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[svn r22387] DLTT import

Yannick Warnier 15 năm trước cách đây
mục cha

+ 1 - 0

@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ $Organisation = "Organiza
 $Reporting = "Relatório";
 $Code = "Código";
 $Update = "Atualizar";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Selecionar tipo de questão";
 $CurrentCourse = "Curso atual";
 $Back = "Voltar";
 $Info = "Informação";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ $Organisation = "Instelling";
 $Reporting = "Rapportering ";
 $Code = "Code";
 $Update = "Updaten";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Vraagtype selecteren";
 $CurrentCourse = "Huidige cursus";
 $Back = "Vorige";
 $Info = "Informatie";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ $Organisation = "Instelling";
 $Reporting = "Rapportering ";
 $Code = "Code";
 $Update = "Updaten";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Vraagtype selecteren";
 $CurrentCourse = "Huidige module";
 $Back = "Vorige";
 $Info = "Informatie";

+ 34 - 33

@@ -979,42 +979,43 @@ $SoberBrown = "Sober brown";
 $SteelGrey = "Steel grey";
 $TastyOlive = "Tasty olive";
 $AddNews  = "Add news ";
-$SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "Failure to open a database";
-$SearchDatabaseVersionError = "Database is in an unsupported format";
-$SearchDatabaseModifiedError = "The database was modified";
-$SearchDatabaseLockError = "Failure to lock a database";
-$SearchDatabaseCreateError = "Failure to create a database";
-$SearchDatabaseCorruptError = "Database corruption was detected";
-$SearchNetworkTimeoutError = "Timeout expired while communicating with a remote database";
+$SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "Failed to open the search database";
+$SearchDatabaseVersionError = "The search database uses an unsupported format";
+$SearchDatabaseModifiedError = "The search database has been modified/broken";
+$SearchDatabaseLockError = "Failed to lock the search database";
+$SearchDatabaseCreateError = "Failed to create the search database";
+$SearchDatabaseCorruptError = "The search database has suffered corruption";
+$SearchNetworkTimeoutError = "Connection timed out while communicating with the remote search database";
 $SearchOtherXapianError = "Error in search engine";
-$SearchXapianModuleNotInstaled = "Xapian module not is instaled";
-$TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdd = "The new sub language has been add";
-$DeleteSubLanguage = "Delete sub language";
-$CreateSubLanguageForLanguage = "Create sub language for language";
-$DeleteSubLanguageFromLanguage = "Delete sub language from language";
-$CreateSubLanguage = "Create sub language";
-$RegisterTermsOfSubLanguageForLanguage = "Register terms of sub language for language";
-$AddTermsOfThisSubLanguage = "Add new terms for this sub language";
+$SearchXapianModuleNotInstaled = "The Xapian search module is not installed";
+$TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdd = "The new sub-language has been added";
+$DeleteSubLanguage = "Delete sub-language";
+$CreateSubLanguageForLanguage = "Create a sub-language for this language";
+$DeleteSubLanguageFromLanguage = "Delete this sub-language";
+$CreateSubLanguage = "Create sub-language";
+$RegisterTermsOfSubLanguageForLanguage = "Define new terms for this sub-language";
+$AddTermsOfThisSubLanguage = "Sub-language terms";
 $LoadLanguageFile = "Load language file";
-$AllowUseSubLanguageTitle = "Allow define sub-language";
-$AllowUseSubLanguageComment = "By enabling this option, you will be able to define variations for each of the language terms used in the platform interface, in the form of a new language based on and extending an existing language. You\'ll find this option in the languages section of the administration panel.";
-$AddWordForTheSubLanguage = "Add words to the sub-language";
-$TemplateAdded = "Template Added";
+$AllowUseSubLanguageTitle = "Allow the definition and use of sub-languages";
+$AllowUseSubLanguageComment = "By enabling this option, you will be able to define variations for each of the language terms used in the platform\'s interface, in the form of a new language based on and extending an existing language. You\'ll find this option in the languages section of the administration panel.";
+$AddWordForTheSubLanguage = "Add terms to the sub-language";
+$TemplateAdded = "Template added";
 $TemplateEdited = "Template edited";
 $TemplateDeleted = "Template deleted";
-$SubLanguage = "Sub language";
-$LanguageIsNowVisible = "The language is now visible";
-$LanguageIsNowHidden = "The language is now hidden";
-$LanguageDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "The /main/lang directory, used by this portal, is not writeable. Please contact your platform administrator.";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "Show terms of glossary in documents";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "From here you can setting how add glossary\'s term to documents";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "Automatically, to enable this option will add to documents all term than is defined in the glossary and are in the document";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "Manual, to enable this option this will show a glossary icon in the tool fckeditor, you should shading the words than are marked like glossary term";
-$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "None, to have enable this option, will not add glosarry term to documents";
+$SubLanguage = "Sub-language";
+$LanguageIsNowVisible = "The language has been made visible and can now be used throughout the platform.";
+$LanguageIsNowHidden = "The language has been hidden. It will not be possible to use it until it becomes visible again.";
+$LanguageDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "The /main/lang directory, used on this portal to store the languages, is not writable. Please contact your platform administrator and report this message.";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "Show glossary terms in documents";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "From here you can configure how to add links to the glossary terms from the documents";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "Automatic: adds links to all defined glossary terms found in the document";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "Manual: shows a glossary icon in the online editor, so you can mark the terms that are in the glossary and that you want to link";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "None: doesn\'t add any glossary terms to the documents";
 $LanguageVariable = "Language variable";
-$ToExportDocumentsWithGlossaryYouHaveToSelectGlossary = "To export a document than has term glossary of terms, will have sure than this term has been included in the exportation; to do this will have choose it in the list glossary";
-$ShowTutorDataTitle = "Information of tutor\'s session is shown on footer.";
-$ShowTutorDataComment = "Show the Information of the tutor\'s session in the footer?";
-$ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Teacher Information in footer";
-$ShowTeacherDataComment = "Show the Information of the teacher in the footer?";
+$ToExportDocumentsWithGlossaryYouHaveToSelectGlossary = "To export a document that has glossary terms with its references to the glossary, you have to make sure you include the glossary tool in the export";
+$ShowTutorDataTitle = "Session\'s tutor\'s data is shown in the footer.";
+$ShowTutorDataComment = "Show the session\'s tutor reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?";
+$ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Show teacher information in footer";
+$ShowTeacherDataComment = "Show the teacher reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?";
+$TermsAndConditions = "Terms and conditions";

