subvar)) { $select .= " AND subkey = '$subvar'"; } if (!empty($cat)) { $select .= " AND category = '$cat'"; } $res = Database::query($select); if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { // We have a setting for access_url 1, but none for the current one, so create one. $row = Database::fetch_array($res); $insert = "INSERT INTO $t_settings " . "(variable,subkey," . "type,category," . "selected_value,title," . "comment,scope," . "subkeytext,access_url)" . " VALUES " . "('".$row['variable']."',".(!empty($row['subkey']) ? "'".$row['subkey']."'" : "NULL")."," . "'".$row['type']."','".$row['category']."'," . "'$value','".$row['title']."'," . "".(!empty($row['comment']) ? "'".$row['comment']."'" : "NULL").",".(!empty($row['scope']) ? "'".$row['scope']."'" : "NULL")."," . "".(!empty($row['subkeytext'])?"'".$row['subkeytext']."'":"NULL").",$access_url)"; Database::query($insert); } else { // Such a setting does not exist. error_log(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.': Attempting to update setting '.$var.' ('.$subvar.') which does not exist at all', 0); } } else { // Other access url. if (!empty($subvar)) { $select .= " AND subkey = '$subvar'"; } if (!empty($cat)) { $select .= " AND category = '$cat'"; } $res = Database::query($select); if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { // We have a setting for access_url 1, but none for the current one, so create one. $row = Database::fetch_array($res); if ($row['access_url_changeable'] == 1) { $insert = "INSERT INTO $t_settings " . "(variable,subkey," . "type,category," . "selected_value,title," . "comment,scope," . "subkeytext,access_url, access_url_changeable)" . " VALUES " . "('".$row['variable']."',". (!empty($row['subkey']) ? "'".$row['subkey']."'" : "NULL")."," . "'".$row['type']."','".$row['category']."'," . "'$value','".$row['title']."'," . "".(!empty($row['comment']) ? "'".$row['comment']."'" : "NULL").",". (!empty($row['scope']) ? "'".$row['scope']."'" : "NULL")."," . "".(!empty($row['subkeytext']) ? "'".$row['subkeytext']."'" : "NULL").",$access_url,".$row['access_url_changeable'].")"; Database::query($insert); } } else { // Such a setting does not exist. error_log(__FILE__.':'.__LINE__.': Attempting to update setting '.$var.' ('.$subvar.') which does not exist at all. The access_url is: '.$access_url.' ',0); } } } } /** * Sets a whole category of settings to one specific value * @param string Category * @param string Value * @param int Access URL. Optional. Defaults to 1 * @param array Optional array of filters on field type */ function api_set_settings_category($category, $value = null, $access_url = 1, $fieldtype = array()) { if (empty($category)) { return false; } $category = Database::escape_string($category); $t_s = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $access_url = (int) $access_url; if (empty($access_url)) { $access_url = 1; } if (isset($value)) { $value = Database::escape_string($value); $sql = "UPDATE $t_s SET selected_value = '$value' WHERE category = '$category' AND access_url = $access_url"; if (is_array($fieldtype) && count($fieldtype)>0) { $sql .= " AND ( "; $i = 0; foreach ($fieldtype as $type){ if ($i > 0) { $sql .= ' OR '; } $type = Database::escape_string($type); $sql .= " type='".$type."' "; $i++; } $sql .= ")"; } $res = Database::query($sql); return $res !== false; } else { $sql = "UPDATE $t_s SET selected_value = NULL WHERE category = '$category' AND access_url = $access_url"; if (is_array($fieldtype) && count($fieldtype)>0) { $sql .= " AND ( "; $i = 0; foreach ($fieldtype as $type){ if ($i > 0) { $sql .= ' OR '; } $type = Database::escape_string($type); $sql .= " type='".$type."' "; $i++; } $sql .= ")"; } $res = Database::query($sql); return $res !== false; } } /** * Gets all available access urls in an array (as in the database) * @return array An array of database records */ function api_get_access_urls($from = 0, $to = 1000000, $order = 'url', $direction = 'ASC') { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL); $from = (int) $from; $to = (int) $to; $order = Database::escape_string($order, null, false); $direction = Database::escape_string($direction, null, false); $sql = "SELECT id, url, description, active, created_by, tms FROM $table ORDER BY $order $direction LIMIT $to OFFSET $from"; $res = Database::query($sql); return Database::store_result($res); } /** * Gets the access url info in an array * @param int $id Id of the access url * @return array All the info (url, description, active, created_by, tms) * from the access_url table * @author Julio Montoya */ function api_get_access_url($id) { global $_configuration; $id = intval($id); // Calling the Database:: library dont work this is handmade. //$table_access_url = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL); $table = 'access_url'; $database = $_configuration['main_database']; $table_access_url = "".$database.".".$table.""; $sql = "SELECT url, description, active, created_by, tms FROM $table_access_url WHERE id = '$id' "; $res = Database::query($sql); $result = @Database::fetch_array($res); return $result; } /** * Adds an access URL into the database * @param string URL * @param string Description * @param int Active (1= active, 0=disabled) * @return int The new database id, or the existing database id if this url already exists */ function api_add_access_url($u, $d = '', $a = 1) { $t_au = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL); $u = Database::escape_string($u); $d = Database::escape_string($d); $a = (int) $a; $sql = "SELECT id FROM $t_au WHERE url LIKE '$u'"; $res = Database::query($sql); if ($res === false) { // Problem querying the database - return false. return false; } if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { return Database::result($res, 0, 'id'); } $ui = api_get_user_id(); $sql = "INSERT INTO $t_au (url,description,active,created_by,tms) VALUES ('$u','$d',$a,$ui,'')"; $res = Database::query($sql); return ($res === false) ? false : Database::insert_id(); } /** * Gets all the current settings for a specific access url * @param string The category, if any, that we want to get * @param string Whether we want a simple list (display a category) or * a grouped list (group by variable as in settings.php default). Values: 'list' or 'group' * @param int Access URL's ID. Optional. Uses 1 by default, which is the unique URL * @return array Array of database results for the current settings of the current access URL */ function & api_get_settings($cat = null, $ordering = 'list', $access_url = 1, $url_changeable = 0) { $t_cs = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $access_url = (int) $access_url; $where_condition = ''; if ($url_changeable == 1) { $where_condition = " AND access_url_changeable= '1' "; } if (empty($access_url) or $access_url == -1) { $access_url = 1; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM $t_cs WHERE access_url = $access_url $where_condition "; if (!empty($cat)) { $cat = Database::escape_string($cat); $sql .= " AND category='$cat' "; } if ($ordering == 'group') { $sql .= " GROUP BY variable ORDER BY id ASC"; } else { $sql .= " ORDER BY 1,2 ASC"; } $result = Database::store_result(Database::query($sql)); return $result; } /** * Gets the distinct settings categories * @param array Array of strings giving the categories we want to exclude * @param int Access URL. Optional. Defaults to 1 * @return array A list of categories */ function & api_get_settings_categories($exceptions = array(), $access_url = 1) { $access_url = (int) $access_url; $t_cs = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $list = "'".implode("','",$exceptions)."'"; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT category FROM $t_cs WHERE category is NOT NULL "; if ($list != "'',''" and $list != "''" and !empty($list)) { $sql .= " AND category NOT IN ($list) "; } $result = Database::store_result(Database::query($sql)); return $result; } /** * Deletes a setting * @param string Variable * @param string Subkey * @param int Access URL * @return boolean False on failure, true on success */ function api_delete_setting($v, $s = null, $a = 1) { if (empty($v)) { return false; } $t_cs = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $v = Database::escape_string($v); $a = (int) $a; if (empty($a)) { $a = 1; } if (!empty($s)) { $s = Database::escape_string($s); $sql = "DELETE FROM $t_cs WHERE variable = '$v' AND subkey = '$s' AND access_url = $a"; $r = Database::query($sql); return $r; } $sql = "DELETE FROM $t_cs WHERE variable = '$v' AND access_url = $a"; $r = Database::query($sql); return $r; } /** * Deletes all the settings from one category * @param string Subkey * @param int Access URL * @return boolean False on failure, true on success */ function api_delete_category_settings_by_subkey($subkey, $access_url_id = 1) { if (empty($subkey)) { return false; } $t_cs = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $subkey = Database::escape_string($subkey); $access_url_id = intval($access_url_id); $sql = "DELETE FROM $t_cs WHERE subkey = '$subkey' AND access_url = $access_url_id"; $r = Database::query($sql); return $r; } /** * Sets a platform configuration setting to a given value * @param string The value we want to record * @param string The variable name we want to insert * @param string The subkey for the variable we want to insert * @param string The type for the variable we want to insert * @param string The category for the variable we want to insert * @param string The title * @param string The comment * @param string The scope * @param string The subkey text * @param int The access_url for which this parameter is valid * @param int The changeability of this setting for non-master urls * @return boolean true on success, false on failure */ function api_add_setting($val, $var, $sk = null, $type = 'textfield', $c = null, $title = '', $com = '', $sc = null, $skt = null, $a = 1, $v = 0) { if (empty($var) || !isset($val)) { return false; } $t_settings = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $var = Database::escape_string($var); $val = Database::escape_string($val); $a = (int) $a; if (empty($a)) { $a = 1; } // Check if this variable doesn't exist already $select = "SELECT id FROM $t_settings WHERE variable = '$var' "; if (!empty($sk)) { $sk = Database::escape_string($sk); $select .