'; if (isset($_REQUEST['movefonts']) && $_REQUEST['movefonts']==1) { movefonts(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['moveunifonts']) && $_REQUEST['moveunifonts']==1) { moveunifonts(); } // INITIAL INSTRUCTIONS if (!$step) { echo '

mPDF Utility to generate font files

'; echo '

If you have added fonts to a previous version of mDPF and want to create the extra files needed for embedded subsets - and you still have the [fontname].ufm and [fontname].t1a files: copy the .ufm and .t1a files to this directory and go directly to execute Step 7

'; echo '


'; echo '

Prepare the source files

'; echo '

Copy the [fontname].ttf files to this current directory

'; echo '

Rename the .ttf files if necessary:

'; echo '

Only characters a-z (lowercase only), 0-9 and _ (underscore)

'; echo '

Style variants should be fontname.ttf fontnameb.ttf fontnamei.ttf fontnamebi.ttf

'; echo '

If you only want Unicode TrueType font files, go directly to execute Step 5

'; echo '

Otherwise go to Step 1 - Unibyte (codepage) font files - A

'; } // STEP 1 - else if ($step==1) { echo '

Step 1 - Unibyte (codepage) font files - A

'; echo '

The next step will create and execute a file "makefonts.bat" in the current directory

'; echo '

Execute and go to Step 2

'; } // STEP 2 - else if ($step==2) { makebatlist('C'); exec('makefonts.bat'); echo '

Step 2 - Unibyte (codepage) font files - B

'; echo '

Check that you have the following files in the current directory (for each of your original .ttf files):

'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '

If these files are not present:

'; echo '

Ensure that the file "ttf2pt1.exe" is in the current directory

'; echo '

Execute/Run the batch file "makefonts.bat" - (double click on the file in Windows)

'; echo '

When the files are there go to step 3.

'; echo '

The next step will generate the files for mPDF in the current directory

'; echo '

Execute Step 3

'; } // STEP 3 - else if ($step==3) { $ff = scandir('./'); foreach($ff AS $f) { if (substr($f,-4,4)=='.ttf') { $file = substr($f,0,(strlen($f)-4)); foreach($cpages AS $cpage) { $success = false; if ($cpage =='win-1252') { $success = MakeFont($file .'.pfb', $file .'.afm', 'win-1252'); if ($success) { @unlink($file .'.pfb'); @unlink($file .'.afm'); } } else { $success = MakeFont($file .'-'.$cpage.'.pfb', $file .'-'.$cpage.'.afm', $cpage); if ($success) { @unlink($file .'-'.$cpage.'.pfb'); @unlink($file .'-'.$cpage.'.afm'); } } } } } echo '

Step 3 - Unibyte (codepage) font files - C

'; echo '

When you have done that, check you have the following files (for each of your original .ttf files):

'; echo ''; echo '
  • NB The .pfb and .afm files have been deleted.

    '; echo '

    Go to Step 4

    '; } // STEP 4 - else if ($step==4) { echo '

    Step 4 - Unibyte (codepage) font files - D

    '; echo '

    Copy all of the .php and .z files to the folder [path to mpdf]/mpdf/fonts/

    '; echo '

    (This link may do the job for you. Note: This will not overwrite files, so you may need to delete files first from the [path to mpdf]/mpdf/fonts/ folder)

    '; echo '

    Add the font names to config_fonts.php (and if appropriate to config_cp.php)

    '; echo '

    You have now completed font file generation for the codepage Type 1 font files.

    '; echo '

    If you do not want to create the Unicode TrueType font files you can stop here, or '; echo 'optionally you can tidy up which will delete all the font files except your .ttf files from the current directory.

    '; echo '

    Now we will create the Unicode TrueType font files.

    '; echo '

    NB This will also delete any remaining .php and .z files from the current directory.

    '; echo '

    To continue with Unicode TrueType font files, execute Step 5

    '; } // STEP 5 - else if ($step==5) { // First get rid of any .php and .z files left $ff = scandir('./'); foreach($ff AS $f) { if (substr($f,-4,4)=='.ttf') { $file = substr($f,0,(strlen($f)-4)); foreach($cpages AS $cpage) { if ($cpage =='win-1252') { @unlink($file .'.z'); @unlink($file .'.php'); } else { @unlink($file .'-'.$cpage.'.z'); @unlink($file .'-'.$cpage.'.php'); } } } } makebatlist('U'); exec('makefonts.bat'); echo '

    Step 5 - Unicode TrueType font files - A

    '; echo '

    Check that the following files have been created in the current directory (for each of your original .ttf files):

    '; echo ''; echo '
    '; echo '

    If these files are not present:

    '; echo '

    Ensure that the file "ttf2ufm.exe" is in the current directory

    '; echo '

    Execute/Run the batch file "makefonts.bat" - (double click on the file in Windows)

    '; echo '

    When the files are there, go on to step 6.

