Về mặt kĩ thuật, sinh viên chỉ cần có trình duyệt web là có thể sử dụng diễn đàn

Để liên lạc với tổ chức diễn đàn, nhấp vào 'Administer'. Các cuộc thảo luận được tổ chức đồng bộ và được bố trí như sau:

Danh mục > Diễn đàn > Chủ đề > Trả lời

Để cấu trúc được các cuộc thảo luận của sinh viên, it is necessary to organise catgories and forums beforehand, leaving the creation of topics and answers to them. By default, the claroline forum contains only the category 'Public', a sample forum ans a sample topic.

The first thing you should do is deleting the sample topic and modify the first forum's name. Then, you can create, in the 'public' category, other forums, by groups or by themes, to fit your learning scenario requirements.

Don't mix Categories and forums, and don't forget that an empty category (without forums) does not appear on the student view.

The description of a forum can be the list of its members, the definition of a goal, a task, a theme..."; $langHHome = "Hỗ trợ trang chủ"; $langHomeContent = "để thuận tiện hơn, những công cụ claroline chứa các mục mặc định. Có 1 ví dụ nhỏ trong tất cả công cụ để giúp bạn nắm thật nhanh nó hoạt động như thế nào.Bạn có thể sửa đổi hoặc xóa nó.

Ví dụ, trên trang chủ website khóa học của bạn, có 1 dòng giới thiệu nhỏ : ' Đây là phần giới thiệu cho khóa học của bạn. Để thay đổi nói, nhấp vào modify ở phía dưới'. Sau khi nhấp vào modify, thay đổi nó và OK. Nó thật đơn giản. Every tool has the same logic: add, delete, modify, which is the logic of dynamic websites.

When you first create your website, most of the tools are active. Here again, it is up to you to deactivate the ones you don't need. You just have to click on 'deactivate'. Then it goes down to the grey section of your homepage an becomes invisible to your students. However, you can reactivate it whenever you want, making it visible to the students once more.

You can add your own pages to your Home Page. These pages must be HTML pages (which can be created by any Word Processor or Web Composer). Use 'Upload page and link to Homepage' to send your page to the server. The standard header of your website will be automatically merged with your new document, so that you just need to concentrate on the content. If you want to link from your Home towards existaing websites or pages existing anywhere on the web (even inside your own site), use 'Add link on Homepage' The pages you have added to the Home page can deactivated then deleted, where the standard tools can be deactivated, but not deleted.

Once your course website is ready, go to 'Modify course info' and decide what level of confidentiality you want. By default, your course is hidden (because you work on it).

"; $langHClar = "Hỗ trợ khởi đầu"; $langHDoc = "Hỗ trợ tài liệu"; $langDocContent = "

Công cụ để quản lí tThe Documents tool is similar to the FileManager of your desktop computer.

You can upload files of any type (HTML, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Acrobat, Flash, Quicktime, etc.). Your only concern must be that your students have the corresponding software to read them. Some file types can contain viruses, it is your responsibilty not to upload virus contaminated files. It is a worthwhile precaution to check documents with antivirus software before uploading them.

The documents are presented in alphabetical order.
Tip : If you want to present them in a different order, numerate them: 01, 02, 03...

You can :

Upload a document


\t\tRename a document (a directory)\t


\t\t\tDelete a document (or a directory)\t\t


\t\t\tMake a document (or directory) invisible to students\t\t


\t\t\tAdd or modify a comment to a document (or a directory)\t\t


\t\tTo delete a comment, click on ,\t\tdelete the old comment in the field and click\t\t.\t\t


\t\t\tYou can organise your content through filing. For this:\t\t


\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCreate a directory\t\t\t\t\t


\t\t\tMove a document (or directory)\t\t


"; $langHUser = "Hỗ trợ người dùng"; $langHExercise = "Hỗ trợ bài tập"; $langUserContent = "Roles

Roles have no computer related function. They do not give rights on operating the system. They just indicate to Humans, who is who. You can modify them by clicking on 'modify' under 'role', then typing whatever you want: professor, assistant, student, visitor, expert...

Admin rights

Admin rights, on the other hand, correspond to the technical authorisation to modify the content and organisation of the course website. For the moment, you can only choose between giving all the admin rights and giving none of them.

To allow an assistant, for instance, to co-admin the site, you need to register him in the course or be sure he is already registerd, then click on 'modify' under 'admin rights', then click 'all', then 'Ok'.