= " AND subkey = '$sk'"; } if ($a > 1) { $select .= " AND access_url = $a"; } else { $select .= " AND access_url = 1 "; } $res = Database::query($select); if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { // Found item for this access_url. $row = Database::fetch_array($res); return $row['id']; } // Item not found for this access_url, we have to check if the whole thing is missing // (in which case we ignore the insert) or if there *is* a record but just for access_url = 1 $insert = "INSERT INTO $t_settings " . "(variable,selected_value," . "type,category," . "subkey,title," . "comment,scope," . "subkeytext,access_url,access_url_changeable)" . " VALUES ('$var','$val',"; if (isset($type)) { $type = Database::escape_string($type); $insert .= "'$type',"; } else { $insert .= "NULL,"; } if (isset($c)) { // Category $c = Database::escape_string($c); $insert .= "'$c',"; } else { $insert .= "NULL,"; } if (isset($sk)) { // Subkey $sk = Database::escape_string($sk); $insert .= "'$sk',"; } else { $insert .= "NULL,"; } if (isset($title)) { // Title $title = Database::escape_string($title); $insert .= "'$title',"; } else { $insert .= "NULL,"; } if (isset($com)) { // Comment $com = Database::escape_string($com); $insert .= "'$com',"; } else { $insert .= "NULL,"; } if (isset($sc)) { // Scope $sc = Database::escape_string($sc); $insert .= "'$sc',"; } else { $insert .= "NULL,"; } if (isset($skt)) { // Subkey text $skt = Database::escape_string($skt); $insert .= "'$skt',"; } else { $insert .= "NULL,"; } $insert .= "$a,$v)"; $res = Database::query($insert); return $res; } /** * Checks wether a user can or can't view the contents of a course. * * @param int $userid User id or NULL to get it from $_SESSION * @param int $cid Course id to check whether the user is allowed. * @return bool */ function api_is_course_visible_for_user($userid = null, $cid = null) { if ($userid == null) { $userid = api_get_user_id(); } if (empty($userid) || strval(intval($userid)) != $userid) { if (api_is_anonymous()) { $userid = api_get_anonymous_id(); } else { return false; } } $cid = Database::escape_string($cid); global $is_platformAdmin; $course_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $course_cat_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CATEGORY); $sql = "SELECT $course_table.category_code, $course_table.visibility, $course_table.code, $course_cat_table.code FROM $course_table LEFT JOIN $course_cat_table ON $course_table.category_code = $course_cat_table.code WHERE $course_table.code = '$cid' LIMIT 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $visibility = Database::fetch_array($result); $visibility = $visibility['visibility']; } else { $visibility = 0; } // Shortcut permissions in case the visibility is "open to the world". if ($visibility === COURSE_VISIBILITY_OPEN_WORLD) { return true; } $tbl_course_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql = "SELECT tutor_id, status, role FROM $tbl_course_user WHERE user_id = '$userid' AND relation_type <> '".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH."' AND course_code = '$cid' LIMIT 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { // This user has got a recorded state for this course. $cuData = Database::fetch_array($result); $_courseUser['role'] = $cuData['role']; $is_courseMember = true; $is_courseTutor = ($cuData['tutor_id' ] == 1); $is_courseAdmin = ($cuData['status'] == 1); } if (!$is_courseAdmin) { // This user has no status related to this course. // Is it the session coach or the session admin? $tbl_session = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); $tbl_session_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE); $tbl_session_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $sql = "SELECT session.id_coach, session_admin_id, session.id FROM $tbl_session as session INNER JOIN $tbl_session_course ON session_rel_course.id_session = session.id AND session_rel_course.course_code = '$cid' LIMIT 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::store_result($result); if ($row[0]['id_coach'] == $userid) { $_courseUser['role'] = 'Professor'; $is_courseMember = true; $is_courseTutor = true; $is_courseAdmin = false; $is_courseCoach = true; $is_sessionAdmin = false; Session::write('_courseUser',$_courseUser); } elseif ($row[0]['session_admin_id'] == $userid) { $_courseUser['role'] = 'Professor'; $is_courseMember = false; $is_courseTutor = false; $is_courseAdmin = false; $is_courseCoach = false; $is_sessionAdmin = true; } else { // Check if the current user is the course coach. $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM $tbl_session_course WHERE session_rel_course.course_code = '$cid' AND session_rel_course.id_coach = '$userid' LIMIT 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); //if ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0 ) { $_courseUser['role'] = 'Professor'; $is_courseMember = true; $is_courseTutor = true; $is_courseCoach = true; $is_sessionAdmin = false; $tbl_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $sql = "SELECT status FROM $tbl_user WHERE user_id = $userid LIMIT 1"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::result($result, 0, 0) == 1) { $is_courseAdmin = true; } else { $is_courseAdmin = false; } } else { // Check if the user is a student is this session. $sql = "SELECT id FROM $tbl_session_course_user WHERE id_user = '$userid' AND course_code = '$cid' LIMIT 1"; if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { // This user haa got a recorded state for this course. while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $is_courseMember = true; $is_courseTutor = false; $is_courseAdmin = false; $is_sessionAdmin = false; } } } } } switch ($visibility) { case COURSE_VISIBILITY_OPEN_WORLD: return true; case COURSE_VISIBILITY_OPEN_PLATFORM: return isset($userid); case COURSE_VISIBILITY_REGISTERED: case COURSE_VISIBILITY_CLOSED: return $is_platformAdmin || $is_courseMember || $is_courseAdmin; case COURSE_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN: return $is_platformAdmin; } return false; } /** * Returns whether an element (forum, message, survey ...) belongs to a session or not * @param String the tool of the element * @param int the element id in database * @param int the session_id to compare with element session id * @return boolean true if the element is in the session, false else */ function api_is_element_in_the_session($tool, $element_id, $session_id = null) { if (is_null($session_id)) { $session_id = intval($_SESSION['id_session']); } // Get information to build query depending of the tool. switch ($tool) { case TOOL_SURVEY : $table_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_SURVEY); $key_field = 'survey_id'; break; case TOOL_ANNOUNCEMENT : $table_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ANNOUNCEMENT); $key_field = 'id'; break; case TOOL_AGENDA : $table_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA); $key_field = 'id'; break; case TOOL_GROUP : $table_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_GROUP); $key_field = 'id'; break; default: return false; } $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $sql = "SELECT session_id FROM $table_tool WHERE c_id = $course_id AND $key_field = ".intval($element_id); $rs = Database::query($sql); if ($element_session_id = Database::result($rs, 0, 0)) { if ($element_session_id == intval($session_id)) { // The element belongs to the session. return true; } } return false; } /** * Replaces "forbidden" characters in a filename string. * * @author Hugues Peeters * @author René Haentjens, UGent (RH) * @author Ivan Tcholakov, JUN-2009. Transliteration functionality has been added. * @param string $filename The filename string. * @param string $strict (optional) When it is 'strict', all non-ASCII charaters will be replaced. Additional ASCII replacemets will be done too. * @return string The cleaned filename. */ function replace_dangerous_char($filename, $strict = 'loose') { // Safe replacements for some non-letter characters. static $search = array(',', "\0", ' ', "\t", "\n", "\r", "\x0B", '/', "\\", '"', "'", '?', '*', '>', '<', '|', ':', '$', '(', ')', '^', '[', ']', '#', '+', '&', '%'); static $replace = array('_', '', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '-', '-', '-', '_', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'); // Encoding detection. $encoding = api_detect_encoding($filename); // Converting html-entities into encoded characters. $filename = api_html_entity_decode($filename, ENT_QUOTES, $encoding); // Transliteration to ASCII letters, they are not dangerous for filesystems. $filename = api_transliterate($filename, 'x', $encoding); // Trimming leading/trailing whitespace. $filename = trim($filename); // Trimming any leading/trailing dots. $filename = trim($filename, '.'); $filename = trim($filename); // Replacing remaining dangerous non-letter characters. $filename = str_replace($search, $replace, $filename); if ($strict == 'strict') { //$filename = str_replace('-', '_', $filename); // See task #1848. //$filename = preg_replace('/[^0-9A-Za-z_.\-]/', '', $filename); //Removing "_" character see BT#3628 $filename = preg_replace('/[^0-9A-Za-z.\-_]/', '', $filename); } // Length is to be limited, so the file name to be acceptable by some operating systems. $extension = (string)strrchr($filename, '.'); $extension_len = strlen($extension); if ($extension_len > 0 && $extension_len < 250) { $filename = substr($filename, 0, -$extension_len); return substr($filename, 0, 250 - $extension_len).