Dev Message: get_course_table() doesn't have a 2nd parameter"; //exit; } return self::format_table_name(self::get_main_database(), DB_COURSE_PREFIX.$short_table_name); //return self::format_glued_course_table_name(self::fix_database_parameter($database_name), $short_table_name); } /** * This generic method returns the correct and complete name of any * statistic table of which you pass the short name as a parameter. * Please, define table names as constants in this library and use them * instead of directly using magic words in your tool code. * @deprecated use get_main_table * @param string $short_table_name, the name of the table */ public static function get_statistic_table($short_table_name) { return self::get_main_table($short_table_name); } /** * This generic method returns the correct and complete name of any user * table of which you pass the short name as a parameter. Please, define * table names as constants in this library and use them instead of directly * using magic words in your tool code. * * @param string $short_table_name, the name of the table */ public static function get_user_personal_table($short_table_name) { return self::get_main_table($short_table_name); } public static function get_course_chat_connected_table($database_name = '') { return self::format_glued_course_table_name(self::fix_database_parameter($database_name), TABLE_CHAT_CONNECTED); } /* Query methods These methods execute a query and return the result(s). */ /** * @return array a list (array) of all courses. * @todo shouldn't this be in the course.lib.php script? */ public static function get_course_list() { $table = self::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); return self::store_result(self::query("SELECT *, id as real_id FROM $table")); } /** * Returns an array with all database fields for the specified course. * * @param string The real (system) course code (main course table ID) * @todo shouldn't this be in the course.lib.php script? */ public static function get_course_info($course_code) { $course_code = self::escape_string($course_code); $table = self::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $result = self::generate_abstract_course_field_names( self::fetch_array(self::query("SELECT *, id as real_id FROM $table WHERE code = '$course_code'"))); return $result === false ? array('db_name' => '') : $result; } /** * Gets user details from the "user" table * @param $user_id (integer): the id of the user * @return $user_info (array): user_id, lname, fname, username, email, ... * @author Patrick Cool , expanded to get info for any user * @author Roan Embrechts, first version + converted to Database API * @version 30 September 2004 * @deprecated use api_get_user_info(); * @desc find all the information about a specified user. Without parameter this is the current user. * @todo shouldn't this be in the user.lib.php script? */ public static function get_user_info_from_id($user_id = '') { if (empty($user_id)) { return $GLOBALS['_user']; } $table = self::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $user_id = self::escape_string($user_id); return self::generate_abstract_user_field_names( self::fetch_array(self::query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE user_id = '$user_id'"))); } /** * Returns course code from a given gradebook category's id * @param int Category ID * @return string Course code * @todo move this function in a gradebook-related library */ public static function get_course_by_category($category_id) { $category_id = intval($category_id); $info = self::fetch_array(self::query('SELECT course_code FROM '.self::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_CATEGORY).' WHERE id='.$category_id), 'ASSOC'); return $info ? $info['course_code'] : false; } /** * This method creates an abstraction layer between database field names * and field names expected in code. * * This approach helps when changing database names. * It's also useful now to get rid of the 'franglais'. * * @todo add more array entries to abstract course info from field names * @author Roan Embrechts * * @todo What's the use of this method. I think this is better removed. * There should be consistency in the variable names and the * use throughout the scripts * for the database name we should consistently use or db_name * or database (db_name probably being the better one) */ public static function generate_abstract_course_field_names($result_array) { $visual_code = isset($result_array['visual_code']) ? $result_array['visual_code'] : null; $code = isset($result_array['code']) ? $result_array['code'] : null; $title = isset($result_array['title']) ? $result_array['title'] : null; $db_name = isset($result_array['db_name']) ? $result_array['db_name'] : null; $category_code = isset($result_array['category_code']) ? $result_array['category_code'] : null; $result_array['official_code'] = $visual_code; $result_array['visual_code'] = $visual_code; $result_array['real_code'] = $code; $result_array['system_code'] = $code; $result_array['title'] = $title; $result_array['database'] = $db_name; $result_array['faculty'] = $category_code; //$result_array['directory'] = $result_array['directory']; /* still to do: (info taken from $_course['id' ] = $cData['cours_id' ]; //auto-assigned integer $_course['name' ] = $cData['title' ]; $_course['official_code'] = $cData['visual_code' ]; // use in echo $_course['sysCode' ] = $cData['code' ]; // use as key in db $_course['path' ] = $cData['directory' ]; // use as key in path $_course['dbName' ] = $cData['db_name' ]; // use as key in db