Browse Source

Update from 1.11.x

Julio Montoya 5 years ago




+ 36 - 13

@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
     public function courseExists($argument)
-        $this->visit('/main/admin/course_list.php?keyword=' . $argument);
+        $this->visit('/main/admin/course_list.php?keyword='.$argument);
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
     public function courseIsDeleted($argument)
-        $this->visit('/main/admin/course_list.php?keyword=' . $argument);
+        $this->visit('/main/admin/course_list.php?keyword='.$argument);
@@ -136,16 +136,16 @@ class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
         $sendInvitationURL = '/main/inc/ajax/message.ajax.php?'.
-            'a' => 'send_invitation',
-            'user_id' => $friendId,
+                    'a' => 'send_invitation',
+                    'user_id' => $friendId,
                     'content' => 'Add me',
         $acceptInvitationURL = '/main/inc/ajax/social.ajax.php?'.
-            'a' => 'add_friend',
-            'friend_id' => $adminId,
+                    'a' => 'add_friend',
+                    'friend_id' => $adminId,
                     'is_my_friend' => 'friend',
@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@ class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
             new TableNode(
-            ['title', 'Password Protected'],
-            ['visual_code', $code],
+                    ['title', 'Password Protected'],
+                    ['visual_code', $code],
                     ['visibility', 3],
-        $this->visit('/main/course_info/infocours.php?cidReq=' . $code);
+        $this->visit('/main/course_info/infocours.php?cidReq='.$code);
         $this->assertPageContainsText('Course registration password');
         $this->fillField('course_registration_password', $password);
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
     public function iInviteAFriendToASocialGroup($friendId, $groupId)
-        $this->visit('/main/social/group_invitation.php?id=' . $groupId);
+        $this->visit('/main/social/group_invitation.php?id='.$groupId);
         $this->fillField('invitation[]', $friendId);
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
     public function iAmOnSocialGroupMembersPageWithId($groupId)
-        $this->visit('/main/social/group_view.php?id=' . $groupId);
+        $this->visit('/main/social/group_view.php?id='.$groupId);
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
-            'id' => $groupId,
-            'u' => $friendId,
+                    'id' => $groupId,
+                    'u' => $friendId,
                     'action' => 'delete',
@@ -470,6 +470,29 @@ class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
         return false;
+    /**
+     * @Then /^I save current URL with name "([^"]*)"$/
+     */
+    public function saveUrlWithName($name)
+    {
+        $url = $this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl();
+        $this->getSession()->setCookie($name, $url);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @Then /^I visit URL saved with name "([^"]*)"$/
+     */
+    public function visitSavedUrlWithName($name)
+    {
+        $url = $this->getSession()->getCookie($name);
+        echo $url;
+        if (empty($url)) {
+            throw new Exception("Url with name: $name not found");
+        }
+        $this->visit($url);
+    }
      * @Given /^I am a student subscribed to session "([^"]*)"$/

+ 12 - 0

@@ -21,3 +21,15 @@ Feature: Subscribe users to the course
     Then I should see "Andrea"
     Then I follow "Register"
     Then I should see "User Andrea Costea (acostea) has been registered to course TEMP"
+  Scenario: Subscribe "fapple" as student to the course "TEMP" (leave it subscribed for further tests)
+    Given I am on "/main/user/subscribe_user.php?keyword=fapple&type=5&cidReq=TEMP"
+    Then I should see "Fiona"
+    Then I follow "Register"
+    Then I should see "User Fiona Apple Maggart (fapple) has been registered to course TEMP"
+  Scenario: Subscribe "amann" again as student to the course "TEMP" (leave it subscribed for further tests)
+    Given I am on "/main/user/subscribe_user.php?keyword=amann&type=5&cidReq=TEMP"
+    Then I should see "Aimee"
+    Then I follow "Register"
+    Then I should see "User Aimee Mann (amann) has been registered to course TEMP"

