 * Generated by PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator on 2013-01-07 at 09:29:53.
class AppPluginTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
     * @var AppPlugin
    protected $object;

     * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
     * This method is called before a test is executed.
    protected function setUp()
        $this->object = new AppPlugin;

     * Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
     * This method is called after a test is executed.
    protected function tearDown()

     * @covers AppPlugin::read_plugins_from_path
     * @todo   Implement testRead_plugins_from_path().
    public function testRead_plugins_from_path()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::get_installed_plugins_by_region
     * @todo   Implement testGet_installed_plugins_by_region().
    public function testGet_installed_plugins_by_region()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::get_installed_plugins
     * @todo   Implement testGet_installed_plugins().
    public function testGet_installed_plugins()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::install
     * @todo   Implement testInstall().
    public function testInstall()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::uninstall
     * @todo   Implement testUninstall().
    public function testUninstall()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::get_areas_by_plugin
     * @todo   Implement testGet_areas_by_plugin().
    public function testGet_areas_by_plugin()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::is_valid_plugin_location
     * @todo   Implement testIs_valid_plugin_location().
    public function testIs_valid_plugin_location()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::is_valid_plugin
     * @todo   Implement testIs_valid_plugin().
    public function testIs_valid_plugin()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::get_plugin_regions
     * @todo   Implement testGet_plugin_regions().
    public function testGet_plugin_regions()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::load_region
     * @todo   Implement testLoad_region().
    public function testLoad_region()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::load_plugin_lang_variables
     * @todo   Implement testLoad_plugin_lang_variables().
    public function testLoad_plugin_lang_variables()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::get_all_plugin_contents_by_region
     * @todo   Implement testGet_all_plugin_contents_by_region().
    public function testGet_all_plugin_contents_by_region()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::get_plugin_info
     * @todo   Implement testGet_plugin_info().
    public function testGet_plugin_info()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::get_templates_list
     * @todo   Implement testGet_templates_list().
    public function testGet_templates_list()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::remove_all_regions
     * @todo   Implement testRemove_all_regions().
    public function testRemove_all_regions()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::add_to_region
     * @todo   Implement testAdd_to_region().
    public function testAdd_to_region()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::install_course_plugins
     * @todo   Implement testInstall_course_plugins().
    public function testInstall_course_plugins()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::add_course_settings_form
     * @todo   Implement testAdd_course_settings_form().
    public function testAdd_course_settings_form()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::set_course_settings_defaults
     * @todo   Implement testSet_course_settings_defaults().
    public function testSet_course_settings_defaults()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::save_course_settings
     * @todo   Implement testSave_course_settings().
    public function testSave_course_settings()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'

     * @covers AppPlugin::get_plugin_course_settings
     * @todo   Implement testGet_plugin_course_settings().
    public function testGet_plugin_course_settings()
        // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
          'This test has not been implemented yet.'