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Add terms and conditions, script and ws - refs BT#9461#hook

Daniel Barreto 10 år sedan

+ 10 - 0

@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ $data['newStatus'] = intval($_REQUEST['e']);
 // $data['is_connected'] = isset($_REQUEST['is_connected']) ? boolval($_REQUEST['is_connected']) : false;
 $data['is_connected'] = true;
 $data['profile_completed'] = isset($_REQUEST['profile_completed']) ? floatval($_REQUEST['profile_completed']) : 0;
+$data['accept_terms'] = isset($_REQUEST['accept_terms']) ? intval($_REQUEST['accept_terms']) : 0;
+$data['courseId'] = isset($_REQUEST['c']) ? intval($_REQUEST['c']) : 0;
 // Init result array
 $result = array('error' => true, 'errorMessage' => get_lang('ThereWasAnError'));
 // Check if data is valid or is for start subscription
@@ -274,6 +276,14 @@ if ($verified) {
+        case 'terms_response':
+            // Check if new status is set
+            if (isset($data['accept_terms']) && $data['accept_terms'] == 1) {
+                $legalPlugin = CourseLegalPlugin::create()->saveUserLegal($data['studentId'], $data['courseId'], $data['sessionId']);
+            } else {
+                $result['errorMessage'] = 'Need terms response params';
+            }
+            break;
             $result['errorMessage'] = 'This action does not exist!';

+ 2 - 0

@@ -135,3 +135,5 @@ $strings['MailContentReminderSuperiorSecond'] = 'We invite you to accept or reje
 $strings['MailTitleReminderMaxSuperior'] = 'Reminder: Course inscription request for your collaborators';
 $strings['MailContentReminderMaxSuperior'] = 'We remind you, we have received inscription requests below to course <strong>%s</strong> for your collaborators. This course is starting at <strong>%s</strong>. Course details: <strong>%s</strong>.';
 $strings['MailContentReminderMaxSuperiorSecond'] = 'This course have limited vacancies and has received a high inscription request rate, So we recommend all areas to accept at most <strong>%s</strong> candidates. We invite you to accept or reject inscription request, clicking corresponding button for each collaborator.';
+$strings['YouMustAcceptTermsAndConditions'] = 'To subscribe to course <strong>%s</strong>, you must accept this terms and conditions.';

+ 2 - 0

@@ -135,3 +135,5 @@ $strings['MailContentReminderSuperiorSecond'] = 'Le invitamos a aprobar o desapr
 $strings['MailTitleReminderMaxSuperior'] = 'Recordatorio: Solicitud de consideración de curso para colaborador(es)';
 $strings['MailContentReminderMaxSuperior'] = 'Le recordamos que hemos recibido las siguientes solicitudes de suscripción al curso <strong>%s</strong> de parte de sus colaboradores. El curso se iniciará el <strong>%s</strong>. Detalles del curso: <strong>%s</strong>.';
 $strings['MailContentReminderMaxSuperiorSecond'] = 'Este curso tiene una cantidad de cupos limitados y ha recibido una alta tasa de solicitudes de inscripción, por lo que recomendamos que cada área apruebe un máximo de <strong>%s</strong> candidatos. Le invitamos a aprobar o desaprobar las suscripciones, dando clic en el botón correspondiente a continuación para cada colaborador.';
+$strings['YouMustAcceptTermsAndConditions'] = 'Para inscribirse al curso <strong>%s</strong>, debe aceptar estos términos y condiciones.';

+ 51 - 1

@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class AdvancedSubscriptionPlugin extends Plugin implements HookPluginInterface
             'min_profile_percentage' => 'text',
             'check_induction' => 'boolean',
             'secret_key' => 'text',
+            'terms_and_conditions' => 'wysiwyg'
         parent::__construct('1.0', 'Imanol Losada, Daniel Barreto', $parameters);
@@ -883,7 +884,7 @@ class AdvancedSubscriptionPlugin extends Plugin implements HookPluginInterface
             'e=' . intval($params['newStatus']) . '&' .
             'u=' . intval($params['studentUserId']) . '&' .
             'q=' . intval($params['queueId']) . '&' .
-            'is_connected=' . true . '&' .
+            'is_connected=' . 1 . '&' .
             'profile_completed=' . intval($params['profile_completed']) . '&' .
             'v=' . $this->generateHash($params);
         return $url;
@@ -1037,4 +1038,53 @@ class AdvancedSubscriptionPlugin extends Plugin implements HookPluginInterface
         return 'advanced_subscription';
+    /**
+     * Return the url to show subscription terms
+     * @param array $params
+     * @param int $mode
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function getTermsUrl($params, $mode = 0)
+    {
+        $url = api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH) . 'advanced_subscription/src/terms_and_conditions.php?' .
+            'a=' . Security::remove_XSS($params['action']) . '&' .
+            's=' . intval($params['sessionId']) . '&' .
+            'current_user_id=' . intval($params['currentUserId']) . '&' .
+            'e=' . intval($params['newStatus']) . '&' .
+            'u=' . intval($params['studentUserId']) . '&' .
+            'q=' . intval($params['queueId']) . '&' .
+            'is_connected=' . 1 . '&' .
+            'profile_completed=' . intval($params['profile_completed']) . '&' .
+            'r=' . intval($mode) . '&' .
+            'v=' . $this->generateHash($params);
+        // Launch popup
+        if ($mode == 0) {
+            $url = 'javascript:void(\'' . $url .'\',\'Terms\', \'100\', \'100\' );)';
+        }
+        return $url;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the url to get subscription terms
+     * @param array $params
+     * @param int $acceptTerms
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function getTermsResponseUrl($params, $acceptTerms = 0)
+    {
+        $url = api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH) . 'advanced_subscription/ajax/advanced_subscription.ajax.php?' .
+            'a=' . Security::remove_XSS($params['action']) . '&' .
+            's=' . intval($params['sessionId']) . '&' .
+            'current_user_id=' . 0 . '&' .
+            'e=' . 0 . '&' .
+            'u=' . intval($params['studentUserId']) . '&' .
+            'q=' . 0 . '&' .
+            'is_connected=' . 1 . '&' .
+            'profile_completed=' . intval($params['profile_completed']) . '&' .
+            'accept_terms=' . intval($acceptTerms) . '&' .
+            'c=' . intval($params['courseId']) . '&' .
+            'v=' . $this->generateHash($params);
+        return $url;
+    }

