0) { $file = $_POST['filename']; } else { $file = 'image'; } if ($suffix == 'svg') { $mime = 'image/svg+xml'; $contents = rawurldecode($_POST['output_svg']); } else { $mime = 'image/png'; $contents = $_POST['output_png']; $pos = (strpos($contents, 'base64,') + 7); $contents = base64_decode(substr($contents, $pos)); } //get SVG-Edit values $filename = $file;//from svg-edit $extension = $suffix;// from svg-edit $content = $contents;//from svg-edit $title = Database::escape_string(str_replace('_', ' ', $filename)); $_course = api_get_course_info(); $relativeUrlPath = Session::read('draw_dir'); $_course = api_get_course_info(); $sessionId = api_get_session_id(); $groupId = api_get_group_id(); $groupInfo = GroupManager::get_group_properties($groupId); $dirBaseDocuments = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH).$_course['path'].'/document/'; $saveDir = $dirBaseDocuments.$relativeUrlPath; // a bit title security $filename = addslashes(trim($filename)); $filename = Security::remove_XSS($filename); $filename = api_replace_dangerous_char($filename); $filename = disable_dangerous_file($filename); // a bit extension if ($suffix != 'svg' && $suffix != 'png') { die(); } $drawFileNameFromSession = Session::read('draw_file'); //checks if the file exists, then rename the new if (file_exists($saveDir.'/'.$filename.'.'.$extension) && empty($drawFileNameFromSession) ) { $message = get_lang('FileExistsChangeToSave'); $params = array( 'message' => $message, 'url' => '' ); echo json_encode($params); exit; } else { $drawFileName = $filename.'.'.$extension; $title = $title.'.'.$extension; } $documentPath = $saveDir.'/'.$drawFileName; //add new document to disk file_put_contents($documentPath, $contents); if (empty($drawFileNameFromSession)) { //add document to database $doc_id = add_document( $_course, $relativeUrlPath.'/'.$drawFileName, 'file', filesize($documentPath), $title ); api_item_property_update( $_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'DocumentAdded', api_get_user_id(), $groupInfo, null, null, null, $sessionId ); } else { if ($drawFileNameFromSession == $drawFileName) { $document_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id( $_course, $relativeUrlPath.'/'.$drawFileName ); update_existing_document( $_course, $document_id, filesize($documentPath), null ); api_item_property_update( $_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $document_id, 'DocumentUpdated', api_get_user_id(), $groupInfo, null, null, null, $sessionId ); } else { //add a new document $doc_id = add_document( $_course, $relativeUrlPath.'/'.$drawFileName, 'file', filesize($documentPath), $title ); api_item_property_update( $_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'DocumentAdded', api_get_user_id(), $groupInfo, null, null, null, $sessionId ); } } //clean sessions and add messages and return to current document list Session::erase('draw_dir'); Session::erase('draw_file'); if ($suffix != 'png') { if ($relativeUrlPath == '') { $relativeUrlPath = '/'; }; $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'document/document.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&curdirpath='.urlencode($relativeUrlPath); $message = get_lang('FileSavedAs').': '.$title; } else { $url = ''; $message = get_lang('FileExportAs').': '.$title; } $params = array( 'message' => $message, 'url' => $url ); echo json_encode($params); exit;