+ 317 - 3

@@ -6,24 +6,41 @@ Feature: Group tool
     Given I am a platform administrator
     And I am on course "TEMP" homepage
+  Scenario: Delete default category
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    Then I should see "Default groups"
+    Then I follow "Delete"
+    Then I confirm the popup
+    Then I should see "The category has been deleted"
   Scenario: Create a group directory
     Given I am on "/main/group/group_category.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0&action=add_category"
     When I fill in the following:
-      | title | Group category 1   |
+      | title | Group category 1 |
     And I press "group_category_submit"
     Then I should see "Category created"
-  Scenario: Create a group
+  Scenario: Create 4 groups
     Given I am on "/main/group/group_creation.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
     When I fill in the following:
-      | number_of_groups | 1 |
+      | number_of_groups | 5 |
     And I press "submit"
     Then I should see "New groups creation"
     When I fill in the following:
       | group_0_places | 1 |
+      | group_1_places | 1 |
+      | group_2_places | 1 |
+      | group_3_places | 1 |
+      | group_4_places | 2 |
+    And I fill in select bootstrap static by text "#category_0" select "Group category 1"
+    And I fill in select bootstrap static by text "#category_1" select "Group category 1"
+    And I fill in select bootstrap static by text "#category_2" select "Group category 1"
+    And I fill in select bootstrap static by text "#category_3" select "Group category 1"
+    And I fill in select bootstrap static by text "#category_4" select "Group category 1"
     And I press "submit"
     Then I should see "group(s) has (have) been added"
   Scenario: Create document folder in group
     Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
     And I follow "Group 0001"
@@ -90,3 +107,300 @@ Feature: Group tool
     Then wait for the page to be loaded
     Then I should see "Are you sure to delete"
     Then I follow "delete_item"
+  Scenario: Add fapple to the Group 0001
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0001"
+    Then I should see "Group 0001"
+    Then I follow "Edit this group"
+    Then I should see "Group members"
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I follow "group_members_tab"
+    Then I select "Fiona Apple Maggart (fapple)" from "group_members"
+    Then I press "group_members_rightSelected"
+    Then I press "Save settings"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Group settings modified"
+    Then I follow "Group 0001"
+    Then I should see "Fiona"
+  Scenario: Add fapple to the Group 0003 not allowed because group category allows 1 user per group
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0003"
+    Then I should see "Group 0003"
+    Then I follow "Edit this group"
+    Then I should see "Group members"
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I follow "group_members_tab"
+    Then I select "Fiona Apple Maggart (fapple)" from "group_members"
+    Then I press "group_members_rightSelected"
+    Then I press "Save settings"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Group settings modified"
+    Then I follow "Group 0003"
+    Then I should not see "Fiona"
+ # Group category overwrites all other groups settings.
+  Scenario: Change Group category to allow multiple inscription of the user
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Edit this category"
+    Then I should see "Edit group category: Group category 1"
+    Then I fill in select bootstrap static by text "#groups_per_user" select "10"
+    Then I press "Edit"
+    Then I should see "Group settings have been modified"
+  Scenario: Change Group 0003 settings to make announcements private
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0003"
+    Then I should see "Group 0003"
+    Then I follow "Edit this group"
+    Then I check the "announcements_state" radio button with "2" value
+    Then I press "Save settings"
+    Then I should see "Group settings modified"
+  Scenario: Change Group 0004 settings to make it private
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0004"
+    Then I should see "Group 0004"
+    Then I follow "Edit this group"
+    Then I check the "announcements_state" radio button with "2" value
+    Then I press "Save settings"
+    Then I should see "Group settings modified"
+  Scenario: Change Group 0005 settings to make announcements private between users
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0005"
+    Then I should see "Group 0005"
+    Then I follow "Edit this group"
+    Then I check the "announcements_state" radio button with "3" value
+    Then I press "Save settings"
+    Then I should see "Group settings modified"
+  Scenario: Add fapple and acostea to Group 0005
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0005"
+    Then I should see "Group 0005"
+    Then I follow "Edit this group"
+    Then I should see "Group members"
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I follow "group_members_tab"