list $_course['dbNameGlu' ] = $_configuration['table_prefix'] . $cData['dbName'] . $_configuration['db_glue']; // use in all queries $_course['titular' ] = $cData['tutor_name' ]; $_course['language' ] = $cData['course_language' ]; $_course['extLink' ]['url' ] = $cData['department_url' ]; $_course['extLink' ]['name'] = $cData['department_name']; $_course['categoryCode'] = $cData['faCode' ]; $_course['categoryName'] = $cData['faName' ]; $_course['visibility' ] = (bool) ($cData['visibility'] == 2 || $cData['visibility'] == 3); $_course['registrationAllowed'] = (bool) ($cData['visibility'] == 1 || $cData['visibility'] == 2); */ return $result_array; } /** * This method creates an abstraction layer between database field names * and field names expected in code. * * This helps when changing database names. * It's also useful now to get rid of the 'franglais'. * * @todo add more array entries to abstract user info from field names * @author Roan Embrechts * @author Patrick Cool * * @todo what's the use of this function. I think this is better removed. * There should be consistency in the variable names and the use throughout the scripts */ public static function generate_abstract_user_field_names($result_array) { $result_array['firstName'] = $result_array['firstname']; $result_array['lastName'] = $result_array['lastname']; $result_array['mail'] = $result_array['email']; #$result_array['picture_uri'] = $result_array['picture_uri']; #$result_array ['user_id'] = $result_array['user_id']; return $result_array; } /** * Counts the number of rows in a table * @param string $table The table of which the rows should be counted * @return int The number of rows in the given table. * @deprecated */ public static function count_rows($table) { $obj = self::fetch_object(self::query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM $table")); // return $obj->n; } /* An intermediate API-layer between the system and the database server. */ /** * Returns the number of affected rows in the last database operation. * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @return int Returns the number of affected rows on success, and -1 if the last query failed. */ public static function affected_rows($connection = null) { return self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_affected_rows() : mysql_affected_rows($connection); } /** * Closes non-persistent database connection. * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public static function close($connection = null) { return self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_close() : mysql_close($connection); } /** * Opens a connection to a database server. * @param array $parameters (optional) An array that contains the necessary parameters for accessing the server. * @return resource/boolean Returns a database connection on success or FALSE on failure. * Note: Currently the array could contain MySQL-specific parameters: * $parameters['server'], $parameters['username'], $parameters['password'], * $parameters['new_link'], $parameters['client_flags'], $parameters['persistent']. * For details see documentation about the functions mysql_connect() and mysql_pconnect(). * @link * @link */ public static function connect($parameters = array()) { // A MySQL-specific implementation. if (!isset($parameters['server'])) { $parameters['server'] = @ini_get('mysql.default_host'); if (empty($parameters['server'])) { $parameters['server'] = 'localhost:3306'; } } if (!isset($parameters['username'])) { $parameters['username'] = @ini_get('mysql.default_user'); } if (!isset($parameters['password'])) { $parameters['password'] = @ini_get('mysql.default_password'); } if (!isset($parameters['new_link'])) { $parameters['new_link'] = false; } if (!isset($parameters['client_flags'])) { $parameters['client_flags'] = 0; } $persistent = isset($parameters['persistent']) ? $parameters['persistent'] : null; $server = isset($parameters['server']) ? $parameters['server'] : null; $username = isset($parameters['username']) ? $parameters['username'] : null; $password = isset($parameters['password']) ? $parameters['password'] : null; $client_flag = isset($parameters['client_flags']) ? $parameters['client_flags'] : null; $new_link = isset($parameters['new_link']) ? $parameters['new_link'] : null; $client_flags = isset($parameters['client_flags']) ? $parameters['client_flags'] : null; return $persistent ? mysql_pconnect($server, $username, $password, $client_flags) : mysql_connect($server, $username, $password, $new_link, $client_flags); } /** * Returns error number from the last operation done on the database server. * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, * for detailed description see the method query(). * @return int Returns the error number from the last database (operation, or 0 (zero) if no error occurred. */ public static function errno($connection = null) { return self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_errno() : mysql_errno($connection); } /** * Returns error text from the last operation done on the database server. * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @return string Returns the error text from the last database operation, or '' (empty string) if no error occurred. */ public static function error($connection = null) { return self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_error() : mysql_error($connection); } /** * Escape MySQL wildchars _ and % in LIKE search * @param string The string to escape * @return string The escaped string */ public static function escape_sql_wildcards($in_txt) { $out_txt = api_preg_replace("/_/", "\_", $in_txt); $out_txt = api_preg_replace("/%/", "\%", $out_txt); return $out_txt; } /** * Escapes a string to insert into the database as text * @param string $string The string to escape * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @param bool $addFix * @return string he escaped string * @author Yannick Warnier * @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University */ public static function escape_string($string, $connection = null, $addFix = true) { // Fixes security problem when there's no "" or '' between a variable. // See #7440 for more info /* if ($addFix) { //$string = "__@$string@__"; } */ return get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? (self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($string)) : mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($string), $connection)) : (self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_real_escape_string($string) : mysql_real_escape_string($string, $connection)); } /** * Gets the array from a SQL result (as returned by Database::query) - help achieving database independence * @param resource The result from a call to sql_query (e.g. Database::query) * @param string Optional: "ASSOC","NUM" or "BOTH", as the constant used in mysql_fetch_array. * @return array Array of results as returned by php * @author Yannick Warnier */ public static function fetch_array($result, $option = 'BOTH') { if ($result === false) { return array(); } return $option == 'ASSOC' ? mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC) : ($option == 'NUM' ? mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM) : mysql_fetch_array($result)); } /** * Gets an associative array from a SQL result (as returned by Database::query). * This method is equivalent to calling Database::fetch_array() with 'ASSOC' value for the optional second parameter. * @param resource $result The result from a call to sql_query (e.g. Database::query). * @return array Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead. */ public static function fetch_assoc($result) { return mysql_fetch_assoc($result); } /** * Gets the next row of the result of the SQL query (as returned by Database::query) in an object form * @param resource The result from a call to sql_query (e.g. Database::query) * @param string Optional class name to instanciate * @param array Optional array of parameters * @return object Object of class StdClass or the required class, containing the query result row * @author Yannick Warnier */ public static function fetch_object($result, $class = null, $params = null) { return !empty($class) ? (is_array($params) ? mysql_fetch_object($result, $class, $params) : mysql_fetch_object($result, $class)) : mysql_fetch_object($result); } /** * Gets the array from a SQL result (as returned by Database::query) - help achieving database independence * @param resource The result from a call to sql_query (see Database::query()). * @return array Array of results as returned by php (mysql_fetch_row) */ public static function fetch_row($result) { return mysql_fetch_row($result); } /** * Frees all the memory associated with the provided result identifier. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. * Notes: Use this method if you are concerned about how much memory is being used for queries that return large result sets. * Anyway, all associated result memory is automatically freed at the end of the script's execution. */ public static function free_result($result) { return mysql_free_result($result); } /** * Returns the database client library version. * @return strung Returns a string that represents the client library version. */ public static function get_client_info() { return mysql_get_client_info(); } /** * Returns a list of databases created on the server. The list may contain all of the * available database names or filtered database names by using a pattern. * @param string $pattern (optional) A pattern for filtering database names as if it was needed for the SQL's LIKE clause, for example 'chamilo_%'. * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @return array Returns in an array the retrieved list of database names. */ public static function get_databases($pattern = '', $connection = null) { $result = array(); $query_result = Database::query(!empty($pattern) ? "SHOW DATABASES LIKE '".self::escape_string($pattern, $connection)."'" : "SHOW DATABASES", $connection); while ($row = Database::fetch_row($query_result)) { $result[] = $row[0]; } return $result; } /** * Returns a list of the fields that a given table contains. The list may contain all of the available field names or filtered field names by using a pattern. * By using a special option, this method is able to return an indexed list of fields' properties, where field names are keys. * @param string $table This is the examined table. * @param string $pattern (optional) A pattern for filtering field names as if it was needed for the SQL's LIKE clause, for example 'column_%'. * @param string $database (optional) The name of the targeted database. If it is omited, the current database is assumed, see Database::select_db(). * @param bool $including_properties (optional) When this option is true, the returned result has the followong format: * array(field_name_1 => array(0 => property_1, 1 => property_2, ...), fieald_name_2 => array(0 => property_1, ...), ...) * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @return array Returns in an array the retrieved list of field names. */ public static function get_fields($table, $pattern = '', $database = '', $including_properties = false, $connection = null) { $result = array(); $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `".self::escape_string($table, $connection)."