$extension; } return substr($filename, 0, 250); } /** * Fixes the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] that is empty in IIS6. * @author Ivan Tcholakov, 28-JUN-2006. */ function api_request_uri() { if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { return $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $uri = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $uri .= '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $uri; return $uri; } /** * Creates the "include_path" php-setting, following the rule that * PEAR packages of Chamilo should be read before other external packages. * To be used in global.inc.php only. * @author Ivan Tcholakov, 06-NOV-2008. */ function api_create_include_path_setting() { $include_path = ini_get('include_path'); if (!empty($include_path)) { $include_path_array = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $include_path); $dot_found = array_search('.', $include_path_array); if ($dot_found !== false) { $result = array(); foreach ($include_path_array as $path) { $result[] = $path; if ($path == '.') { // The path of Chamilo PEAR packages is to be inserted after the current directory path. $result[] = api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pear'; } } return implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $result); } // Current directory is not listed in the include_path setting, low probability is here. return api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pear'.PATH_SEPARATOR.$include_path; } // The include_path setting is empty, low probability is here. return api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'pear'; } /** Gets the current access_url id of the Chamilo Platform * @author Julio Montoya * @return int access_url_id of the current Chamilo Installation */ function api_get_current_access_url_id() { $access_url_table = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL); $path = Database::escape_string(api_get_path(WEB_PATH)); $sql = "SELECT id FROM $access_url_table WHERE url = '".$path."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $access_url_id = Database::result($result, 0, 0); return $access_url_id; } //if the url in WEB_PATH was not found, it can only mean that there is // either a configuration problem or the first URL has not been defined yet // (by default it is http://localhost/). Thus the more sensible thing we can // do is return 1 (the main URL) as the user cannot hack this value anyway return 1; } /** * Gets the registered urls from a given user id * @author Julio Montoya * @return int user id */ function api_get_access_url_from_user($user_id) { $user_id = intval($user_id); $table_url_rel_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_USER); $table_url = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL); $sql = "SELECT access_url_id FROM $table_url_rel_user url_rel_user INNER JOIN $table_url u ON (url_rel_user.access_url_id = u.id) WHERE user_id = ".intval($user_id); $result = Database::query($sql); $url_list = array(); while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { $url_list[] = $row['access_url_id']; } return $url_list; } /** * Gets the status of a user in a course * @param int $user_id * @param string $course_code * @return int user status */ function api_get_status_of_user_in_course ($user_id, $course_code) { $tbl_rel_course_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); if (!empty($user_id) && !empty($course_code)) { $user_id = intval($user_id); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $sql = 'SELECT status FROM '.$tbl_rel_course_user.' WHERE user_id='.$user_id.' AND course_code="'.$course_code.'";'; $result = Database::query($sql); $row_status = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC'); return $row_status['status']; } else { return 0; } } /** * Checks whether the curent user is in a course or not. * * @param string The course code - optional (takes it from session if not given) * @return boolean * @author Yannick Warnier */ function api_is_in_course($course_code = null) { if (isset($_SESSION['_course']['sysCode'])) { if (!empty($course_code)) { return $course_code == $_SESSION['_course']['sysCode']; } return true; } return false; } /** * Checks whether the curent user is in a group or not. * * @param string The group id - optional (takes it from session if not given) * @param string The course code - optional (no additional check by course if course code is not given) * @return boolean * @author Ivan Tcholakov */ function api_is_in_group($group_id = null, $course_code = null) { if (!empty($course_code)) { if (isset($_SESSION['_course']['sysCode'])) { if ($course_code != $_SESSION['_course']['sysCode']) return false; } else { return false; } } if (isset($_SESSION['_gid']) && $_SESSION['_gid'] != '') { if (!empty($group_id)) { return $group_id == $_SESSION['_gid']; } else { return true; } } return false; } /** * This function gets the hash in md5 or sha1 (it depends in the platform config) of a given password * @param string password * @return string password with the applied hash */ function api_get_encrypted_password($password, $salt = '') { global $_configuration; $password_encryption = isset($_configuration['password_encryption']) ? $_configuration['password_encryption'] : 'sha1'; switch ($password_encryption) { case 'sha1': return empty($salt) ? sha1($password) : sha1($password.$salt); case 'none': return $password; case 'md5': default: return empty($salt) ? md5($password) : md5($password.$salt); } } /** * Checks whether a secret key is valid * @param string $original_key_secret - secret key from (webservice) client * @param string $security_key - security key from Chamilo * @return boolean - true if secret key is valid, false otherwise */ function api_is_valid_secret_key($original_key_secret, $security_key) { return $original_key_secret == sha1($security_key); } /** * Checks whether a user is into course * @param string $course_id - the course id * @param int $user_id - the user id */ function api_is_user_of_course($course_id, $user_id) { $tbl_course_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM '.$tbl_course_rel_user.' WHERE course_code="'.Database::escape_string($course_id).'" AND user_id="'.intval($user_id).'" AND relation_type<>'.COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH.' '; $result = Database::query($sql); return Database::num_rows($result) == 1; } /** * Checks whether the server's operating system is Windows (TM). * @return boolean - true if the operating system is Windows, false otherwise */ function api_is_windows_os() { if (function_exists('php_uname')) { // php_uname() exists as of PHP 4.0.2, according to the documentation. // We expect that this function will always work for Chamilo 1.8.x. $os = php_uname(); } // The following methods are not needed, but let them stay, just in case. elseif (isset($_ENV['OS'])) { // Sometimes $_ENV['OS'] may not be present (bugs?) $os = $_ENV['OS']; } elseif (defined('PHP_OS')) { // PHP_OS means on which OS PHP was compiled, this is why // using PHP_OS is the last choice for detection. $os = PHP_OS; } else { return false; } return strtolower(substr((string)$os, 0, 3 )) == 'win'; } /** * This function informs whether the sent request is XMLHttpRequest */ function api_is_xml_http_request() { return isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest'; } /** * This wrapper function has been implemented for avoiding some known problems about the function getimagesize(). * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.getimagesize.php * @link http://www.dokeos.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12345 * @link http://www.dokeos.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16355 */ function api_getimagesize($path) { $image = new Image($path); return $image->get_image_size(); } /** * This function resizes an image, with preserving its proportions (or aspect ratio). * @author Ivan Tcholakov, MAY-2009. * @param int $image System path or URL of the image * @param int $target_width Targeted width * @param int $target_height Targeted height * @return array Calculated new width and height */ function api_resize_image($image, $target_width, $target_height) { $image_properties = api_getimagesize($image); return api_calculate_image_size($image_properties['width'], $image_properties['height'], $target_width, $target_height); } /** * This function calculates new image size, with preserving image's proportions (or aspect ratio). * @author Ivan Tcholakov, MAY-2009. * @author The initial idea has been taken from code by Patrick Cool, MAY-2004. * @param int $image_width Initial width * @param int $image_height Initial height * @param int $target_width Targeted width * @param int $target_height Targeted height * @return array Calculated new width and height */ function api_calculate_image_size($image_width, $image_height, $target_width, $target_height) { // Only maths is here. $result = array('width' => $image_width, 'height' => $image_height); if ($image_width <= 0 || $image_height <= 0) { return $result; } $resize_factor_width = $target_width / $image_width; $resize_factor_height = $target_height / $image_height; $delta_width = $target_width - $image_width * $resize_factor_height; $delta_height = $target_height - $image_height * $resize_factor_width; if ($delta_width > $delta_height) { $result['width'] = ceil($image_width * $resize_factor_height); $result['height'] = ceil($image_height * $resize_factor_height); } elseif ($delta_width < $delta_height) { $result['width'] = ceil($image_width * $resize_factor_width); $result['height'] = ceil($image_height * $resize_factor_width); } else { $result['width'] = ceil($target_width); $result['height'] = ceil($target_height); } return $result; } /** * Returns a list of Chamilo's tools or * checks whether a given identificator is a