+    Then I additionally select "Fiona Apple Maggart (fapple)" from "group_members"
+    Then I additionally select "Andrea Costea (acostea)" from "group_members"
+    Then I press "group_members_rightSelected"
+    Then I press "Save settings"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Group settings modified"
+    Then I follow "Group 0005"
+    Then I should see "Fiona"
+    Then I should see "Andrea"
+  Scenario: Add fapple to the Group 0003
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0003"
+    Then I should see "Group 0003"
+    Then I follow "Edit this group"
+    Then I should see "Group members"
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I follow "group_members_tab"
+    Then I select "Fiona Apple Maggart (fapple)" from "group_members"
+    Then I press "group_members_rightSelected"
+    Then I press "Save settings"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Group settings modified"
+    Then I follow "Group 0003"
+    Then I should see "Fiona"
+  Scenario: Add acostea to the Group 0002
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0002"
+    Then I should see "Group 0002"
+    Then I follow "Edit this group"
+    Then I should see "Group members"
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I follow "group_members_tab"
+    Then I select "Andrea Costea (acostea)" from "group_members"
+    Then I press "group_members_rightSelected"
+    Then I press "Save settings"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Group settings modified"
+    Then I follow "Group 0002"
+    Then I should see "Andrea"
+  Scenario: Create an announcement for everybody inside Group 0001
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0001"
+    Then I should see "Group 0001"
+    And I follow "Announcements"
+    Then I should see "Announcements"
+    Then I follow "Add an announcement"
+    Then I should see "Add an announcement"
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I fill in the following:
+      | title | Announcement for all users inside Group 0001 |
+    And I fill in ckeditor field "content" with "Announcement description in Group 0001"
+    Then I follow "announcement_preview"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Announcement will be sent to"
+    Then I press "submit"
+    Then I should see "Announcement has been added"
+  Scenario: Create an announcement for fapple inside Group 0001
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0001"
+    Then I should see "Group 0001"
+    And I follow "Announcements"
+    Then I should see "Announcements"
+    Then I follow "Add an announcement"
+    Then I should see "Add an announcement"
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I press "choose_recipients"
+    Then I select "Fiona Apple" from "users"
+    Then I press "users_rightSelected"
+    Then I fill in the following:
+      | title | Announcement for user fapple inside Group 0001 |
+    And I fill in ckeditor field "content" with "Announcement description for user fapple inside Group 0001"
+    Then I follow "announcement_preview"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Announcement will be sent to"
+    Then I press "submit"
+    Then I should see "Announcement has been added"
+  Scenario: Create an announcement for everybody inside Group 0003 (private)
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0003"
+    Then I should see "Group 0003"
+    And I follow "Announcements"
+    Then I should see "Announcements"
+    Then I follow "Add an announcement"
+    Then I should see "Add an announcement"
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I fill in the following:
+      | title | Announcement for all users inside Group 0003 |
+    And I fill in ckeditor field "content" with "Announcement description in Group 0003"
+    Then I follow "announcement_preview"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Announcement will be sent to"
+    Then I press "submit"
+    Then I should see "Announcement has been added"
+  Scenario: Create an announcement for fapple inside Group 0003
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0003"
+    Then I should see "Group 0003"
+    And I follow "Announcements"
+    Then I should see "Announcements"
+    Then I follow "Add an announcement"
+    Then I should see "Add an announcement"
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I press "choose_recipients"
+    Then I select "Fiona Apple" from "users"
+    Then I press "users_rightSelected"
+    Then I fill in the following:
+      | title | Announcement for user fapple inside Group 0003 |
+    And I fill in ckeditor field "content" with "Announcement description for user fapple inside Group 0003"
+    Then I follow "announcement_preview"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Announcement will be sent to"
+    Then I press "submit"
+    Then I should see "Announcement has been added"
+  Scenario: Create an announcement as acostea and send only to fapple
+    Given I am logged as "acostea"
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0005"
+    Then I should see "Group 0005"