    '; echo '

    The next step will generate the core files for mPDF in the current directory

    '; echo '

    Execute Step 6

    '; } // STEP 6 - else if ($step==6) { $ff = scandir('./'); foreach($ff AS $f) { if (substr($f,-4,4)=='.ttf') { $file = substr($f,0,(strlen($f)-4)); MakeFontTTF($file .'.ttf', $file.'.ufm'); @unlink($file .'.afm'); } } echo '

    Step 6 - Unicode TrueType font files - B

    '; echo '

    When you have done that, check you have the following files (for each of your original .ttf files):

    '; echo ''; echo '

    NB The .afm files have been deleted (but .t1a and .ufm should remain).

    '; echo '

    The next step will generate the additional files for embedded subsets

    '; echo '

    Execute Step 7 (NB This may take several minutes for large font files; you may need to increase the time-limit or memory-limits - see the top of the /makefont/makefonts.php file)

    '; } // STEP 7 - Create .uni2gn.php files, and .dat / .dat.php else if ($step==7) { $cs_commands = array( 'abs' => array(12, 9 ), 'add' => array(12, 10 ), 'and' => array(12, 3 ), 'blend' => array(16, -1 ), 'callgsubr' => array(29, -1 ), 'callothersubr' => array(12, 16 ), 'callsubr' => array(10, -1 ), 'closepath' => array(9, -1 ), 'cntrmask' => array(20, -1 ), 'div' => array(12, 12 ), 'dotsection' => array(12, 0 ), 'drop' => array(12, 18 ), 'dup' => array(12, 27 ), 'endchar' => array(14, -1 ), 'eq' => array(12, 15 ), 'error' => array(0, -1 ), 'escape' => array(12, -1 ), 'exch' => array(12, 28 ), 'flex' => array(12, 35 ), 'flex1' => array(12, 37 ), 'get' => array(12, 21 ), 'hflex' => array(12, 34 ), 'hflex1' => array(12, 36 ), 'hhcurveto' => array(27, -1 ), 'hintmask' => array(19, -1 ), 'hlineto' => array(6, -1 ), 'hmoveto' => array(22, -1 ), 'hsbw' => array(13, -1 ), 'hstem' => array(1, -1 ), 'hstem3' => array(12, 2 ), 'hstemhm' => array(18, -1 ), 'hvcurveto' => array(31, -1 ), 'ifelse' => array(12, 22 ), 'index' => array(12, 29 ), 'load' => array(12, 13 ), 'mul' => array(12, 24 ), 'neg' => array(12, 14 ), 'not' => array(12, 5 ), 'or' => array(12, 4 ), 'pop' => array(12, 17 ), 'put' => array(12, 20 ), 'random' => array(12, 23 ), 'rcurveline' => array(24, -1 ), 'return' => array(11, -1 ), 'rlinecurve' => array(25, -1 ), 'rlineto' => array(5, -1 ), 'rmoveto' => array(21, -1 ), 'roll' => array(12, 30 ), 'rrcurveto' => array(8, -1 ), 'sbw' => array(12, 7 ), 'seac' => array(12, 6 ), 'setcurrentpoint' => array(12, 33 ), 'sqrt' => array(12, 26 ), 'store' => array(12, 8 ), 'sub' => array(12, 11 ), 'vhcurveto' => array(30, -1 ), 'vlineto' => array(7, -1 ), 'vmoveto' => array(4, -1 ), 'vstem' => array(3, -1 ), 'vstem3' => array(12, 1 ), 'vstemhm' => array(23, -1 ), 'vvcurveto' => array(26, -1 ) ); $lenIV = 4; $cs_start = 'RD'; // Read uni2gn [code-point to glyph-name] from .ufm file if exists $ff = scandir('./'); foreach($ff AS $f) { if (substr($f,-4,4)=='.ufm') { $file = substr($f,0,(strpos($f,'.'))); if (!file_exists($file.'.t1a')) { die("You must have both .ufm and .t1a files in the current directory ('.$f.')"); } $uni2gn = array(); $a=file($file.'.ufm'); if(empty($a)) { die('ufm file found but with error'); } foreach($a as $l) { $e=explode(' ',chop($l)); if(count($e)<2) { continue; } if($e[0]=='U') { $cc=(int)$e[1]; if ($cc != -1) { $uni2gn[$cc] = $e[7]; } } } $s = 'uni2gn = '.var_export($uni2gn, true).'; ?>'; file_put_contents($file.'.uni2gn.php', $s); // echo "File created: ".$file.'.uni2gn.php'."
    \n"; // **************** DAT $file_ip = ''; $file_op = ''; $op_buffer = ''; $if_header = ''; $if_FullName = ''; $if_FontName = ''; $if_FamilyName = ''; $if_encs = array(); $if_eexec_start = ''; $if_Subrs = array(); $if_CharStrings = array(); $pdf_diffstr = ''; // String of /Diffs for PDF file $of_encodingstr = ''; $useChars = array(); //echo "Processing font: ".$file."...