valid Chamilo's tool. * @author Isaac flores paz * @param string The tool name to filter * @return mixed Filtered string or array */ function api_get_tools_lists($my_tool = null) { $tools_list = array( TOOL_DOCUMENT, TOOL_THUMBNAIL, TOOL_HOTPOTATOES, TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT, TOOL_LINK, TOOL_COURSE_DESCRIPTION, TOOL_SEARCH, TOOL_LEARNPATH, TOOL_ANNOUNCEMENT, TOOL_FORUM, TOOL_THREAD, TOOL_POST, TOOL_DROPBOX, TOOL_QUIZ, TOOL_USER, TOOL_GROUP, TOOL_BLOGS, TOOL_CHAT, TOOL_CONFERENCE, TOOL_STUDENTPUBLICATION, TOOL_TRACKING, TOOL_HOMEPAGE_LINK, TOOL_COURSE_SETTING, TOOL_BACKUP, TOOL_COPY_COURSE_CONTENT, TOOL_RECYCLE_COURSE, TOOL_COURSE_HOMEPAGE, TOOL_COURSE_RIGHTS_OVERVIEW, TOOL_UPLOAD, TOOL_COURSE_MAINTENANCE, TOOL_VISIO, TOOL_VISIO_CONFERENCE, TOOL_VISIO_CLASSROOM, TOOL_SURVEY, TOOL_WIKI, TOOL_GLOSSARY, TOOL_GRADEBOOK, TOOL_NOTEBOOK, TOOL_ATTENDANCE, TOOL_COURSE_PROGRESS ); if (empty($my_tool)) { return $tools_list; } return in_array($my_tool, $tools_list) ? $my_tool : ''; } /** * Checks whether we already approved the last version term and condition * @param int user id * @return bool true if we pass false otherwise */ function api_check_term_condition($user_id) { if (api_get_setting('allow_terms_conditions') == 'true') { $t_uf = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD); $t_ufv = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD_VALUES); //check if exists terms and conditions if (LegalManager::count() == 0) { return true; } // Check the last user version_id passed $sql = "SELECT field_value FROM $t_ufv ufv inner join $t_uf uf on ufv.field_id= uf.id WHERE field_value <> '' AND field_variable = 'legal_accept' AND user_id = ".intval($user_id); $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { $rowv = Database::fetch_row($res); $rowv = $rowv[0]; $user_conditions = explode(':', $rowv); $version = $user_conditions[0]; $lang_id = $user_conditions[1]; $real_version = LegalManager::get_last_version($lang_id); return $version >= $real_version; } return false; } return false; } /** * Gets all information of a tool into course * @param int The tool id * @return array */ function api_get_tool_information($tool_id) { $t_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $t_tool WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id = ".intval($tool_id); $rs = Database::query($sql); return Database::fetch_array($rs); } /** * Gets all information of a tool into course * @param int The tool id * @return array */ function api_get_tool_information_by_name($name) { $t_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $t_tool WHERE c_id = $course_id AND name = '".Database::escape_string($name)."' "; $rs = Database::query($sql); return Database::fetch_array($rs, 'ASSOC'); } /* DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS */ /** * Deprecated, use api_trunc_str() instead. */ function shorten($input, $length = 15, $encoding = null) { $length = intval($length); if (!$length) { $length = 15; } return api_trunc_str($input, $length, '...', false, $encoding); } /** * DEPRECATED, use api_get_setting instead */ function get_setting($variable, $key = NULL) { global $_setting; return api_get_setting($variable, $key); } /** * deprecated: use api_is_allowed_to_edit() instead */ function is_allowed_to_edit() { return api_is_allowed_to_edit(); } /** * deprecated: 19-SEP-2009: Use api_get_path(TO_SYS, $url) instead. */ function api_url_to_local_path($url) { return api_get_path(TO_SYS, $url); } /** * @deprecated 27-SEP-2009: Use Database::store_result($result) instead. */ function api_store_result($result) { return Database::store_result($result); } /** * @deprecated 28-SEP-2009: Use Database::query($query, $file, $line) instead. */ function api_sql_query($query, $file = '', $line = 0) { return Database::query($query, $file, $line); } /** * @deprecated 25-JAN-2010: See api_mail() and api_mail_html(), mail.lib.inc.php * * Send an email. * * Wrapper function for the standard php mail() function. Change this function * to your needs. The parameters must follow the same rules as the standard php * mail() function. Please look at the documentation on http://php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php * @param string $to * @param string $subject * @param string $message * @param string $additional_headers * @param string $additionalParameters * @author Ivan Tcholakov, 04-OCT-2009, a reworked version of this function. * @link http://www.dokeos.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15557 */ function api_send_mail($to, $subject, $message, $additional_headers = null, $additionalParameters = array()) { require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'; if (empty($platform_email['SMTP_FROM_NAME'])) { $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_NAME'] = api_get_person_name( api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname'), null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS ); } if (empty($platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL'])) { $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL'] = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'); } $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/([^<]*)<(.+)>/si', $to, $matches)) { $recipient_name = trim($matches[1]); $recipient_email = trim($matches[2]); } else { $recipient_name = ''; $recipient_email = trim($to); } $sender_name = ''; $sender_email = ''; $extra_headers = $additional_headers; // Regular expression to test for valid email address. // This should actually be revised to use the complete RFC3696 description. // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3696#section-3 //$regexp = "^[0-9a-z_\.+-]+@(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]*[0-9a-z]\.)+[a-z]{2,3})$"; // Deprecated, 13-OCT-2010. $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = $platform_email['SMTP_CHARSET']; $mail->Mailer = $platform_email['SMTP_MAILER']; $mail->Host = $platform_email['SMTP_HOST']; $mail->Port = $platform_email['SMTP_PORT']; if ($platform_email['SMTP_AUTH']) { $mail->SMTPAuth = 1; $mail->Username = $platform_email['SMTP_USER']; $mail->Password = $platform_email['SMTP_PASS']; } $mail->Priority = 3; // 5 = low, 1 = high $mail->AddCustomHeader('Errors-To: '.$platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL']); $mail->IsHTML(0); $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; // Attachments. // $mail->AddAttachment($path); // $mail->AddAttachment($path, $filename); if ($sender_email != '') { $mail->From = $sender_email; $mail->Sender = $sender_email; } else { $mail->From = $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL']; $mail->Sender = $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_EMAIL']; } if ($sender_name != '') { $mail->FromName = $sender_name; } else { $mail->FromName = $platform_email['SMTP_FROM_NAME']; } $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $message; // Only valid address are to be accepted. if (api_valid_email($recipient_email)) { $mail->AddAddress($recipient_email, $recipient_name); } if ($extra_headers != '') { $mail->AddCustomHeader($extra_headers); } // Send mail. if (!$mail->Send()) { return 0; } $plugin = new AppPlugin(); $installedPluginsList = $plugin->getInstalledPluginListObject(); foreach ($installedPluginsList as $installedPlugin) { if ($installedPlugin->isMailPlugin and array_key_exists("smsType", $additionalParameters)) { $clockworksmsObject = new Clockworksms(); $clockworksmsObject->send($additionalParameters); } } // Clear all the addresses. $mail->ClearAddresses(); return 1; } /* END OF DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS SECTION */ /** * Function used to protect a "global" admin script. * The function blocks access when the user has no global platform admin rights. * Global admins are the admins that are registered in the main.admin table AND the users who have access to the "principal" portal. * That means that there is a record in the main.access_url_rel_user table with his user id and the access_url_id=1 * * @author Julio Montoya */ function api_is_global_platform_admin($user_id = null) { $user_id = intval($user_id); if (empty($user_id)) { $user_id = api_get_user_id(); } if (api_is_platform_admin_by_id($user_id)) { $my_url_list = api_get_access_url_from_user($user_id); // The admin is registered in the first "main" site with access_url_id = 1 if (in_array(1, $my_url_list)) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } /** * @param int $admin_id_to_check * @param int $my_user_id * @param bool $allow_session_admin * @return bool */ function api_global_admin_can_edit_admin($admin_id_to_check, $my_user_id = null, $allow_session_admin = false) { if (empty($my_user_id)) { $my_user_id = api_get_user_id(); } $iam_a_global_admin = api_is_global_platform_admin($my_user_id); $user_is_global_admin = api_is_global_platform_admin($admin_id_to_check); if ($iam_a_global_admin) { // Global admin can edit everything return true; } else { // If i'm a simple admin $is_platform_admin = api_is_platform_admin_by_id($my_user_id); if ($allow_session_admin) { $is_platform_admin = api_is_platform_admin_by_id($my_user_id) || (api_get_user_status($my_user_id) == SESSIONADMIN); } if ($is_platform_admin) { if ($user_is_global_admin) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } } function api_protect_super_admin($admin_id_to_check, $my_user_id = null, $allow_session_admin = false) { if (api_global_admin_can_edit_admin($admin_id_to_check, $my_user_id, $allow_session_admin)) { return true; } else { api_not_allowed(); } } /** * Function used to protect a global admin script. * The function blocks access when the user has no global platform admin rights. * See also the api_is_global_platform_admin() function wich defines who's a "global" admin * * @author Julio Montoya */ function api_protect_global_admin_script() { if (!api_is_global_platform_admin()) { api_not_allowed(); return false; } return true; } /** * Get active template * @param string theme type (optional: default) * @param string path absolute(abs) or relative(rel) (optional:rel) * @return string actived template path */ function api_get_template($path_type = 'rel') { $path_types = array('rel', 'abs'); $template_path = ''; if (in_array($path_type, $path_types)) { if ($path_type == 'rel') { $template_path = api_get_path(SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH); } else { $template_path = api_get_path(WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH); } } $actived_theme = 'default'; if (api_get_setting('active_template')) { $actived_theme = api_get_setting('active_template'); } $actived_theme_path = $template_path.