+    And I follow "Announcements"
+    Then I should see "Announcements"
+    Then I follow "Add an announcement"
+    Then I should see "Add an announcement"
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I press "choose_recipients"
+    Then I select "Fiona Apple Maggart" from "users"
+    Then I press "users_rightSelected"
+    Then I fill in the following:
+      | title | Announcement only for fapple Group 0005 |
+    And I fill in ckeditor field "content" with "Announcement description only for fapple Group 0005"
+    Then I follow "announcement_preview"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Announcement will be sent to"
+    Then I press "submit"
+    Then I should see "Announcement has been added"
+  Scenario: Check fapple/acostea access of announcements
+    Given I am logged as "fapple"
+    And I am on course "TEMP" homepage
+    And I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0001"
+    Then I should see "Group 0001"
+    Then I follow "Announcements"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Announcement for all users inside Group 0001"
+    Then I should see "Announcement for user fapple inside Group 0001"
+    Then I follow "Announcement for user fapple inside Group 0001 Group"
+    Then I should see "Announcement description for user fapple inside Group 0001"
+    Then I save current URL with name "announcement_for_user_fapple_group_0001_public"
+    Then I move backward one page
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Announcement for all users inside Group 0001"
+    Then I follow "Announcement for all users inside Group 0001"
+    Then I save current URL with name "announcement_for_all_users_group_0001_public"
+    Then I should see "Announcement description in Group 0001"
+    And I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0003"
+    Then I should see "Group 0003"
+    Then I follow "Announcements"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Announcement for all users inside Group 0003"
+    Then I should see "Announcement for user fapple inside Group 0003"
+    Then I follow "Announcement for user fapple inside Group 0003 Group"
+    Then I should see "Announcement description for user fapple inside Group 0003"
+    Then I save current URL with name "announcement_for_user_fapple_group_0003_private"
+    Then I move backward one page
+    Then wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Announcement for all users inside Group 0003"
+    Then I follow "Announcement for all users inside Group 0003"
+    Then I should see "Announcement description in Group 0003"
+    Then I save current URL with name "announcement_for_all_users_group_0003_private"
+    And I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    And I follow "Group 0005"
+    Then I should see "Group 0005"
+    Then I follow "Announcements"
+    And wait for the page to be loaded
+    Then I should see "Announcement only for fapple Group 0005"
+    Then I follow "Announcement only for fapple Group 0005"
+    Then I save current URL with name "announcement_only_for_fapple_private"
+    ## Finish tests with fapple now check access with acostea ##
+    Given I am logged as "acostea"
+    And I am on course "TEMP" homepage
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    Then I should see "Group 0001"
+    And I should see "Group 0002"
+    And I should see "Group 0003"
+    And I should see "Group 0004"
+    Then I visit URL saved with name "announcement_for_user_fapple_group_0001_public"
+    Then I should see "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page"
+    Then I visit URL saved with name "announcement_for_all_users_group_0001_public"
+    Then I should see "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page"
+    Then I visit URL saved with name "announcement_only_for_fapple_private"
+    Then I should see "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page"
+    Given I am logged as "acostea"
+    And I am on course "TEMP" homepage
+    Given I am on "/main/group/group.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0"
+    Then I should see "Group 0001"
+    And I should see "Group 0002"
+    And I should see "Group 0003"
+    And I should see "Group 0004"
+    And I should see "Group 0005"
+    Then I visit URL saved with name "announcement_for_user_fapple_group_0001_public"
+    Then I should see "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page"
+    Then I visit URL saved with name "announcement_for_all_users_group_0001_public"
+    Then I should see "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page"
+    Then I visit URL saved with name "announcement_for_user_fapple_group_0003_private"
+    Then I should see "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page"
+    Then I visit URL saved with name "announcement_for_all_users_group_0003_private"
+    Then I should see "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page"
+    Then I visit URL saved with name "announcement_only_for_fapple_private"
+    Then I should see "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page"

