for the Univesity of Geneva */ class EntityRepository extends Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository { function next_id($entity = null) { $column = $this->get_id_field(); if (empty($column)) { return false; } $metadata = $this->getClassMetadata(); $entity_name = $metadata->name; if ($this->is_course_table()) { $course = $entity ? $entity->get_c_id() : Entity::current_course(); $course = $course ? $course : Entity::current_course(); $c_id = is_object($course) ? $course->get_id() : $course; if (empty($c_id)) { return null; } $query = new QueryBuilder($this->getEntityManager()); $query = $query->select("MAX( AS m")->from($entity_name, 't')->where('t.c_id = ' . $c_id); } else { $query = new QueryBuilder($this->getEntityManager()); $query = $query->select("MAX(t.$column) AS m")->from($entity_name, 't'); } $result = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($query); $result = $result->getSingleScalarResult(); $result += 10; //in case somebody does an insert in between return $result; } /** * * @return string|bool */ function get_id_field() { $metadata = $this->getClassMetadata(); if (count($metadata->identifier) == 1) { $field = $metadata->identifier[0]; return $field; } if (count($metadata->identifier) > 2) { return false; } if (isset($metadata->identifier['id'])) { return 'id'; } if (!$this->is_course_table()) { return false; } foreach ($metadata->identifier as $field) { if ($field != 'c_id' && $field != 'course') { return $field; } } return false; } function is_course_table() { $metadata = $this->getClassMetadata(); $table = $metadata->table['name']; return strpos($table, 'c_') === 0; } }