+ 78 - 2

@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ class HookAdvancedSubscription extends HookObserver implements
                             // Check conditions
                             if ($status == ADVANCED_SUBSCRIPTION_QUEUE_STATUS_NO_QUEUE) {
                                 // No in Queue, require queue subscription url action
-                                $data['action_url'] = self::$plugin->getQueueUrl($params);
+                                $data['action_url'] = self::$plugin->getTermsUrl($params);
                             } elseif ($status == ADVANCED_SUBSCRIPTION_QUEUE_STATUS_ADMIN_APPROVED) {
                                 // send url action
                                 $data['action_url'] = self::$plugin->getSessionUrl($sessionId);
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ class HookAdvancedSubscription extends HookObserver implements
                                 $data['action_url'] = self::$plugin->getSessionUrl($sessionId);
                             } elseif ($status == ADVANCED_SUBSCRIPTION_QUEUE_STATUS_NO_QUEUE) {
                                 // in Queue or not, cannot be subscribed to session
-                                $data['action_url'] = self::$plugin->getQueueUrl($params);
+                                $data['action_url'] = self::$plugin->getTermsUrl($params);
                             } else {
                                 // In queue, output status message, no more info.
@@ -621,6 +621,82 @@ class HookAdvancedSubscription extends HookObserver implements
         return $sessionList;
+    /**
+     * Get a list of sessions (id, coach_id, name, courses_num, users_num, classes_num,
+     * date_start, date_end, access_days_before_num, session_admin_id, visibility,
+     * session_category_id, promotion_id,
+     * validated_user_num, waiting_user_num,
+     * extra, course) the validated_usernum and waiting_user_num are
+     * used when have the plugin for advance incsription enables.
+     * The extra data (field_name, field_value)
+     * The course data (course_id, course_code, course_title,
+     * coach_username, coach_firstname, coach_lastname)
+     * @param array $params List of parameters (id, category_name, access_url_id, secret_key)
+     * @return array|soap_fault Sessions list (id=>[title=>'title',url='http://...',date_start=>'...',date_end=>''])
+     */
+    public static function WSTermsAndConditions($params)
+    {
+        global $debug;
+        if ($debug) {
+            error_log('WSListSessionsDetailsByCategory');
+            error_log('Params ' . print_r($params, 1));
+        }
+        $secretKey = $params['secret_key'];
+        // Check if secret key is valid
+        if (!WSHelperVerifyKey($secretKey)) {
+            return return_error(WS_ERROR_SECRET_KEY);
+        }
+        // Get Data
+        $data = array();
+        $data['sessionId'] = $params['session_id'];
+        $data['studentUserId'] = $params['user_id'];
+        $data['profile_completed'] = $params['profile_completed'];
+        $legalEnabled = api_get_plugin_setting('courselegal', 'tool_enable');
+        $legalPlugin = CourseLegalPlugin::create();
+        if (
+            UserManager::is_user_id_valid($data['studentUserId']) &&
+            SessionManager::isValidId($data['sessionId'])
+        ) {
+            $courses = SessionManager::get_course_list_by_session_id($data['sessionId']);
+            $course = current($courses);
+            $data['courseId'] = $course['id'];
+            $data['session'] = api_get_session_info($data['sessionId']);
+            $data['student'] = Usermanager::get_user_info_by_id($data['studentUserId']);
+            if ($legalEnabled) {
+                // Get Terms content
+                $termsContent = $legalPlugin->getData($data['courseId'], $data['sessionId']);
+                $termsContent = $termsContent['content'];
+                $termsFiles = $legalPlugin->getCurrentFile($data['courseId'], $data['sessionId']);
+                $twigString = new \Twig_Environment(new \Twig_Loader_String());
+                $termsContent = $twigString->render(
+                    $termsContent,
+                    array(
+                        'session' => $data['session'],
+                        'student' => $data['student'],
+                    )
+                );
+            } else {
+                $termsContent = '';
+                $termsFiles = '';
+            }
+            // Set output data
+            $data['action'] = 'terms_response';
+            $data['terms_content'] = $termsContent;
+            $data['terms_files'] = $termsFiles;
+            $data['accept_terms_url'] = self::$plugin->getTermsResponseUrl($data, 1);
+            $data['reject_terms_url'] = self::$plugin->getTermsResponseUrl($data, 0);
+            $data['reject_message'] = self::$plugin->get_lang('YouMustAcceptTermsAndConditions');
+        } else {
+            $data = return_error(WS_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT);
+        }
+        return $data;
+    }
      * Return notification content when the hook has been triggered
      * @param HookNotificationContentEventInterface $hook