`"; if (!empty($database)) { $query .= " FROM `".self::escape_string($database, $connection)."`"; } if (!empty($pattern)) { $query .= " LIKE '".self::escape_string($pattern, $connection)."'"; } $query_result = Database::query($query, $connection); if ($including_properties) { // Making an indexed list of the fields and their properties. while ($row = Database::fetch_row($query_result)) { $result[$row[0]] = $row; } } else { // Making a plain, flat list. while ($row = Database::fetch_row($query_result)) { $result[] = $row[0]; } } return $result; } /** * Returns information about the type of the current connection and the server host name. * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @return string/boolean Returns string data on success or FALSE on failure. */ public static function get_host_info($connection = null) { return self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_get_host_info() : mysql_get_host_info($connection); } /** * Retrieves database client/server protocol version. * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @return int/boolean Returns the protocol version on success or FALSE on failure. */ public static function get_proto_info($connection = null) { return self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_get_proto_info() : mysql_get_proto_info($connection); } /** * Retrieves the database server version. * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @return string/boolean Returns the MySQL server version on success or FALSE on failure. */ public static function get_server_info($connection = null) { return self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_get_server_info() : mysql_get_server_info($connection); } /** * Returns a list of tables within a database. The list may contain all of the * available table names or filtered table names by using a pattern. * @param string $database (optional) The name of the examined database. If it is omited, the current database is assumed, see Database::select_db(). * @param string $pattern (optional) A pattern for filtering table names as if it was needed for the SQL's LIKE clause, for example 'access_%'. * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @return array Returns in an array the retrieved list of table names. */ public static function get_tables($database = '', $pattern = '', $connection = null) { $result = array(); $query = "SHOW TABLES"; if (!empty($database)) { $query .= " FROM `".self::escape_string($database, $connection)."`"; } if (!empty($pattern)) { $query .= " LIKE '".self::escape_string($pattern, $connection)."'"; } $query_result = Database::query($query, $connection); while ($row = Database::fetch_row($query_result)) { $result[] = $row[0]; } return $result; } /** * Gets the ID of the last item inserted into the database * This should be updated to use ADODB at some point * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @return int The last ID as returned by the DB function */ public static function insert_id($connection = null) { return self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_insert_id() : mysql_insert_id($connection); } /** * Gets the number of rows from the last query result - help achieving database independence * @param resource The result * @return integer The number of rows contained in this result * @author Yannick Warnier **/ public static function num_rows($result) { return is_resource($result) ? mysql_num_rows($result) : false; } /** * Acts as the relative *_result() function of most DB drivers and fetches a * specific line and a field * @param resource The database resource to get data from * @param integer The row number * @param string Optional field name or number * @return mixed One cell of the result, or FALSE on error */ public static function result($resource, $row, $field = '') { return self::num_rows($resource) > 0 ? (!empty($field) ? mysql_result($resource, $row, $field) : mysql_result($resource, $row)) : null; } /** * Removes "__@" prefix and @__ suffix added by Database::escape_string() * See #7440 for more info * @param string $query * @return mixed */ public static function fixQuery($query) { // LIKE condition $query = str_replace("'%__@", "'%", $query); $query = str_replace("@__%'", "%'", $query); $query = str_replace('@__%"', "%'", $query); $query = str_replace('"%__@', "'%", $query); // Fixing doubles $query = str_replace("__@__@", "__@", $query); $query = str_replace("@__@__", "@__", $query); $query = str_replace("'__@", "'", $query); $query = str_replace('"__@', "'", $query); $query = str_replace("__@", "'", $query); $query = str_replace("@__'", "'", $query); $query = str_replace('@__"', "'", $query); $query = str_replace("@__", "'", $query); return $query; } /** * This method returns a resource * Documentation has been added by Arthur Portugal * Some adaptations have been implemented by Ivan Tcholakov, 2009, 2010 * @author Olivier Brouckaert * @param string $query The SQL query * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server (MySQL) connection. * If it is not specified, the connection opened by mysql_connect() is assumed. * If no connection is found, the server will try to create one as if mysql_connect() was called with no arguments. * If no connection is found or established, an E_WARNING level error is generated. * @param string $file (optional) On error it shows the