+ 1 - 1

@@ -321,6 +321,6 @@ $ReachedTimeLimitAdmin = "Reached time limit admin";
 $LastScoreTest = "Last score of a exercise";
 $BackToResultList = "Back to result list";
 $EditingScoreCauseProblemsToExercisesInLP = "If you edit a question score, please remember that this Exercise was added in a Course";
-$SelectExercice = "Select exercice";
+$SelectExercice = "Select exercise";
 $YouHaveToSelectATest = "You have to select a test";

+ 6 - 0

@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ $Organisation = "Company";
 $Reporting = "Reporting";
 $Code = "Code";
 $Update = "Update";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Select question type";
 $CurrentCourse = "Current course";
 $Back = "Back";
 $Info = "Information";
@@ -728,4 +729,9 @@ $ConversionFailled = "Conversion failled";
 $AlreadyExists = "Already exists";
 $TheNewWordHasBeenAdded = "The new word has been added";
 $CommentErrorExportDocument = "Some of the documents are too complex to be treated automatically by the document converter";
+$EventType = "Event type";
+$DataType = "Data type";
+$Value = "Value";
+$System = "System";
+$ImportantActivities = "Important activities";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -84,4 +84,5 @@ $ViewMySharedProfile = "My shared profile";
 $UserStatistics = "Reporting for this user";
 $EditUser = "Edit this user";
 $ViewUser = "View this user";
+$RSSFeeds = "RSS feed";

