/*jslint vars: false, browser: true, nomen: true, regexp: true */ /*global jQuery */ /* * jQuery Password Strength plugin for Twitter Bootstrap * * Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Tane Piper * Copyright (c) 2013 Alejandro Blanco * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * */ (function ($) { "use strict"; var options = { errors: [], // Options minChar: 8, errorMessages: { password_to_short: "The Password is too short", same_as_username: "Your password cannot be the same as your username" }, scores: [17, 26, 40, 50], verdicts: ["Weak", "Normal", "Medium", "Strong", "Very Strong"], showVerdicts: true, raisePower: 1.4, usernameField: "#username", onLoad: undefined, onKeyUp: undefined, viewports: { progress: undefined, verdict: undefined, errors: undefined }, // Rules stuff ruleScores: { wordNotEmail: -100, wordLength: -100, wordSimilarToUsername: -100, wordLowercase: 1, wordUppercase: 3, wordOneNumber: 3, wordThreeNumbers: 5, wordOneSpecialChar: 3, wordTwoSpecialChar: 5, wordUpperLowerCombo: 2, wordLetterNumberCombo: 2, wordLetterNumberCharCombo: 2 }, rules: { wordNotEmail: true, wordLength: true, wordSimilarToUsername: true, wordLowercase: true, wordUppercase: true, wordOneNumber: true, wordThreeNumbers: true, wordOneSpecialChar: true, wordTwoSpecialChar: true, wordUpperLowerCombo: true, wordLetterNumberCombo: true, wordLetterNumberCharCombo: true }, validationRules: { wordNotEmail: function (options, word, score) { return word.match(/^([\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+@((((([a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]{1})|[a-z])\.)+[a-z]{2,6})|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\:\d{1,5})?)$/i) && score; }, wordLength: function (options, word, score) { var wordlen = word.length, lenScore = Math.pow(wordlen, options.raisePower); if (wordlen < options.minChar) { lenScore = (lenScore + score); options.errors.push(options.errorMessages.password_to_short); } return lenScore; }, wordSimilarToUsername: function (options, word, score) { var username = $(options.usernameField).val(); if (username && word.toLowerCase().match(username.toLowerCase())) { options.errors.push(options.errorMessages.same_as_username); return score; } return true; }, wordLowercase: function (options, word, score) { return word.match(/[a-z]/) && score; }, wordUppercase: function (options, word, score) { return word.match(/[A-Z]/) && score; }, wordOneNumber : function (options, word, score) { return word.match(/\d+/) && score; }, wordThreeNumbers : function (options, word, score) { return word.match(/(.*[0-9].*[0-9].*[0-9])/) && score; }, wordOneSpecialChar : function (options, word, score) { return word.match(/.[!,@,#,$,%,\^,&,*,?,_,~]/) && score; }, wordTwoSpecialChar : function (options, word, score) { return word.match(/(.*[!,@,#,$,%,\^,&,*,?,_,~].*[!,@,#,$,%,\^,&,*,?,_,~])/) && score; }, wordUpperLowerCombo : function (options, word, score) { return word.match(/([a-z].*[A-Z])|([A-Z].*[a-z])/) && score; }, wordLetterNumberCombo : function (options, word, score) { return word.match(/([a-zA-Z])/) && word.match(/([0-9])/) && score; }, wordLetterNumberCharCombo : function (options, word, score) { return word.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9].*[!,@,#,$,%,\^,&,*,?,_,~])|([!,@,#,$,%,\^,&,*,?,_,~].*[a-zA-Z0-9])/) && score; } } }, setProgressBar = function ($el, score) { var options = $el.data("pwstrength"), progressbar = options.progressbar, $verdict; if (options.showVerdicts) { if (options.viewports.verdict) { $verdict = $(options.viewports.verdict).find(".password-verdict"); } else { $verdict = $el.parent().find(".password-verdict"); if ($verdict.length === 0) { $verdict = $(''); $verdict.insertAfter($el); } } } if (score < options.scores[0]) { progressbar.addClass("progress-danger").removeClass("progress-warning").removeClass("progress-success"); progressbar.find(".bar").css("width", "5%"); if (options.showVerdicts) { $verdict.text(options.verdicts[0]); } } else if (score >= options.scores[0] && score < options.scores[1]) { progressbar.addClass("progress-danger").removeClass("progress-warning").removeClass("progress-success"); progressbar.find(".bar").css("width", "25%"); if (options.showVerdicts) { $verdict.text(options.verdicts[1]); } } else if (score >= options.scores[1] && score < options.scores[2]) { progressbar.addClass("progress-warning").removeClass("progress-danger").removeClass("progress-success"); progressbar.find(".bar").css("width", "50%"); if (options.showVerdicts) { $verdict.text(options.verdicts[2]); } } else if (score >= options.scores[2] && score < options.scores[3]) { progressbar.addClass("progress-warning").removeClass("progress-danger").removeClass("progress-success"); progressbar.find(".bar").css("width", "75%"); if (options.showVerdicts) { $verdict.text(options.verdicts[3]); } } else if (score >= options.scores[3]) { progressbar.addClass("progress-success").removeClass("progress-warning").removeClass("progress-danger"); progressbar.find(".bar").css("width", "100%"); if (options.showVerdicts) { $verdict.text(options.verdicts[4]); } } }, calculateScore = function ($el) { var self = this, word = $el.val(), totalScore = 0, options = $el.data("pwstrength"); $.each(options.rules, function (rule, active) { if (active === true) { var score = options.ruleScores[rule], result = options.validationRules[rule](options, word, score); if (result) { totalScore += result; } } }); setProgressBar($el, totalScore); return totalScore; }, progressWidget = function () { return '