    \n"; $subrs=''; $CharStrings=''; $Encoding=''; $file_ip = $file.'.t1a'; $ifh = fopen($file_ip, "rb"); $target = false; $rem = ''; // Header $if_header = ''; while(!$target && !feof($ifh)) { $x = fread($ifh, 2048); $x = preg_replace("/\r/","",$x); $if_header .= $x; if (preg_match('/(.*?)\/Encoding (.*)/s', $if_header , $m)) { $if_header = $m[1]; $rem = '/Encoding '.$m[2]; $target = true; } } if (feof($ifh)) { die("Error parsing ".$file_ip ); } // Discard $target = false; if (preg_match('/(.*?)currentfile eexec(.*)/s', $rem, $m)) { $rem = $m[2]; $target = true; } $discard = ''; while(!$target && !feof($ifh)) { $x = fread($ifh, 2048); $x = preg_replace("/\r/","",$x); $discard .= $x; if (preg_match('/(.*?)currentfile eexec(.*)/s', $discard , $m)) { //$discard = $m[1]; $rem = $m[2]; $target = true; } } if (feof($ifh)) { die("Error parsing ".$file_ip ); } // eexec_start $target = false; if (preg_match('/(.*?)\/Subrs (.*)/s', $rem, $m)) { $if_eexec_start = $m[1]; $rem = $m[2]; $target = true; } else { $if_eexec_start = $rem; } while(!$target && !feof($ifh)) { $x = fread($ifh, 2048); $x = preg_replace("/\r/","",$x); $if_eexec_start .= $x; if (preg_match('/(.*?)\/Subrs (.*)/s', $if_eexec_start , $m)) { $if_eexec_start = $m[1]; $rem = $m[2]; $target = true; } } if (feof($ifh)) { die("Error parsing ".$file_ip ); } // WRITE if_header to .dat $offset = 0; $fh = fopen($file.'.dat', "wb"); _fwriteint($fh, strlen($if_header)); fwrite($fh, $if_header); $offset += strlen($if_header) + 4; // WRITE if_eexec_start to .dat _fwriteint($fh, strlen($if_eexec_start)); fwrite($fh, $if_eexec_start); $offset += strlen($if_eexec_start) + 4; unset($if_header ); unset($if_eexec_start ); // SUBROUTINES $if_Subrs = array(); $target = false; if (preg_match('/(.*?)\/CharStrings (.*)/s', $rem, $m)) { $subrs = $m[1]; $rem = $m[2]; $target = true; } else { $subrs = $rem; } preg_match_all('/dup\s+(\d+)\s+\{(.*?)\}\s+NP/s',$subrs, $mm); for($i=0;$i 4) { $if_Subrs[$mm[1][$i]] = preg_replace('/\s+return/', '', $mm[2][$i]); } // mPDF 4.4.016 } preg_match('/(.*}\s+NP)(.*)/s', $subrs, $mm); if(isset($mm[2])) { $subrs = $mm[2]; } // mPDF 4.4.016 while(!$target && !feof($ifh)) { $x = fread($ifh, 8192); $x = preg_replace("/\r/","",$x); $subrs .= $x; if (preg_match('/(.*?)\/CharStrings (.*)/s', $subrs , $m)) { $subrs = $m[1]; $rem = $m[2]; $target = true; } $subrs = preg_replace("/\r\n/","\n",$subrs); preg_match_all('/dup\s+(\d+)\s+\{(.*?)\}\s+NP/s',$subrs, $mm); for($i=0;$i 4) { $if_Subrs[$mm[1][$i]] = preg_replace('/\s+return/', '', $mm[2][$i]); } // mPDF 4.4.016 } preg_match('/(.*}\s+NP)(.*)/s', $subrs, $mm); if(isset($mm[2])) { $subrs = $mm[2]; } // mPDF 4.5.003 } if (feof($ifh)) { die("Error parsing ".$file_ip ); } // CHARSTRINGS $offs = array(); $target = false; if (preg_match('/(.*?)mark currentfile closefile/s', $rem, $m)) { $CharStrings = $m[1]; $target = true; } else { $CharStrings = $rem; } preg_match_all('/\/([a-zA-Z0-9._]+)\s+\{(.*?endchar\s+)\}\s+ND/s',$CharStrings, $m); for($i=0;$i'; fwrite($fh, $s); fclose($fh); // echo "Files created: ".$file." [.dat|.dat.php]
    \n"; // **************** DAT } } echo '

    Step 7 - Unicode TrueType font files - C

    '; echo '

    When you have done that, check you have the following files (for each of your original .ttf files):

    '; echo '
    • fontname.uni2gn.php
    • '; echo '
    • fontname.dat
    • '; echo '
    • fontname.dat.php
    '; echo '

    If you have only run Step 7 to update previously added fonts, now just copy these files to your /unifont/ folder

    '; echo '

    Go to Step 8

    '; } // STEP 8 - else if ($step==8) { echo '

    Copy all of the following files to the folder [path to mpdf]/mpdf/unifont/

    '; echo '

    (6 for each font/style)

    '; echo '

    (This link should do the job for you. Note: This will not overwrite files, so you may need to delete files first from the [path to mpdf]/mpdf/unifont/ folder).