+ 72 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* For license terms, see /license.txt */
+ * Script to show sessions terms and conditions
+ * @package chamilo.plugin.advanced_subscription
+ */
+ * Init
+ */
+require_once __DIR__ . '/../config.php';
+// start plugin
+$plugin = AdvancedSubscriptionPlugin::create();
+$courseLegal = CourseLegalPlugin::create();
+// Session ID
+$data['action'] = Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['a']);
+$data['sessionId'] = isset($_REQUEST['s']) ? intval($_REQUEST['s']) : 0;
+$data['currentUserId'] = isset($_REQUEST['current_user_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['current_user_id']) : 0;
+$data['studentUserId'] = isset($_REQUEST['u']) ? intval($_REQUEST['u']) : 0;
+$data['queueId'] = isset($_REQUEST['q']) ? intval($_REQUEST['q']) : 0;
+$data['newStatus'] = isset($_REQUEST['e']) ? intval($_REQUEST['e']) : 0;
+$data['is_connected'] = true;
+$data['profile_completed'] = isset($_REQUEST['profile_completed']) ? floatval($_REQUEST['profile_completed']) : 0;
+$data['termsRejected'] = isset($_REQUEST['r']) ? intval($_REQUEST['r']) : 0;
+// Init template
+$tpl = new Template($plugin->get_lang('plugin_title'));
+if (
+    !empty($data['sessionId']) &&
+    !empty($data['studentUserId']) &&
+    api_get_plugin_setting('courselegal', 'tool_enable')
+) {
+    $courses = SessionManager::get_course_list_by_session_id($data['sessionId']);
+    $course = current($courses);
+    $data['courseId'] = $course['id'];
+    $termsAndConditions = $courseLegal->getData($data['courseId'], $data['sessionId']);
+    $termsAndConditions = $termsAndConditions['content'];
+    $termFiles = $courseLegal->getCurrentFile($data['courseId'], $data['sessionId']);
+    $data['session'] = api_get_session_info($data['sessionId']);
+    $data['student'] = Usermanager::get_user_info_by_id($data['studentUserId']);
+    $data['acceptTermsUrl'] = $plugin->getQueueUrl($data);
+    $data['rejectTermsUrl'] = $plugin->getTermsUrl($data, 1);
+    // Use Twig with String loader
+    $twigString = new \Twig_Environment(new \Twig_Loader_String());
+    $termsContent = $twigString->render(
+        $termsAndConditions,
+        array(
+            'session' => $data['session'],
+            'student' => $data['student'],
+        )
+    );
+} else {
+    $termsContent = '';
+    $termFiles = '';
+    $data['acceptTermsUrl'] = '#';
+    $data['rejectTermsUrl'] = '#';
+// Assign into content
+$tpl->assign('termsRejected', $data['termsRejected']);
+$tpl->assign('acceptTermsUrl', $data['acceptTermsUrl']);
+$tpl->assign('rejectTermsUrl', $data['rejectTermsUrl']);
+$tpl->assign('session', $data['session']);
+$tpl->assign('student', $data['student']);
+$tpl->assign('sessionId', $data['sessionId']);
+$tpl->assign('termsContent', $termsContent);
+$tpl->assign('termsFiles', $termFiles);
+$content = $tpl->fetch('/advanced_subscription/views/terms_and_conditions.tpl');
+$tpl->assign('content', $content);
+// Display

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{% if termsRejected == 1 %}
+<div class="error-message">
+    {{ "YouMustAcceptTermsAndConditions"  | get_plugin_lang("AdvancedSubscriptionPlugin") | format( }}
+{% endif %}
+<div class="legal-terms">
+    {{ termsContent }}
+    {{ termsFiles }}
+    <a
+        class="btn btn-success btn-advanced-subscription btn-accept"
+        href="{{ acceptTermsUrl }}"
+    >
+        {{ "AcceptInfinitive" | get_plugin_lang("AdvancedSubscriptionPlugin") }}
+    </a>
+    <a
+        class="btn btn-danger btn-advanced-subscription btn-reject"
+        href="{{ rejectTermsUrl }}"
+    >
+        {{ "RejectInfinitive" | get_plugin_lang("AdvancedSubscriptionPlugin") }}
+    </a>
+<link href="{{ _p.web_plugin }}advanced_subscription/views/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">