@@ -27,263 +27,24 @@
* debug functions
-* All these function only display output only when debugClaro is on
-* function echoSessionValue()
-function debugIO($file="")
* @package dokeos.library
- * function echoSessionValue()
- *
- * @desc print out content of session's variable
- *
- * @return
- * @authot Christophe Gesché gesché@ipm.ucl.ac.be
- * @deprecated Function not in use
+ * This function displays the contend of a variable, array or object in a nicely formatted way.
+ * @param $variable a variable, array or object
+ *
+ * @author Patrick Cool <patrick.cool@UGent.be>, Ghent University
-function echoSessionValue()
+function debug($variable)
- $infoResult = "";
- global $statuts, $statut, $status, $_configuration, $is_admin, $_GET, $_SESSION, $_POST;
- if (!isset ($is_admin) || !$is_admin)
- {
- exit ("pwet");
- }
- $infoResult .= "
- <HR>
- <a href=\"../main/admin/phpInfo.php\">phpInfo Dokeos</a>
- <PRE>";
- $infoResult .= "<strong>PHP Version</strong> : ".phpversion()."
- <strong>nivo d'err</strong> : ".error_reporting(2039);
- if (isset ($statuts))
- {
- $infoResult .= "
- <strong>statut</strong> : ";
- print_r($statuts);
- }
- if (isset ($statut))
- {
- $infoResult .= "
- <strong>statut</strong> : ";
- print_r($statut);
- }
- if (isset ($status))
- {
- $infoResult .= "
- <strong>status</strong> : ";
- print_r($status);
- }
- if (isset ($_configuration['db_host']) || isset ($_configuration['db_user']))
- {
- $infoResult .= "
- <strong>mysql param</strong> :
- Serveur : ".$_configuration['db_host']."
- User : ".$_configuration['db_user']."";
- }
- if (isset ($_SESSION))
- {
- $infoResult .= "
- <strong>session</strong> : ";
- print_r($_SESSION);
- }
- if (isset ($_POST))
- {
- $infoResult .= "
- <strong>Post</strong> : ";
- print_r($_POST);
- }
- if (isset ($_GET))
- {
- $infoResult .= "
- <strong>GET</strong> : ";
- print_r($_GET);
- }
- $infoResult .= "
- <strong>Contantes</strong> : ";
- print_r(get_defined_constants());
- get_current_user();
- $infoResult .= "
- <strong>Fichiers inclus</strong> : ";
- print_r(get_included_files());
- $infoResult .= "
- <strong>Magic quote gpc</strong> : ".get_magic_quotes_gpc()."
- <strong>Magig quote runtime</strong> : ".get_magic_quotes_runtime()."
- <strong>date de dernière modification de la page</strong> : ".date("j-m-Y", getlastmod());
- get_cfg_var -- Retourne la valeur d'une option de PHP
- getenv -- Retourne la valeur de la variable d'environnement.
- ini_alter -- Change la valeur d'une option de configuration
- ini_get -- Lit la valeur d'une option de configuration.
- ini_get_all -- Lit toutes les valeurs de configuration
- ini_restore -- Restaure la valeur de l'option de configuration
- ini_set -- Change la valeur d'une option de configuration
- putenv -- Fixe la valeur d'une variable d'environnement.
- set_magic_quotes_runtime -- Active/désactive l'option magic_quotes_runtime.
- set_time_limit -- Fixe le temps maximum d'exécution d'un script.
- */
- $infoResult .= "
- <strong>Type d'interface utilisé entre le serveur web et PHP</strong> : ".php_sapi_name()."
- <strong>informations OS</strong> : ".php_uname()."
- <strong>Version courante du moteur Zend</strong> : ".zend_version()."
- <strong>GID du propriétaire du script</strong> : ".getmygid()."
- <strong>inode du script</strong> : ".getmyinode()."
- <strong>numéro de processus courant</strong> : ".getmypid()."
- <strong>UID du propriétaire du script actuel</strong> : ".getmyuid()."
- <strong>niveau d'utilisation des ressources</strong> : ";
- print_r(@ getrusage());
- $infoResult .= "
- </PRE>
- <HR>
- ";
- echo $infoResult;
- return $infoResult;
+ echo '<pre>';
+ print_r($variable);
+ echo '</pre>';
- * function debugIO($file="")
- *
- * @desc io file
- * @return
- * @author Christophe Gesché gesché@ipm.ucl.ac.be
- * @deprecated Function not in use
- */
-function debugIO($file = "")
- $infoResult = "
- [Script : ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."]
- [Server : ".$SERVER_SOFTWARE."]
- [Php : ".phpversion()."]
- [sys : ".php_uname()."]
- [My uid : ".getmyuid()."]
- [current_user : ".get_current_user()."]
- [my gid : ".getmygid()."]
- [my inode : ".getmyinode()."]
- [my pid : ".getmypid()."]
- [space : - free - : ".disk_free_space('..')."
- - total - : ".disk_total_space('..')."