    '; echo '
    • fontname.z
    • '; echo '
    • fontname.ctg.z
    • '; echo '
    • fontname.php
    • '; echo '
    • fontname.dat
    • '; echo '
    • fontname.dat.php
    • '; echo '
    • fontname.uni2gn.php
    '; echo '

    Add the font names to config_fonts.php (and if appropriate to config_cp.php)

    '; echo '

    Otherwise you\'re all done!

    '; echo '

    Optionally you can tidy up which will delete all the font files except your .ttf files from the current directory.

    '; } // STEP 9 - else if ($step==9) { $ff = scandir('./'); foreach($ff AS $f) { if (substr($f,-4,4)=='.ttf') { $file = substr($f,0,(strlen($f)-4)); @unlink($file .'.afm'); @unlink($file .'.ufm'); @unlink($file .'.t1a'); @unlink($file .'.php'); @unlink($file .'.z'); @unlink($file .'.ctg.z'); @unlink($file .'.dat'); @unlink($file .'.dat.php'); @unlink($file .'.uni2gn.php'); @unlink('makefonts.bat'); foreach($cpages AS $cpage) { if ($cpage =='win-1252') { @unlink($file .'.z'); @unlink($file .'.php'); } else { @unlink($file .'-'.$cpage.'.z'); @unlink($file .'-'.$cpage.'.php'); } } } } echo '

    All done!