+ 5 - 5

@@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ $LastVersion = "Latest version";
 $PageRestored = "The page has been restored. You can view it by clicking";
 $RestoredFromVersion = "Restored from version";
 $HWiki = "Help: wiki";
-$FirstSelectOnepage = "First select one page please";
-$ThisPageisBeginEditedBy = "At this moment this page is being edited by";
-$ThisPageisBeginEditedTryLater = "Please try later. If the user is currently editing the page not saves it, this page will be available to you at a maximum of";
-$EditedByAnotherUser = "Your changes will not be saved because another user has modified the page while you are editing";
-$WarningMaxEditingTime = "You have 20 minutes to edit this page. After this, if you have not saved the page, another user can edit and you will be able to lose your changes";
+$FirstSelectOnepage = "Please select a page first";
+$ThisPageisBeginEditedBy = "At this time, this page is being edited by";
+$ThisPageisBeginEditedTryLater = "Please try again later. If the user who is currently editing the page does not save it, this page will be available to you around ";
+$EditedByAnotherUser = "Your changes will not be saved because another user has modified and saved the page while you were editing it yourself";
+$WarningMaxEditingTime = "You have 20 minutes to edit this page. After this time, if you have not saved the page, another user will be able to edit it, and you might lose your changes";

+ 39 - 0

@@ -979,4 +979,43 @@ $SoberBrown = "Sobre Brun";
 $SteelGrey = "Gris Acier";
 $TastyOlive = "Olive Goûteuse";
 $AddNews  = "Ajouter annonce";
+$SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "Échec à l\'ouverture de la base de données de recherche";
+$SearchDatabaseVersionError = "La base de données de recherches utilise un format non supporté";
+$SearchDatabaseModifiedError = "La base de données de recherches a été altérée/endommagée";
+$SearchDatabaseLockError = "Impossible de bloquer la base de données de recherches";
+$SearchDatabaseCreateError = "Impossible de créer la base de données de recherche";
+$SearchDatabaseCorruptError = "La base de données de recherches a été corrompue";
+$SearchNetworkTimeoutError = "La connexion a expiré lors de la communication avec la base de données de recherches distante";
+$SearchOtherXapianError = "Erreur dans le moteur de recherche";
+$SearchXapianModuleNotInstaled = "Le module de recherche Xapian n\'est pas installé";
+$TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdd = "Le nouveau sous-langage a été ajouté";
+$DeleteSubLanguage = "Supprimer le sous-langage";
+$CreateSubLanguageForLanguage = "Créer un sous-langage pour ce langage";
+$DeleteSubLanguageFromLanguage = "Supprimer ce sous-langage";
+$CreateSubLanguage = "Créer sous-langage";
+$RegisterTermsOfSubLanguageForLanguage = "Définir de nouveaux termes pour ce sous-langage";
+$AddTermsOfThisSubLanguage = "Termes du sous-langage";
+$LoadLanguageFile = "Charger fichier de langue";
+$AllowUseSubLanguageTitle = "Autoriser la définition et l\'usage de sous-langages";
+$AllowUseSubLanguageComment = "En activant cette option, vous rendrez possible la définition de variations pour chacun des termes de langage utilisé dans l\'interface de la plateforme, sous la forme d\'un langage basé sur et étendant un langage existant. Vous trouverez cette option dans la section des langues du panneau d\'administration, sous la forme d\'une icône d\'ajout.";
+$AddWordForTheSubLanguage = "Ajouter des termes au sous-langage";
+$TemplateAdded = "Modèle ajouté";
+$TemplateEdited = "Modèle mis à jour";
+$TemplateDeleted = "Modèle supprimé";
+$SubLanguage = "Sous-langage";
+$LanguageIsNowVisible = "Le langage a été rendu visible et peut désormais être utilisé au sein de la plateforme.";
+$LanguageIsNowHidden = "Le langage a été caché. Il ne sera plus possible de l\'utiliser jusqu\'à ce qu\'il soit rendu visible à nouveau.";
+$LanguageDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "Le répertoire /main/lang, utilisé sur cette plateforme pour stocker les langages, n\'est pas accessible en écriture. Veuillez contacter l\'administrateur de la plateforme et lui rapporter ce message.";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "Montrer les termes du glossaire dans les documents";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "Vous pouvez définir ci-dessous comment afficher les liens vers le glossaire à partir des documents";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "Automatique: ajoute des liens automatiquement vers tous les termes du glossaire trouvés dans le document";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "Manuel: montre une icône de glossaire dans l\'éditeur en ligne, afin que vous puissiez marquer les termes qui se trouvent dans le glossaire et que vous voulez afficher";