$actived_theme.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; return $actived_theme_path; } /** * Check browser support for type files * This function check if the users browser support a file format or * return the current browser and major ver when $format=check_browser * @param string $format * * @return bool, or return text array if $format=check_browser * @author Juan Carlos Raña Trabado */ function api_browser_support($format = "") { require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'browser/Browser.php'; $browser = new Browser(); $current_browser = $browser->getBrowser(); $a_versiontemp = explode('.', $browser->getVersion()); $current_majorver = $a_versiontemp[0]; // Native svg support if ($format == 'svg') { if (($current_browser == 'Internet Explorer' && $current_majorver >= 9) || ($current_browser == 'Firefox' && $current_majorver > 1) || ($current_browser == 'Safari' && $current_majorver >= 4) || ($current_browser == 'Chrome' && $current_majorver >= 1) || ($current_browser == 'Opera' && $current_majorver >= 9) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'pdf') { //native pdf support if ($current_browser == 'Chrome' && $current_majorver >= 6) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'tif' || $format == 'tiff') { //native tif support if ($current_browser == 'Safari' && $current_majorver >= 5) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'ogg' || $format == 'ogx' || $format == 'ogv' || $format == 'oga') { //native ogg, ogv,oga support if (($current_browser == 'Firefox' && $current_majorver >= 3) || ($current_browser == 'Chrome' && $current_majorver >= 3) || ($current_browser == 'Opera' && $current_majorver >= 9)) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'mpg' || $format == 'mpeg') { //native mpg support if (($current_browser == 'Safari' && $current_majorver >= 5)) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'mp4') { //native mp4 support (TODO: Android, iPhone) if ($current_browser == 'Android' || $current_browser == 'iPhone') { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'mov') { //native mov support( TODO:check iPhone) if ($current_browser == 'Safari' && $current_majorver >= 5 || $current_browser == 'iPhone') { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'avi') { //native avi support if ($current_browser == 'Safari' && $current_majorver >= 5) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'wmv') { //native wmv support if ($current_browser == 'Firefox' && $current_majorver >= 4) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'webm') { //native webm support (TODO:check IE9, Chrome9, Android) if (($current_browser == 'Firefox' && $current_majorver >= 4) || ($current_browser == 'Opera' && $current_majorver >= 9) || ($current_browser == 'Internet Explorer' && $current_majorver >= 9) || ($current_browser == 'Chrome' && $current_majorver >= 9) || $current_browser == 'Android' ) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'wav') { //native wav support (only some codecs !) if (($current_browser == 'Firefox' && $current_majorver >= 4) || ($current_browser == 'Safari' && $current_majorver >= 5) || ($current_browser == 'Opera' && $current_majorver >= 9) || ($current_browser == 'Internet Explorer' && $current_majorver >= 9) || ($current_browser == 'Chrome' && $current_majorver > 9) || $current_browser == 'Android' || $current_browser == 'iPhone' ) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'mid' || $format == 'kar') { //native midi support (TODO:check Android) if ($current_browser == 'Opera' && $current_majorver >= 9 || $current_browser == 'Android') { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'wma') { //native wma support if ($current_browser == 'Firefox' && $current_majorver >= 4) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'au') { //native au support if ($current_browser == 'Safari' && $current_majorver >= 5) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == 'mp3') { //native mp3 support (TODO:check Android, iPhone) if (($current_browser == 'Safari' && $current_majorver >= 5) || ($current_browser == 'Chrome' && $current_majorver >= 6) || ($current_browser == 'Internet Explorer' && $current_majorver >= 9) || $current_browser == 'Android' || $current_browser == 'iPhone' ) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($format == "check_browser") { $array_check_browser = array($current_browser, $current_majorver); return $array_check_browser; } else { return false; } } /** * This function checks if exist path and file browscap.ini * In order for this to work, your browscap configuration setting in php.ini must point to the correct location of the browscap.ini file on your system * http://php.net/manual/en/function.get-browser.php * * @return bool * * @author Juan Carlos Raña Trabado */ function api_check_browscap() { $setting = ini_get('browscap'); if ($setting) { $browser = get_browser($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], true); if (strpos($setting, 'browscap.ini') && !empty($browser)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the '."\n"; } /** * Returns the HTML tag */ function api_get_css($file, $media = 'screen') { return ''."\n"; } /** * Returns the js header to include the jquery library */ function api_get_jquery_js() { return api_get_js('jquery.min.js'); } /** * Returns the jquery-ui library js headers * @param bool add the jqgrid library * @return string html tags * */ function api_get_jquery_ui_js($include_jqgrid = false) { $libraries = array('jquery-ui'); if ($include_jqgrid) { $libraries[]='jqgrid'; } return api_get_jquery_libraries_js($libraries); } function api_get_jqgrid_js() { return api_get_jquery_libraries_js(array('jqgrid')); } function api_get_datepicker_js() { return api_get_jquery_libraries_js(array('datepicker')); } /** * Returns the jquery library js and css headers * * @param array list of jquery libraries supported jquery-ui, jqgrid * @param bool add the jquery library * @return string html tags * */ function api_get_jquery_libraries_js($libraries) { $js = ''; $js_path = api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH).'javascript/'; //jquery-ui js and css if (in_array('jquery-ui', $libraries)) { //Jquery ui $theme = 'smoothness'; // Current themes: cupertino, smoothness, ui-lightness. Find the themes folder in main/inc/lib/javascript/jquery-ui $jquery_ui_version = '1.8.21'; //$js .= ''; $js .= api_get_css($js_path.'jquery-ui/'.$theme.'/jquery-ui-'.$jquery_ui_version.'.custom.css'); $js .= api_get_js('jquery-ui/'.$theme.'/jquery-ui-'.$jquery_ui_version.'.custom.min.js'); } if (in_array('jquery-ui-i18n', $libraries)) { $js .= api_get_js('jquery-ui/jquery-ui-i18n.min.js'); } //jqgrid js and css if (in_array('jqgrid', $libraries)) { $languaje = 'en'; $platform_isocode = strtolower(api_get_language_isocode()); //languages supported by jqgrid see files in main/inc/lib/javascript/jqgrid/js/i18n $jqgrid_langs = array( 'bg', 'bg1251', 'cat','cn','cs','da','de','el','en','es','fa','fi','fr','gl','he','hu','is','it','ja','nl','no','pl','pt-br','pt','ro','ru','sk','sr','sv','tr','ua' ); if (in_array($platform_isocode, $jqgrid_langs)) { $languaje = $platform_isocode; } //$js .= ''; $js .= api_get_css($js_path.'jqgrid/css/ui.jqgrid.css'); $js .= api_get_js('jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-'.$languaje.'.js'); $js .= api_get_js('jqgrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js'); } //Document multiple upload funcionality if (in_array('jquery-upload', $libraries)) { $js .= api_get_js('jquery-upload/jquery.fileupload.js'); $js .= api_get_js('jquery-upload/jquery.fileupload-ui.js'); $js .= api_get_css($js_path.'jquery-upload/jquery.fileupload-ui.css'); } //jquery-ui css changes for Chamilo if (in_array('jquery-ui',$libraries)) { //Adding default CSS changes of the jquery-ui themes for Chamilo in order to preserve the original jquery-ui css $js .= api_get_css($js_path.'jquery-ui/default.css'); } if (in_array('bxslider',$libraries)) { $js .= api_get_js('bxslider/jquery.bxSlider.min.js'); $js .= api_get_css($js_path.'bxslider/bx_styles/bx_styles.css'); } // jquery datepicker if (in_array('datepicker', $libraries)) { $languaje = 'en-GB'; $platform_isocode = strtolower(api_get_language_isocode()); // languages supported by jqgrid see files in main/inc/lib/javascript/jqgrid/js/i18n $datapicker_langs = array( 'af', 'ar', 'ar-DZ', 'az', 'bg', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'cy-GB', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en-AU', 'en-GB', 'en-NZ', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fo', 'fr', 'fr-CH', 'gl', 'he', 'hi', 'hr', 'hu', 'hy', 'id', 'is', 'it', 'ja', 'ka', 'kk', 'km', 'ko', 'lb', 'lt', 'lv', 'mk', 'ml', 'ms', 'nl', 'nl-BE', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'pt-BR', 'rm', 'ro', 'ru', 'sk', 'sl', 'sq', 'sr', 'sr-SR', 'sv', 'ta', 'th', 'tj', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi', 'zh-CN', 'zh-HK', 'zh-TW' ); if (in_array($platform_isocode, $datapicker_langs)) { $languaje = $platform_isocode; } $js .= api_get_js('jquery-ui/jquery-ui-i18n.min.js'); $script = ' '; $js .