    '; } echo ''; exit; /******************************************************************************* * Functions to generate Unicode font .dat files * *******************************************************************************/ function _fwriteint($fh, $i) { //Write a 4-byte integer to file $s=chr(($i>>24) % 256); $s.=chr(($i>>16) % 256); $s.=chr(($i>>8) % 256); $s.=chr($i % 256); fwrite($fh, $s); } /* This function parses an entire charstring into integers and commands, outputting bytes through the charstring buffer. */ function parse_charstring($cs) { global $lenIV, $cs_start, $cs_commands, $cipher_cr ; /* initializes charstring encryption. */ $buffer = ''; $cipher_cr = 4330; for ($i = 0; $i < $lenIV; $i++) { $buffer .= charstring_byte(chr(0)); } $cc = preg_split('/\s+/',$cs,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach($cc AS $c) { // Encode the integers according to charstring number encoding if (preg_match('/^[\-]{0,1}\d+$/',$c)) { $buffer .= charstring_int($c); } // Encode the commands according to charstring command encoding else if (isset($cs_commands[$c])) { $one = $cs_commands[$c][0]; $two = $cs_commands[$c][1]; if ($one < 0 || $one > 255) echo sprintf("bad charstring command number $d in %s in %s", $one, $c, $cs); else if ($two > 255) echo sprintf("bad charstring command number $d in %s in %s", $two, $c, $cs); else if ($two < 0) { $buffer .= charstring_byte($one); } else { $buffer .= charstring_byte($one); $buffer .= charstring_byte($two); } } else { echo sprintf("unknown charstring entry %s in %s", $c, $cs); } } $s = sprintf("%d ", strlen($buffer)); $s .= sprintf("%s ", $cs_start); $s .= $buffer; $buffer = ''; return $s; } /* This function encrypts and buffers a single byte of charstring data. */ function charstring_byte($v) { $b = ($v & 0xff); $c = cencrypt($b); return chr($c); } /* This function encodes an integer according to charstring number encoding. */ function charstring_int($num) { $c = ''; if ($num >= -107 && $num <= 107) { $c .= charstring_byte($num + 139); } else if ($num >= 108 && $num <= 1131) { $x = $num - 108; $c .= charstring_byte($x / 256 + 247); $c .= charstring_byte($x % 256); } else if ($num >= -1131 && $num <= -108) { $x = abs($num) - 108; $c .= charstring_byte($x / 256 + 251); $c .= charstring_byte($x % 256); } else if ($num >= (-2147483647-1) && $num <= 2147483647) { $c .= charstring_byte(255); $c .= charstring_byte($num >> 24); $c .= charstring_byte($num >> 16); $c .= charstring_byte($num >> 8); $c .= charstring_byte($num); } else { echo sprintf("can't format huge number `%d'", $num); /* output 0 instead */ $c .= charstring_byte(139); } return $c; } function cencrypt($plain) { global $lenIV, $cipher_cr; $c1 = 52845; $c2 = 22719; if ($lenIV < 0) return $plain; $cipher = ($plain ^ ($cipher_cr >> 8)); $cipher_cr = (($cipher + $cipher_cr) * $c1 + $c2) & 0xffff; return $cipher; } /******************************************************************************* * Other Functions to generate font definition files - Type 1 + Unicode * *******************************************************************************/ function movefonts() { global $cpages; $ff = scandir('./'); foreach($ff AS $f) { if (substr($f,-4,4)=='.ttf') { $file = substr($f,0,(strlen($f)-4)); foreach($cpages AS $cpage) { if ($cpage =='win-1252') { rename($file .'.php', '../font/'.$file .'.php'); rename($file .'.z', '../font/'.$file .'.z'); } else { rename($file .'-'.$cpage.'.php', '../font/'.$file .'-'.$cpage.'.php'); rename($file .'-'.$cpage.'.z', '../font/'.$file .'-'.$cpage.'.z'); } } } } } function moveunifonts() { $ff = scandir('./'); foreach($ff AS $f) { if (substr($f,-4,4)=='.ttf') { $file = substr($f,0,(strlen($f)-4)); rename($file .'.dat', '../unifont/'.$file .'.dat'); rename($file .'.dat.php', '../unifont/'.$file .'.dat.php'); rename($file .'.php', '../unifont/'.$file .'.php'); rename($file .'.z', '../unifont/'.$file .'.z'); rename($file .'.ctg.z', '../unifont/'.$file .'.ctg.z'); rename($file .'.uni2gn.php', '../unifont/'.$file .'.uni2gn.php'); } } } function makebatlist($type='U') { global $cpages; $bat = ''; $ff = scandir('./'); foreach($ff AS $f) { if (substr($f,-4,4)=='.ttf') { $file = substr($f,0,(strlen($f)-4)); // FOR UNIFONTS if ($type=='U') { $bat .= 'ttf2ufm -a '.$f." ".$file."\r\n"; } // FOR FONTS (codepaged) else { foreach($cpages AS $cpage) { if ($cpage =='win-1252') { $bat .= 'ttf2pt1 -b -L maps/'.$cpage.'.map '.$f." ".$file."\r\n"; } else { $bat .= 'ttf2pt1 -b -L maps/'.$cpage.'.map '.$f." ".$file.'-'.$cpage."