+$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "Aucun: n\'ajoute aucun lien entre le document et les termes du glossaire";
+$LanguageVariable = "Variable de langue";
+$ToExportDocumentsWithGlossaryYouHaveToSelectGlossary = "Afin d\'exporter un document avec ses liens vers le glossaire, vous devez vous assurer d\'inclure l\'outil glossaire dans l\'export";
+$ShowTutorDataTitle = "Données du tuteur de la session affichées dans le pied de page.";
+$ShowTutorDataComment = "Afficher les données du tuteur de session (nom et e-mail si disponible) dans le pied de page?";
+$ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Afficher les données de l\'enseignant dans le pied de page";
+$ShowTeacherDataComment = "Afficher les données de l\'enseignant (nom et e-mail si disponible) dans le pied de page?";
+$TermsAndConditions = "Termes et conditions";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -321,4 +321,6 @@ $ReachedTimeLimitAdmin = "Limite de temps d
 $LastScoreTest = "Dernier résultat de l\'exercice";
 $BackToResultList = "Retourner à la liste";
 $EditingScoreCauseProblemsToExercisesInLP = "Si vous éditez le score d\'une question, le score total de l\'exercice sera modifié lui aussi. N\'oubliez pas que cet exercice a déjà été ajouté à un parcours.";
+$SelectExercice = "Sélectionnez un exercice";
+$YouHaveToSelectATest = "Veuillez sélectionner un test";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -21,4 +21,5 @@ $YouMustEnterATermDefinition = "Veuillez entrer la d
 $TableView = "Tableau";
 $GlossaryTermAlreadyExistsYouShouldEditIt = "Ce terme de glossaire existe déjà. Veuillez modifier le nom du terme.";
 $GlossaryManagement  = "Gestion du glossaire";
+$TermMoved = "Le terme a été déplacé";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -114,4 +114,6 @@ $PleasGoBackToStep1 = "Veuillez retourner 
 $OptionalParameters = "Paramètres optionnels ";
 $FailedConectionDatabase = "La connexion à la base de données a échoué. Ceci est généralement dû à une mauvaise configuration de l\'utilisateur, du mot de passe ou du préfixe de base de données indiqués ci-dessus. Veuillez les réviser attentivement et essayer à nouveau.";
 $EncryptMethodUserPass = "Méthode d\'encryption";
+$UpgradeFromDokeos16x = "Mettre à jour depuis Dokeos 1.6.x";
+$UpgradeFromDokeos18x = "Mettre à jour depuis Dokeos 1.8.x";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -242,4 +242,5 @@ $SaveSection = "Enregistrer la section";
 $AddLinkToCourse = "Ajouter ce lien au cours";
 $AddAssignmentToCourse = "Ajouter cette tâche au cours";
 $AddForumToCourse = "Ajouter ce forum au cours";
+$SaveAudioAndOrganization = "Enregistrer sons et disposition";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -47,4 +47,5 @@ $SearchFeatureDoIndexLink = "Indexer le titre et la description du lien?";
 $langSaveLink = "Enregistrer le lien";
 $langSaveCategory = "Enregistrer le dossier";
 $BackToLinksOverview = "Retour à la vue globale des liens";
+$AddTargetOfLinkOnHomepage = "Sélectionnez la cible du lien pour la page d\'accueil du cours";

+ 11 - 0

@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ $Organisation = "Company";
 $Reporting = "Suivi";
 $Code = "Code";
 $Update = "Actualiser";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Sélectionner type de question";
 $CurrentCourse = "Formation en cours";
 $Back = "Retour";
 $Info = "Information";
@@ -723,4 +724,14 @@ $SendAMessage = "Envoyer un message";
 $Menu = "Menu";
 $BackToUserList = "Retour à la liste d\'utilisateurs";
 $GraphicNotAvailable = "Graphique non disponible";
+$BackTo = "Retour à";
+$ConversionFailled = "La conversion a échoué";
+$AlreadyExists = "Existe déjà";
+$TheNewWordHasBeenAdded = "Le nouveau terme a été ajouté";
+$CommentErrorExportDocument = "Certains des documents sont trop complexes pour être traités de façon automatique par le convertisseur de documents";
+$EventType = "Type d\'évènement";
+$DataType = "Type de données";
+$Value = "Valeur";
+$System = "Système";
+$ImportantActivities = "Activités importantes";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -84,4 +84,5 @@ $ViewMySharedProfile = "Voir mon profil partag
 $UserStatistics = "Statistiques pour cet utilisateur";
 $EditUser = "Modifier cet utilisateur";
 $ViewUser = "Voir cet utilisateur";
+$RSSFeeds = "Blogs externes";