To mention in the header of the course website the name of a co-chairmen, use the tool 'Modify course information' (orange tools). This modification does not register your co-chairmen as a user of the course. The field 'Professors' is completely independant of the Users list.

Add a user

To add a user for your course, fill the fields and validate. The personwill receive an email telling him/her you have registered him/her and tellinghim/her or reminding him/her his/her login and password.

"; $langGroupContent = "


This tool allows to create and manage work groups.At creation (Create groups), groups are emtpy. There aremany ways to fill them:

These three ways can be combined. You can, for instance, ask students to self-register first.Then discover that some of them didn't and decide then to fill groups automatically inorder to complete them. You can also edit each group to compose membership one studentat a time after or before self-registration and/or automatical filling.

Groups filling, whether automatical or manual, works only if there are already studentsregistered in the course (don't mix registration to the course with registration into groups).Students list is visible in Users tool.

Create groups

To create new groups, click on 'Create new group(s)' and determine number of groups tocreate. Maximum number of members is optional but we suggest to chose one. If you leave max. fieldunchanged, groups size maximum will be infinite.

Group settings

You can determine Group settings globally (for all groups).Students are allowed to self-register in groups:

You create empty groups, students self-register.If you have defined a maximum number, full groups do not accept new members.This method is good for teachers who do not know students list whencreating groups.


Every group possesses either a forum (private or public) or a Documents area(a shared file manager) or (most frequent) both.

Manual edit

Once groups created (Create groups), you see at bottom of page, a list of groupswith a series of informations and functions

"; $langExerciseContent = "

The exercise tool allows you to create exercises that will contains as many questions as you like.

There are various types of answers available for the creation of your questions :

An exercise gathers a certain number of questions under a common theme.

Exercise creation

In order to create an exercise, click on the link \"New exercise\".

Type the exercise name, as well as an optional description of it.

You can also choose between 2 exercise types :

and tell if you want or not questions to be randomly sorted at the time of the exercise running.

Then, save your exercise. You will go to to the question administration for this exercise.

Question adding

You can now add a question into the exercise previously created. The description is optional, as well as the picture that you have the possibility of linking to your question.

Multiple choice

This is the famous MAQ (multiple answer question) / MCQ (multiple choice question).

In order to create a MAQ / MCQ :

Fill in the blanks

This allows you to create a text with gaps. The aim is to let student find words that you have removed from the text.

To remove a word from the text, and so to create a blank, put this word between brackets [like this].

Once the text has been typed and blanks defined, you can add a comment that will be seen by the student when it replies to the question.

Save your text, and you will enter the next step that will allow you to give a weighting to each blank. For example, if the question worths 10 points and you have 5 blanks, you can give a weighting of 2 points to each blank.


This answer type can be chosen so as to create a question where the student will have to connect elements from an unit U1 with elements from an unit U2.

It can also be used to ask students to sort elements in a certain order.

First define the options among which the student will be able to choose the good answer. Then, define the questions which will have to be linked to one of the options previously defined. Finally, connect via the drop-down menu elements from the first unit with those of the second one.

Notice : Several elements from the first unit can point to the same element in the second unit.

Give a weighting to each correct matching, and save your answer.

Exercise modification

In order to modify an exercise, the principle is the same as for the creation. Just click on the picture beside the exercise to modify, and follow instructions above.

Exercise deleting

In order to delete an exercise, click on the picture beside the exercise to delete.

Exercise enabling

So as for an exercise to be used, you have to enable it by clicking on the picture beside the exercise to enable.

Exercise running

You can test your exercise by clicking on its name in the exercise list.

Random exercises

At the time of an exercise creation / modification, you can tell if you want questions to be drawn in a random order among all questions of the exercise.

That means that, by enabling this option, questions will be drawn in a different order each time students will run the exercise.

If you have got a big number of questions, you can also choose to randomly draw only X questions among all questions available in that exercise.

Question pool

When you delete an exercise, questions of its own are not removed from the data base, and can be reused into a new exercise, via the question pool.

The question pool also allows to reuse a same questions into several exercises.

By default, all questions of your course are shown. You can show the questions related to an exercise, by chosing this one in the drop-down menu \"Filter\".

Orphan questions are questions that don't belong to any exercise.

"; $langClarContent3 = "

Educational Theory

For the professors, prepare a course on the internet is a question of Educational Theory too."; $langClarContent4 = "is at your disposal to help you during the different steps of your teaching project evolution: from tool design to its integration in a clear and coherent strategy and objective evaluation of its impact on student learning.

"; ?>