\r\n"; } } } } } file_put_contents('makefonts.bat', $bat); } /******************************************************************************* * Common Functions to generate font definition files - Type 1 + Unicode * *******************************************************************************/ function SaveToFile($file,$s,$mode='t') { $f=fopen($file,'w'.$mode); if(!$f) die('Can\'t write to file '.$file); fwrite($f,$s,strlen($s)); fclose($f); } function ReadShort($f) { $a=unpack('n1n',fread($f,2)); return $a['n']; } function ReadLong($f) { $a=unpack('N1N',fread($f,4)); return $a['N']; } function CheckTTF($file) { //Check if font license allows embedding $f=fopen($file,'rb'); if(!$f) die('Error: Can\'t open '.$file); //Extract number of tables fseek($f,4,SEEK_CUR); $nb=ReadShort($f); fseek($f,6,SEEK_CUR); //Seek OS/2 table $found=false; for($i=0;$i<$nb;$i++) { if(fread($f,4)=='OS/2') { $found=true; break; } fseek($f,12,SEEK_CUR); } if(!$found) { fclose($f); return; } fseek($f,4,SEEK_CUR); $offset=ReadLong($f); fseek($f,$offset,SEEK_SET); //Extract fsType flags fseek($f,8,SEEK_CUR); $fsType=ReadShort($f); $rl=($fsType & 0x02)!=0; $pp=($fsType & 0x04)!=0; $e=($fsType & 0x08)!=0; fclose($f); if($rl and !$pp and !$e) echo 'Warning: font license does not allow embedding'; } /******************************************************************************* * Functions to generate font definition files Type 1 * *******************************************************************************/ function ReadMap($enc) { global $map_path; //Read a map file // $file=dirname(__FILE__).'/'.strtolower($enc).'.map'; $file=$map_path.strtolower($enc).'.map'; $a=file($file); if(empty($a)) die('Error: encoding map not found: '.$enc); $cc2gn=array(); foreach($a as $l) { if($l{0}=='!') { $e=preg_split('/[ \\t]+/',chop($l)); $cc=hexdec(substr($e[0],1)); $gn=$e[2]; $cc2gn[$cc]=$gn; } } for($i=0;$i<=255;$i++) if(!isset($cc2gn[$i])) $cc2gn[$i]='.notdef'; return $cc2gn; } function ReadAFM($file,&$map) { //Read a font metric file $a=file($file); if(empty($a)) die('File not found (ReadAFM) - '.$file); $widths=array(); $fm=array(); $fix=array('Edot'=>'Edotaccent','edot'=>'edotaccent','Idot'=>'Idotaccent','Zdot'=>'Zdotaccent','zdot'=>'zdotaccent', 'Odblacute'=>'Ohungarumlaut','odblacute'=>'ohungarumlaut','Udblacute'=>'Uhungarumlaut','udblacute'=>'uhungarumlaut', 'Gcedilla'=>'Gcommaaccent','gcedilla'=>'gcommaaccent','Kcedilla'=>'Kcommaaccent','kcedilla'=>'kcommaaccent', 'Lcedilla'=>'Lcommaaccent','lcedilla'=>'lcommaaccent','Ncedilla'=>'Ncommaaccent','ncedilla'=>'ncommaaccent', 'Rcedilla'=>'Rcommaaccent','rcedilla'=>'rcommaaccent','Scedilla'=>'Scommaaccent','scedilla'=>'scommaaccent', 'Tcedilla'=>'Tcommaaccent','tcedilla'=>'tcommaaccent','Dslash'=>'Dcroat','dslash'=>'dcroat','Dmacron'=>'Dcroat','dmacron'=>'dcroat', 'combininggraveaccent'=>'gravecomb','combininghookabove'=>'hookabovecomb','combiningtildeaccent'=>'tildecomb', 'combiningacuteaccent'=>'acutecomb','combiningdotbelow'=>'dotbelowcomb','dongsign'=>'dong'); foreach($a as $l) { $e=explode(' ',chop($l)); if(count($e)<2) continue; $code=$e[0]; $param=$e[1]; if($code=='C') { //Character metrics $cc=(int)$e[1]; $w=$e[4]; $gn=$e[7]; if(substr($gn,-4)=='20AC') $gn='Euro'; if(isset($fix[$gn])) { //Fix incorrect glyph name foreach($map as $c=>$n) if($n==$fix[$gn]) $map[$c]=$gn; } if(empty($map)) { //Symbolic font: use built-in encoding $widths[$cc]=$w; } else { $widths[$gn]=$w; if($gn=='X') $fm['CapXHeight']=$e[13]; } if($gn=='.notdef') $fm['MissingWidth']=$w; } elseif($code=='FontName') $fm['FontName']=$param; elseif($code=='Weight') $fm['Weight']=$param; elseif($code=='ItalicAngle') $fm['ItalicAngle']=(double)$param; elseif($code=='Ascender') $fm['Ascender']=(int)$param; elseif($code=='Descender') $fm['Descender']=(int)$param; elseif($code=='UnderlineThickness') $fm['UnderlineThickness']=(int)$param; elseif($code=='UnderlinePosition') $fm['UnderlinePosition']=(int)$param; elseif($code=='IsFixedPitch') $fm['IsFixedPitch']=($param=='true'); elseif($code=='FontBBox') $fm['FontBBox']=array($e[1],$e[2],$e[3],$e[4]); elseif($code=='CapHeight') $fm['CapHeight']=(int)$param; elseif($code=='StdVW') $fm['StdVW']=(int)$param; } if(!isset($fm['FontName'])) die('FontName not found'); if(!empty($map)) { if(!isset($widths['.notdef'])) $widths['.notdef']=600; if(!isset($widths['Delta']) and isset($widths['increment'])) $widths['Delta']=$widths['increment']; //Order widths according to map for($i=0;$i<=255;$i++) { if(!isset($widths[$map[$i]])) { echo 'Warning: character '.$map[$i].' is missing from '.$file.'