+ 5 - 0

@@ -154,4 +154,9 @@ $LastVersion = "Derni
 $PageRestored = "Cette page a été restaurée. Vous pouvez la visualiser en cliquant sur";
 $RestoredFromVersion = "Restauré depuis la version";
 $HWiki = "Aide: wiki";
+$FirstSelectOnepage = "Veuillez d\'abord sélectionner une page";
+$ThisPageisBeginEditedBy = "En ce moment, cette page est éditée par";
+$ThisPageisBeginEditedTryLater = "Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard. Si l\'utilisateur qui édite actuellement la page ne l\'enregistre pas, cette page sera disponible pour vous dans peu de temps: ";
+$EditedByAnotherUser = "Vos modifications ne seront pas enregistrées car un autre utilisateur a modifié et enregistré la page pendant que vous l\'éditiez vous-même";
+$WarningMaxEditingTime = "Vous avez 20 minutes pour éditer cette page. Après cet intervalle, si vous n\'avez pas enregistrer la page, un autre utilisateur pourra l\'éditer, et vous pourriez perdre vos modifications";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ $Organisation = "Organisation";
 $Reporting = "Suivi";
 $Code = "Code";
 $Update = "Actualiser";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Sélectionner type de question";
 $CurrentCourse = "Cours actif";
 $Back = "Retour";
 $Info = "Information";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ $Organisation = "Organisation";
 $Reporting = "Report";
 $Code = "Code";
 $Update = "Update";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Fragetyp auswählen";
 $CurrentCourse = "dieser Kurs";
 $Back = "Zurück";
 $Info = "Information";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ $Organisation = "Szervezet";
 $Reporting = "Jelentés";
 $Code = "Kód";
 $Update = "Frissít";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Válasszon kérdés típust";
 $CurrentCourse = "Jelenlegi kurzus";
 $Back = "Vissza";
 $Info = "Információ";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ $Organisation = "Organizzazione";
 $Reporting = "Registro";
 $Code = "Codice";
 $Update = "Aggiorna";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Seleziona il tipo di domanda";
 $CurrentCourse = "Corso attivo";
 $Back = "Indietro";
 $Info = "Informazioni";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ $Organisation = "Organiza
 $Reporting = "Relatório";
 $Code = "Código";
 $Update = "Actualizar";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Seleccionar tipo de questão";
 $CurrentCourse = "Curso actual";
 $Back = "Voltar";
 $Info = "Informação";

+ 1 - 0

@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ $Organisation = "Organizacija";
 $Reporting = "Poroèila";
 $Code = "Koda";
 $Update = "Ažuriraj";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Izberi tip vprašanja";
 $CurrentCourse = "Trenuten teèaj";
 $Back = "Nazaj";
 $Info = "Informacije";