+ 1 - 1

@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ Feature: LP tool
     And I am on "/main/lp/lp_controller.php?cidReq=TEMP&action=list"
     Then I should see "LP 1"
 #  Scenario: Check the PDF export in LP list if hide SCORM PDF link is false
 #    Given I am on "/main/admin/settings.php?category=Course"
 #    And I check the "hide_scorm_pdf_link" radio button with "false" value
@@ -65,6 +64,7 @@ Feature: LP tool
 #    And I press "Save settings"
 #    And I am on "/main/lp/lp_controller.php?cidReq=TEMP&action=list&isStudentView=true"
 #    Then I should not see an icon with title "Export to PDF"
   Scenario: LP exists and LP category exists
     And I am on "/main/lp/lp_controller.php?cidReq=TEMP&id_session=0&gidReq=0&gradebook=0&origin="
     Then I should see "LP 1"

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
  * This script checks and updates (if you uncomment the query)
  * the records in track_e_course_access that is used to calculate the

+ 2 - 2

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ foreach ($settingsCurrent as $settingCurrent) {
-            $settingCurrent->getUrl()
+            $settingCurrent->getAccessUrl()
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ if (empty($duplicatedCurrent)) {
     foreach ($duplicatedCurrent as $settingCurrent) {
         echo vsprintf(
             "variable = '%s' subkey = '%s' access_url = '%s'<br>" . PHP_EOL,
-            [$settingCurrent->getVariable(), $settingCurrent->getSubkey(), $settingCurrent->getUrl()]
+            [$settingCurrent->getVariable(), $settingCurrent->getSubkey(), $settingCurrent->getAccessUrl()]

+ 10 - 8

@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
  * This script synchronize the exercise score (track_e_exercises.exe_result)
  * with the LP score result (lp_item_view.score).
@@ -16,9 +18,9 @@ $tableCourse = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
 $sql = "SELECT
-            score,
+            exe_result,
-            score,
+            exe_result,
@@ -74,17 +76,17 @@ if (!empty($items)) {
                 $count = count($attempts);
                 if ($count == 1) {
                     $attempt = current($attempts);
-                    $score = $item['score'];
+                    $score = $item['exe_result'];
-                    /* The attempt has empty score and the LP is good
+                    /* The attempt has empty exe_result and the LP is good
                        there must be another attempt, do nothing. */
-                    if ((empty($item['score']) ||  $item['score'] == 0) && !empty($attempt['score'])) {
+                    if ((empty($item['exe_result']) ||  $item['exe_result'] == 0) && !empty($attempt['score'])) {
                         echo '<br />';
-                    echo "Score: ".$attempt['score']. ' - '.$item['score'].'<br />';
+                    echo "Score: ".$attempt['score']. ' - '.$item['exe_result'].'<br />';
                     $itemViewId = $attempt['lp_item_view_id'];
                     $sql = "UPDATE $table SET
@@ -106,8 +108,8 @@ if (!empty($items)) {
                 } else {
                     echo 'Cannot update multiple attempts checking attempts:<br />';
                     foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
-                        if ($attempt['score'] == $item['score']) {
-                            /*echo "Score: ".$attempt['score']. ' - '.$item['score'].'<br />';
+                        if ($attempt['score'] == $item['exe_result']) {
+                            /*echo "Score: ".$attempt['score']. ' - '.$item['exe_result'].'<br />';
                             $itemViewId = $attempt['id'];
                             $sql = "UPDATE $tableExercise
                                     SET orig_lp_item_view_id = $itemViewId

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
  * This script fixes use of id instead of iid for the learning path

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
  * This script try to fix the lp items path for missing files
  * It's useful when the path field in c_lp_item table has a value like 'document/item_file.html'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ $students = Database::store_result($result);
 if (!empty($students)) {
     foreach ($students as $student) {
         var_dump($student['username'].'- '.$student['user_id']);
-        $result = CourseManager::add_user_to_course($student['user_id'], $courseCode);
+        $result = CourseManager::subscribeUser($student['user_id'], $courseCode);
         echo '<br />';