file in which the error has been trigerred (use the "magic" constant __FILE__ as input parameter) * @param string $line (optional) On error it shows the line in which the error has been trigerred (use the "magic" constant __LINE__ as input parameter) * * @return resource The returned result from the query * * Note: The parameter $connection could be skipped. Here are examples of this method usage: * Database::query($query); * $result = Database::query($query); * Database::query($query, $connection); * $result = Database::query($query, $connection); * The following ways for calling this method are obsolete: * Database::query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); * $result = Database::query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__); * Database::query($query, $connection, __FILE__, __LINE__); * $result = Database::query($query, $connection, __FILE__, __LINE__); */ public static function query($query, $connection = null, $file = null, $line = null) { $use_default_connection = self::use_default_connection($connection); if ($use_default_connection) { // Let us do parameter shifting, thus the method would be similar // (in regard to parameter order) to the original function mysql_query(). $line = $file; $file = $connection; $connection = null; } //$query = self::fixQuery($query); // Check if the table contains a c_ (means a course id) if (api_get_setting('server_type') === 'test' && strpos($query, 'c_')) { //Check if the table contains inner joins if ( strpos($query, 'assoc_handle') === false && strpos($query, 'olpc_peru_filter') === false && strpos($query, 'allow_public_certificates') === false && strpos($query, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS') === false && strpos($query, 'thematic_advance') === false && strpos($query, 'thematic_plan') === false && strpos($query, 'track_c_countries') === false && strpos($query, 'track_c_os') === false && strpos($query, 'track_c_providers') === false && strpos($query, 'track_c_referers') === false && strpos($query, 'track_c_browsers') === false && strpos($query, 'settings_current') === false && strpos($query, 'dokeos_classic_2D') === false && strpos($query, 'cosmic_campus') === false && strpos($query, 'static_') === false && strpos($query, 'public_admin') === false && strpos($query, 'chamilo_electric_blue') === false && strpos($query, 'wcag_anysurfer_public_pages') === false && strpos($query, 'specific_field') === false && strpos($query, 'down_doc_path') === false && strpos($query, 'INNER JOIN') === false && strpos($query, 'inner join') === false && strpos($query, 'left join') === false && strpos($query, 'LEFT JOIN') === false && strpos($query, 'insert') === false && strpos($query, 'INSERT') === false && strpos($query, 'ALTER') === false && strpos($query, 'alter') === false && strpos($query, 'c_id') === false && strpos($query, 'create table') === false && strpos($query, 'CREATE TABLE') === false && strpos($query, 'AUTO_INCREMENT') === false ) { //@todo remove this echo '
                $message = '

Dev message: please add the c_id field in this query or report this error in

'; $message .= $query; echo $message; echo '
'; //error_log($message); } } if (!($result = $use_default_connection ? mysql_query($query) : mysql_query($query, $connection))) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); // Retrieving information about the caller statement. if (isset($backtrace[0])) { $caller = & $backtrace[0]; } else { $caller = array(); } if (isset($backtrace[1])) { $owner = & $backtrace[1]; } else { $owner = array(); } if (empty($file)) { $file = $caller['file']; } if (empty($line) && $line !== false) { $line = $caller['line']; } $type = isset($owner['type']) ? $owner['type'] : null; $function = $owner['function']; $class = isset($owner['class']) ? $owner['class'] : null; $server_type = api_get_setting('server_type'); if (!empty($line) && !empty($server_type) && $server_type != 'production') { $info = '
' .
                    'DATABASE ERROR #'.self::errno($connection).':
' . self::remove_XSS(self::error($connection)) . '
' . 'QUERY :
' . self::remove_XSS($query) . '
' . 'FILE :
' . (empty($file) ? ' unknown ' : $file) . '
' . 'LINE :
' . (empty($line) ? ' unknown ' : $line) . '
'; if (empty($type)) { if (!empty($function)) { $info .= 'FUNCTION :
' . $function; } } else { if (!empty($class) && !empty($function)) { $info .= 'CLASS :
' . $class . '
'; $info .= 'METHOD :
' . $function; } } $info .= '
'; echo $info; } if (isset(self::$log_queries) && self::$log_queries) { error_log("---------------- SQL error ---------------- "); error_log($query); error_log('error #'.self::errno($connection)); error_log('error: '.self::error($connection)); $info = 'FILE: ' .(empty($file) ? ' unknown ' : $file); $info .= ' +'.(empty($line) ? ' unknown ' : $line); error_log($info); if (empty($type)) { if (!empty($function)) { $info = 'FUNCTION: ' . $function; error_log($info); } } else { if (!empty($class) && !empty($function)) { $info = 'CLASS: ' . $class.' METHOD: '.$function; error_log($info); } } error_log("---------------- end ----------------"); } } return $result; } /** * Selects a database. * @param string $database_name The name of the database that is to be selected. * @param resource $connection (optional) The database server connection, for detailed description see the method query(). * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public static function select_db($database_name, $connection = null) { return self::use_default_connection($connection) ? mysql_select_db($database_name) : mysql_select_db($database_name, $connection); } /** * Stores a query result into an array. * * @author Olivier Brouckaert * @param resource $result - the return value of the query * @param option BOTH, ASSOC, or NUM * @return array - the value returned by the query */ public static function store_result($result, $option = 'BOTH') { $array = array(); if ($result !