    '; $widths[$i]=$widths['.notdef']; } else $widths[$i]=$widths[$map[$i]]; } } $fm['Widths']=$widths; return $fm; } function MakeFontDescriptor($fm,$symbolic) { //Ascent $asc=(isset($fm['Ascender']) ? $fm['Ascender'] : 1000); $fd="array('Ascent'=>".$asc; //Descent $desc=(isset($fm['Descender']) ? $fm['Descender'] : -200); $fd.=",'Descent'=>".$desc; //CapHeight if(isset($fm['CapHeight'])) $ch=$fm['CapHeight']; elseif(isset($fm['CapXHeight'])) $ch=$fm['CapXHeight']; else $ch=$asc; $fd.=",'CapHeight'=>".$ch; //Flags $flags=0; if(isset($fm['IsFixedPitch']) and $fm['IsFixedPitch']) $flags+=1<<0; if($symbolic) $flags+=1<<2; if(!$symbolic) $flags+=1<<5; if(isset($fm['ItalicAngle']) and $fm['ItalicAngle']!=0) $flags+=1<<6; $fd.=",'Flags'=>".$flags; //FontBBox if(isset($fm['FontBBox'])) $fbb=$fm['FontBBox']; else $fbb=array(0,$des-100,1000,$asc+100); $fd.=",'FontBBox'=>'[".$fbb[0].' '.$fbb[1].' '.$fbb[2].' '.$fbb[3]."]'"; //ItalicAngle $ia=(isset($fm['ItalicAngle']) ? $fm['ItalicAngle'] : 0); $fd.=",'ItalicAngle'=>".$ia; //StemV if(isset($fm['StdVW'])) $stemv=$fm['StdVW']; elseif(isset($fm['Weight']) and eregi('(bold|black)',$fm['Weight'])) $stemv=120; else $stemv=70; $fd.=",'StemV'=>".$stemv; //MissingWidth if(isset($fm['MissingWidth'])) $fd.=",'MissingWidth'=>".$fm['MissingWidth']; $fd.=')'; return $fd; } function MakeWidthArray($fm) { //Make character width array $s="array(\n\t"; $cw=$fm['Widths']; for($i=0;$i<=255;$i++) { if(chr($i)=="'") $s.="'\\''"; elseif(chr($i)=="\\") $s.="'\\\\'"; elseif($i>=32 and $i<=126) $s.="'".chr($i)."'"; else $s.="chr($i)"; $s.='=>'.$fm['Widths'][$i]; if($i<255) $s.=','; if(($i+1)%22==0) $s.="\n\t"; } $s.=')'; return $s; } function MakeFontEncoding($map) { //Build differences from reference encoding $ref=ReadMap('win-1252'); $s=''; $last=0; for($i=32;$i<=255;$i++) { if($map[$i]!=$ref[$i]) { if($i!=$last+1) $s.=$i.' '; $last=$i; $s.='/'.$map[$i].' '; } } return chop($s); } /******************************************************************************* * $fontfile: path to TTF file (or empty string if not to be embedded) * * $afmfile: path to AFM file * * $enc: font encoding (or empty string for symbolic fonts) * * $patch: optional patch for encoding * * $type : font type if $fontfile is empty * *******************************************************************************/ function MakeFont($fontfile,$afmfile,$enc='win-1252',$patch=array(),$type='TrueType') { //Generate a font definition file set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); if($enc) { $map=ReadMap($enc); foreach($patch as $cc=>$gn) $map[$cc]=$gn; } else $map=array(); if(!file_exists($afmfile)) die('Error: AFM file not found: '.$afmfile); $fm=ReadAFM($afmfile,$map); if($enc) $diff=MakeFontEncoding($map); else $diff=''; $fd=MakeFontDescriptor($fm,empty($map)); //Find font type if($fontfile) { $ext=strtolower(substr($fontfile,-3)); if($ext=='ttf') $type='TrueType'; elseif($ext=='pfb') $type='Type1'; else die('Error: unrecognized font file extension: '.$ext); } else { if($type!='TrueType' and $type!='Type1') die('Error: incorrect font type: '.$type); } //Start generation $s='Error: font file not found: '.$fontfile); if($type=='TrueType') CheckTTF($fontfile); $f=fopen($fontfile,'rb'); if(!$f) die('Error: Can\'t open '.$fontfile); $file=fread($f,filesize($fontfile)); fclose($f); if($type=='Type1') { //Find first two sections and discard third one $pos=strpos($file,'eexec'); if(!$pos) die('Error: font file does not seem to be valid Type1'); $size1=$pos+6; $pos=strpos($file,'00000000'); if(!$pos) die('Error: font file does not seem to be valid Type1'); $size2=$pos-$size1; $file=substr($file,0,$size1+$size2); } if(function_exists('gzcompress')) { $cmp=$basename.'.z'; SaveToFile($cmp,gzcompress($file),'b'); $s.='$file=\''.$cmp."';\n"; // echo 'Font file compressed ('.$cmp.')
    '; } else { $s.='$file=\''.basename($fontfile)."';\n"; echo 'Notice: font file could not be compressed (gzcompress not available)
    '; } if($type=='Type1') { $s.='$size1='.$size1.";\n"; $s.='$size2='.$size2.";\n"; } else $s.='$originalsize='.filesize($fontfile).";\n"; } else { //Not embedded font $s.='$file='."'';\n"; } $s.="?>\n"; SaveToFile($basename.'.php',$s); //echo 'Font definition file generated ('.$basename.'.php'.')