= $script; } return $js; } /** * Returns the course's URL * * This function relies on api_get_course_info() * @param string The course code - optional (takes it from session if not given) * @param int The session id - optional (takes it from session if not given) * @return mixed The URL of the course or null if something does not work * @author Julio Montoya */ function api_get_course_url($course_code = null, $session_id = null) { if (empty($course_code)) { $course_info = api_get_course_info(); } else { $course_info = api_get_course_info($course_code); } if (empty($session_id)) { $session_url = '?id_session='.api_get_session_id(); } else { $session_url = '?id_session='.intval($session_id); } /* if (empty($group_id)) { $group_url = '&gidReq='.api_get_group_id(); } else { $group_url = '&gidReq='.intval($group_id); }*/ if (!empty($course_info['path'])) { return api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).$course_info['path'].'/index.php'.$session_url; } return null; } /** * * Check if the current portal has the $_configuration['multiple_access_urls'] parameter on * @return bool true if multi site is enabled * * */ function api_get_multiple_access_url() { global $_configuration; if (isset($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) && $_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) { return true; } return false; } function api_is_multiple_url_enabled() { return api_get_multiple_access_url(); } /** * Returns a md5 unique id * @todo add more parameters */ function api_get_unique_id() { $id = md5(time().uniqid().api_get_user_id().api_get_course_id().api_get_session_id()); return $id; } /** * Get home path * @return string */ function api_get_home_path() { $home = 'home/'; if (api_get_multiple_access_url()) { $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id(); $url_info = api_get_access_url($access_url_id); $url = api_remove_trailing_slash(preg_replace('/https?:\/\//i', '', $url_info['url'])); $clean_url = replace_dangerous_char($url); $clean_url = str_replace('/', '-', $clean_url); $clean_url .= '/'; // if $clean_url == "localhost/" means that the multiple URL was not well configured we don't rename the $home variable //if ($clean_url != 'localhost/') { $home = 'home/' . $clean_url; //} } return $home; } function api_get_course_table_condition($and = true) { $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $condition = ''; $condition_add = $and ? " AND " : " WHERE "; if (!empty($course_id)) { $condition = " $condition_add c_id = $course_id"; } return $condition; } /** * * @param int Course id * @param int tool id: TOOL_QUIZ, TOOL_FORUM, TOOL_STUDENTPUBLICATION, TOOL_LEARNPATH * @param int the item id (tool id, exercise id, lp id) * */ function api_resource_is_locked_by_gradebook($item_id, $link_type, $course_code = null) { if (api_is_platform_admin()) { return false; } if (api_get_setting('gradebook_locking_enabled') == 'true') { if (empty($course_code)) { $course_code = api_get_course_id(); } $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINK); $item_id = intval($item_id); $link_type = intval($link_type); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $sql = "SELECT locked FROM $table WHERE locked = 1 AND ref_id = $item_id AND type = $link_type AND course_code = '$course_code' "; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Blocks a page if the item was added in a gradebook * * @param int exercise id, work id, thread id, * @param int LINK_EXERCISE, LINK_STUDENTPUBLICATION, LINK_LEARNPATH LINK_FORUM_THREAD, LINK_ATTENDANCE see gradebook/lib/be/linkfactory * @param string course code * @return boolean */ function api_block_course_item_locked_by_gradebook($item_id, $link_type, $course_code = null) { if (api_is_platform_admin()) { return false; } if (api_resource_is_locked_by_gradebook($item_id, $link_type, $course_code)) { $message = Display::return_message(get_lang('ResourceLockedByGradebook'), 'warning'); api_not_allowed(true, $message); } } /** * Checks the PHP version installed is enough to run Chamilo * @param string Include path (used to load the error page) * @return void */ function api_check_php_version($my_inc_path = null) { if (!function_exists('version_compare') || version_compare( phpversion(), REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, '<')) { $global_error_code = 1; // Incorrect PHP version $global_page = $my_inc_path.'global_error_message.inc.php'; if (file_exists($global_page)) { require $global_page; } exit; } } /** * Checks whether the Archive directory is present and writeable. If not, * prints a warning message. */ function api_check_archive_dir() { if (is_dir(api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH)) && !is_writable(api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH))) { $message = Display::return_message(get_lang('ArchivesDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin'),'warning'); api_not_allowed(true, $message); } } /** * Returns an array of global configuration settings which should be ignored * when printing the configuration settings screens * @return array Array of strings, each identifying one of the excluded settings */ function api_get_locked_settings() { return array( 'server_type', 'permanently_remove_deleted_files', 'account_valid_duration', 'service_visio', 'service_ppt2lp', 'wcag_anysurfer_public_pages', 'upload_extensions_list_type', 'upload_extensions_blacklist', 'upload_extensions_whitelist', 'upload_extensions_skip', 'upload_extensions_replace_by', 'hide_dltt_markup', 'split_users_upload_directory', 'permissions_for_new_directories', 'permissions_for_new_files', 'platform_charset', 'service_visio', 'ldap_description', 'cas_activate', 'cas_server', 'cas_server_uri', 'cas_port', 'cas_protocol', 'cas_add_user_activate', 'update_user_info_cas_with_ldap', 'languagePriority1', 'languagePriority2', 'languagePriority3', 'languagePriority4', 'login_is_email', 'chamilo_database_version' ); } /** * Checks if the user is corrently logged in. Returns the user ID if he is, or * false if he isn't. If the user ID is given and is an integer, then the same * ID is simply returned * @param integer User ID * @return mixed Integer User ID is logged in, or false otherwise */ function api_user_is_login($user_id = null) { $user_id = empty($user_id) ? api_get_user_id() : intval($user_id); return $user_id && !api_is_anonymous(); } /** * Guess the real ip for register in the database, even in reverse proxy cases. * To be recognized, the IP has to be found in either $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] or * in $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], which is in common use with rproxies. * @return string the real ip of teh user. * @author Jorge Frisancho Jibaja , USIL - Some changes to allow the use of real IP using reverse proxy * @version CEV CHANGE 24APR2012 */ function api_get_real_ip(){ // Guess the IP if behind a reverse proxy global $debug; $ip = trim($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { list($ip1,$ip2) = split(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $ip = trim($ip1); } if (!empty($debug)) error_log('Real IP: '.$ip); return $ip; } /** * Checks whether an IP is included inside an IP range * @param string IP address * @param string IP range * @return bool True if IP is in the range, false otherwise * @author claudiu at cnixs dot com on http://www.php.net/manual/fr/ref.network.php#55230 * @author Yannick Warnier for improvements and managment of multiple ranges * @todo check for IPv6 support */ function api_check_ip_in_range($ip,$range) { if (empty($ip) or empty($range)) { return false; } $ip_ip = ip2long ($ip); $ranges = array(); // divide range param into array of elements if (strpos($range,',')!==false) { $ranges = explode(',',$range); } else { $ranges = array($range); } foreach ($ranges as $range) { $range = trim($range); if (empty($range)) { continue; } if (strpos($range,'/')===false) { if (strcmp($ip,$range)===0) { return true; // there is a direct IP match, return OK } continue; //otherwise, get to the next range } // the range contains a "/", so analyse completely list ($net, $mask) = explode("/", $range); $ip_net = ip2long ($net); // mask binary magic $ip_mask = ~((1 << (32 - $mask)) - 1); $ip_ip_net = $ip_ip & $ip_mask; if ($ip_ip_net == $ip_net) { return true; } } return false; } function api_check_user_access_to_legal($course_visibility) { $course_visibility_list = array(COURSE_VISIBILITY_OPEN_WORLD, COURSE_VISIBILITY_OPEN_PLATFORM); return in_array($course_visibility, $course_visibility_list) || api_is_drh(); } /** * Checks if the global chat is enabled or not * * @return bool */ function api_is_global_chat_enabled(){ $global_chat_is_enabled = !api_is_anonymous() && api_get_setting('allow_global_chat') == 'true' && api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true'; return $global_chat_is_enabled; } /** * @todo Fix tool_visible_by_default_at_creation labels */ function api_set_default_visibility($item_id, $tool_id, $group_id = 0, $courseInfo = array(), $sessionId = null) { $courseInfo = empty($courseInfo) ? api_get_course_info() : $courseInfo; $sessionId = empty($sessionId) ? api_get_session_id() : $sessionId; $courseId = $courseInfo['real_id']; $courseCode = $courseInfo['code']; $original_tool_id = $tool_id; switch ($tool_id) { case TOOL_LINK: case TOOL_LINK_CATEGORY: $tool_id = 'links'; break; case TOOL_DOCUMENT: $tool_id = 'documents'; break; case TOOL_LEARNPATH: $tool_id = 'learning'; break; case TOOL_ANNOUNCEMENT: $tool_id = 'announcements'; break; case TOOL_FORUM: case TOOL_FORUM_CATEGORY: case TOOL_FORUM_THREAD: $tool_id = 'forums'; break; case TOOL_QUIZ: $tool_id = 'quiz'; break; } $setting = api_get_setting('tool_visible_by_default_at_creation'); if (isset($setting[$tool_id])) { $visibility = 'invisible'; if ($setting[$tool_id] == 'true') { $visibility = 'visible'; } if (empty($group_id)) { $group_id = api_get_group_id(); } // Read the