== false) { // For isolation from database engine's behaviour. while ($row = self::fetch_array($result, $option)) { $array[] = $row; } } return $array; } /* Encodings and collations supported by MySQL database server */ /** * Checks whether a given encoding is supported by the database server. * @param string $encoding The encoding (a system conventional id, for example 'UTF-8') to be checked. * @return bool Returns a boolean value as a check-result. * @author Ivan Tcholakov */ public static function is_encoding_supported($encoding) { static $supported = array(); if (!isset($supported[$encoding])) { $supported[$encoding] = false; if (strlen($db_encoding = self::to_db_encoding($encoding)) > 0) { if (self::num_rows(self::query("SHOW CHARACTER SET WHERE Charset = '".self::escape_string($db_encoding)."';")) > 0) { $supported[$encoding] = true; } } } return $supported[$encoding]; } /** * Constructs a SQL clause about default character set and default collation for newly created databases and tables. * Example: Database::make_charset_clause('UTF-8', 'bulgarian') returns * DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `utf8` DEFAULT COLLATE `utf8_general_ci` * @param string $encoding (optional) The default database/table encoding (a system conventional id) to be used. * @param string $language (optional) Language (a system conventional id) used for choosing language sensitive collation (if it is possible). * @return string Returns the constructed SQL clause or empty string if $encoding is not correct or is not supported. * @author Ivan Tcholakov */ public static function make_charset_clause($encoding = null, $language = null) { if (empty($encoding)) { $encoding = api_get_system_encoding(); } if (empty($language)) { $language = api_get_interface_language(); } $charset_clause = ''; if (self::is_encoding_supported($encoding)) { $db_encoding = Database::to_db_encoding($encoding); $charset_clause .= " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `".$db_encoding."`"; $db_collation = Database::to_db_collation($encoding, $language); if (!empty($db_collation)) { $charset_clause .= " DEFAULT COLLATE `".$db_collation."`"; } } return $charset_clause; } /** * Converts an encoding identificator to MySQL-specific encoding identifictor, * i.e. 'UTF-8' --> 'utf8'. * @param string $encoding The conventional encoding identificator. * @return string Returns the corresponding MySQL-specific encoding identificator if any, otherwise returns NULL. * @author Ivan Tcholakov */ public static function to_db_encoding($encoding) { static $result = array(); if (!isset($result[$encoding])) { $result[$encoding] = null; $encoding_map = & self::get_db_encoding_map(); foreach ($encoding_map as $key => $value) { if (api_equal_encodings($encoding, $key)) { $result[$encoding] = $value; break; } } } return $result[$encoding]; } /** * Converts a MySQL-specific encoding identifictor to conventional encoding identificator, * i.e. 'utf8' --> 'UTF-8'. * @param string $encoding The MySQL-specific encoding identificator. * @return string Returns the corresponding conventional encoding identificator if any, otherwise returns NULL. * @author Ivan Tcholakov */ public static function from_db_encoding($db_encoding) { static $result = array(); if (!isset($result[$db_encoding])) { $result[$db_encoding] = null; $encoding_map = & self::get_db_encoding_map(); foreach ($encoding_map as $key => $value) { if (strtolower($db_encoding) == $value) { $result[$db_encoding] = $key; break; } } } return $result[$db_encoding]; } /** * Chooses the default MySQL-specific collation from given encoding and language. * @param string $encoding A conventional encoding id, i.e. 'UTF-8' * @param string $language (optional) A conventional for the system language id, i.e. 'bulgarian'. If it is empty, the chosen collation is the default server value corresponding to the given encoding. * @return string Returns a suitable default collation, for example 'utf8_general_ci', or NULL if collation was not found. * @author Ivan Tcholakov */ public static function to_db_collation($encoding, $language = null) { static $result = array(); if (!isset($result[$encoding][$language])) { $result[$encoding][$language] = null; if (self::is_encoding_supported($encoding)) { $db_encoding = self::to_db_encoding($encoding); if (!empty($language)) { $lang = api_purify_language_id($language); $res = self::check_db_collation($db_encoding, $lang); if (empty($res)) { $db_collation_map = & self::get_db_collation_map(); if (isset($db_collation_map[$lang])) { $res = self::check_db_collation($db_encoding, $db_collation_map[$lang]); } } if (empty($res)) { $res = self::check_db_collation($db_encoding, null); } $result[$encoding][$language] = $res; } else { $result[$encoding][$language] = self::check_db_collation($db_encoding, null); } } } return $result[$encoding][$language]; } /* Private methods You should not access these from outside the class No effort is made to keep the names / results the same. */ /** * Glues a course database. * glue format from */ private static function glue_course_database_name($database_name) { return self::get_course_table_prefix().