    '; return true; } /******************************************************************************* * Functions to generate font definition files for Unicode Truetype fonts * *******************************************************************************/ function ReadUFM($file, &$cidtogidmap) { //Prepare empty CIDToGIDMap $cidtogidmap = str_pad('', 256*256*2, "\x00"); //Read a font metric file $a=file($file); if(empty($a)) die('File not found (ReadUFM) - '.$file); $widths=array(); $fm=array(); foreach($a as $l) { $e=explode(' ',chop($l)); if(count($e)<2) continue; $code=$e[0]; $param=$e[1]; if($code=='U') { // U 827 ; WX 0 ; N squaresubnosp ; G 675 ; //Character metrics $cc=(int)$e[1]; if ($cc != -1) { $gn = $e[7]; $w = $e[4]; $glyph = $e[10]; $widths[$cc] = $w; // if($cc == ord('X')) // mPDF 4.4.01 // $fm['CapXHeight'] = $e[13]; // Height is not set in ttf2ufm // Set GID if ($cc >= 0 && $cc < 0xFFFF && $glyph) { $cidtogidmap{$cc*2} = chr($glyph >> 8); $cidtogidmap{$cc*2 + 1} = chr($glyph & 0xFF); } // mPDF 4.5.003 if($gn=='.notdef' && !isset($fm['MissingWidth'])) $fm['MissingWidth']=$w; } } elseif($code=='FontName') $fm['FontName']=$param; elseif($code=='Weight') $fm['Weight']=$param; elseif($code=='ItalicAngle') $fm['ItalicAngle']=(double)$param; elseif($code=='Ascender') $fm['Ascender']=(int)$param; elseif($code=='Descender') $fm['Descender']=(int)$param; elseif($code=='UnderlineThickness') $fm['UnderlineThickness']=(int)$param; elseif($code=='UnderlinePosition') $fm['UnderlinePosition']=(int)$param; elseif($code=='IsFixedPitch') $fm['IsFixedPitch']=($param=='true'); elseif($code=='FontBBox') $fm['FontBBox']=array($e[1],$e[2],$e[3],$e[4]); elseif($code=='CapHeight') $fm['CapHeight']=(int)$param; elseif($code=='StdVW') $fm['StdVW']=(int)$param; } if(!isset($fm['MissingWidth'])) $fm['MissingWidth']=600; if(!isset($fm['FontName'])) die('FontName not found'); $fm['Widths']=$widths; return $fm; } function MakeFontDescriptorTTF($fm) { //Ascent $asc=(isset($fm['Ascender']) ? $fm['Ascender'] : 1000); $fd="array('Ascent'=>".$asc; //Descent $desc=(isset($fm['Descender']) ? $fm['Descender'] : -200); $fd.=",'Descent'=>".$desc; //CapHeight if(isset($fm['CapHeight'])) $ch=$fm['CapHeight']; elseif(isset($fm['CapXHeight'])) $ch=$fm['CapXHeight']; else $ch=$asc; $fd.=",'CapHeight'=>".$ch; //Flags $flags=0; if(isset($fm['IsFixedPitch']) and $fm['IsFixedPitch']) $flags+=1<<0; $flags+=1<<5; if(isset($fm['ItalicAngle']) and $fm['ItalicAngle']!=0) $flags+=1<<6; $fd.=",'Flags'=>".$flags; //FontBBox if(isset($fm['FontBBox'])) $fbb=$fm['FontBBox']; else $fbb=array(0,$des-100,1000,$asc+100); $fd.=",'FontBBox'=>'[".$fbb[0].' '.$fbb[1].' '.$fbb[2].' '.$fbb[3]."]'"; //ItalicAngle $ia=(isset($fm['ItalicAngle']) ? $fm['ItalicAngle'] : 0); $fd.=",'ItalicAngle'=>".$ia; //StemV if(isset($fm['StdVW'])) $stemv=$fm['StdVW']; elseif(isset($fm['Weight']) and eregi('(bold|black)',$fm['Weight'])) $stemv=120; else $stemv=70; $fd.=",'StemV'=>".$stemv; //MissingWidth if(isset($fm['MissingWidth'])) $fd.=",'MissingWidth'=>".$fm['MissingWidth']; $fd.=')'; return $fd; } function MakeWidthArrayTTF($fm) { //Make character width array $s="array("; $cw=$fm['Widths']; $els=array(); $c=0; foreach ($cw as $i => $w) { $els[] = ((($c++)%16==0)?"\n\t":'').$i.'=>'.$w; } $s .= implode(', ', $els); $s.=')'; return $s; } /******************************************************************************* * $fontfile: path to TTF file (or empty string if not to be embedded) * * $ufmfile: path to UFM file * *******************************************************************************/ function MakeFontTTF($fontfile,$ufmfile) { //Generate a font definition file if (ini_get("magic_quotes_runtime")) set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); if(!file_exists($ufmfile)) die('Error: UFM file not found: '.$ufmfile); $cidtogidmap = ''; $fm=ReadUFM($ufmfile, $cidtogidmap); $fd=MakeFontDescriptorTTF($fm); //Find font type if($fontfile) { $ext=strtolower(substr($fontfile,-3)); if($ext=='ttf') $type='TrueTypeUnicode'; else die('Error: not a truetype font: '.$ext); } else { if($type!='TrueTypeUnicode') die('Error: incorrect font type: '.$type); } //Start generation $s='Error: font file not found: '.$fontfile); CheckTTF($fontfile); $f=fopen($fontfile,'rb'); if(!$f) die('Error: Can\'t open '.$fontfile); $file=fread($f,filesize($fontfile)); fclose($f); if(function_exists('gzcompress')) { $cmp=$basename.'.z'; SaveToFile($cmp,gzcompress($file),'b'); $s.='$file=\''.$cmp."';\n"; // echo 'Font file compressed ('.$cmp.')
    '; $cmp=$basename.'.ctg.z'; SaveToFile($cmp,gzcompress($cidtogidmap),'b'); //echo 'CIDToGIDMap created and compressed ('.$cmp.')
    '; $s.='$ctg=\''.$cmp."';\n"; } else { $s.='$file=\''.basename($fontfile)."';\n"; echo 'Notice: font file could not be compressed (gzcompress not available)
    '; $cmp=$basename.'.ctg'; $f = fopen($cmp, 'wb'); fwrite($f, $cidtogidmap); fclose($f); echo 'CIDToGIDMap created ('.$cmp.')
    '; $s.='$ctg=\''.$cmp."';\n"; } if($type=='Type1') { $s.='$size1='.$size1.";\n"; $s.='$size2='.$size2.";\n"; } else $s.='$originalsize='.filesize($fontfile).";\n"; } else { //Not embedded font $s.='$file='."'';\n"; } $s.="?>\n"; SaveToFile($basename.'.php',$s); // echo 'Font definition file generated ('.$basename.'.php'.')
    '; return true; } ?>