portal and course default visibility if ($tool_id == 'documents') { $visibility = DocumentManager::getDocumentDefaultVisibility($courseCode); } api_item_property_update( $courseInfo, $original_tool_id, $item_id, $visibility, api_get_user_id(), $group_id, null, null, null, api_get_session_id() ); //Fixes default visibility for tests switch ($original_tool_id) { case TOOL_QUIZ: if (empty($sessionId)) { $objExerciseTmp = new Exercise($courseId); $objExerciseTmp->read($item_id); if ($visibility == 'visible') { $objExerciseTmp->enable(); $objExerciseTmp->save(); } else { $objExerciseTmp->disable(); $objExerciseTmp->save(); } } break; } } } function api_get_security_key() { global $_configuration; return $_configuration['security_key']; } function api_get_datetime_picker_js($htmlHeadXtra) { $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; $isocode = api_get_language_isocode(); if ($isocode != 'en') { $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; } return $htmlHeadXtra; } function api_detect_user_roles($user_id, $course_code, $session_id = 0) { $user_roles = array(); /*$user_info = api_get_user_info($user_id); $user_roles[] = $user_info['status'];*/ $url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id(); if (api_is_platform_admin_by_id($user_id, $url_id)) { $user_roles[] = PLATFORM_ADMIN; } /*if (api_is_drh()) { $user_roles[] = DRH; }*/ if (!empty($session_id)) { if (SessionManager::user_is_general_coach($user_id, $session_id)) { $user_roles[] = SESSION_GENERAL_COACH; } } if (!empty($course_code)) { if (empty($session_id)) { if (CourseManager::is_course_teacher($user_id, $course_code)) { $user_roles[] = COURSEMANAGER; } if (CourseManager::get_tutor_in_course_status($user_id, $course_code)) { $user_roles[] = COURSE_TUTOR; } if (CourseManager::is_user_subscribed_in_course($user_id, $course_code)) { $user_roles[] = COURSE_STUDENT; } } else { $user_status_in_session = SessionManager::get_user_status_in_course_session($user_id, $course_code, $session_id); if (!empty($user_status_in_session)) { if ($user_status_in_session == 0) { $user_roles[] = SESSION_STUDENT; } if ($user_status_in_session == 2) { $user_roles[] = SESSION_COURSE_COACH; } } /*if (api_is_course_session_coach($user_id, $course_code, $session_id)) { $user_roles[] = SESSION_COURSE_COACH; }*/ } } return $user_roles; } function api_get_roles_to_string($roles) { $role_names = array(); if (!empty($roles)) { foreach ($roles as $role) { $role_names[] = get_status_from_code($role); } } if (!empty($role_names)) { return implode(', ', $role_names); } return null; } function role_actions() { return array( 'course' => array( 'create', 'read', 'edit', 'delete' ), 'admin' => array( 'create', 'read', 'edit', 'delete' ) ); } function api_coach_can_edit_view_results($course_code = null, $session_id = null) { $user_id = api_get_user_id(); if (empty($course_code)) { $course_code = api_get_course_id(); } if (empty($session_id)) { $session_id = api_get_session_id(); } if (api_is_platform_admin()) { return true; } $roles = api_detect_user_roles($user_id, $course_code, $session_id); if (in_array(SESSION_COURSE_COACH, $roles)) { //return api_get_setting('session_tutor_reports_visibility') == 'true'; return true; } else { if (in_array(COURSEMANAGER, $roles)) { return true; } return false; } } function api_get_js_simple($file) { return ''."\n"; } function api_set_settings_and_plugins() { global $_configuration; //error_log('Loading settings from DB'); $_setting = array(); $_plugins = array(); // access_url == 1 is the default chamilo location $settings_by_access_list = array(); $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id(); if ($access_url_id != 1) { $url_info = api_get_access_url($_configuration['access_url']); if ($url_info['active'] == 1) { $settings_by_access = & api_get_settings(null, 'list', $_configuration['access_url'], 1); foreach ($settings_by_access as & $row) { if (empty($row['variable'])) { $row['variable'] = 0; } if (empty($row['subkey'])) { $row['subkey'] = 0; } if (empty($row['category'])) { $row['category'] = 0; } $settings_by_access_list[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']][$row['category']] = $row; } } } $result = api_get_settings(null, 'list', 1); foreach ($result as & $row) { if ($access_url_id != 1) { if ($url_info['active'] == 1) { $var = empty($row['variable']) ? 0 : $row['variable']; $subkey = empty($row['subkey']) ? 0 : $row['subkey']; $category = empty($row['category']) ? 0 : $row['category']; } if ($row['access_url_changeable'] == 1 && $url_info['active'] == 1) { if (isset($settings_by_access_list[$var]) && $settings_by_access_list[$var][$subkey][$category]['selected_value'] != '') { if ($row['subkey'] == null) { $_setting[$row['variable']] = $settings_by_access_list[$var][$subkey][$category]['selected_value']; } else { $_setting[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']] = $settings_by_access_list[$var][$subkey][$category]['selected_value']; } } else { if ($row['subkey'] == null) { $_setting[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; } else { $_setting[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']] = $row['selected_value']; } } } else { if ($row['subkey'] == null) { $_setting[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; } else { $_setting[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']] = $row['selected_value']; } } } else { if ($row['subkey'] == null) { $_setting[$row['variable']] = $row['selected_value']; } else { $_setting[$row['variable']][$row['subkey']] = $row['selected_value']; } } } $result = api_get_settings('Plugins', 'list', $access_url_id); $_plugins = array(); foreach ($result as & $row) { $key = & $row['variable']; if (is_string($_setting[$key])) { $_setting[$key] = array(); } $_setting[$key][] = $row['selected_value']; $_plugins[$key][] = $row['selected_value']; } //global $app; $_SESSION['_setting'] = $_setting; $_SESSION['_plugins'] = $_plugins; } function api_set_setting_last_update() { // Saving latest refresh. api_set_setting('settings_latest_update', api_get_utc_datetime()); } /** * Tries to set memory limit, if authorized and new limit is higher than current * @param string New memory limit * @return bool True on success, false on failure or current is higher than suggested * @assert (null) === false * @assert (-1) === false * @assert (0) === true * @assert ('1G') === true */ function api_set_memory_limit($mem){ //if ini_set() not available, this function is useless if (!function_exists('ini_set') || is_null($mem) || $mem == -1) { return false; } $memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit'); if (api_get_bytes_memory_limit($mem) > api_get_bytes_memory_limit($memory_limit)){ ini_set('memory_limit', $mem); return true; } return false; } /** * Gets memory limit in bytes * @param string The memory size (128M, 1G, 1000K, etc) * @return int * @assert (null) === false * @assert ('1t') === 1099511627776 * @assert ('1g') === 1073741824 * @assert ('1m') === 1048576 * @assert ('100k') === 102400 */ function api_get_bytes_memory_limit($mem){ $size = strtolower(substr($mem,-1)); switch ($size) { case 't': $mem = intval(substr($mem,-1))*1024*1024*1024*1024; break; case 'g': $mem = intval(substr($mem,0,-1))*1024*1024*1024; break; case 'm': $mem = intval(substr($mem,0,-1))*1024*1024; break; case 'k': $mem = intval(substr($mem,0,-1))*1024; break; default: // we assume it's integer only $mem = intval($mem); break; } return $mem; } /** * Finds all the information about a user from username instead of user id * @param string $username * @return array $user_info user_id, lastname, firstname, username, email, ... * @author Yannick Warnier */ function api_get_user_info_from_official_code($official_code = '') { if (empty($official_code)) { return false; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER)." WHERE official_code ='".Database::escape_string($official_code)."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) { $result_array = Database::fetch_array($result); return _api_format_user($result_array); } return false; } /** * * @param string $inputId the jquery id example: #password * @return string */ function api_get_password_checker_js($usernameInputId, $passwordInputid) { global $_configuration; $useStrengthPassChecker = isset($_configuration['allow_strength_pass_checker']) ? $_configuration['allow_strength_pass_checker'] : false; if ($useStrengthPassChecker == false) { return null; } $verdicts = array(get_lang('PasswordWeak'), get_lang('PasswordNormal'), get_lang('PasswordMedium'), get_lang('PasswordStrong'), get_lang('PasswordVeryStrong')); $js = api_get_js('strength/strength.js'); $js .= ""; return $js; } /** * Gets an array with "easy" passwords * @return array */ function api_get_easy_password_list() { $passwordList = array('123', '1234', '123456', 'admin', 'user', 'student', 'teacher'); $file = api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH).'easy_password_list.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { $passwordList = require_once $file; } return $passwordList; } /** * @param string $username * create an user extra field called 'captcha_blocked_until_date' */ function api_block_account_captcha($username) { $userInfo = api_get_user_info_from_username($username); if (empty($userInfo)) { return false; } global $_configuration; $minutesToBlock = isset($_configuration['captcha_time_to_block']) ? $_configuration['captcha_time_to_block'] : 10; $time = time() + $minutesToBlock*60; Usermanager::update_extra_field_value($userInfo['user_id'], 'captcha_blocked_until_date', api_get_utc_datetime($time)); } /** * @param string $username */ function api_clean_account_captcha($username) { $userInfo = api_get_user_info_from_username($username); if (empty($userInfo)) { return false; } Session::erase('loginFailedCount'); Usermanager::update_extra_field_value($userInfo['user_id'], 'captcha_blocked_until_date', null); } /** * @param string $username * @return bool */ function api_get_user_blocked_by_captcha($username) { $userInfo = api_get_user_info_from_username($username); if (empty($userInfo)) { return false; } $data = UserManager::get_extra_user_data_by_field($userInfo['user_id'], 'captcha_blocked_until_date'); if (isset($data) && isset($data['captcha_blocked_until_date'])) { return $data['captcha_blocked_until_date']; } return false; } /** * Remove tags from HTML anf return the $in_number_char first non-HTML char * Postfix the text with "..." if it has been truncated. * @return string * @author hubert borderiou */ function api_get_short_text_from_html($in_html, $in_number_char) { $out_res = api_remove_tags_with_space($in_html, false); $postfix = "..."; if (strlen($out_res) > $in_number_char) { $out_res = substr($out_res, 0, $in_number_char).