$database_name.self::get_database_glue(); } /** * @param string $database_name, can be empty to use current course db * * @return the glued parameter if it is not empty, * or the current course database (glued) if the parameter is empty. */ private static function fix_database_parameter($database_name) { if (empty($database_name)) { $course_info = api_get_course_info(); return $course_info['dbNameGlu']; } return self::glue_course_database_name($database_name); } /** * Structures a course database and table name to ready them * for querying. The course database parameter is considered glued: * e.g. COURSE001`.` */ private static function format_glued_course_table_name($database_name_with_glue, $table) { return '`'.$database_name_with_glue.$table.'`'; } /** * Structures a database and table name to ready them * for querying. The database parameter is considered not glued, * just plain e.g. COURSE001 */ private static function format_table_name($database, $table) { global $_configuration; if ($_configuration['single_database']) { $table_name = '`'.$database.'`.`'.$table.'`'; } else { $table_name = '`'.$database.$_configuration['db_glue'].$table.'`'; } return $table_name; } /** * This private method is to be used by the other methods in this class for * checking whether the input parameter $connection actually has been provided. * If the input parameter connection is not a resource or if it is not FALSE (in case of error) * then the default opened connection should be used by the called method. * @param resource/boolean $connection The checked parameter $connection. * @return boolean TRUE means that calling method should use the default connection. * FALSE means that (valid) parameter $connection has been provided and it should be used. */ private static function use_default_connection($connection) { return !is_resource($connection) && $connection !== false; } /** * This private method tackles the XSS injections. It is similar to Security::remove_XSS() and works always, * including the time of initialization when the class Security has not been loaded yet. * @param string The input variable to be filtered from XSS, in this class it is expected to be a string. * @return string Returns the filtered string as a result. */ private static function remove_XSS(& $var) { return class_exists('Security') ? Security::remove_XSS($var) : @htmlspecialchars($var, ENT_QUOTES, api_get_system_encoding()); } /** * This private method encapsulates a table with relations between * conventional and MuSQL-specific encoding identificators. * @author Ivan Tcholakov */ private static function & get_db_encoding_map() { static $encoding_map = array( 'ARMSCII-8' => 'armscii8', 'BIG5' => 'big5', 'BINARY' => 'binary', 'CP866' => 'cp866', 'EUC-JP' => 'ujis', 'EUC-KR' => 'euckr', 'GB2312' => 'gb2312', 'GBK' => 'gbk', 'ISO-8859-1' => 'latin1', 'ISO-8859-2' => 'latin2', 'ISO-8859-7' => 'greek', 'ISO-8859-8' => 'hebrew', 'ISO-8859-9' => 'latin5', 'ISO-8859-13' => 'latin7', 'ISO-8859-15' => 'latin1', 'KOI8-R' => 'koi8r', 'KOI8-U' => 'koi8u', 'SHIFT-JIS' => 'sjis', 'TIS-620' => 'tis620', 'US-ASCII' => 'ascii', 'UTF-8' => 'utf8', 'WINDOWS-1250' => 'cp1250', 'WINDOWS-1251' => 'cp1251', 'WINDOWS-1252' => 'latin1', 'WINDOWS-1256' => 'cp1256', 'WINDOWS-1257' => 'cp1257' ); return $encoding_map; } /** * A helper language id translation table for choosing some collations. * @author Ivan Tcholakov */ private static function & get_db_collation_map() { static $db_collation_map = array( 'german' => 'german2', 'simpl_chinese' => 'chinese', 'trad_chinese' => 'chinese', 'turkce' => 'turkish' ); return $db_collation_map; } /** * Constructs a MySQL-specific collation and checks whether it is supported by the database server. * @param string $db_encoding A MySQL-specific encoding id, i.e. 'utf8' * @param string $language A MySQL-compatible language id, i.e. 'bulgarian' * @return string Returns a suitable default collation, for example 'utf8_general_ci', or NULL if collation was not found. * @author Ivan Tcholakov */ private static function check_db_collation($db_encoding, $language) { if (empty($db_encoding)) { return null; } if (empty($language)) { $result = self::fetch_array(self::query("SHOW COLLATION WHERE Charset = '".self::escape_string($db_encoding)."' AND `Default` = 'Yes';"), 'NUM'); return $result ? $result[0] : null; } $collation = $db_encoding.'_'.$language.'_ci'; $query_result = self::query("SHOW COLLATION WHERE Charset = '".self::escape_string($db_encoding)."';"); while ($result = self::fetch_array($query_result, 'NUM')) { if ($result[0] == $collation) { return $collation; } } return null; } /** * Database insert * @param string $table_name * @param array $attributes * @param bool $show_query * @return bool|int */ public static function insert($table_name, $attributes, $show_query = false) { if (empty($attributes) || empty($table_name)) { return false; } $filtred_attributes = array(); foreach($attributes as $key => $value) { $filtred_attributes[$key] = "'".self::escape_string($value)."'"; } //@todo check if the field exists in the table we should use a describe of that table $params = array_keys($filtred_attributes); $values = array_values($filtred_attributes); if (!empty($params) && !empty($values)) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$table_name.' ('.implode(',',$params).') VALUES ('.implode(',',$values).')'; self::query($sql); if ($show_query) { var_dump($sql); error_log($sql); } return self::insert_id(); } return false; } /** * Experimental useful database finder * @todo lot of stuff to do here * @todo known issues, it doesn't work when using LIKE conditions * @example array('where'=> array('course_code LIKE "?