+ 8 - 7

@@ -959,25 +959,25 @@ $AnnouncementAvailable = "El anuncio est
 $AnnouncementNotAvailable = "El anuncio no está disponible";
 $Searching = "Buscando";
 $AddLDAPUsers = "Añadir usuarios LDAP";
-$Academica = "Academica";
-$BabyOrange = "Bebe naranja";
+$Academica = "Académica";
+$BabyOrange = "Niños naranja";
 $BlueLagoon = "Laguna azul";
 $CoolBlue = "Azul fresco";
 $Corporate = "Corporativo";
-$CosmicCampus = "Campo cósmico";
-$DeliciousBordeaux = "Deliciosos Burdeos";
+$CosmicCampus = "Campus cósmico";
+$DeliciousBordeaux = "Delicioso burdeos";
 $DokeosClassic = "Dokeos clásico";
 $DokeosClassic2D = "Dokeos clásico 2D";
 $DokeosBlue = "Dokeos azul";
-$EmpireGreen = "Imperio verde";
-$FruityOrange = "Afrutado color naranja";
+$EmpireGreen = "Verde imperial";
+$FruityOrange = "Naranja afrutado";
 $Medical = "Médica";
 $PublicAdmin = "Administración pública";
 $RoyalPurple = "Púrpura real";
 $SilverLine = "Línea plateada";
 $SoberBrown = "Marrón sobrio";
 $SteelGrey = "Gris acero";
-$TastyOlive = "Oliva sabroso";
+$TastyOlive = "Sabor oliva";
 $AddNews  = "Agregar noticias";
 $SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "No se pudo abrir la base de datos del motor de indexación,pruebe añadir un nuevo recurso (ejercicio,enlace,lección,etc) el cual será indexado al buscador";
 $SearchDatabaseVersionError = "La base de datos está en un formato no soportado";
@@ -1017,4 +1017,5 @@ $ShowTutorDataTitle = "Informaci
 $ShowTutorDataComment = "¿ Mostrar la información del tutor de sesion en el pie ?";
 $ShowTeacherDataTitle = "Información del profesor en el pie";
 $ShowTeacherDataComment = "¿ Mostrar la información del profesor en el pie ?";
+$TermsAndConditions = "Términos y condiciones";

+ 6 - 0

@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ $Organisation = "Organizaci
 $Reporting = "Informes";
 $Code = "Código";
 $Update = "Actualizar";
+$SelectQuestionType = "Seleccionar tipo de pregunta";
 $CurrentCourse = "Curso actual";
 $Back = "Volver";
 $Info = "Información";
@@ -728,4 +729,9 @@ $ConversionFailled = "Conversi
 $AlreadyExists = "Ya existe";
 $TheNewWordHasBeenAdded = "La nueva palabra ha sido añadida al subconjunto del idioma principal";
 $CommentErrorExportDocument = "Algunos documentos contienen etiquetas internas no válidas o son demasiado complejos para su tratamiento automático mediante el conversor de documentos";
+$EventType = "Tipo de evento";
+$DataType = "Tipo de dato";
+$Value = "Valor";
+$System = "Sistema";
+$ImportantActivities = "Actividades importantes";

+ 10 - 0

@@ -90,4 +90,14 @@ $BlogDeleted = "Proje silindi";
 $BlogEdited = "Proje düzenlendi";
 $BlogStored = "Proje eklendi";
 $CommentCreated = "Yorum kaydedildi";
+$BlogAdded = "Makale eklendi";
+$TaskCreated = "Görev yaratıldı";
+$TaskEdited = "Görev düzenlendi";
+$TaskAssigned = "Görev atandı";
+$AssignedTaskEdited = "Atanan görev düzenlendi";
+$UserRegistered = "Kullanıcı kaydedildi";
+$TaskDeleted = "Görev silindi";
+$TaskAssignmentDeleted = "Görevdeki iş silindi";
+$CommentDeleted = "Yorum silindi";
+$RatingAdded = "Derece eklendi";