$postfix; } return $out_res; } /** * Replace tags with a space in a text. * If $in_double_quote_replace, replace " with '' (for HTML attribute purpose, for exemple) * @return string * @author hubert borderiou */ function api_remove_tags_with_space($in_html, $in_double_quote_replace = true) { $out_res = $in_html; if ($in_double_quote_replace) { $out_res = str_replace('"', "''", $out_res); } // avoid text stuck together when tags are removed, adding a space after > $out_res = str_replace (">", "> ", $out_res); $out_res = strip_tags($out_res); return $out_res; } /** * If true, the drh can access all content (courses, users) inside a session * @return bool */ function api_drh_can_access_all_session_content() { global $_configuration; if (isset($_configuration['drh_can_access_all_session_content'])) { return $_configuration['drh_can_access_all_session_content']; } return false; } /** * @param string $tool * @param string $setting * @param mixed $defaultValue * @return string */ function api_get_default_tool_setting($tool, $setting, $defaultValue) { global $_configuration; if (isset($_configuration[$tool]) && isset($_configuration[$tool]['default_settings']) && isset($_configuration[$tool]['default_settings'][$setting]) ) { return $_configuration[$tool]['default_settings'][$setting]; } return $defaultValue; } /** * Checks if user can login as another user * * @param int $loginAsUserId the user id to log in * @param int $userId my user id * @return bool */ function api_can_login_as($loginAsUserId, $userId = null) { if (empty($userId)) { $userId = api_get_user_id(); } if ($loginAsUserId == $userId) { return false; } if (empty($loginAsUserId)) { return false; } if ($loginAsUserId != strval(intval($loginAsUserId))) { return false; } // Check if the user to login is an admin if (api_is_platform_admin_by_id($loginAsUserId)) { // Only super admins can login to admin accounts if (!api_global_admin_can_edit_admin($loginAsUserId)) { return false; } } $user_info = api_get_user_info($userId); $isDrh = function() use($loginAsUserId) { if (api_is_drh()) { if (api_drh_can_access_all_session_content()) { $users = SessionManager::getAllUsersFromCoursesFromAllSessionFromStatus('drh_all', api_get_user_id()); $userList = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { $userList[] = $user['user_id']; } if (in_array($loginAsUserId, $userList)) { return true; } } else { if (api_is_drh() && UserManager::is_user_followed_by_drh($loginAsUserId, api_get_user_id())) { return true; } } } return false; }; return (api_is_platform_admin() OR (api_is_session_admin() && $user_info['status'] == 5) OR $isDrh()); } /** * @return bool */ function api_is_allowed_in_course() { return Session::read('is_allowed_in_course'); } /** * Show a string in * @param string $string Some string to dump, removing tabs, spaces, * newlines, etc (usually most useful for SQL queries) * @param int $dump Set to 1 to use print_r() */ function api_error_log($string, $dump = 0) { // Clean query $bt = debug_backtrace(); $caller = array_shift($bt);; if ($dump == 1) { $string = print_r($string, 1); } else { $string = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t", "\10"), '', $string); $string = str_replace(' ',' ', $string); } error_log("-------------------------------------"); error_log($string); error_log("File: ".$caller['file']." +".$caller['line']); error_log("-------------------------------------"); } /** * Show a string in the default error_log. Alias for api_error_log(). * @param string $string Some string to dump, removing tabs, spaces, * newlines, etc (usually most useful for SQL queries) * @param int $dump Set to 1 to use print_r() */ function api_elog($string, $dump = 0) { return api_error_log($string, $dump); } /** * Set the cookie to go directly to the course code $in_firstpage * after login * @param string $in_firstpage is the course code of the course to go */ function api_set_firstpage_parameter($in_firstpage) { setcookie("GotoCourse", $in_firstpage); } /** * Delete the cookie to go directly to the course code $in_firstpage * after login */ function api_delete_firstpage_parameter() { setcookie("GotoCourse", "", time() - 3600); } /** * @return true if course_code for direct course access after login is set */ function exist_firstpage_parameter() { return (isset($_COOKIE['GotoCourse']) && $_COOKIE['GotoCourse'] != ""); } /** * @return return the course_code of the course where user login */ function api_get_firstpage_parameter() { return $_COOKIE['GotoCourse']; } /** * Return true on https install * @return boolean */ function api_is_https() { return (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off'); } /** * Return protocol (http or https) * @return string */ function api_get_protocol() { return api_is_https() ? 'https' : 'http'; } /** * Return a string where " are replaced with 2 ' * It is useful when you pass a PHP variable in a Javascript browser dialog * e.g. : alert(""); * and message contains character " * * @param string $in_text * @return string */ function convert_double_quote_to_single($in_text) { return api_preg_replace('/"/', "''", $in_text); } /** * Is unoconv installed * @return bool */ function api_is_unoconv_installed() { return false; } /** * Get origin * * @param string * @return string **/ function api_get_origin() { if (isset($_REQUEST['origin'])) { return $_REQUEST['origin'] == 'learnpath' ? 'learnpath' : null; } return null; } /** * Get the entire setting row * @param string $variable * @param string $key * @return array */ function api_get_full_setting($variable, $key = null) { $variable = Database::escape_string($variable); $sql = "SELECT * FROM settings_current WHERE variable = '$variable' "; if (!empty($key)) { $key = Database::escape_string($key); $sql .= "AND subkey = '$key'"; } $result = Database::query($sql); $setting = array(); while ($row = Database::fetch_assoc($result)) { $setting[] = $row; } return $setting; } /** * Warns an user that the portal reach certain limit. * @param string $limitName */ function api_warn_hosting_contact($limitName) { $hostingParams = api_get_configuration_value(1); $email = null; if (!empty($hostingParams)) { if (isset($hostingParams['hosting_contact_mail'])) { $email = $hostingParams['hosting_contact_mail']; } } if (!empty($email)) { $subject = get_lang('HostingWarningReached'); $body = get_lang('Portal').': '.api_get_path(WEB_PATH)." \n "; $body .= get_lang('Limit').': '.$limitName." \n "; if (isset($hostingParams[$limitName])) { $body .= get_lang('Value') . ': ' . $hostingParams[$limitName]; } api_mail_html(null, $email, $subject, $body); } } /** * @param string $variable * @return bool|mixed */ function api_get_configuration_value($variable) { global $_configuration; if (isset($_configuration[$variable])) { return $_configuration[$variable]; } return false; } /** * Returns supported image extensions in the portal * @return array Supported image extensions in the portal */ function api_get_supported_image_extensions() { // jpg can also be called jpeg, jpe, jfif and jif. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG#JPEG_filename_extensions $supportedImageExtensions = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'svg', 'jpe', 'jfif', 'jif'); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '>=')) { array_push($supportedImageExtensions, 'webp'); } return $supportedImageExtensions; } /** * This setting changes the registration status for the campus * * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University * @version August 2006 * @param bool $listCampus Whether we authorize * @todo the $_settings should be reloaded here. => write api function for this and use this in global.inc.php also. */ function api_register_campus($listCampus = true) { $tbl_settings = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_settings SET selected_value='true' WHERE variable='registered'"; Database::query($sql); if (!$listCampus) { $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_settings SET selected_value='true' WHERE variable='donotlistcampus'"; Database::query($sql); } // Reload the settings. } /** * Set the Site Use Cookie Warning for 1 year */ function api_set_site_use_cookie_warning_cookie() { setcookie("ChamiloUsesCookies", "ok", time()+31556926); } /** * Return true if the Site Use Cookie Warning Cookie warning exists * @return bool */ function api_site_use_cookie_warning_cookie_exist() { return isset($_COOKIE['ChamiloUsesCookies']); } /** * Limit the access to Session Admins wheen the limit_session_admin_role * configuration variable is set to true */ function api_protect_limit_for_session_admin() { if ( api_is_session_admin() && api_get_configuration_value('limit_session_admin_role') ) { api_not_allowed(true); } } /** * @param string $tool Possible values: * GroupManager::GROUP_TOOL_* * */ function api_protect_course_group($tool, $showHeader = true) { $userId = api_get_user_id(); $groupId = api_get_group_id(); if (!empty($groupId)) { $allow = GroupManager::user_has_access( $userId, $groupId, $tool ); if (!$allow) { api_not_allowed($showHeader); } } }