%"')) * @example array('where'=> array('type = ? AND category = ?' => array('setting', 'Plugins')) * @example array('where'=> array('name = "Julio" AND lastname = "montoya"')) */ public static function select($columns, $table_name, $conditions = array(), $type_result = 'all', $option = 'ASSOC') { $conditions = self::parse_conditions($conditions); //@todo we could do a describe here to check the columns ... if (is_array($columns)) { $clean_columns = implode(',', $columns); } else { if ($columns == '*') { $clean_columns = '*'; } else { $clean_columns = (string)$columns; } } $sql = "SELECT $clean_columns FROM $table_name $conditions"; $result = self::query($sql); $array = array(); if ($type_result == 'all') { while ($row = self::fetch_array($result, $option)) { if (isset($row['id'])) { $array[$row['id']] = $row; } else { $array[] = $row; } } } else { $array = self::fetch_array($result, $option); } return $array; } /** * Parses WHERE/ORDER conditions i.e array('where'=>array('id = ?' =>'4'), 'order'=>'id DESC')) * @todo known issues, it doesn't work when using * LIKE conditions example: array('where'=>array('course_code LIKE "?%"')) * @param array $conditions */ public static function parse_conditions($conditions) { if (empty($conditions)) { return ''; } $return_value = $where_return = ''; foreach ($conditions as $type_condition => $condition_data) { if ($condition_data == false) { continue; } $type_condition = strtolower($type_condition); switch ($type_condition) { case 'where': foreach ($condition_data as $condition => $value_array) { if (is_array($value_array)) { $clean_values = array(); foreach($value_array as $item) { $item = Database::escape_string($item); $clean_values[]= $item; } } else { $value_array = Database::escape_string($value_array); $clean_values = $value_array; } if (!empty($condition) && $clean_values != '') { $condition = str_replace('%',"'@percentage@'", $condition); //replace "%" $condition = str_replace("'?'","%s", $condition); $condition = str_replace("?","%s", $condition); $condition = str_replace("@%s@","@-@", $condition); $condition = str_replace("%s","'%s'", $condition); $condition = str_replace("@-@","@%s@", $condition); // Treat conditions as string $condition = vsprintf($condition, $clean_values); $condition = str_replace('@percentage@','%', $condition); //replace "%" $where_return .= $condition; } } if (!empty($where_return)) { $return_value = " WHERE $where_return" ; } break; case 'order': $order_array = $condition_data; if (!empty($order_array)) { // 'order' => 'id desc, name desc' $order_array = self::escape_string($order_array, null, false); $new_order_array = explode(',', $order_array); $temp_value = array(); foreach($new_order_array as $element) { $element = explode(' ', $element); $element = array_filter($element); $element = array_values($element); if (!empty($element[1])) { $element[1] = strtolower($element[1]); $order = 'DESC'; if (in_array($element[1], array('desc', 'asc'))) { $order = $element[1]; } $temp_value[]= $element[0].' '.$order.' '; } else { //by default DESC $temp_value[]= $element[0].' DESC '; } } if (!empty($temp_value)) { $return_value .= ' ORDER BY '.implode(', ', $temp_value); } else { //$return_value .= ''; } } break; case 'limit': $limit_array = explode(',', $condition_data); if (!empty($limit_array)) { if (count($limit_array) > 1) { $return_value .= ' LIMIT '.intval($limit_array[0]).' , '.intval($limit_array[1]); } else { $return_value .= ' LIMIT '.intval($limit_array[0]); } } break; } } return $return_value; } /** * @param array $conditions * @return string */ public static function parse_where_conditions($conditions) { return self::parse_conditions(array('where' => $conditions)); } /** * Experimental useful database update * @todo lot of stuff to do here */ public static function delete($table_name, $where_conditions, $show_query = false) { $where_return = self::parse_where_conditions($where_conditions); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_name $where_return "; if ($show_query) { echo $sql; echo '
'; } self::query($sql); $affected_rows = self::affected_rows(); //@todo should return affected_rows for return $affected_rows; } /** * @param string $table_name use Database::get_main_table * @param array $attributes Values to updates * Example: $params['name'] = 'Julio'; $params['lastname'] = 'Montoya'; * @param array $where_conditions where conditions i.e array('id = ?' =>'4') * @param bool $show_query * @return bool|int */ public static function update( $table_name, $attributes, $where_conditions = array(), $show_query = false ) { if (!empty($table_name) && !empty($attributes)) { $update_sql = ''; //Cleaning attributes $count = 1; foreach ($attributes as $key=>$value) { if (!is_array($value)) { $value = self::escape_string($value); } $update_sql .= "$key = '$value' "; if ($count < count($attributes)) { $update_sql.=', '; } $count++; } if (!empty($update_sql)) { //Parsing and cleaning the where conditions $where_return = self::parse_where_conditions($where_conditions); $sql = "UPDATE $table_name SET $update_sql $where_return "; if ($show_query) { var_dump($sql); } self::query($sql); $affected_rows = self::affected_rows(); return $affected_rows; } } return false; } /** * @deprecated Use api_get_language_isocode($language) instead. */ public static function get_language_isocode($language) { return api_get_language_isocode($language); } /** * @deprecated Use Database::insert_id() instead. */ public static function get_last_insert_id() { return mysql_insert_id(); } }