- ]";
- if ($file != "")
- {
- $infoResult .= "<HR> <strong>".$file."</strong> -
- [<strong>o</strong>:".fileowner($file)." <strong>g</strong>:".filegroup($file)." ".display_perms(fileperms($file))."]";
- if (is_dir($file))
- $infoResult .= "-Dir-";
- if (is_file($file))
- $infoResult .= "-File-";
- if (is_link($file))
- $infoResult .= "-Lnk-";
- if (is_executable($file))
- $infoResult .= "-X-";
- if (is_readable($file))
- $infoResult .= "-R-";
- if (is_writeable($file))
- $infoResult .= "-W-";
- }
- $file = ".";
- $infoResult .= "<HR> <strong>".$file."</strong> -
- [<strong>o</strong>:".fileowner($file)." <strong>g</strong>:".filegroup($file)." ".display_perms(fileperms($file))."]";
- if (is_dir($file))
- $infoResult .= "-Dir-";
- if (is_file($file))
- $infoResult .= "-File-";
- if (is_link($file))
- echo "-Lnk-";
- if (is_executable($file))
- echo "-X-";
- if (is_readable($file))
- echo "-R-";
- if (is_writeable($file))
- echo "-W-";
- $file = "..";
- echo "<HR> <strong>".$file."</strong> -
- [<strong>o</strong>:".fileowner($file)." <strong>g</strong>:".filegroup($file)." ".display_perms(fileperms($file))."]";
- if (is_dir($file))
- $infoResult .= "-Dir-";
- if (is_file($file))
- $infoResult .= "-File-";
- if (is_link($file))
- $infoResult .= "-Lnk-";
- if (is_executable($file))
- $infoResult .= "-X-";
- if (is_readable($file))
- $infoResult .= "-R-";
- if (is_writeable($file))
- $infoResult .= "-W-";
- echo $infoResult;
- return $infoResult;
- * @deprecated Function only used in deprecated function debugIO
- */
-function display_perms($mode)
- if ($mode & 0x1000)
- $type = 'p';
- else
- if ($mode & 0x2000)
- $type = 'c';
- else
- if ($mode & 0x4000)
- $type = 'd';
- else
- if ($mode & 0x6000)
- $type = 'b';
- else
- if ($mode & 0x8000)
- $type = '-';
- else
- if ($mode & 0xA000)
- $type = 'l';
- else
- if ($mode & 0xC000)
- $type = 's';
- else
- $type = 'u';
- $owner["read"] = ($mode & 00400) ? 'r' : '-';
- $owner["write"] = ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-';
- $owner["execute"] = ($mode & 00100) ? 'x' : '-';
- $group["read"] = ($mode & 00040) ? 'r' : '-';
- $group["write"] = ($mode & 00020) ? 'w' : '-';
- $group["execute"] = ($mode & 00010) ? 'x' : '-';
- $world["read"] = ($mode & 00004) ? 'r' : '-';
- $world["write"] = ($mode & 00002) ? 'w' : '-';
- $world["execute"] = ($mode & 00001) ? 'x' : '-';
- if ($mode & 0x800)
- $owner["execute"] = ($owner[execute] == 'x') ? 's' : 'S';
- if ($mode & 0x400)
- $group["execute"] = ($group[execute] == 'x') ? 's' : 'S';
- if ($mode & 0x200)
- $world["execute"] = ($world[execute] == 'x') ? 't' : 'T';
- $strPerms = "<strong>t</strong>:".$type."<strong>o</strong>:".$owner[read].$owner[write].$owner[execute]."<strong>g</strong>:".$group[read].$group[write].$group[execute]."<strong>w</strong>:".$world[read].$world[write].$world[execute];
- return $strPerms;
function printVar($var, $varName = "@")
@@ -305,116 +66,4 @@ function printVar($var, $varName = "@")
echo "DEBUG is OFF";
- * @deprecated Function not in use
- */
-function printInit($selection = "*")
- GLOBAL $uidReset, $cidReset, $gidReset, $uidReq, $cidReq, $gidReq, $_user, $_cid, $_gid, $_user, $_course, $is_platformAdmin, $is_allowedCreateCourse, $is_courseMember, $is_courseAdmin, $is_allowed_in_course, $is_courseTutor, $_SESSION, $_claro_local_run;
- if ($_claro_local_run)
- {
- echo "local init ran";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<font color=\"red\">local init never ran during this script</font>";
- }
- echo "
- <table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"4\" cellpadding=\"1\" bordercolor=\"#808080\" bgcolor=\"#C0C0C0\" lang=\"en\"><TR>";
- if ($selection == "*" or strstr($selection, "u"))
- {
- echo "<TD valign=\"top\" >USER :
- (uid): ".$uid." |
- (_uid): ".$_user['user_id']." |
- (session[_uid]): ".$_SESSION['_uid']."
