for the Univesity of Geneva * @deprecated */ class ResultSet implements Countable, Iterator { /** * * @param string $sql * @return ResultSet */ static function create($sql) { return new self($sql); } protected $sql = ''; protected $handle = null; protected $current = false; protected $index = -1; protected $count = false; protected $limit_count = null; protected $limit_offset = null; protected $orderby_column = null; protected $orderby_direction = null; protected $return_type = null; function __construct($sql, $limit_count = null, $limit_offset = null, $orderby_column = null, $orderby_direction = null, $return_type = null) { $this->sql = $sql; $this->limit_count = $limit_count; $this->limit_offset = $limit_offset; $this->orderby_column = $orderby_column; $this->orderby_direction = $orderby_direction; $this->return_type = $return_type; } public function sql() { $sql = $this->sql; $column = $this->orderby_column; $direction = $this->orderby_direction; $offset = $this->limit_offset; $count = $this->limit_count; if (is_null($column) && is_null($count) && is_null($offset)) { return $sql; } if (strpos($sql, ' ORDER ') || strpos($sql, ' LIMIT ') || strpos($sql, ' OFFSET ')) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ($sql) AS dat "; } else { $sql .= ' '; } if ($column) { $sql .= "ORDER BY $column $direction "; } if ($count) { $sql .= "LIMIT $count "; } if ($offset) { $sql .= "OFFSET $offset"; } return $sql; } protected function handle() { if (is_null($this->handle)) { $this->handle = Database::query($this->sql()); } return $this->handle; } public function count() { if ($this->count === false) { $sql = $this->sql(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS alpha FROM ($sql) AS dat "; $rs = Database :: query($sql); $data = Database::fetch_array($rs); $count = $data ? $data['alpha'] : 0; $this->count = (int) $count; } return $this->count; } public function first() { foreach ($this as $item) { return $item; } return null; } /** * * @param int $count * @param int $from * @return ResultSet */ public function limit($count, $from = 0) { $result = clone($this); $result->limit_offset = $from; $result->limit_count = $count; return $result; } /** * * @param int $column * @param int $dir * @return ResultSet */ public function orderby($column, $dir = 'ASC') { $result = clone($this); $result->orderby_column = $column; $result->orderby_direction = $dir; return $result; } public function return_type($value) { $result = clone($this); $result->return_type = $value; return $result; } public function current() { return $this->current; } public function key() { return $this->index; } public function next() { $data = Database::fetch_assoc($this->handle()); if (!$data) { $this->current = $this->return_type ? null : array(); } else if (empty($this->return_type)) { $this->current = $data; } else if ($this->return_type == 'object') { $this->current = (object) $data; } else { $this->current = new $this->return_type($data); } $this->index++; return $this->current; } public function rewind() { $this->handle = null; $this->current = false; $this->index = -1; $this->next(); } public function valid() { return !empty($this->current); } function __clone() { $this->reset(); } function reset() { $this->handle = null; $this->current = false; $this->index = -1; $this->count = false; } }