+ 126 - 15

@@ -3,28 +3,28 @@ for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
 $MoveTo = "Taşınacağı Yer";
 $langDownloadFile = "Sunucuya dosya yükle";
-$langNameDir = "Yeni dizin adı";
+$langNameDir = "Yeni dizin adı";
 $langSize = "Boyut";
 $langRename = "Yeniden isimlendir";
 $langCopy = "Kopyala";
 $langTo = "kopyalanacağı yer";
-$langNoSpace = "Yükleme başarısız. Yeterli alan yok.";
-$langDownloadEnd = "Yükleme tamamlandı";
-$langFileExists = "İşlem yapılamıyor.<br>Aynı isimde bir dosya var.";
-$langImpossible = "İşlem yapılamıyor";
-$langAddComment = "Yorum ekle/değiştir";
-$langDocCopied = "Belge kopyalandı";
+$langNoSpace = "Yükleme ba&#351;ar&#305;s&#305;z. Ya maksimum kotan&#305;z&#305; a&#351;t&#305;n&#305;z yada yeterli alan yok.";
+$langDownloadEnd = "Yükleme tamamland&#305;";
+$langFileExists = "&#304;&#351;lem yap&#305;lam&#305;yor.<br>Ayn&#305; isimde bir dosya var.";
+$langImpossible = "&#304;&#351;lem yap&#305;lam&#305;yor";
+$langAddComment = "Yorum ekle/de&#287;i&#351;tir";
+$langDocCopied = "Belge kopyaland&#305;";
 $langDocDeleted = "Belge silindi";
-$langElRen = "Dosya yeniden adlandırıldı";
-$langDirMv = "Dosya taşındı";
-$langComMod = "Yorum değiştirildi";
-$langViMod = "Görünürlük değiştirildi";
-$langGroupSpace = "Grup alanı";
-$langGroupSpaceLink = "Grup alanı";
+$langElRen = "Dosya yeniden adland&#305;r&#305;ld&#305;";
+$langDirMv = "Dosya ta&#351;&#305;nd&#305;";
+$langComMod = "Yorum de&#287;i&#351;tirildi";
+$langViMod = "Görünürlük de&#287;i&#351;tirildi";
+$langGroupSpace = "Grup alan&#305;";
+$langGroupSpaceLink = "Grup alan&#305;";
 $langGroupForumLink = "Grup forumu";
 $langZipNoPhp = "The zip file can not contain .PHP files";
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@@ -104,4 +111,108 @@ $fileModified = "Dosya d
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+$TemplateTitlePrefaceDescription = "Önsöz";
+$TemplateTitleIntroduction = "Giri&#351;";
+$TemplateTitleIntroductionDescription = "Tan&#305;t&#305;m metnini girin";
+$TemplateTitlePlan = "Plan";
+$TemplateTitlePlanDescription = "&#304;çindekiler";
+$TemplateTitleMrDokeos = "Küçük Mr.Dokeos aç&#305;kl&#305;yor";
+$TemplateTitleMrDokeosDescription = "Mr. Dokeos ile söyle&#351;i a&#351;a&#287;&#305;da";
+$TemplateTitleTeacher = "E&#287;itmeniniz";
+$TemplateTitleTeacherDescription = "E&#287;itmen ile söyle&#351;i a&#351;a&#287;&#305;da";
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+$TemplateTitleProductionDescription = "Ba&#351;l&#305;k Tan&#305;m&#305;";
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+$TemplateTitleAnalyzeDescription = "Analiz Tan&#305;m&#305;";
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+$TemplateTitleSynthetizeDescription = "Sentez Tan&#305;m&#305;";
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+$TemplateTitleSchemaDescription = "E&#287;itmen taraf&#305;ndan aç&#305;klanan &#351;ema";
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+$TemplateTitleBibliographyDescription = "Kitaplar, ba&#287;lant&#305;lar, araçlar";
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+$TemplateTitleCourseTitleDescription = "Logolu e&#287;itim ad&#305;";
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+$TemplateTitleLeftRightList = "Sol ve sa&#287; liste";
+$TemplateTitleLeftRightListDescription = "E&#287;itimcili sol ve sa&#287; liste";
+$TemplateTitleDesc = "Tan&#305;m";
+$TemplateTitleDescDescription = "Bir kaynak tan&#305;mla";
+$TemplateTitleObjectives = "Dersin amac&#305;";
+$TemplateTitleObjectivesDescription = "E&#287;itimin amaçlar&#305;n&#305; tan&#305;mlay&#305;n";
+$TemplateTitleCycle = "Pay Graik";
+$TemplateTitleCycleDescription = "2 listeli pay grafik";
+$TemplateTitleLearnerWonder = "Ö&#287;renci merak ediyor";
+$TemplateTitleLearnerWonderDescription = "Ö&#287;renci merak ediyor tan&#305;m&#305;";
+$TemplateTitleTimeline = "A&#351;ama zaman çizgisi";
+$TemplateTitleTimelineDescription = "Ba&#287;lant&#305;l&#305; oklu 3 liste";
+$TemplateTitleStopAndThink = "Dur ve Dü&#351;ün";
+$TemplateTitleListLeftListDescription = "E&#287;itimcili sol liste";
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+ 1 - 0

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