- <PRE>
- reset = ".$uidReset." | req = ".$uidReq."<br>
- _user : ";
- var_dump($_user);
- echo "is_platformAdmin:";
- var_dump($is_platformAdmin);
- echo "is_allowedCreateCourse:";
- var_dump($is_allowedCreateCourse);
- echo "</PRE></TD>";
- }
- if ($selection == "*" or strstr($selection, "c"))
- {
- echo "<TD valign=\"top\" >COURSE :(_cid)".$_cid."<PRE>
- reset = ".$cidReset." | req = ".$cidReq."<br>
- ";
- echo "_course : ";
- var_dump($_course);
- echo "</PRE></TD>";
- }
- if ($selection == "*" or strstr($selection, "g"))
- {
- echo "<TD valign=\"top\" >GROUP :".$_gid."<PRE>
- reset = ".$gidReset." | req = ".$gidReq."<br>
- ";
- echo "</PRE></TD>";
- }
- echo "</TR><TR>";
- if ($selection == "*" or (strstr($selection, "u") && strstr($selection, "c")))
- {
- echo "<TD valign=\"top\" colspan=2>USER :".$_user['user_id']." in ".$_cid."<PRE>";
- echo "_courseUser:";
- var_dump($_courseUser);
- echo "is_courseMember:";
- var_dump($is_courseMember);
- echo "is_courseAdmin:";
- var_dump($is_courseAdmin);
- echo "is_allowed_in_course:";
- var_dump($is_allowed_in_course);
- echo "is_courseTutor:";
- var_dump($is_courseTutor);
- echo "</PRE></TD><TD></TD>";
- }
- echo "</TR><TR>";
- if ($selection == "*" or (strstr($selection, "u") && strstr($selection, "g")))
- {
- echo "<td></td><TD valign=\"top\" colspan=2>USER :".$_user['user_id']." in ".$_gid."<PRE>";
- echo "</PRE></TD>";
- }
- echo "</TR></TABLE>";
- * @deprecated Function not in use
- */
-function printConfig()
- GLOBAL $_configuration, $dokeos_version, $urlAppend, $userPasswordCrypted, $userPasswordCrypted, $platformLanguage, $siteName, $clarolineRepositoryAppend, $coursesRepositoryAppend, $rootAdminAppend, $clarolineRepositoryWeb, $clarolineRepositorySys, $coursesRepositoryWeb, $coursesRepositorySys, $rootAdminSys, $rootAdminWeb;
- echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" bordercolor=\"#808080\" bgcolor=\"#C0C0C0\" lang=\"en\"><TR>";
- echo "
- <tr><td colspan=2><strong>Mysql</strong></td></tr>
- <tr><td>dbHost</TD><TD>".$_configuration['db_host']."</td></tr>
- <tr><td>dbLogin </TD><TD>".$_configuration['db_user']."</td></tr>
- <tr><td>dbPass </TD><TD>".str_repeat("*", strlen($_configuration['db_password']))."</td></tr>
- <tr><td>mainDbName </TD><TD>".$_configuration['main_database']." </td></tr>
- <tr><td>clarolineVersion </TD><TD>$dokeos_version</td></tr>
- <tr><td>rootWeb</TD><TD>".$_configuration['root_web']."</td></tr>
- <tr><td>urlAppend </TD><TD>$urlAppend</td></tr>
- <tr><td colspan=2><HR></td></tr>
- <tr><td colspan=2><strong>param for new and future features</strong></td></tr>
- <tr><td>userPasswordCrypted </TD><TD>$userPasswordCrypted </td></tr>
- <tr><td colspan=2></td></tr>
- <tr><td>platformLanguage </TD><TD>$platformLanguage </td></tr>
- <tr><td>siteName </TD><TD>$siteName </td></tr>
- <tr><td>rootWeb </TD><TD>".$_configuration['root_web']." </td></tr>
- <tr><td>rootSys </TD><TD>$rootSys </td></tr>
- <tr><td colspan=2></td></tr>
- <tr><td>clarolineRepository<strong>Append</strong> </TD><TD>$clarolineRepositoryAppend </td></tr>
- <tr><td>coursesRepository<strong>Append</strong> </TD><TD>$coursesRepositoryAppend </td></tr>
- <tr><td>rootAdmin<strong>Append</strong> </TD><TD>$rootAdminAppend </td></tr>
- <tr><td colspan=2></td></tr>
- <tr><td>clarolineRepository<strong>Web</strong> </TD><TD>$clarolineRepositoryWeb </td></tr>
- <tr><td>clarolineRepository<strong>Sys</strong> </TD><TD>$clarolineRepositorySys </td></tr>
- <tr><td>coursesRepository<strong>Web</strong> </TD><TD>$coursesRepositoryWeb </td></tr>
- <tr><td>coursesRepository<strong>Sys</strong> </TD><TD>$coursesRepositorySys </td></tr>
- <tr><td>rootAdmin<strong>Sys</strong> </TD><TD>$rootAdminSys </td></tr>
- <tr><td>rootAdmin<strong>Web</strong> </TD><TD>$rootAdminWeb </td></tr>
- ";
- echo "</TABLE>";